List of Least Concern species in Russia

This is a list of Least Concern species in Russia according to the IUCN Red List.

This list was last updated 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.

Choanomphalus maacki 188932 LC
Coregonus lutokka 135691 LC
Romanogobio tanaiticus 135694 LC
Pinguicula algida 99870735 LC
Pseudancylastrum dorogostajkii 188944 LC
Sitta arctica Siberian Nuthatch 22735379 LC
Lycodes concolor Ebony Eelpout 155161 LC
Microbiota decussata Siberian Cypress 30750 LC
Hadropareia middendorffii 154655 LC
Caspia makarovi 155680 LC
Marmota camtschatica Black-capped Marmot 12831 LC
Ochotona turuchanensis Turuchan Pika 41503 LC
Acroloxus ussuriensis 188966 LC
Euonymus verrucosus 63526 LC
Romanogobio parvus 135723 LC
Anisus subfiliaris 189515 LC
Cipangopaludina zejaensis 189518 LC
Microtus hyperboreus North Siberian Vole 13433 LC
Gobio volgensis 184449 LC
Alburnoides kubanicus Kuban Spirlin 184452 LC
Microtus middendorffii Middendorf's Vole 13444 LC
Alburnoides gmelini Dagestan Spirlin 184455 LC
Benedictia limnaeoides 189067 LC
Microtus sachalinensis Sakhalin Vole 13455 LC
Anisus kamtschaticus 189590 LC
Bathyraja lindbergi Commander Skate 161430 LC
Oncorhynchus nerka BERING-ALASKAN MIXING Sockeye Salmon 135320 LC
Amuropaludina pachya 189596 LC
Amuropaludina praerosa 189085 LC
Dallia pectoralis Alaska Blackfish 202400 LC
Triglops forficatus Scissortail Sculpin 154790 LC
Salvelinus boganidae Boganida Char 169656 LC
Kobeltocochlea martensiana 189115 LC
Psephellus prokhanovii Prokhanov's Psephellus 200382 LC
Psephellus leucophyllus White-leaved Psephellus 200391 LC
Oncorhynchus nerka WESTERN KAMCHATKA CURRENT (WARM) Sockeye Salmon 135370 LC
Pusa sibirica Baikal Seal 41676 LC
Alyssum dagestanicum Dagestanian Alyssum 199888 LC
Lemmus amurensis Amur Lemming 11480 LC
Astragalus kolymensis 19891930 LC
Lemmus sibiricus Siberian Brown Lemming 11482 LC
Baicalia korotnevi 189154 LC
Sicista severtzovi Severtzov's Birch Mouse 20192 LC
Sicista strandi Strand's Birch Mouse 20193 LC
Gerstfeldtiancylus benedictiae 189159 LC
Satyrus virbius 173289 LC
Polypylis sibirica 189175 LC
Coregonus nasus Broad Whitefish 5370 LC
Coregonus peled Northern Whitefish 5374 LC
Salvia canescens Hoary Salvia 200446 LC
Baicalia herderiana 189189 LC
Darevskia saxicola Rock Lizard 164617 LC
Axyris caucasica Caucasian Axyris 199959 LC
Anisus centrifugops 189232 LC
Bathyraja taranetzi Mud Skate 161600 LC
Sphaerium asiaticum 155467 LC
Turricaspia lindholmiana 155470 LC
Benthophilus stellatus 135510 LC
Chondrostoma kubanicum 135514 LC
Allium altyncolicum Altynkol Chive 20665692 LC
Benthophilus durrelli 135516 LC
Benthophilus magistri 135526 LC
Carpathica boettgeri 170858 LC
Lymnaea ulaganica 189292 LC
Gobio brevicirris 135546 LC
Ovis nivicola Snow Sheep 15740 LC
Choanomphalus okhoticus 189309 LC
Artediellichthys nigripinnis Blackfin Hookear Sculpin 155015 LC
Coregonus ladogae 135561 LC
Romanogobio pentatrichus 135560 LC
Cirsium dealbatum Whitish Thistle 200077 LC
Gobio kubanicus 135571 LC
Pseudancylastrum sibiricum 189335 LC
Sphaerium baicalense 189346 LC
Dicrostonyx torquatus Arctic Lemming 6568 LC
Taonius borealis 163245 LC
Sorex camtschatica Kamchatcka Shrew 41391 LC
Sabanejewia kubanica 135603 LC
Alticola lemminus Lemming Vole 951 LC
Petroleuciscus aphipsi 135610 LC
Ampedus ochrinulus 157630 LC
Spalax giganteus Russian Mole Rat 20429 LC
Spalax microphthalmus Greater Mole Rat 20430 LC
Anisus centrifugus 189392 LC
Caspia knipowitchi 156116 LC
Alburnus leobergi 135645 LC
Leuciscus danilewskii 135650 LC
Polypylis likharevi 189413 LC
Barbus kubanicus 135664 LC
Coregonus muksun 135665 LC
Baicalancylus kobelti 189427 LC
Percarina maeotica 135673 LC
Valvata aliena 188925 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)