List of ACTINOPTERYGII species in Peru

This is a list of ACTINOPTERYGII in Peru according to the IUCN Red List.

This list was last updated 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.

Panaqolus changae 58386436 LC
Anablepsoides rubrolineatus 49829906 LC
Creagrutus pila 49829947 LC
Chrysobrycon myersi 49829960 LC
Apistogramma nijsseni 49829962 DD
Chaetostoma marmorescens 49829963 VU
Bryconamericus osgoodi 49829985 LC
Chaetostoma branickii 49829989 VU
Leporinus holostictus 49830002 DD
Peckoltia pankimpuju 49830001 LC
Cheirodon ortegai 49830012 LC
Apistogramma huascar 49830028 DD
Rineloricaria morrowi 49830050 LC
Corydoras coriatae 49830052 LC
Apistogramma martini 49830055 LC
Trachelyichthys exilis 49829784 LC
Astroblepus peruanus 49830072 DD
Rhadinoloricaria macromystax 49829786 DD
Bujurquina tambopatae 49830088 LC
Creagrutus peruanus 49830097 LC
Aposturisoma myriodon 49830106 CR
Ancistrus tamboensis 49830108 LC
Astroblepus mancoi 49830110 DD
Rhamdia xetequepeque 49829794 CR
Cheirodon luelingi 58382585 DD
Chaetostoma stroumpoulos 49830138 EN
Orestias polonorum andean killfish 49830141 EN
Tahuantinsuyoa macantzatza 49830146 DD
Creagrutus manu 49830165 LC
Hemibrycon helleri 49830166 LC
Rineloricaria wolfei 167762 LC
Moenkhausia simulata 49830168 LC
Rhamdella montana 49830172 CR
Chaetostoma daidalmatos 49830176 EN
Hemibrycon divisorensis 49830189 DD
Creagrutus changae 49830191 LC
Loricariichthys ucayalensis 49830194 LC
Geryichthys sterbai 49830203 LC
Anostomus longus 49830205 DD
Hypostomus ericius 49830215 LC
Apistogramma rositae 49830219 DD
Chrysobrycon eliasi 58382670 DD
Chaetostoma taczanowskii 49830248 LC
Ancistrus heterorhynchus 49830252 DD
Loricariichthys hauxwelli 49830255 LC
Moenkhausia atahualpiana 49830261 LC
Astyanax kennedyi 49830267 DD
Creagrutus yanatili 58382721 DD
Hypoptopoma bilobatum 49830271 DD
Hemibrycon inambari 58382730 NT
Hemibrycon mikrostiktos 58382739 LC
Brycon stolzmanni 49830292 LC
Hyphessobrycon nigricinctus 49830303 VU
Apistogramma eremnopyge 49830305 LC
Tahuantinsuyoa chipi 49830312 VU
Bujurquina megalospilus 49830327 LC
Anablepsoides derhami 49830330 NT
Chaetostoma loborhynchos 49830335 EN
Astyanax longior 49830337 DD
Astroblepus labialis 49830365 DD
Orestias silustani 167803 VU
Corydoras weitzmani weitzmani 49830379 LC
Apistogramma atahualpa 49830382 DD
Auchenipterichthys coracoideus 49830392 LC
Corydoras panda panda 49830400 NT
Corydoras amphibelus 49830405 LC
Orestias gymnota Andean Killfish 49830409 EN
Creagrutus holmi 49830414 LC
Anablepsoides christinae 49830440 LC
Hyphessobrycon tenuis 49830444 LC
Creagrutus ortegai 49830446 LC
Chaetostoma changae 49830447 EN
Microcharacidium geryi 49830449 LC
Chaetostoma lineopunctatum 49830454 LC
Aphyolebias wischmanni 49830457 DD
Corydoras virginiae 49830459 LC
Orestias empyraeus andean killifish 49829862 NT
Pimelodella peruana 49830462 DD
Trichomycterus taczanowskii 49830473 DD
Loricariichthys cashibo 49830489 DD
Bryconamericus grosvenori 49830490 LC
Cetopsorhamdia filamentosa 49830497 DD
Creagrutus ouranonastes 49830498 LC
Microgenys weyrauchi 49830513 DD
Anablepsoides peruanus 49830519 DD
Anchoviella hernanni 129294973 LC
Aequidens patricki 49830527 LC
Anablepsoides iridescens 49830536 LC
Trichomycterus weyrauchi 49830538 EN
Apistogramma norberti 49829879 DD
Attonitus bounites 49830548 VU
Bujurquina hophrys 49830549 LC
Scopaeocharax atopodus 49830556 LC
Hemibrycon huambonicus 49830577 LC
Attonitus irisae 49830579 LC
Loricariichthys chanjoo 49830578 DD
Apistogramma baenschi 49830582 LC
Anablepsoides parlettei 53877435 VU
Corydoras sychri sychri 49830591 LC
Corydoras loretoensis loretoensi 49830608 LC
Pimelodella peruensis 49830610 DD
Astroblepus taczanowskii 49830622 DD
Trichomycterus taeniops 49830627 EN
Gelanoglanis travieso 49830634 DD
Astroblepus riberae 49830641 DD
Hyphessobrycon robustulus 49830654 LC
Crenicichla sedentaria 49830655 LC
Pimelodella montana 49830661 DD
Nannostomus mortenthaleri red pencil 49830676 CR
Squaliforma virescens 49830699 DD
Anablepsoides speciosus 49830703 CR
Astroblepus praeliorum 49830713 DD
Knodus megalops 49830714 LC
Corydoras copei 49830719 LC
Tyttobrycon hamatus 49830728 DD
Bryconacidnus paipayensis 49830757 LC
Emblemaria hudsoni 185189 LC
Knodus pasco 58383204 LC
Spatuloricaria puganensis 49829932 LC
Trochilocharax ornatus 58383324 DD
Apistogramma allpahuayo 58385437 LC
Pimelodella hartwelli 49829965 DD
Apistogramma barlowi 58385490 LC
Sphoeroides andersonianus 193620 DD
Apistogramma cinilabra 58385545 VU
Moenkhausia margitae 49829988 NT
Apistogramma paulmuelleri 58385605 DD
Sciaena callaensis 154864 CR
Pseudobunocephalus quadriradiatus banjo cat 58385666 DD
Sternarchorhynchus hagedornae 58383668 LC
Sternarchorhynchus montanus 58383745 LC
Sternarchorhynchus taphorni 58383921 LC
Anablepsoides lineasoppilatae 58394172 VU
Cyphocharax derhami chio chio 49829495 LC
Apistogramma panduro panduro 49829508 LC
Microgenys lativirgata 49829510 DD
Otocinclus cocama 49829515 EN
Etsaputu relictum 58386061 LC
Aphyolebias peruensis 49829522 DD
Moenkhausia ovalis 49829543 LC
Ancistrus sericeus 49829547 LC
Ancistrus greeni 49829554 DD
Gymnotus chaviro 58384057 LC
Pimelodella ophthalmica 49829563 DD
Hypostomus fonchii 49829571 LC
Attonitus ephimeros 49829572 LC
Apistogramma pantalone 49829580 DD
Moema ortegai 49829592 LC
Orestias ctenolepis 167661 VU
Liosomadoras morrowi 49829629 LC
Hypopygus ortegai 58384127 LC
Bujurquina labiosa 49829633 LC
Ancistrus marcapatae 49829637 EN
Orestias pentlandii 167692 VU
Orestias olivaceus 167699 VU
Ancistrus occloi 49829664 LC
Aphyolebias rubrocaudatus 49829665 LC
Anablepsoides ophiomimus 49829666 LC
Bujurquina ortegai 49829673 DD
Corydoras ortegai 49829678 LC
Laimosemion rectocaudatus 167735 DD
Pterygoplichthys scrophus 58388282 LC
Othonocheirodus eigenmanni 167750 LC
Panaqolus albivermis 58386247 EN
Bujurquina robusta 49829707 DD
Ancistrus malacops 49829710 LC
Astroblepus stuebeli 49829716 DD
Bujurquina apoparuana 49829720 LC
Astroblepus formosus 49829728 CR
Hemibrycon tridens Jumping Tetra 167779 LC
Ceratobranchia binghami 167792 LC
Ancistrus variolus 49829757 DD
Bryconamericus pectinatus 49829758 LC
Chasmocranus peruanus 49829761 DD
Anablepsoides intermittens 49829766 NT
Bryconamericus phoenicopterus 49829780 LC
Pimelodella cyanostigma 49829788 DD
Ceratobranchia delotaenia 49829789 LC
Chaetostoma mollinasum 49829790 NT
Anablepsoides elongatus 49829793 NT
Corydoras lamberti 49829800 LC
Hemigrammus megaceps 49829811 DD
Hyphessobrycon frankei 49829812 LC
Chasmocranus quadrizonatus 49829827 DD
Ancistrus jelskii 49829861 DD
Lepthoplosternum altamazonicum 49829864 LC
Moenkhausia crisnejas 49829869 DD
Creagrutus ungulus 49829874 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)