List of Least Concern species in Papua New Guinea
This is a list of Least Concern species in Papua New Guinea according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Emoia pseudocyanura | Solomons Blue-tailed Skink | 196615 | LC |
Palaiargia humida | 163849 | LC | |
Mino kreffti | Long-tailed Myna | 103878667 | LC |
Lophorina intercedens | Growling Riflebird | 22706189 | LC |
Lipinia rouxi | Roux's Lipinia | 196631 | LC |
Sphenomorphus concinnatus | Elegant Forest Skink | 196634 | LC |
Sphenomorphus cranei | Crane's Skink | 196635 | LC |
Bulbophyllum laxum | 119250975 | LC | |
Edolisoma remotum | Melanesian Cicadabird | 103702559 | LC |
Neurobasis kimminsi | 163872 | LC | |
Sphenomorphus tanneri | Tanner's Skink | 196642 | LC |
Sphenomorphus woodfordi | 196645 | LC | |
Acutotyphlops subocularis | Bismarck Sharp-Nosed Blind Snake | 196654 | LC |
Astrapia stephaniae | Princess Stephanie's Astrapia | 22706222 | LC |
Idiocnemis inaequidens | 163888 | LC | |
Astrapia rothschildi | Huon Astrapia | 22706226 | LC |
Ramphotyphlops depressus | Melanesia Blindsnake | 196658 | LC |
Gerrhopilus depressiceps | Beaked Blind Snake | 196660 | LC |
Varanus spinulosus | Isabel Monitor | 196662 | LC |
Nactus sphaerodactylodes | 13484103 | LC | |
Baiyankamys shawmayeri | Shaw Mayer's Water Rat | 10314 | LC |
Leiopython meridionalis | Southern White-lipped Python | 42494027 | LC |
Philemon albitorques | White-naped Friarbird | 22704215 | LC |
Bulbophyllum leucothyrsus | 119251033 | LC | |
Bironides superstes | 163930 | LC | |
Microptilotis cinereifrons | Elegant Honeyeater | 22734941 | LC |
Philemon cockerelli | New Britain Friarbird | 22704218 | LC |
Bulbophyllum macilentum | 119251039 | LC | |
Ischnura acuticauda | 163935 | LC | |
Philemon eichhorni | New Ireland Friarbird | 22704221 | LC |
Prasinohaema prehensicauda | Prehensile Green Tree Skink | 178273 | LC |
Bulbophyllum macrorhopalon | 119251046 | LC | |
Dendrobium putnamii | 119257192 | LC | |
Protorthemis woodfordi | 163944 | LC | |
Ninox jacquinoti | West Solomons Boobook | 45449325 | LC |
Ficus microdictya | 135766126 | LC | |
Ptiloprora guisei | Rufous-backed Honeyeater | 22704245 | LC |
Bulbophyllum minutipetalum | 119251074 | LC | |
Tribolonotus blanchardi | Blanchard's Helmet Skink | 178307 | LC |
Artamus insignis | White-backed Woodswallow | 22706314 | LC |
Pseudohydromys murinus | 48265359 | LC | |
Alopecoenas johannae | Eastern Bronze Ground-dove | 60444823 | LC |
Partula micans | 198809 | LC | |
Melidectes foersteri | Huon Honeyeater | 22704284 | LC |
Sphaeropteris womersleyi | 122230946 | LC | |
Melipotes ater | Spangled Honeyeater | 22704304 | LC |
Bulbophyllum myon | 119251122 | LC | |
Conus viola | 192692 | LC | |
Pseudohydromys fuscus | Mottled-tailed Shrew Mouse | 14528 | LC |
Tribolonotus pseudoponceleti | Western Crocodile Skink | 196649 | LC |
Herennia papuana | Papuan Coin Spider | 78594275 | LC |
Carlia bicarinata | Rainbow-skink | 178415 | LC |
Decaspermum neurophyllum | 135766256 | LC | |
Myzomela cineracea | Ashy Myzomela | 103686550 | LC |
Geomyersia coggeri | Cogger's Island Skink | 178436 | LC |
Aplonis grandis | Brown-winged Starling | 22710537 | LC |
Rattus niobe | Moss-forest Rat | 20758 | LC |
Pteropus admiralitatum | Admiralty Flying Fox | 18713 | LC |
Sphenomorphus microtympanus | 178466 | LC | |
Claoxylon lutescens | 135766315 | LC | |
Pteropus mahaganus | Sanborn's Flying Fox | 18736 | LC |
Bulbophyllum oliganthum | 119251249 | LC | |
Choerophryne brunhildae | 57661 | LC | |
Choerophryne darlingtoni | Darlington's Rainforest Frog | 57662 | LC |
Choerophryne swanhildae | 57669 | LC | |
Choerophryne tubercula | Warty Rainforest Frog | 57670 | LC |
Choerophryne valkuriarum | 57671 | LC | |
Monarcha castaneiventris | Chestnut-bellied Monarch | 103715139 | LC |
Aphantophryne pansa | Scratchley Guinea Frog | 57679 | LC |
Litoria auae | 61781 | LC | |
Austrochaperina hooglandi | New Guinea Land Frog | 57692 | LC |
Copiula guttata | 57691 | LC | |
Austrochaperina palmipes | Dayman Land Frog | 57697 | LC |
Copiula rivularis | 57700 | LC | |
Carpodetus arboreus | 135766374 | LC | |
Barygenys atra | Gunther's Papua Frog | 57704 | LC |
Barygenys exsul | 57706 | LC | |
Barygenys nana | Highland Papua Frogs | 57709 | LC |
Scomberomorus multiradiatus | Papuan Seerfish | 170347 | LC |
Gnetum bosavicum | 194931 | LC | |
Callulops comptus | 57731 | LC | |
Callulops doriae | 57732 | LC | |
Callulops humicola | 57737 | LC | |
Hyomys goliath | Eastern White-eared Giant Rat | 10633 | LC |
Metamagnusia slateri | Slater's Callulops Frog | 57743 | LC |
Callulops stictogaster | Irumbofoie Callulops Frog | 57744 | LC |
Callulops wilhelmanus | Wilhelm Callulops Frog | 57745 | LC |
Emoia guttata | Allison's Skink | 42484124 | LC |
Dendrobium cruttwellii | 119255458 | LC | |
Heteroconger cobra | Garden Eel | 199075 | LC |
Choerophryne rostellifer | Torricelli Mountain Frog | 57768 | LC |
Litoria darlingtoni | 55717 | LC | |
Litoria dorsalis | 55719 | LC | |
Cophixalus cheesmanae | Kokoda Rainforest Frog | 57775 | LC |
Litoria exophthalmia | 55723 | LC | |
Cophixalus parkeri | 57782 | LC | |
Cophixalus pipilans | 57783 | LC | |
Cophixalus riparius | 57785 | LC | |
Cophixalus shellyi | 57786 | LC | |
Cophixalus sphagnicola | 57787 | LC | |
Litoria louisiadensis | Rossell Island Treefrog | 55732 | LC |
Cophixalus verrucosus | Moroke Rainforest Frog | 57791 | LC |
Copiula fistulans | Lae Mehely Frog | 57794 | LC |
Litoria multiplica | 55739 | LC | |
Copiula oxyrhina | Misima Island Mehely Frog | 57798 | LC |
Litoria pronimia | 55747 | LC | |
Litoria prora | 55748 | LC | |
Litoria spinifera | 55753 | LC | |
Litoria timida | 55755 | LC | |
Litoria vocivincens | 55758 | LC | |
Bulbophyllum ortalis | 119251411 | LC | |
Corvus insularis | Bismarck Crow | 103727573 | LC |
Nyctimystes cheesmani | 55767 | LC | |
Genyophryne thomsoni | 57819 | LC | |
Nyctimystes disruptus | Madang Big-eyed Treefrog | 55769 | LC |
Nyctimystes foricula | Kaironk Big-eyed Treefrog | 55771 | LC |
Nyctimystes kubori | Sandy Big-eyed Treefrog | 55775 | LC |
Nyctimystes narinosus | Common Big-eyed Treefrog | 55777 | LC |
Nyctimystes perimetri | Archipelago Big-eyed Treefrog | 55781 | LC |
Nyctimystes semipalmatus | Kokoda Big-eyed Treefrog | 55785 | LC |
Nyctimystes trachydermis | Morobe Big-eyed Treefrog | 55786 | LC |
Mallomys aroaensis | De Vis's Woolly Rat | 12721 | LC |
Alocasia flabellifera | 44392970 | LC | |
Liophryne dentata | 57862 | LC | |
Antiaropsis decipiens | 135766569 | LC | |
Centropus ateralbus | Pied Coucal | 22684206 | LC |
Emoia montana | Mountain Skink | 42484270 | LC |
Oreophryne anthonyi | Anthony's Cross Frog | 57902 | LC |
Myzomela erythrina | Reddish Myzomela | 103686707 | LC |
Oreophryne brachypus | 57907 | LC | |
Oreophryne geislerorum | 57914 | LC | |
Oreophryne hypsiops | 57915 | LC | |
Oreophryne inornata | 57917 | LC | |
Chiruromys forbesi | Greater Tree Mouse | 4691 | LC |
Chiruromys lamia | Broad-headed Tree Mouse | 4692 | LC |
Chiruromys vates | Lesser Tree Mouse | 4693 | LC |
Copiula alpestris | 57940 | LC | |
Oxydactyla stenodactyla | 57944 | LC | |
Dillenia schlechteri | 61995615 | LC | |
Tropidonophis aenigmaticus | East Papuan Keelback | 42492523 | LC |
Nyctimene major | Dobson's Tube-nosed Bat | 14965 | LC |
Nyctimene vizcaccia | Umboi Tube-nosed Bat | 14967 | LC |
Dobsonia praedatrix | Bismarck Bare-backed Fruit Bat | 6777 | LC |
Dobsonia inermis | Solomon's Naked-backed Fruit Bat | 6778 | LC |
Emoia popei | Pope's Skink | 42484357 | LC |
Otidiphaps cervicalis | Grey-naped Pheasant-pigeon | 22725258 | LC |
Dorcopsulus macleayi | Macleay's Dorcopsis | 6801 | LC |
Rhipidura cockerelli | Cockerell's Fantail | 103709333 | LC |
Claoxylon nubicola | 135766693 | LC | |
Homalomena lauterbachii | 44393130 | LC | |
Xenorhina fuscigula | 58027 | LC | |
Xenorhina mehelyi | 58031 | LC | |
Myiagra eichhorni | Velvet Flycatcher | 103711426 | LC |
Emoia submetallica | Madeay's Skink | 42484423 | LC |
Rhipidura dahli | Bismarck Fantail | 22706903 | LC |
Decaspermum forbesii | 135766752 | LC | |
Kerivoula muscina | Fly River Woolly Bat | 10979 | LC |
Ornithoptera victoriae | Queen Victoria's Birdwing | 91183843 | LC |
Syzygium womersleyi | 135765095 | LC | |
Cyclopsitta amabilis | Creamy-breasted Fig-parrot | 22725373 | LC |
Litoria bibonius | 201489 | LC | |
Litoria flavescens | 201490 | LC | |
Macropygia mackinlayi | Spot-breasted Cuckoo-Dove | 22690584 | LC |
Geoffroyus heteroclitus | Song Parrot | 45419296 | LC |
Protochromys fellowsi | Red-bellied Protochromys | 13119 | LC |
Emoia tetrataenia | Four-striped Skink | 42484546 | LC |
Paramelomys levipes | Papuan Lowland Paramelomys | 13124 | LC |
Paramelomys moncktoni | Moncton's Paramelomys | 13127 | LC |
Phalanger intercastellanus | Eastern Common Cuscus | 16857 | LC |
Chalcopsitta cardinalis | Cardinal Lory | 22684499 | LC |
Melonycteris melanops | Black-bellied Blossom Bat | 13139 | LC |
Melonycteris woodfordi | Woodford's Blossom Bat | 13140 | LC |
Elaeocarpus sayeri | 135766876 | LC | |
Papurana milneana | 136040 | LC | |
Rattus giluwensis | Giluwe Rat | 19318 | LC |
Cornufer elegans | Elegant Sticky-toed Frog | 58234 | LC |
Cornufer mediodiscus | Buka Sticky-toed Frog | 58236 | LC |
Cornufer minutus | Tiny Sticky-toed Frog | 58237 | LC |
Cornufer montanus | Mountain Sticky-toed Frog | 58238 | LC |
Cornufer trossulus | Torakina Sticky-toed Frog | 58239 | LC |
Cornufer vertebralis | Fauro Sticky-toed Frog | 58240 | LC |
Cornufer wolfi | Wolf's Sticky-toed Frog | 58241 | LC |
Cornufer guentheri | Guenther's Triangle Frog | 58242 | LC |
Cornufer bufoniformis | Treasury Island Webbed Frog | 58255 | LC |
Cornufer guppyi | Shortland Island Webbed Frog | 58256 | LC |
Cornufer vogti | Admiralty Island Webbed Frog | 58259 | LC |
Aspidomorphus lineaticollis | Striped Crown Snake | 42492821 | LC |
Cornufer admiraltiensis | 136087 | LC | |
Rattus mordax | Eastern Rat | 19349 | LC |
Eugongylus unilineatus | 42484634 | LC | |
Rattus novaeguineae | New Guinea Rat | 19354 | LC |
Alsophila media | 122229673 | LC | |
Lorius hypoinochrous | Purple-bellied Lory | 22684597 | LC |
Cophixalus variabilis | 136120 | LC | |
Dendrobium lewisiae | 44393410 | LC | |
Alsophila microphylloides | 122229706 | LC | |
Hypsilurus schoedei | Vogt's Forest Dragon | 199626 | LC |
Pipistrellus wattsi | Watts's Pipistrelle | 17369 | LC |
Cornufer latro | 136158 | LC | |
Cyrtodactylus capreoloides | 42482655 | LC | |
Mirzamys louiseae | Mirza’s Western Moss-rat | 48266217 | LC |
Cyrtodactylus epiroticus | 42482675 | LC | |
Cyrtodactylus klugei | 42482678 | LC | |
Charmosyna rubrigularis | Red-chinned Lorikeet | 22684665 | LC |
Cyrtodactylus loriae | Boulenger's Bow-fingered Gecko | 42482687 | LC |
Ducula salvadorii | Louisiade Imperial-pigeon | 45448199 | LC |
Polyspora luzonica | 62080005 | LC | |
Erythropitta gazellae | New Britain Pitta | 103656466 | LC |
Ficus trichocerasa | 135767059 | LC | |
Phreatia constricta | 44393490 | LC | |
Dendrobium engae | 119256091 | LC | |
Erythropitta novaehibernicae | New Ireland Pitta | 103656476 | LC |
Ptychosperma microcarpum | 44393508 | LC | |
Pachycephala richardsi | Bougainville Hooded Whistler | 103693352 | LC |
Dendrobium woodsii | 119258165 | LC | |
Alsophila pruinosa | 122229817 | LC | |
Cyrtodactylus robustus | 42482765 | LC | |
Microperoryctes papuensis | Papuan Bandicoot | 13390 | LC |
Cornufer aculeodactylus | Torokina Wrinkled Ground Frog | 58448 | LC |
Cyrtostachys glauca | 44393555 | LC | |
Cornufer boulengeri | Boulenger's Platymantis | 58452 | LC |
Cornufer browni | 58453 | LC | |
Megapodius eremita | Melanesian Scrubfowl | 22678611 | LC |
Platymantis guppyi | Treasury Wrinkled Ground Frog | 58461 | LC |
Alsophila semiamplectens | 122229859 | LC | |
Cornufer magnus | Kavieng Wrinkled Ground Frog | 58467 | LC |
Cornufer neckeri | Necker's Wrinkled Ground Frog | 58472 | LC |
Cyrtodactylus tripartitus | 42482796 | LC | |
Dendrobium melinanthum | 22486117 | LC | |
Dicaeum nitidum | Louisiade Flowerpecker | 22717549 | LC |
Pachycephala orioloides | Oriole Whistler | 103693418 | LC |
Cornufer schmidti | Schmidt's Wrinkled Ground Frog | 58480 | LC |
Dicaeum eximium | Red-banded Flowerpecker | 22717552 | LC |
Cornufer solomonis | 58482 | LC | |
Dicaeum aeneum | Midget Flowerpecker | 22717555 | LC |
Cornufer weberi | Weber's Wrinkled Ground Frog | 58485 | LC |
Bulbophyllum triaristella | 119252096 | LC | |
Mucuna canaliculata | 19892644 | LC | |
Zosterops hamlini | Bougainville White-eye | 103892101 | LC |
Horsfieldia hellwigii | 62607 | LC | |
Ecsenius sellifer | Saddle Blenny | 48342162 | LC |
Cacatua ducorpsii | Broad-crested Corella | 22684823 | LC |
Rhododendron yelliottii | 135767195 | LC | |
Hypsilurus papuensis | Papua Forest Dragon | 22529181 | LC |
Megalurulus rubiginosus | Rusty Thicketbird | 22715549 | LC |
Syzygium longipes | 135765154 | LC | |
Habenaria retroflexa | 22486191 | LC | |
Myiagra ferrocyanea | Steel-blue Flycatcher | 22707380 | LC |
Dobsonia anderseni | Andersen's Bare-backed Fruit Bat | 136374 | LC |
Ecsenius collettei | Collete's Blenny | 48342198 | LC |
Gehyra membranacruralis | Port Moresby Dtella | 42482871 | LC |
Micropsitta meeki | Citrine Pygmy Parrot | 22684861 | LC |
Ecsenius prooculis | 48342206 | LC | |
Cethosia obscura | 160962 | LC | |
Micropsitta finschii | Finsch's Pygmy-Parrot | 22684866 | LC |
Parotia lawesii | Lawes's Parotia | 103728331 | LC |
Tanysiptera nigriceps | Black-headed Paradise-kingfisher | 22725840 | LC |
Syzygium furfuraceum | 135767254 | LC | |
Syzygium alatum | 135765213 | LC | |
Coccymys shawmayeri | Shawmayer’s Coccymys | 112393452 | LC |
Lobulia alpina | 42484973 | LC | |
Graphium meeki | 9474 | LC | |
Graphium mendana | 9476 | LC | |
Gluta papuana | 38152 | LC | |
Papurana kreffti | San Cristobal Treefrog | 58633 | LC |
Lepidodactylus magnus | Mountain Scaly-toed Gecko | 42482961 | LC |
Syzygium subalatum | 135767313 | LC | |
Lobulia subalpina | 42485021 | LC | |
Lepidodactylus orientalis | Oriental Scaly-toed Gecko | 42482989 | LC |
Pachycephala modesta | Brown-backed Whistler | 22705460 | LC |
Bhanotia nuda | Naked Pipefish | 154938 | LC |
Papuascincus stanleyanus | 42485077 | LC | |
Cirrhilabrus beauperryi | Beau's Wrasse | 187742 | LC |
Meiacanthus vittatus | Black-ribbon Harptail Blenny | 48342373 | LC |
Nothofagus perryi | 96478567 | LC | |
Tropidonophis parkeri | Highland Keelback | 177514 | LC |
Sphenomorphus nigrolineatus | 178568 | LC | |
Freycinetia tenella | 22486392 | LC | |
Cirrhilabrus walindi | 187770 | LC | |
Corybas gastrosiphon | 22486395 | LC | |
Lonchura caniceps | Grey-headed Munia | 22719864 | LC |
Dendrobium aberrans | 119254402 | LC | |
Lonchura forbesi | New Ireland Munia | 22719876 | LC |
Dimorphanthera keysseri | 135767437 | LC | |
Freycinetia bicolor | 22486414 | LC | |
Ptilinopus solomonensis | Yellow-bibbed Fruit-dove | 22728082 | LC |
Lonchura monticola | Eastern Alpine Munia | 22719900 | LC |
Sphaeropteris aciculosa | 122230173 | LC | |
Carlia aenigma | Enigmatic Rainbow Skink | 42483103 | LC |
Lonchura melaena | Sooty Munia | 22719904 | LC |
Terminalia solomonensis | 61990304 | LC | |
Tropidonophis dahlii | New Britain Keelback | 177565 | LC |
Leptomys elegans | Large Leptomys | 11691 | LC |
Leptomys signatus | Fly River Leptomys | 11693 | LC |
Himantolophus cornifer | 155055 | LC | |
Rhipidura drownei | Bougainville Fantail | 103710131 | LC |
Dendrobium archipelagense | 119254466 | LC | |
Dimorphanthera cornuta | 135767496 | LC | |
Sphenomorphus brunneus | 42485198 | LC | |
Abeomelomys sevia | Menzies' Mouse | 17879 | LC |
Sphenomorphus darlingtoni | 42485216 | LC | |
Ecsenius taeniatus | 48342504 | LC | |
Falcatifolium papuanum | 42476 | LC | |
Sphenomorphus derooyae | 42485229 | LC | |
Emballonura dianae | Large-eared Sheath-tailed Bat | 7673 | LC |
Sphenomorphus forbesi | Slender Litter Skink | 42485242 | LC |
Dimorphanthera amplifolia | 135767555 | LC | |
Crepidium quadridens | 22486532 | LC | |
Bulbophyllum ankylorhinon | 119250437 | LC | |
Sphenomorphus fragilis | 42485253 | LC | |
Podocarpus insularis | 42509 | LC | |
Claoxylon ledermannii | 135765526 | LC | |
Diospyros peekelii | 173595 | LC | |
Glossolepis multisquamata | Rosy Rainbowfish | 169502 | LC |
Pseudohydromys berniceae | Bishop’s Moss-Mouse | 45958680 | LC |
Lygisaurus curtus | 42483232 | LC | |
Sphenomorphus granulatus | 42485275 | LC | |
Amblyornis subalaris | Streaked Bowerbird | 22703654 | LC |
Zoothera talaseae | New Britain Thrush | 103879758 | LC |
Sphenomorphus leptofasciatus | 42485301 | LC | |
Bulbophyllum calviventer | 119250494 | LC | |
Dillenia castaneifolia | 135767614 | LC | |
Sphaeropteris brackenridgei | 122230334 | LC | |
Carlia eothen | 42483275 | LC | |
Sphenomorphus loriae | 42485323 | LC | |
Gerrhopilus inornatus | Montane Blindsnake | 42495566 | LC |
Coprosma papuensis | 135765585 | LC | |
Sphenomorphus louisiadensis | 42485334 | LC | |
Crystallodytes cookei | South Pacific Sandburrower | 67999325 | LC |
Accipiter albogularis | Pied Goshawk | 22695535 | LC |
Melomys dollmani | Dollman’s Melomys | 136818 | LC |
Papilio toboroi | 16007 | LC | |
Papilio weymeri | 16008 | LC | |
Carlia luctuosa | 42483338 | LC | |
Symposiachrus verticalis | Black-tailed Monarch | 103714482 | LC |
Holthuisana alba | 134838 | LC | |
Ninox meeki | Manus Hawk-Owl | 22689465 | LC |
Rhamphocharis piperata | Spotted Berrypecker | 103730878 | LC |
Pseudochirulus forbesi | Painted Ringtail | 40639 | LC |
Ninox variegata | Bismarck Hawk-Owl | 22689475 | LC |
Syzygium hylophilum | 135765701 | LC | |
Todiramphus leucopygius | Ultramarine Kingfisher | 22683341 | LC |
Myzomela pulchella | Crimson-fronted Myzomela | 22703830 | LC |
Ptilinopus insolitus | Knob-billed Fruit Dove | 22691549 | LC |
Timonius pubistipulus | 135765760 | LC | |
Myzomela sclateri | Scarlet-bibbed Myzomela | 22703874 | LC |
Myzomela pammelaena | Ebony Myzomela | 22703877 | LC |
Myzomela lafargei | Red-capped Myzomela | 22703880 | LC |
Zosterops hypoxanthus | Bismarck White-eye | 22714136 | LC |
Myzomela erythromelas | Black-bellied Myzomela | 22703902 | LC |
Stenogobius hoesei | 196383 | LC | |
Conus papuensis | 192301 | LC | |
Corvus meeki | Bougainville Crow | 22705966 | LC |
Sphaeropteris inaequalis | 122230574 | LC | |
Litoria impura | Southern New Guinea Treefrog | 55726 | LC |
Zosterops griseotinctus | Louisiade White-eye | 22714168 | LC |
Cryptoblepharus furvus | 42483515 | LC | |
Rapanea brassii | 135765819 | LC | |
Alsophila brausei | 122228541 | LC | |
Stresemannia bougainvillei | Bougainville Honeyeater | 22703937 | LC |
Sphenomorphus neuhaussi | 42485572 | LC | |
Dendrobium margaretiae | 119256902 | LC | |
Zosterops metcalfii | Yellow-throated White-eye | 22714199 | LC |
Dendrobium mayandyi | 119256921 | LC | |
Coracina welchmani | North Melanesian Cuckoo-shrike | 103694187 | LC |
Ducula pistrinaria | Island Imperial-Pigeon | 22691694 | LC |
Aristotelia gaultheria | 135765878 | LC | |
Bulbophyllum discolor | 119250814 | LC | |
Bulbophyllum fonsflorum | 119250823 | LC | |
Cryptoblepharus yulensis | 42483618 | LC | |
Bulbophyllum gyaloglossum | 119250853 | LC | |
Cnemophilus macgregorii | Yellow Satinbird | 103731110 | LC |
Toxicocalamus buegersi | Bürger’s Forest Snake | 42493861 | LC |
Zosterops crookshanki | Oya Tabu White-eye | 103892045 | LC |
Dendrobium nardoides | 119257002 | LC | |
Myristica chrysophylla | 135765937 | LC | |
Biroella rammei | East Sepik Monkey Grasshopper | 107450293 | LC |
Ducula melanochroa | Bismarck Imperial-Pigeon | 22691765 | LC |
Varanus bogerti | Bogert's Monitor | 42485692 | LC |
Bulbophyllum imitator | 119250880 | LC | |
Toxicocalamus holopelturus | Mt Rossel Forest Snake | 42493892 | LC |
Sphaeropteris marginata | 122230726 | LC | |
Hypsilurus longi | 196554 | LC | |
Bothrochilus boa | Bismarck Ringed Python | 196558 | LC |
Manucodia comrii | Curl-crested Manucode | 22706128 | LC |
Tanysiptera danae | Russet Paradise Kingfisher | 22683602 | LC |
Cyrtodactylus serratus | 42482787 | LC | |
Stegonotus heterurus | Bismark Ground Snake | 196564 | LC |
Tropidonophis hypomelas | Bismark Keelback | 196566 | LC |
Cyrtodactylus louisiadensis | Ring-tailed Gecko | 196570 | LC |
Bulbophyllum kaniense | 119250908 | LC | |
Oryza minuta | 21346818 | LC | |
Salomonelaps par | Solomons Red Krait | 196569 | LC |
Sphaeropteris moseleyi | 122230747 | LC | |
Ceyx mulcatus | New Ireland Dwarf-kingfisher | 22726625 | LC |
Lepidodactylus guppyi | Guppy's gecko | 196578 | LC |
Ceyx sacerdotis | New Britain Dwarf-kingfisher | 22726631 | LC |
Syzygium trivene | 135765996 | LC | |
Ceyx meeki | North Solomons Dwarf-kingfisher | 22726637 | LC |
Carlia mysi | Mys' Rainbow Skink | 196591 | LC |
Toxicocalamus mintoni | 42493939 | LC | |
Emoia bismarckensis | 196599 | LC | |
Emoia cyanogaster | Teal Emo Skink | 196602 | LC |
Emoia flavigularis | Yellow-throated Skink | 196604 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: