Liste de LILIOPSIDA species en Argelia

Esta es una lista de LILIOPSIDA en Argelia de acuerdo con la Lista Roja de la UICN.

Esta lista se actualizó por última vez 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nombre científiconombre comúntaxonidacategoría
Colchicum filifolium 13133886 LC
Stipa tenacissima Atocha 57471077 VU
Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. battandieri 91906182 LC
Antinoria agrostidea 164005 LC
Juncus valvatus 161963 DD
Gagea chabertii 13142211 DD
Gagea durieui 13142215 LC
Drimia maritima 202953 LC
Gagea foliosa 13142227 LC
Crocus nevadensis Azafrán Blanco 13160684 LC
Allium commutatum 172281 LC
Gagea lacaitae 13142287 LC
Phalaris truncata 164127 LC
Gagea mauritanica 13142314 NT
Serapias stenopetala 164148 CR
Colchicum cupanii subsp. cupanii 162123 LC
Agrostis tenerrima Vallico 164172 NT
Avena barbata subsp. castellana 78790994 LC
Juncus sorrentinii 164186 VU
Neotinea tridentata subsp. conica 68464996 LC
Dactylorhiza elata 164218 NT
Asparagus albus Espárrago 176528 LC
Isolepis pseudosetacea 164268 LC
Gagea algeriensis 89139662 LC
Romulea battandieri 122798580 DD
Charybdis anthericoides 111272454 EN
Juncus striatus 164372 LC
Allium multiflorum 13144620 LC
Rhynchospora modesti-lucennoi 164415 EN
Damasonium polyspermum Damasoni 164427 VU
Glyceria spicata 164463 DD
Acis autumnalis Azucenas de San Martín 13142666 LC
Juncus heterophyllus 164491 NT
Prospero fallax 15418007 LC
Najas marina subsp. arsenariensis 164538 CR
Najas marina subsp. ehrenbergii 164548 NT
Prospero obtusifolium 15418073 NT
Allium scaberrimum 110805790 VU
Narcissus cavanillesii Narciso 195410 LC
Narcissus cantabricus Narciso de Asturias 13146971 LC
Narcissus elegans 13146991 LC
Ammochloa palaestina 18910183 LC
Pancratium foetidum 13147132 LC
Helictotrichon filifolium 13167909 LC
Platanthera bifolia subsp. kuenkelei 131218781 EN
Fritillaria oranensis 13137310 NT
Aphyllanthes monspeliensis 13147610 LC
Ophrys omegaifera subsp. hayekii 112678385 LC
Bellevalia ciliata 13147675 DD
Romulea numidica 13164086 DD
Romulea penzigii 13164088 DD
Romulea vaillantii 13164104 DD
Orchis laeta 13164185 NT
Ambrosina bassii 13133493 LC
Arisarum simorrhinum 13133497 LC
Biarum dispar Zamacuca 13133539 LC
Gagea granatellii 89818870 LC
Asphodelus acaulis 13164285 LC
Drimia fugax 13147980 LC
Chamaerops humilis 13164373 LC
Drimia undata 13148003 LC
Vulpiella stipoides 13168511 LC
Wangenheimia lima Grama de lima 13168513 LC
Ophrys atlantica 176010 LC
Luzula nodulosa 13164438 LC
Aira tenorei 13164484 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)