List of AVES species in Venezuela
This is a list of AVES in Venezuela according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Hylonympha macrocerca | Scissor-tailed Hummingbird | 22687749 | EN |
Asthenes coryi | Ochre-browed Thistletail | 22702209 | LC |
Odontophorus columbianus | Venezuelan Wood-quail | 22679683 | NT |
Oxypogon lindenii | White-bearded Helmetcrest | 22726804 | LC |
Pyrrhura hoematotis | Blood-eared Parakeet | 22685873 | LC |
Pyrrhura rhodocephala | Rose-crowned Conure | 22685877 | LC |
Synallaxis castanea | Black-throated Spinetail | 22702369 | LC |
Arremon phaeopleurus | Caracas Brush-finch | 22724911 | LC |
Arremon phygas | Paria Brush-finch | 22724917 | VU |
Tangara rufigenis | Rufous-cheeked Tanager | 22722903 | LC |
Psarocolius oleagineus | Green-billed Oropendola | 103780778 | LC |
Thripophaga amacurensis | Delta Amacuro Softtail | 103674338 | EN |
Laterallus levraudi | Rusty-flanked Crake | 22692340 | VU |
Thripophaga cherriei | Orinoco Softtail | 22702585 | VU |
Scytalopus caracae | Caracas Tapaculo | 22729265 | LC |
Aulacorhynchus sulcatus | Groove-billed Toucanet | 61567591 | LC |
Premnoplex tatei | White-throated Barbtail | 103672434 | EN |
Rallus wetmorei | Plain-flanked Rail | 22692476 | EN |
Crypturellus ptaritepui | Tepui Tinamou | 22678172 | LC |
Pyrrhura emma | Venezuelan Parakeet | 45421217 | LC |
Syndactyla guttulata | Guttulate Foliage-gleaner | 22702767 | LC |
Ochthoeca nigrita | Blackish Chat-tyrant | 103682791 | LC |
Premnoplex pariae | Paria Barbtail | 103672561 | EN |
Pipreola formosa | Handsome Fruiteater | 22700809 | LC |
Emberizoides duidae | Duida Grass-finch | 22723375 | NT |
Ochthoeca superciliosa | Rufous-browed Chat-tyrant | 103682880 | LC |
Picumnus nigropunctatus | Black-spotted Piculet | 61488027 | LC |
Todirostrum viridanum | Maracaibo Tody-Flycatcher | 22699031 | LC |
Diglossa venezuelensis | Venezuelan Flowerpiercer | 22723648 | EN |
Aglaiocercus berlepschi | Venezuelan Sylph | 22733891 | EN |
Cistothorus meridae | Mérida Wren | 22711370 | LC |
Diglossa gloriosa | Mérida Flower-piercer | 22723668 | LC |
Grallaria excelsa | Great Antpitta | 22703243 | VU |
Grallaria chthonia | Tachira Antpitta | 22703255 | CR |
Grallaria griseonucha | Gray-naped Antpitta | 22703320 | LC |
Grallaricula loricata | Scallop-breasted Antpitta | 22703378 | NT |
Zimmerius petersi | Venezuelan Tyrannulet | 104009008 | LC |
Tangara arthus | Chestnut-breasted Tanager | 103849276 | LC |
Coeligena eos | Golden Starfrontlet | 61173059 | LC |
Myioborus pariae | Yellow-faced Redstart | 22721919 | EN |
Myioborus albifacies | White-faced Whitestart | 22721925 | LC |
Myioborus cardonai | Guaiquinima Whtestart | 22721929 | NT |
Myioborus albifrons | White-fronted Whitestart | 22721947 | NT |
Scytalopus meridanus | Merida Tapaculo | 22736285 | LC |
Basileuterus griseiceps | Grey-headed Warbler | 22721978 | EN |
Pogonotriccus venezuelanus | Venezuelan Bristle-Tyrant | 22699462 | NT |
Grallaricula cumanensis | Sucre Antpitta | 22736456 | VU |
Heliangelus spencei | Merida Sunangel | 60860042 | LC |
Kleinothraupis reyi | Gray-capped Hemispingus | 22722226 | NT |
Phyllomyias urichi | Urich's Tyrannulet | 22728377 | EN |
Poospiza goeringi | Slaty-backed Hemispingus | 22722236 | VU |
Atlapetes meridae | Merida Brush-finch | 103773992 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: