List of ACTINOPTERYGII species in Iraq
This is a list of ACTINOPTERYGII in Iraq according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Capoeta trutta | Longspine Scraper | 19027513 | LC |
Garra widdowsoni | Haditha Cave Garra | 22601 | CR |
Mastacembelus mastacembelus | Mesopotamian spiny eel | 19529808 | LC |
Mystus pelusius | Zugzug Catfish | 19520082 | LC |
Alburnus caeruleus | Black Spotted Bleak | 19018332 | LC |
Alburnus sellal | Shah Kuli | 19018860 | LC |
Capoeta umbla | Tigirs Scraper | 19027584 | LC |
Oxynoemacheilus frenatus | Tigris Loach | 19413121 | LC |
Garra variabilis | Small-mouth garra | 19087010 | LC |
Cyprinion macrostomum | Largemouth lotak | 19086521 | LC |
Sparidentex belayewi | 170236 | DD | |
Luciobarbus subquincunciatus | Leopard Barbel | 19383549 | CR |
Squalius berak | Mesopotamian chub | 19451142 | LC |
Solea stanalandi | Stanaland's Sole | 46096141 | DD |
Squalius lepidus | Mesopotamian pike chub | 19452232 | LC |
Luciobarbus xanthopterus | Gattan | 19383627 | VU |
Carasobarbus kosswigi | Kiss-lip himri | 19161434 | VU |
Barbus lacerta | Lizard barbel | 19021152 | LC |
Barilius mesopotamicus | Mesopotamian barilius | 19021664 | LC |
Silurus triostegus | Mesopotamian catfish | 19522402 | LC |
Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi | Binni | 19383657 | VU |
Caecocypris basimi | Haditha Cavefish | 3450 | CR |
Luciobarbus esocinus | Pike Barbel | 19378572 | VU |
Cyprinion kais | Smallmouth lotak | 19086223 | LC |
Carasobarbus luteus | Mesopotamian himri | 19083155 | LC |
Garra elegans | Mesopotamian Garra | 19088796 | LC |
Leuciscus vorax | Mesopotamian asp | 19171748 | LC |
Arabibarbus grypus | Shabout | 19171241 | VU |
Planiliza abu | Abu Mullet | 197038 | LC |
Chondrostoma regium | Mesopotamian nase | 19084757 | LC |
Acanthobrama marmid | Mesopotamian Bream | 19017693 | LC |
Turcinoemacheilus kosswigi | Zagroz Dwarf Loach | 22505 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: