List of LILIOPSIDA species in Mozambique
This is a list of LILIOPSIDA in Mozambique according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Aloe torrei | 108609554 | DD | |
Pandanus petersii | 39008 | VU | |
Cyrtorchis glaucifolia | 120961124 | EN | |
Tritonia moggii | 120957290 | LC | |
Eragrostis sericata | 44392875 | LC | |
Kabuyea hostifolia | 158144 | LC | |
Asparagus macowanii | 20681196 | LC | |
Stylochaeton tortispathus | 62497329 | VU | |
Stylochaeton euryphyllus | 158287 | VU | |
Danthoniopsis chimanimaniensis | 66153188 | EN | |
Bulbophyllum ballii | 66151151 | LC | |
Mesanthemum africanum | 66106115 | LC | |
Disa chimanimaniensis | 66151172 | LC | |
Neobolusia ciliata | 66151199 | EN | |
Xerophyta argentea | 66177854 | LC | |
Polystachya subumbellata | 66151239 | LC | |
Polystachya valentina | 66151248 | LC | |
Schizochilus lepidus | 66151295 | VU | |
Dierama plowesii | 66106295 | VU | |
Baptorhachis foliacea | 120961990 | DD | |
Digitaria appropinquata | 108614628 | DD | |
Digitaria megasthenes | 141800425 | EN | |
Hesperantha ballii | 66106361 | LC | |
Eriocaulon schlechteri | 185344 | LC | |
Aloe ballii | 35861 | VU | |
Eragrostis desolata | 66153582 | LC | |
Aloe ballii var. makurupiniensis | 66178177 | VU | |
Wolffiella denticulata | 185485 | LC | |
Fuirena obcordata | 185515 | LC | |
Aloe hazeliana | 66178232 | LC | |
Asparagus chimanimanensis | 66096343 | LC | |
Xyris natalensis | 185563 | LC | |
Aloe hazeliana var. hazeliana | 66178277 | LC | |
Lagarosiphon verticillifolius | 185591 | LC | |
Aloe hazeliana var. howmanii | 66178311 | LC | |
Aloe wildii | 22486289 | LC | |
Aloe munchii | 66178379 | LC | |
Restio quartziticola | 66153888 | LC | |
Aloe plowesii | 66178494 | VU | |
Aloe rhodesiana | 66178528 | VU | |
Dioscorea cotinifolia | 100890102 | LC | |
Dioscorea dregeana | 100890110 | LC | |
Raphia australis | Giant Palm | 30359 | VU |
Aloe rulkensii | 120962747 | CR | |
Xyris asterotricha | 66178796 | VU | |
Dioscorea sylvatica | 100890364 | VU | |
Aloe rupestris | Bottlebrush Aloe | 110784292 | LC |
Aloe ribauensis | 110780332 | EN | |
Alloeochaete namuliensis | 63709138 | VU |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: