List of Near Threatened species in Mozambique
This is a list of Near Threatened species in Mozambique according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Nadzikambia baylissi | Mount Mabu Chameleon | 42760216 | NT |
Chrysoblephus anglicus | Englishman Seabream | 170194 | NT |
Urothemis luciana | St Lucia Basker | 22816 | NT |
Viscum littorum | 62497268 | NT | |
Vernonia muelleri subsp. muelleri | 120955402 | NT | |
Prionostemma delagoensis | 85955123 | NT | |
Maranthes goetzeniana | 120955453 | NT | |
Monodora minor | 158313 | NT | |
Erica pleiotricha | 66105992 | NT | |
Psydrax fragrantissima | 85955273 | NT | |
Erica pleiotricha var. blaerioides | 66106074 | NT | |
Scarabaeus bornemizzai | 137951 | NT | |
Encephalartos ferox | Tongaland Cycad | 41943 | NT |
Amblyphymus adspersus | Maputo Agile Grasshopper | 116114418 | NT |
Ormocarpum schliebenii | 179265 | NT | |
Metriaclima glaucos | 57484459 | NT | |
Pavetta curalicola | 62698855 | NT | |
Paropsia braunii | 179565 | NT | |
Melanochromis wochepa | 57486708 | NT | |
Apalis lynesi | Namuli Apalis | 22713724 | NT |
Ochna angustata | 32163 | NT | |
Indigofera cecili | 66106794 | NT | |
Cinnyris neergaardi | Neergaard's Sunbird | 22717903 | NT |
Copadichromis cyanocephalus | 57482786 | NT | |
Dipturus campbelli | Blackspot Skate | 44607 | NT |
Crotalaria collina | 19891826 | NT | |
Epinephelus andersoni | Catface Rockcod | 44678 | NT |
Leptotyphlops telloi | Tello's Thread Snake | 44979917 | NT |
Coffea racemosa | Inhambane coffee | 18290386 | NT |
Micropanchax myaposae | Natal Topminnow | 63310 | NT |
Rhampholeon maspictus | Mount Mabu Pygmy Chameleon | 61364057 | NT |
Impatiens salpinx | 66105340 | NT |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: