List of INSECTA species in Mexico
This is a list of INSECTA in Mexico according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Epitheca petechialis | Dot-winged Baskettail | 50970730 | LC |
Archilestes californicus | California Spreadwing | 51364268 | LC |
Aeshna persephone | Persephone's Darner | 562 | LC |
Neoneura aaroni | Coral-fronted Threadtail | 51364513 | LC |
Enallagma durum | Big Bluet | 51356619 | LC |
Argia agrioides | California Dancer | 51332132 | LC |
Sinaloa garabe | Perfect Sinaloa Grasshopper | 107430974 | VU |
Phyllogomphoides nayaritensis | 164934 | LC | |
Rhionaeschna vazquezae | 164937 | DD | |
Macromia annulata | Bronzed River Cruiser | 164946 | LC |
Argia barretti | Comanche Dancer | 51332186 | LC |
Phyllogomphoides apiculatus | 164960 | LC | |
Argia carlcooki | Yaqui Dancer | 51332193 | LC |
Argia lugens | Sooty Dancer | 164962 | LC |
Argia garrisoni | 164964 | LC | |
Hetaerina infecta | 164967 | LC | |
Progomphus amarillus | 164972 | DD | |
Argia westfalli | Westfall | 164974 | LC |
Libellula comanche | Comanche Skimmer | 164977 | LC |
Palaemnema paulitaba | 164991 | LC | |
Enallagma eiseni | Baja Bluet | 51356810 | LC |
Erpetogomphus viperinus | 165004 | LC | |
Erpetogomphus liopeltis | Dark-shouldered Ringtail | 165021 | LC |
Argia harknessi | Harkness' Dancer | 51332260 | LC |
Argia alberta | Paiute Dancer | 165033 | LC |
Argia percellulata | 165034 | DD | |
Phyllogomphoides indicatrix | 165026 | DD | |
Phyllogomphoides stigmatus | Four-striped Leaftail | 165036 | LC |
Argia hinei | Lavender Dancer | 51332278 | LC |
Neoerythromma gladiolatum | 165054 | LC | |
Erpetogomphus sipedon | 165058 | LC | |
Erpetogomphus erici | 165073 | DD | |
Argia lacrimans | Sierra Madre Dancer | 51332305 | LC |
Rhionaeschna dugesi | Arroyo Darner | 165080 | LC |
Paltothemis cyanosoma | Blue Rock Skimmer | 165084 | DD |
Dythemis fugax | Checkered Setwing | 165087 | LC |
Dythemis velox | Swift Setwing | 165091 | LC |
Argia munda | Apache Dancer | 51332325 | LC |
Erpetogomphus crotalinus | Yellow-legged Ringtail | 165094 | LC |
Argia nahuana | Aztec Dancer | 51332329 | LC |
Argia tarascana | Tarascan Dancer | 165097 | LC |
Hesperagrion heterodoxum | Painted Damsel | 165098 | LC |
Telebasis incolumis | Oasis Firetail | 165096 | LC |
Argia tonto | Tonto Dancer | 51332350 | LC |
Libellula composita | Bleached Skimmer | 51275332 | LC |
Enallagma praevarum | Arroyo Bluet | 51357444 | LC |
Enallagma semicirculare | Claw-tipped Bluet | 51357608 | LC |
Sympetrum signiferum | Spot-winged Meadowhawk | 51292283 | LC |
Gomphurus gonzalezi | Tamaulipan Clubtail | 59718 | DD |
Erpetogomphus heterodon | Dashed Ringtail | 59727 | LC |
Leptobasis melinogaster | Cream-tipped Swampdamsel | 59736 | VU |
Baronia brevicornis | Short-horned Baronia | 2594 | EN |
Libellula nodisticta | Hoary Skimmer | 51276369 | LC |
Phyllocycla breviphylla | Ringed Forceptail | 164976 | LC |
Libellula saturata | Flame Skimmer | 51276401 | LC |
Epigomphus donnellyi | Donnelly's Knobtail | 60252 | EN |
Epigomphus flinti | Flint's Knobtail | 60254 | EN |
Epigomphus sulcatistyla | Tuxtla Knobtail | 60257 | EN |
Brennania belkini | Belkin's Dune Tabanid Fly | 3068 | VU |
Erpetogomphus compositus | White-belted Ringtail | 51178670 | LC |
Erpetogomphus designatus | Eastern Ringtail | 51178684 | LC |
Phanogomphus militaris | Sulphur-tipped Clubtail | 51178996 | LC |
Spaniacris deserticola | Spanistic Desert Grasshopper | 20434 | LR/cd |
Phyllogomphoides albrighti | Five-striped Leaftail | 51179504 | LC |
Lycaena hermes | Hermes Copper | 12435 | VU |
Bombus crotchii | Crotch bumble bee | 44937582 | EN |
Aeshna walkeri | Walker's Darner | 50959232 | LC |
Coelus globosus | Globose Dune Beetle | 5078 | VU |
Lutosa azteca | Teapa King Cricket | 107435064 | VU |
Monomorium inquilinum | 13712 | VU | |
Battus eracon | Colima Swallowtail | 110515696 | LC |
Liladownsia fraile | Lila Downs' Friar Grasshopper | 56612441 | EN |
Ischnura barberi | Desert Forktail | 51361495 | LC |
Argia sabino | Sabino Dancer | 63222 | LC |
Argia leonorae | Leonora's Dancer | 63224 | LC |
Argia rhoadsi | Golden-winged Dancer | 63225 | LC |
Ischnura demorsa | Mexican Forktail | 51361536 | LC |
Ischnura denticollis | Black-fronted Forktail | 51361552 | LC |
Perithemis intensa | Mexican Amberwing | 51279739 | LC |
Bombus diligens | 21215150 | NT | |
Bombus haueri | 21215155 | EN | |
Bombus steindachneri | 21215170 | EN | |
Onthophagus villanuevai | 137159 | NT | |
Phanaeus daphnis | 137178 | LC | |
Cryptocanthon rayonensis | 137183 | DD | |
Argia pima | Pima Dancer | 63539 | LC |
Onthophagus chevrolati | 137550 | LC | |
Plathemis subornata | Desert Whitetail | 51280207 | LC |
Ateuchus halffteri | 137598 | NT | |
Onthophagus hippopotamus | 137695 | NT | |
Onthophagus carpophilus | 137711 | LC | |
Onthophagus reyesi | 137718 | DD | |
Progomphus borealis | Gray Sanddragon | 51272337 | LC |
Canthon zuninoi | 137878 | VU | |
Onthophagus mexicanus | 137906 | LC | |
Onthophagus aureofuscus | 137924 | EN | |
Copris klugi | 138107 | LC | |
Onthophagus undulans | 138179 | VU | |
Onthophagus fuscus | 138208 | LC | |
Canthon pacificus | 138269 | DD | |
Cryptocanthon bochilae | 138276 | DD | |
Onthophagus rufescens | 138292 | LC | |
Copris warneri | 138294 | LC | |
Copris armatus | 138297 | LC | |
Cryptocanthon lobatus | 138315 | NT | |
Bdelyropsis newtoni | 138343 | NT | |
Canthidium andersoni | 138380 | DD | |
Brechmorhoga mendax | Pale-faced Clubskimmer | 51272874 | LC |
Copris sierrensis | 138578 | DD | |
Dythemis nigrescens | Black Setwing | 51273184 | LC |
Palaemnema paulicoba | Cordoba Shadowdamsel | 15883 | LC |
Panoquina errans | Wandering Skipper | 15946 | LR/nt |
Erythrodiplax basifusca | Plateau Dragonlet | 51273307 | LC |
Papilio esperanza | Esperanza Swallowtail | 15988 | EN |
Epigomphus crepidus | West Mexican Knobtail | 7834 | DD |
Epigomphus paulsoni | Paulson's Knobtail | 7835 | EN |
Paraphlebia zoe | Zoe Waterfall Damsel | 16176 | VU |
Erpetogomphus lampropeltis | Serpent Ringtail | 8034 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: