List of LILIOPSIDA species in Malaysia
This is a list of LILIOPSIDA in Malaysia according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Etlingera burttii | 117317810 | EN | |
Dinochloa prunifera | 44392636 | EN | |
Plectocomia dransfieldiana | 44392701 | EN | |
Calamus usitatus | 44392711 | LC | |
Aridarum purseglovei | 44392799 | LC | |
Areca abdulrahmanii | 44392816 | NT | |
Geocharis fusiformis | 117326245 | EN | |
Etlingera corrugata | 117318202 | EN | |
Alpinia epiphytica | 125854530 | LC | |
Calanthe albolutea | 44393330 | DD | |
Paphiopedilum dayanum | Day's Paphiopedilum | 43320248 | CR |
Sulettaria lambirensis | 44393477 | VU | |
Bambusa heterostachya | 44393627 | LC | |
Paphiopedilum inamorii | Inamori's Paphiopedilum | 43320477 | CR |
Conamomum flavidulum | 117277865 | LC | |
Geostachys belumensis | 117327053 | VU | |
Geostachys decurvata | 117327111 | CR | |
Geostachys densiflora | 117327150 | NT | |
Geostachys elegans | 117327179 | LC | |
Geostachys erectifrons | 117327222 | VU | |
Geostachys leucantha | 117327298 | CR | |
Geostachys maliauensis | 117327364 | EN | |
Geostachys megaphylla | 117327413 | CR | |
Geostachys montana | 117327417 | DD | |
Geostachys penangensis | 117327581 | EN | |
Alpinia tamacuensis | 117270239 | EN | |
Geostachys primulina | 117327648 | CR | |
Geostachys rupestris | 117327677 | CR | |
Geostachys secunda | 117327681 | VU | |
Geostachys sericea | 117327700 | VU | |
Geostachys tahanensis | 117327743 | VU | |
Geostachys taipingensis | 117327762 | CR | |
Paphiopedilum lawrenceanum | Lawrence's Paphiopedilum | 43321395 | CR |
Paphiopedilum niveum | Snow-White Paphiopedilum | 43321552 | EN |
Paphiopedilum ooii | Ooi's Paphiopedilum | 43321643 | CR |
Paphiopedilum philippinense | Philippine Paphiopedilum | 43321691 | NT |
Alpinia argentea | 117262688 | VU | |
Etlingera kenyalang | 117320064 | EN | |
Zingiber porphyrosphaerum | 117468699 | EN | |
Etlingera lagarophylla | 117320243 | VU | |
Paphiopedilum platyphyllum | Broad-Leaf Paphiopedilum | 43321909 | CR |
Zingiber matangense | 125856388 | LC | |
Zingiber mawangense | 125856413 | CR | |
Paphiopedilum rothschildianum | Rothschild's Paphiopedilum | 43322055 | CR |
Paphiopedilum sanderianum | Sander's Paphiopedilum | 43322127 | CR |
Paphiopedilum stonei | Stone's Paphiopedilum | 43322204 | CR |
Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum | Sugiyama's Paphiopedilum | 43322276 | CR |
Zingiber phillippsiae | 117468660 | VU | |
Zingiber puberulum | 117468832 | NT | |
Etlingera longipetiolata | 117321427 | VU | |
Etlingera newmanii | 117321897 | CR | |
Etlingera otiolophos | 117321980 | NT | |
Camptandra gracillima | 117305980 | DD | |
Globba fragilis | 201896 | LC | |
Borassodendron machadonis | 38451 | VU | |
Livistona endauensis | 38596 | LR/nt | |
Livistona tahanensis | 38599 | LR/cd | |
Pholidocarpus kingianus | 38631 | VU | |
Pholidocarpus macrocarpus | 38632 | VU | |
Rhopaloblaste singaporensis | 38683 | LR/cd | |
Alpinia hansenii | 117266229 | EN | |
Alpinia martini | 117266613 | LC | |
Etlingera sayapensis | 117324798 | NT | |
Dendrochilum magaense | 22486148 | DD | |
Bulbophyllum latisepalum | 22486280 | LC | |
Macropodanthus membraniferus | 22486281 | CR | |
Dracaena curtisii | 22486309 | NT | |
Etlingera amomoides | 117316903 | EN | |
Orchidantha maxillarioides | 22486390 | EN | |
Trichoglottis tenuis | 22486427 | EN | |
Etlingera barioensis | 117317200 | EN | |
Calamus sabalensis | 44392123 | CR | |
Alpinia ptychanthera | 117268202 | VU | |
Pinanga subruminata | 44392230 | NT | |
Zingiber griffithii | 117456753 | NT | |
Zingiber incomptum | 117456784 | VU | |
Bulbophyllum breviflorum | 44392378 | NT | |
Licuala malajana | 44392423 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: