List of AMPHIBIA species in United States

This is a list of AMPHIBIA in United States according to the IUCN Red List.

This list was last updated 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.

Eurycea nana San Marcos Salamander 8391 VU
Eurycea sosorum Barton Springs Salamander 8392 VU
Urspelerpes brucei Patch-nosed Salamander 185664 LC
Phaeognathus hubrichti Red Hills Salamander 16801 EN
Ambystoma californiense California Tiger Salamander 1098 VU
Ambystoma cingulatum Frosted Flatwoods Salamander 1099 VU
Lithobates areolatus Crawfish Frog 58546 NT
Lithobates blairi Plains Leopard Frog 58562 LC
Lithobates capito Gopher Frog 58564 NT
Eurycea tridentifera Comal Blind Salamander 8393 VU
Aneides aeneus Green Salamander 1282 NT
Lithobates okaloosae Florida Bog Frog 58684 VU
Lithobates sevosus Dusky Gopher Frog 58714 CR
Lithobates virgatipes Carpenter Frog 58747 LC
Scaphiopus holbrookii Eastern Spadefoot 59042 LC
Scaphiopus hurterii Hurter’s Spadefoot 59043 LC
Ambystoma annulatum Ringed Salamander 59052 LC
Ambystoma barbouri Streamside Salamander 59053 NT
Ambystoma mabeei Mabee's Salamander 59062 LC
Ambystoma opacum Marbled Salamander 59065 LC
Ambystoma talpoideum Mole Salamander 59069 LC
Amphiuma means Two-toed Amphiuma 59074 LC
Amphiuma pholeter One-toed Amphiuma 59075 NT
Amphiuma tridactylum Three-toed Amphiuma 59076 LC
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis Hellbender 59077 NT
Dicamptodon aterrimus Idaho Giant Salamander 59078 LC
Dicamptodon copei Cope's Giant Salamander 59079 LC
Dicamptodon ensatus California Giant Salamander 59080 NT
Aneides ferreus Clouded Salamander 59115 NT
Aneides flavipunctatus Black Salamander 59116 NT
Aneides hardii Sacramento Mountain Salamander 59117 LC
Batrachoseps attenuatus California Slender Salamander 59120 LC
Batrachoseps diabolicus Hell Hollow Slender Salamander 59121 DD
Batrachoseps gabrieli San Gabriel Slender Salamander 59122 DD
Batrachoseps gavilanensis Gabilan Mountains Slender Salamander 59123 LC
Batrachoseps gregarius Gregarious Slender Salamander 59124 LC
Batrachoseps incognitus San Simeon Slender Salamander 59125 DD
Batrachoseps kawia Sequoia Slender Salamander 59126 DD
Batrachoseps luciae Santa Lucia Mountains Slender Salamander 59127 LC
Batrachoseps minor Lesser Slender Salamander 59129 DD
Batrachoseps nigriventris Blackbelly Slender Salamander 59130 LC
Batrachoseps regius Kings River Slender Salamander 59132 VU
Batrachoseps robustus Kern Plateau Salamander 59133 NT
Batrachoseps wrighti Oregon Slender Salamander 59134 VU
Batrachoseps pacificus Channel Islands Slender Salamander 59131 LC
Desmognathus aeneus Seepage Salamander 59243 NT
Desmognathus apalachicolae Apalachicola Dusky Salamander 59244 LC
Desmognathus auriculatus Southern Dusky Salamander 59245 LC
Desmognathus brimleyorum Ouachita Dusky Salamander 59246 LC
Desmognathus carolinensis Carolina Mountain Dusky Salamander 59247 LC
Desmognathus folkertsi Dwarf Black-bellied Salamander 59248 DD
Desmognathus imitator Imitator Salamander 59250 LC
Desmognathus marmoratus Shovelnose Salamander 59251 LC
Desmognathus monticola Seal Salamander 59252 LC
Desmognathus ocoee Ocoee Salamander 59254 LC
Desmognathus orestes Blue Ridge Dusky Salamander 59255 LC
Desmognathus quadramaculatus Blackbelly Salamander 59256 LC
Desmognathus santeetlah Santeetlah Dusky Salamander 59257 LC
Desmognathus welteri Black Mountain Salamander 59258 LC
Desmognathus wrighti Pygmy Salamander 59259 LC
Eurycea chamberlaini Chamberlain’s Dwarf Salamander 59262 DD
Eurycea chisholmensis Chisholm Trail Salamander 59263 VU
Eurycea cirrigera Southern Two-lined Salamander 59264 LC
Eurycea guttolineata Three-lined Salamander 59265 LC
Eurycea junaluska Junaluska Salamander 59266 VU
Eurycea latitans Cascade Caverns Salamander 59267 VU
Eurycea longicauda Longtail Salamander 59268 LC
Eurycea lucifuga Cave Salamander 59269 LC
Eurycea multiplicata Many-ribbed Salamander 59270 LC
Eurycea naufragia San Gabriel Springs Salamander 59271 EN
Eurycea neotenes Texas Salamander 59272 VU
Eurycea pterophila Blanco River Springs Salamander 59273 DD
Eurycea quadridigitata Dwarf Salamander 59274 LC
Eurycea tonkawae Jollyville Plateau Salamander 59275 EN
Eurycea troglodytes Eurycea Troglodytes Complex 59276 DD
Eurycea tynerensis Oklahoma Salamander 59277 NT
Eurycea waterlooensis Austin Blind Salamander 59278 VU
Eurycea wilderae Blue Ridge Two-lined Salamander 59279 LC
Gyrinophilus gulolineatus Berry Cave Salamander 59280 EN
Gyrinophilus palleucus Tennessee Cave Salamander 59281 VU
Gyrinophilus subterraneus West Virginia Spring Salamander 59283 EN
Eurycea wallacei Georgia Blind Salamander 59284 VU
Hydromantes platycephalus Mount Lyell Salamander 59286 LC
Plethodon albagula Western Slimy Salamander 59329 LC
Plethodon amplus Blue Ridge Gray-cheeked Salamander 59330 VU
Plethodon angusticlavius Ozark Zigzag Salamander 59331 LC
Plethodon aureolus Tellico Salamander 59332 DD
Plethodon cheoah Cheoah Bald Salamander 59333 VU
Plethodon cylindraceus White-spotted Slimy Salamander 59335 LC
Plethodon dorsalis Northern Zigzag Salamander 59336 LC
Plethodon dunni Dunn's Salamander 59337 LC
Plethodon electromorphus Northern Ravine Salamander 59338 LC
Plethodon elongatus Del Norte Salamander 59339 NT
Plethodon glutinosus Slimy Salamander 59340 LC
Plethodon hoffmani Valley And Ridge Salamander 59341 LC
Plethodon jordani Red-cheeked Salamander 59343 NT
Plethodon kentucki Cumberland Plateau Salamander 59344 LC
Plethodon kiamichi Kiamichi Slimy Salamander 59345 DD
Plethodon kisatchie Louisiana Slimy Salamander 59346 LC
Plethodon meridianus South Mountain Gray-cheeked Salamander 59347 VU
Plethodon metcalfi Southern Gray-cheeked Salamander 59348 LC
Plethodon montanus Northern Gray-cheeked Salamander 59349 LC
Plethodon petraeus Pigeon Mountain Salamander 59350 VU
Plethodon punctatus White-spotted Salamander 59351 NT
Plethodon richmondi Ravine Salamander 59352 LC
Plethodon sequoyah Sequoyah Slimy Salamander 59353 DD
Plethodon serratus Southern Redback Salamander 59354 LC
Plethodon vandykei Van Dyke's Salamander 59357 LC
Plethodon ventralis Southern Zigzag Salamander 59359 LC
Plethodon virginia Shenandoah Mountain Salamander 59360 NT
Plethodon websteri Webster's Salamander 59361 LC
Plethodon wehrlei Wehrle's Salamander 59362 LC
Plethodon welleri Weller's Salamander 59363 EN
Plethodon yonahlossee Yonahlossee Salamander 59364 LC
Pseudotriton montanus Mud Salamander 59403 LC
Pseudotriton ruber Red Salamander 59404 LC
Stereochilus marginatus Many-lined Salamander 59406 LC
Necturus alabamensis Alabama Waterdog 59430 EN
Necturus beyeri Gulf Coast Waterdog 59431 LC
Necturus lewisi Neuse River Waterdog 59432 NT
Necturus punctatus Dwarf Waterdog 59434 LC
Rhyacotriton cascadae Cascade Torrent Salamander 59435 NT
Rhyacotriton kezeri Columbia Torrent Salamander 59436 NT
Rhyacotriton olympicus Olympic Torrent Salamander 59437 VU
Rhyacotriton variegatus Southern Torrent Salamander 59438 LC
Hydromantes brunus Limestone Salamander 10304 VU
Hydromantes shastae Shasta Salamander 10305 VU
Taricha rivularis Redbelly Newt 59470 LC
Taricha torosa Coast Range Newt 59471 LC
Pseudobranchus axanthus Narrow-striped Dwarf Siren 59489 LC
Pseudobranchus striatus Dwarf Siren 59490 LC
Dryophytes andersonii Pine Barrens Treefrog 10350 NT
Batrachoseps simatus Kern Canyon Slender Salamander 2647 VU
Batrachoseps stebbinsi Tehachapi Slender Salamander 2648 VU
Batrachoseps campi Inyo Mountains Salamander 2649 EN
Batrachoseps relictus Relictual Slender Salamander 2650 DD
Lithobates fisheri Las Vegas Leopard Frog 19148 EX
Rana cascadae Cascades Frog 19176 NT
Rana muscosa Southern Mountain Yellow-legged Frog 19177 EN
Lithobates onca Relict Leopard Frog 19178 EN
Lithobates subaquavocalis Ramsey Canyon Leopard Frog 19180 CR
Anaxyrus exsul Black Toad 3169 VU
Anaxyrus houstonensis Houston Toad 3170 EN
Anaxyrus canorus Yosemite Toad 3180 EN
Anaxyrus nelsoni 3181 EN
Plethodon shermani Red-legged Salamander 59355 VU
Plethodon teyahalee Southern Appalachian Salamander 59356 LC
Desmognathus abditus Cumberland Dusky Salamander 61902 NT
Plethodon asupak Scottbar Salamander 61904 VU
Plethodon sherando Big Levels Salamander 61905 VU
Pseudacris fouquettei Cajun Chorus Frog 135819 LC
Plethodon ainsworthi Ainsworth's Salamander 29488 EX
Taricha sierra Sierra Newt 136023 LC
Rana sierrae Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog 136114 EN
Ambystoma bishopi Reticulated Flatwoods Salamander 136128 VU
Pseudacris kalmi New Jersey Chorus Frog 136134 LC
Anaxyrus baxteri Wyoming Toad 54583 EW
Anaxyrus microscaphus Arizona Toad 54709 LC
Anaxyrus quercicus Oak Toad 54743 LC
Anaxyrus terrestris Southern Toad 54777 LC
Acris gryllus Southern Cricket Frog 55287 LC
Dryophytes avivoca Bird-voiced Treefrog 55403 LC
Eurycea spelaea Grotto Salamander 22707 LC
Dryophytes femoralis Pine Wood Treefrog 55481 LC
Dryophytes gratiosus Barking Treefrog 55495 LC
Eurycea rathbuni Texas Blind Salamander 39262 VU
Eurycea robusta Blanco Blind Salamander 39263 DD
Notophthalmus perstriatus Striped Newt 14872 NT
Pseudacris brachyphona Mountain Chorus Frog 55888 LC
Pseudacris brimleyi Brimley's Chorus Frog 55889 LC
Pseudacris feriarum Upland Chorus Frog 55893 LC
Pseudacris nigrita Southern Chorus Frog 55894 LC
Pseudacris ocularis Little Grass Frog 55895 LC
Pseudacris ornata Ornate Chorus Frog 55896 LC
Pseudacris streckeri Strecker's Chorus Frog 55898 LC
Plethodon larselli Larch Mountain Salamander 17625 NT
Plethodon neomexicanus Jemez Mountains Salamander 17626 NT
Plethodon nettingi Cheat Mountain Salamander 17627 NT
Plethodon stormi Siskiyou Mountains Salamander 17628 EN
Plethodon shenandoah Shenandoah Salamander 17629 VU
Plethodon caddoensis Caddo Mountain Salamander 17630 NT
Plethodon fourchensis Fourche Mountain Salamander 17631 VU
Plethodon hubrichti Peaks Of Otter Salamander 17632 VU
Plethodon ouachitae Rich Mountain Salamander 17633 NT
Lithobates heckscheri River Frog 58614 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)