List of AVES species in Mexico
This is a list of AVES in Mexico according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Megascops seductus | Balsas Screech-Owl | 22724664 | LC |
Cyrtonyx sallei | Spot-breasted Quail | 22724748 | NT |
Ridgwayia pinicola | Aztec Thrush | 22708391 | LC |
Aphelocoma ultramarina | Transvolcanic Jay | 22724961 | LC |
Aphelocoma wollweberi | Mexican Jay | 22724967 | LC |
Catharus occidentalis | Russet Nightingale-thrush | 22708639 | LC |
Deltarhynchus flammulatus | Flammulated Flycatcher | 22700461 | LC |
Chamaea fasciata | Wrentit | 22716861 | LC |
Aphelocoma californica | Western Scrub-jay | 103727785 | LC |
Geococcyx californianus | Greater Roadrunner | 22684458 | LC |
Junco bairdi | Baird's Junco | 103777087 | NT |
Cynanthus latirostris | Broad-billed Hummingbird | 22725767 | LC |
Cynanthus doubledayi | Turquoise-crowned Hummingbird | 22725775 | LC |
Turdus rufopalliatus | Rufous-backed Robin | 22734203 | LC |
Aulacorhynchus wagleri | Wagler's Toucanet | 22726177 | LC |
Cynanthus lawrencei | Tres Marias Hummingbird | 22726267 | NT |
Hydrobates cheimomnestes | Ainley's Storm-petrel | 132441735 | VU |
Phaethornis mexicanus | Mexican Hermit | 22726352 | LC |
Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha | Thick-billed Parrot | 22685766 | EN |
Rhynchopsitta terrisi | Maroon-fronted Parrot | 22685772 | EN |
Trogon ambiguus | Coppery-tailed Trogon | 22726838 | LC |
Forpus cyanopygius | Mexican Parrotlet | 22685923 | NT |
Larus livens | Yellow-footed Gull | 22694340 | LC |
Amazona viridigenalis | Red-crowned Amazon | 22686259 | EN |
Amazona finschi | Lilac-crowned Parrot | 22686268 | EN |
Hydrobates socorroensis | Townsend's Storm-petrel | 132450926 | EN |
Melanotis caerulescens | Blue Mockingbird | 22711020 | LC |
Cypseloides storeri | White-fronted Swift | 22686461 | DD |
Mimus graysoni | Socorro Thrasher | 22711084 | CR |
Ortalis wagleri | Rufous-bellied Chachalaca | 22678322 | LC |
Ortalis poliocephala | West Mexican Chachalaca | 22678325 | LC |
Toxostoma guttatum | Cozumel Thrasher | 22711105 | CR |
Toxostoma longirostre | Long-billed Thrasher | 22711102 | LC |
Toxostoma curvirostre | Curve-billed Thrasher | 22711115 | LC |
Toxostoma lecontei | Le Conte's Thrasher | 22711121 | LC |
Toxostoma crissale | Crissal Thrasher | 22711127 | LC |
Toxostoma redivivum | California Thrasher | 22711124 | LC |
Synthliboramphus craveri | Craveri's Murrelet | 22694887 | VU |
Campylorhynchus gularis | Spotted Wren | 22711284 | LC |
Passerella megarhyncha | Thick-billed Fox-sparrow | 103779317 | LC |
Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus | Cactus Wren | 22711287 | LC |
Campylorhynchus jocosus | Boucard's Wren | 22711290 | LC |
Campylorhynchus yucatanicus | Yucatan Wren | 22711293 | NT |
Campylorhynchus chiapensis | Giant Wren | 22711296 | LC |
Campylorhynchus megalopterus | Gray-barred Wren | 22711309 | LC |
Hylorchilus sumichrasti | Sumichrast's Wren | 22711341 | NT |
Lepidocolaptes leucogaster | White-striped Woodcreeper | 22703149 | LC |
Hylorchilus navai | Nava's Wren | 22711346 | VU |
Troglodytes sissonii | Socorro Wren | 22711380 | NT |
Pheugopedius felix | Happy Wren | 22711419 | LC |
Thryophilus sinaloa | Sinaloa Wren | 22711461 | LC |
Toxostoma bendirei | Bendire's Thrasher | 22711108 | VU |
Toxostoma cinereum | Grey Thrasher | 22711111 | LC |
Troglodytes tanneri | Clarión Wren | 22711493 | VU |
Auriparus flaviceps | Verdin | 22711568 | LC |
Polioptila californica | California Gnatcatcher | 22711585 | LC |
Polioptila melanura | Black-tailed Gnatcatcher | 22711588 | LC |
Polioptila nigriceps | Black-capped Gnatcatcher | 22711594 | LC |
Granatellus venustus | Red-breasted Chat | 103804301 | LC |
Granatellus francescae | Tres Marias Chat | 103804320 | NT |
Poecile sclateri | Mexican Chickadee | 22711732 | LC |
Lophornis brachylophus | Short-crested Coquette | 22687196 | CR |
Cyrtonyx montezumae | Montezuma Quail | 22728212 | LC |
Piaya mexicana | Mexican Squirrel-cuckoo | 61419028 | LC |
Cynanthus sordidus | Dusky Hummingbird | 22687368 | LC |
Thalurania ridgwayi | Mexican Woodnymph | 22687383 | VU |
Baeolophus wollweberi | Bridled Titmouse | 22711969 | LC |
Baeolophus inornatus | Oak Titmouse | 22711978 | LC |
Baeolophus atricristatus | Black-crested Titmouse | 22711989 | LC |
Artemisiospiza belli | Bell's Sparrow | 103780113 | LC |
Artemisiospiza nevadensis | Sagebrush Sparrow | 103780166 | LC |
Rallus tenuirostris | Highland Rail | 22728525 | NT |
Colaptes aeruginosus | Bronze-winged Woodpecker | 61534039 | LC |
Eupherusa poliocerca | White-tailed Hummingbird | 22687627 | VU |
Eupherusa cyanophrys | Oaxaca Hummingbird | 22687635 | EN |
Spinus lawrencei | Lawrence's Goldfinch | 22720413 | LC |
Passerculus guttatus | Belding's Sparrow | 103780258 | LC |
Lampornis clemenciae | Blue-throated Mountaingem | 22687664 | LC |
Passerculus sanctorum | San Benito Sparrow | 103780279 | NT |
Puffinus opisthomelas | Black-vented Shearwater | 22698246 | NT |
Dendrortyx barbatus | Bearded Wood Partridge | 22679576 | VU |
Dendrortyx macroura | Long-tailed Wood Partridge | 22679581 | LC |
Callipepla squamata | Scaled Quail | 22679594 | LC |
Callipepla douglasii | Elegant Quail | 22679597 | LC |
Crypturellus occidentalis | Western Thicket Tinamou | 61214775 | LC |
Callipepla gambelii | Gambel's Quail | 22679609 | LC |
Philortyx fasciatus | Banded Quail | 22679615 | LC |
Troglodytes beani | Cozumel Wren | 103886977 | LC |
Caracara lutosa | Guadalupe Caracara | 22728892 | EX |
Glaucidium palmarum | Colima Pygmy-Owl | 22729019 | LC |
Chlorostilbon auriceps | Golden-crowned Emerald | 22729031 | LC |
Leuconotopicus arizonae | Arizona Woodpecker | 22729044 | LC |
Icterus abeillei | Black-backed Oriole | 22729128 | LC |
Doricha eliza | Mexican Sheartail | 22688175 | NT |
Baeolophus ridgwayi | Juniper Titmouse | 22729143 | LC |
Calothorax lucifer | Lucifer Hummingbird | 22688185 | LC |
Calothorax pulcher | Beautiful Hummingbird | 22688189 | LC |
Atthis heloisa | Bumblebee Hummingbird | 22688235 | LC |
Campylorhynchus rufinucha | Rufous-naped Wren | 103887340 | LC |
Rhynchophanes mccownii | McCown's Longspur | 22721025 | LC |
Campylorhynchus humilis | Sclater's Wren | 103887386 | LC |
Junco insularis | Guadalupe Junco | 22721102 | EN |
Passerculus rostratus | Large-billed Sparrow | 22721115 | LC |
Anas fulvigula | Mottled Duck | 22680178 | LC |
Xenospiza baileyi | Sierra Madre Sparrow | 22721153 | EN |
Spizella wortheni | Worthen's Sparrow | 22721182 | EN |
Spizella atrogularis | Black-chinned Sparrow | 22721185 | LC |
Amphispiza quinquestriata | Five-striped Sparrow | 22721200 | LC |
Peucaea mystacalis | Bridled Sparrow | 22721208 | LC |
Peucaea humeralis | Black-chested Sparrow | 22721216 | LC |
Peucaea sumichrasti | Cinnamon-tailed Sparrow | 22721232 | NT |
Peucaea carpalis | Rufous-winged Sparrow | 22721280 | LC |
Aimophila ruficeps | Rufous-crowned Sparrow | 22721288 | LC |
Aimophila notosticta | Oaxaca Sparrow | 22721291 | LC |
Oriturus superciliosus | Striped Sparrow | 22721301 | LC |
Pipilo ocai | Collared Towhee | 22721307 | LC |
Melozone aberti | Abert's Towhee | 22721315 | LC |
Melozone crissalis | California Towhee | 22721323 | LC |
Melozone fusca | Canyon Towhee | 22721331 | LC |
Melozone albicollis | White-throated Towhee | 22721339 | LC |
Melozone kieneri | Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrow | 22721347 | LC |
Pipilo socorroensis | Socorro Towhee | 103773037 | EN |
Atlapetes pileatus | Rufous-capped Brush-finch | 22721429 | LC |
Arremon virenticeps | Green-striped Brush-Finch | 22721533 | LC |
Vireo brevipennis | Slaty Vireo | 22705153 | LC |
Vireo atricapilla | Black-capped Vireo | 22705159 | VU |
Vireo nelsoni | Dwarf Vireo | 22705179 | LC |
Vireo bairdi | Cozumel Vireo | 22705194 | NT |
Vireo vicinior | Grey Vireo | 22705209 | LC |
Pachysylvia hypochrysea | Golden Vireo | 22705213 | LC |
Leiothlypis crissalis | Colima Warbler | 22721633 | LC |
Leiothlypis luciae | Lucy's Warbler | 22721636 | LC |
Melanerpes chrysogenys | Golden-cheeked Woodpecker | 22680840 | LC |
Melanerpes hypopolius | Grey-breasted Woodpecker | 22680843 | LC |
Melanerpes uropygialis | Gila Woodpecker | 22680853 | LC |
Geothlypis beldingi | Belding's Yellowthroat | 22721839 | VU |
Geothlypis flavovelata | Altamira Yellowthroat | 22721842 | VU |
Geothlypis speciosa | Black-polled Yellowthroat | 22721851 | EN |
Geothlypis nelsoni | Hooded Yellowthroat | 22721854 | LC |
Cardellina rubra | Red Warbler | 22721888 | LC |
Cyanolyca nanus | Dwarf Jay | 22705672 | VU |
Cyanolyca mirabilis | White-throated Jay | 22705675 | VU |
Cyanocorax sanblasianus | San Blas Jay | 22705687 | LC |
Cyanocorax beecheii | Purplish-backed Jay | 22705699 | LC |
Micrathene whitneyi | Elf Owl | 22689325 | LC |
Dryobates nuttallii | Nuttall's Woodpecker | 22681149 | LC |
Cyanocorax dickeyi | Tufted Jay | 22705726 | NT |
Leuconotopicus stricklandi | Strickland's Woodpecker | 22681161 | LC |
Cyanocorax colliei | Black-throated Magpie-jay | 22705756 | LC |
Colaptes auricularis | Grey-crowned Woodpecker | 22681250 | LC |
Gymnogyps californianus | California Condor | 22697636 | CR |
Colaptes chrysoides | Gilded Flicker | 22681290 | LC |
Toxostoma ocellatum | Ocellated Thrasher | 22711118 | LC |
Campephilus imperialis | Imperial Woodpecker | 22681417 | CR |
Corvus imparatus | Tamaulipas Crow | 22705996 | LC |
Corvus sinaloae | Sinaloa Crow | 22705999 | LC |
Corvus cryptoleucus | Chihuahuan Raven | 22706055 | LC |
Setophaga graysoni | Socorro Parula | 103798676 | NT |
Amazilia wagneri | Cinnamon-sided Hummingbird | 61200304 | LC |
Piranga erythrocephala | Red-headed Tanager | 22722481 | LC |
Nyctiphrynus mcleodii | Eared Poorwill | 22689755 | LC |
Antrostomus salvini | Tawny-collared Nightjar | 22689792 | LC |
Momotus coeruliceps | Blue-crowned Motmot | 61634591 | LC |
Hydrobates macrodactylus | Guadalupe Storm-Petrel | 22698530 | CR |
Rallus obsoletus | Western Rail | 22731577 | NT |
Turdus confinis | San Lucas Robin | 103889802 | LC |
Glaucidium gnoma | Mountain Pygmy-owl | 61791135 | LC |
Zenaida graysoni | Socorro Dove | 22690740 | EW |
Amaurospiza relicta | Slate-blue Seedeater | 22723554 | LC |
Icterus fuertesi | Ochre Oriole | 22731807 | LC |
Zentrygon carrikeri | Veracruz Quail-dove | 22690901 | EN |
Euptilotis neoxenus | Eared Trogon | 22682744 | LC |
Trogon citreolus | Citreoline Trogon | 22682785 | LC |
Cardinalis sinuatus | Pyrrhuloxia | 22723825 | LC |
Caryothraustes celaeno | Crimson-collared Grosbeak | 22723840 | LC |
Pachyramphus uropygialis | Western Grey-collared Becard | 103677225 | LC |
Passerina rositae | Rose-bellied Bunting | 22723960 | NT |
Passerina leclancherii | Orange-breasted Bunting | 22723963 | LC |
Glaucidium hoskinsii | Baja Pygmy-owl | 61791676 | LC |
Agelaius tricolor | Tricolored Blackbird | 22724196 | EN |
Quiscalus palustris | Slender-billed Grackle | 22724314 | EX |
Sporophila torqueola | Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater | 103816948 | LC |
Xenotriccus mexicanus | Pileated Flycatcher | 22699776 | LC |
Chlorostilbon forficatus | Cozumel Emerald | 22724454 | LC |
Glaucidium sanchezi | Tamaulipas Pygmy-owl | 22724465 | NT |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: