List of Least Concern species in Tanzania
This is a list of Least Concern species in Tanzania according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Acomys ngurui | Nguru Spiny Mouse | 47806534 | LC |
Trifolium masaiense | 47435862 | LC | |
Trifolium masaiense subsp. masaiense | 47435871 | LC | |
Boulengerula boulengeri | Boulenger's Caecilian | 59494 | LC |
Boulengerula uluguruensis | Uluguru African Caecilian | 59499 | LC |
Loveridgea ionidesii | Liwale Round-snouted Worm Lizard | 176242 | LC |
Tridactyle flabellata | 179543 | LC | |
Megalochlamys tanzaniensis | 48153938 | LC | |
Emilia abyssinica var. macroglossa | 97229006 | LC | |
Justicia udzungwaensis | 48153942 | LC | |
Justicia oblongifolia | 48153945 | LC | |
Leptopelis argenteus | 88340714 | LC | |
Sclerophrys brauni | Dead-leaf Toad | 54592 | LC |
Eurycorypha meruensis | African Oblong-eyed Katydid | 20656365 | LC |
Streptocarpus hirsutissimus | 157950 | LC | |
Scolecomorphus vittatus | Banded Caecilian | 59653 | LC |
Hydrocynus tanzaniae | 182547 | LC | |
Mochlus mafianum | Mafia Writhing Skink | 178467 | LC |
Zosterops eurycricotus | Kilimanjaro White-eye | 103891241 | LC |
Impatiens hydrogetonoides | 47348015 | LC | |
Aloe leedalii | 158000 | LC | |
Bussea massaiensis | 19892528 | LC | |
Impatiens hydrogetonoides subsp. hydrogetonoides | 47348031 | LC | |
Impatiens leedalii | 47348064 | LC | |
Breviceps fichus | 61845 | LC | |
Crocidura munissii | Munissi’s Shrew | 112503202 | LC |
Tomopterna luganga | 61877 | LC | |
Ploceus reichardi | Tanzania Masked-Weaver | 22718914 | LC |
Wahlenbergia polycephala | 47348163 | LC | |
Trioceros tempeli | Tanzania Mountain Chameleon | 172521 | LC |
Kinyongia vanheygeni | Poroto Single-horned Chameleon | 172533 | LC |
Kinyongia uluguruensis | Uluguru Two-horned Chameleon | 172537 | LC |
Trioceros deremensis | Wavy Chameleon | 172541 | LC |
Wahlenbergia pulchella subsp. mbalensis | 47348224 | LC | |
Trioceros werneri | Wemer's Chameleon | 172547 | LC |
Rhampholeon moyeri | Moyer's Pygmy Chameleon | 172550 | LC |
Rhampholeon uluguruensis | Uluguru Pygmy Chameleon | 172555 | LC |
Trioceros fuelleborni | Ngosi Volcano Chameleon | 172557 | LC |
Trioceros sternfeldi | Tanzanian Montane Dwarf Chameleon | 172561 | LC |
Charaxes grahamei | 160275 | LC | |
Kinyongia uthmoelleri | Hanang Hornless Chameleon | 172563 | LC |
Wahlenbergia pulchella subsp. paradoxa | 47348242 | LC | |
Galagoides zanzibaricus | Zanzibar Bushbaby | 8790 | LC |
Euschmidtia sansibarica | Swahili Monkey Grasshopper | 19673689 | LC |
Trichilia lovettii | 35417 | LC | |
Moraea iringensis | 158309 | LC | |
Dessonornis mbuluensis | Mbulu Robin-chat | 103762543 | LC |
Illadopsis distans | Grey-breasted Illadopsis | 103869063 | LC |
Mylothris talboti | Talbot’s Dotted Border | 160393 | LC |
Spelaeophryne methneri | 58004 | LC | |
Pternistis rufopictus | Grey-breasted Francolin | 22678851 | LC |
Sylvisorex howelli | Howell's Shrew | 21216 | LC |
Platythelphusa maculata | 44518 | LC | |
Strongylopus merumontanus | 58770 | LC | |
Afrixalus stuhlmanni | 56079 | LC | |
Medinilla engleri | 179669 | LC | |
Usambilla leptophrygana | Western Striped Grasshopper | 19674008 | LC |
Synodontis matthesi | 60814 | LC | |
Justicia microthyrsa | 48154063 | LC | |
Synodontis rukwaensis | Lake Rukwa Squeaker | 60821 | LC |
Dnopherula richardsi | Short-winged Miombo Grasshopper | 107430757 | LC |
Panaspis megalurus | Blue-tailed Snake-eyed Skink | 13155188 | LC |
Hyperolius pseudargus | 56186 | LC | |
Grammomys selousi | Selous Thicket Rat | 45955965 | LC |
Justicia tricostata | 48154077 | LC | |
Aplocheilichthys maculatus | Spotted Lampeye | 60305 | LC |
Platythelphusa denticulata | 44552 | LC | |
Chromousambilla latistriata | Rukwa Silent Grasshopper | 19674016 | LC |
Chiloglanis trilobatus | Three-lobed Suckermouth | 60323 | LC |
Platythelphusa immaculata | 44553 | LC | |
Chromousambilla veseyi | Ruaha Silent Grasshopper | 19674022 | LC |
Nothobranchius eggersi | 60328 | LC | |
Altiusambilla modicicrus | Kilimanjaro Striped Grasshopper | 19674027 | LC |
Petersius conserialis | 60326 | LC | |
Schilbe moebiusii | 60330 | LC | |
Synodontis ricardoae | Ricardo's Squeaker | 60331 | LC |
Warneckea microphylla | 179705 | LC | |
Oldenlandia lancifolia var. seseensis | 111324088 | LC | |
Melanochromis kaskazini | 57486659 | LC | |
Rhainopomma pseudomontanum | West Usambara Striped Grasshopper | 19674050 | LC |
Acrophymus veseyi | Northern Zambian Agile Grasshopper | 116114382 | LC |
Nothobranchius janpapi | 60368 | LC | |
Enteromius olivaceus | Olivegreen Ufipa Barb | 60373 | LC |
Nothobranchius taeniopygus | Striped Nothobranch | 60436 | LC |
Nothobranchius neumanni | 60437 | LC | |
Opsaridium loveridgii | 60449 | LC | |
Arizelocichla chlorigula | Yellow-throated Mountain Greenbul | 103818289 | LC |
Memecylon deminutum | 179249 | LC | |
Warneckea erubescens | 179273 | LC | |
Greenwoodochromis bellcrossi | 60496 | LC | |
Arthroleptis affinis | 54365 | LC | |
Arizelocichla neumanni | Uluguru Mountain Greenbul | 103818359 | LC |
Natriciteres pembana | 44930169 | LC | |
Rhipidoglossum melianthum | 179328 | LC | |
Phelsuma parkeri | Parker's Day Gecko | 17450125 | LC |
Dionychastrum schliebenii | 179354 | LC | |
Haplochromis rubripinnis | 60571 | LC | |
Haplochromis mbipi | 60573 | LC | |
Haplochromis omnicaeruleus | 60576 | LC | |
Haplochromis rufocaudalis | 60577 | LC | |
Haplochromis greenwoodi | Velvet Black | 60579 | LC |
Neolamprologus modestus | 60608 | LC | |
Ophthalmotilapia boops | 60620 | LC | |
Ancistrorhynchus parviflorus | 179412 | LC | |
Leucas usagarensis | 179352 | LC | |
Haplochromis flavus | 60644 | LC | |
Tridactyle phaeocephala | 179429 | LC | |
Barleria granarii | 48153844 | LC | |
Crossandra leucodonta | 48153848 | LC | |
Haplochromis riponianus | 60663 | LC | |
Haplochromis xenognathus | 60666 | LC | |
Haplochromis nyererei | 60668 | LC | |
Duosperma tanzaniense | 48153859 | LC | |
Blepharis trispina | 48153880 | LC | |
Blepharis longifolia | 48153886 | LC | |
Metriaclima sciasma | 57484574 | LC | |
Justicia bridsoniana | 48153891 | LC | |
Barleria diplotricha | 48153897 | LC | |
Haplochromis pyrrhocephalus | 60723 | LC | |
Anisotes dumosus | 48153908 | LC | |
Dissotis polyantha | 179508 | LC | |
Justicia brevipedunculata | 48153907 | LC | |
Dicliptera vollesenii | 48153915 | LC | |
Amblyodipsas dimidiata | Mpwapwa Purple-glossed Snake | 13264204 | LC |
Dissotis dichaetantheroides | 179533 | LC | |
Dyschoriste tanzaniensis | 48153933 | LC | |
Brycinus rhodopleura | 60757 | LC | |
Isoglossa lactea subsp. lactea | 48153953 | LC | |
Blepharis panduriformis | 48153958 | LC | |
Justicia interrupta | 48153963 | LC | |
Distichodus rufigiensis | 60795 | LC | |
Dicliptera brevispicata | 48153985 | LC | |
Acanthopale laxiflora | 48153987 | LC | |
Blepharis inopinata | 48154003 | LC | |
Prosymna pitmani | Pitman's Shovelsnout Snake | 44930299 | LC |
Isoglossa paucinervis | 48154013 | LC | |
Erianthemum rotundifolium | 179618 | LC | |
Cissampelos truncata | 179621 | LC | |
Stactolaema leucogrammica | White-lined Barbet | 22726061 | LC |
Asystasia richardsiae | 48154031 | LC | |
Justicia acutifolia | 48154043 | LC | |
Nectophrynoides viviparus | Morogoro Tree Toad | 54846 | LC |
Mimulopsis kilimandscharica | 48154047 | LC | |
Pseudagrion tanganyicum | Tanganyika Sprite | 84381119 | LC |
Mimulopsis marronia | 48154051 | LC | |
Blepharis itigiensis | 48154066 | LC | |
Haplochromis tanaos | 185812 | LC | |
Adenodolichos kaessneri | 19891681 | LC | |
Haplochromis laparogramma | 185845 | LC | |
Catantops tanganus | Tabora Grasshopper | 19672577 | LC |
Englerina holstii | 179717 | LC | |
Afrotyphlops tanganicanus | Liwale Blind-snake | 22476295 | LC |
Cynorkis pleistadenia | 179732 | LC | |
Dorstenia variifolia | 179736 | LC | |
Cyathea humilis | 179767 | LC | |
Cinnyris pembae | Pemba Sunbird | 22718017 | LC |
Nectophrynoides tornieri | Tornier's Tree Toad | 54844 | LC |
Panicum mlahiense | 179795 | LC | |
Zosterops vaughani | Pemba White-eye | 22713939 | LC |
Haplochromis paropius | 7777 | LC | |
Haplochromis rufus | 60569 | LC | |
Heteracris coerulipes | Eastern Arc Forest Grasshopper | 19672676 | LC |
Chlorophytum ruahense | 179813 | LC | |
Lellingeria rupestris | 179815 | LC | |
Mertensophryne loveridgei | 54889 | LC | |
Indigofera taborensis | 19891827 | LC | |
Zornia brevipes | 19892338 | LC | |
Batis reichenowi | Reichenow's Batis | 22707842 | LC |
Disperis elaphoceras | 179851 | LC | |
Leptotyphlops pembae | Pemba Worm Snake | 44979860 | LC |
Odontomelus brachypterus | Kilimanjaro Woodland Grasshopper | 19672749 | LC |
Odontomelus mahali | Mahale Woodland Grasshopper | 19672752 | LC |
Odontomelus nguruense | Nguru Woodland Grasshopper | 19672759 | LC |
Lijndenia udzungwarum | 47435456 | LC | |
Agama dodomae | 44928730 | LC | |
Memecylon trunciflorum | 47435493 | LC | |
Chindongo longior | 61169 | LC | |
Indigofera bangweolensis | 111320836 | LC | |
Crithagra melanochroa | Kipengere Seedeater | 22720278 | LC |
Enteromius usambarae | 61208 | LC | |
Synodontis rufigiensis | 61206 | LC | |
Aplocheilichthys kongoranensis | Kongoro Lampeye | 61212 | LC |
Isoglossa ixodes | 48153855 | LC | |
Synodontis fuelleborni | Fuelleborn's Squeaker | 61219 | LC |
Kneria rukwaensis | 61241 | LC | |
Alestes stuhlmannii | 61242 | LC | |
Parakneria spekii | 61246 | LC | |
Pteris albersii subsp. mufindiensis | 180052 | LC | |
Parepistaurus jagoi | West Usambara Wigwag Grasshopper | 19672931 | LC |
Nothobranchius guentheri | Redtail Notho | 61284 | LC |
Kyllinga tanzaniae | 44392297 | LC | |
Parepistaurus johnseni | Common Wigwag Grasshopper | 19672934 | LC |
Enteromius serengetiensis | 61297 | LC | |
Metriaclima tarakiki | 115873649 | LC | |
Parepistaurus lobicercus | Uluguru Wigwag Grasshopper | 19672949 | LC |
Rhabdalestes tangensis | Pangani Robber | 61298 | LC |
Parepistaurus zanzibaricus | Coastal Wigwag Grasshopper | 19673045 | LC |
Agama turuensis | 17450975 | LC | |
Phymeurus fitzgeraldi | Tanzanian Agile Grasshopper | 19673078 | LC |
Myosorex zinki | Kilimanjaro Mouse Shrew | 45048 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: