List of INSECTA species in Philippines
This is a list of INSECTA in Philippines according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Onthophagus surdus | 137253 | DD | |
Luzonobasis glauca | 168029 | DD | |
Onthophagus eschscholtzi | 137315 | DD | |
Euploea blossomae | Schaus' Crow | 8329 | LR/nt |
Euploea tobleri | Tobler's Crow | 8344 | LR/nt |
Pachliopta atropos | 2375 | VU | |
Pachliopta schadenbergi | 2379 | VU | |
Risiocnemis seidenschwarzi | 59770 | CR | |
Troides plateni | Dr. Platen's Birdwing | 91189690 | LC |
Idea electra | Electra's Tree-nymph | 10781 | VU |
Onthophagus bicolensis | 137795 | DD | |
Rhinocypha latimacula | 29599 | VU | |
Tegotettix corniculatus | Philippine River Pygmy Grasshopper | 107460514 | LC |
Rhinocypha hageni | 19509 | EN | |
Onthophagus citreum | 138424 | DD | |
Onthophagus praedatus | 138473 | DD | |
Graphium idaeoides | 9472 | VU | |
Graphium megaera | 9475 | VU | |
Graphium sandawanum | Apo Swallowtail | 9478 | EN |
Melaneremus philippinus | Mystic Leaf Roller | 107435270 | DD |
Trogonoptera trojana | Palawan Birdwing | 91184396 | NT |
Risiocnemis serrata | 169299 | NT | |
Gynacantha constricta | 169266 | VU | |
Oligoaeschna poeciloptera | 169268 | NT | |
Euphaea amphicyana | 169270 | LC | |
Neurobasis anumariae | 169271 | LC | |
Cyrano unicolor | 169273 | LC | |
Paracercion luzonicum | 169275 | DD | |
Pseudagrion azureum | 169276 | DD | |
Hemicordulia apoensis | 169279 | EN | |
Rhinocypha dorsosanguinea | 169274 | VU | |
Heteronaias heterodoxa | 169281 | LC | |
Idionyx philippa | 169282 | LC | |
Heliogomphus bakeri | 169284 | LC | |
Ictinogomphus tenax | 169285 | LC | |
Macromidia samal | 169283 | LC | |
Diplacina braueri | 169287 | LC | |
Diplacina lisa | 169288 | LC | |
Diplacina nana | 169289 | LC | |
Luzonargiolestes realensis | 169290 | VU | |
Coeliccia brachysticta | 169292 | DD | |
Coeliccia exoleta | 169293 | VU | |
Onychogomphus treadawayi | 169286 | NT | |
Rhinagrion philippina | 169291 | LC | |
Risiocnemis antoniae | 169294 | EN | |
Risiocnemis asahinai | 169295 | LC | |
Risiocnemis atripes | 169296 | LC | |
Drepanosticta centrosaurus | 169300 | VU | |
Drepanosticta ceratophora | 169301 | EN | |
Drepanosticta krios | 169302 | NT | |
Drepanosticta luzonica | 169303 | DD | |
Protosticta plicata | 169304 | CR | |
Risiocnemis atropurpurea | 169297 | LC | |
Risiocnemis pulchra | 169298 | VU | |
Sulcosticta striata | 169306 | EN | |
Parantica schoenigi | Father Schoenig's Chocolate | 16157 | EN |
Tirumala choaspes ssp. tumanana | Sarangani Tiger | 21919 | VU |
Troides magellanus | Magellan Birdwing | 91188810 | LC |
Papilio benguetanus | 15983 | LR/nt | |
Papilio carolinensis | 15985 | VU | |
Papilio chikae | Luzon Peacock Swallowtail | 15986 | EN |
Papilio osmana | 16003 | VU | |
Tetracanthagyna bakeri | 169269 | LC | |
Troides rhadamantus | Golden Birdwing | 91189820 | LC |
Teinobasis filamentum | 169277 | LC | |
Teinobasis samaritis | 169278 | LC | |
Parantica dannatti | Dannatt's Tiger | 16143 | VU |
Parantica davidi | David's Tiger | 16144 | CR |
Parantica milagros | Milagros' Tiger | 16150 | EN |
Parantica phyle | Felder's Tiger | 16153 | VU |
Coryphodonta ikonnikovi | Laguna Rhino Katydid | 107460590 | VU |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: