Liste de ACTINOPTERYGII species en Belice

Esta es una lista de ACTINOPTERYGII en Belice de acuerdo con la Lista Roja de la UICN.

Esta lista se actualizó por última vez 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nombre científiconombre comúntaxonidacategoría
Emblemaria vitta 47142954 LC
Citharichthys abbotti 196694 LC
Calamus proridens Pez De Pluma Rayado 170182 LC
Cathorops belizensis 196819 DD
Emblemariopsis dianae 47143154 DD
Emblemariopsis pricei 47143176 VU
Starksia starcki 46104864 LC
Emblemariopsis ruetzleri 47143216 LC
Hypoplectrus maya 16759101 VU
Starksia sangreyae 194906 LC
Starksia weigti 194909 LC
Starksia langi 194914 LC
Trichromis salvini Guapote Tricolor 192886 LC
Cryptoheros chetumalensis Mojarra de Chetumal 192891 LC
Petenia splendida 192902 LC
Thorichthys affinis 192909 LC
Thorichthys aureus 192910 DD
Ophisternon aenigmaticum 132675986 LC
Thorichthys helleri 192913 DD
Thorichthys meeki Mojarra boca de fuego 192914 LC
Chuco intermedium Mojarra del Petén 192923 LC
Vieja maculicauda 192924 LC
Sicydium gymnogaster 192936 LC
Astyanax bacalarensis Sardinita de Bacalar 132569524 LC
Eugerres awlae 46109145 LC
Acanthemblemaria greenfieldi 47141351 LC
Sanopus barbatus 16441865 LC
Atractosteus tropicus 191025 LC
Atherinella milleri 16417341 LC
Elacatinus rubrigenis 47143570 DD
Serraniculus pumilio 16759463 LC
Batrachoides gilberti 191193 LC
Brycon guatemalensis 191203 LC
Hyphessobrycon compressus sardina plateada 191204 LC
Dorosoma anale 191209 LC
Dorosoma petenense 191211 LC
Anchoa belizensis 191213 LC
Aplodinotus grunniens 193261 LC
Mayaheros urophthalmus Castarrica 62217 LC
Lepophidium entomelan 20675356 LC
Floridichthys polyommus Bolín yucateco 191309 LC
Jordanella pulchra Cachorrito de Progreso 191310 LC
Rhamdia laticauda Juil de Jamapa 132670498 LC
Halichoeres socialis 187435 EN
Rhamdia guatemalensis 138525825 LC
Belonesox belizanus 191721 LC
Gambusia sexradiata 191730 LC
Gambusia yucatana 191731 LC
Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus 191736 LC
Phallichthys fairweatheri 191742 DD
Poecilia orri 191751 LC
Elacatinus colini 195873 LC
Elacatinus lobeli 195874 NT
Xiphophorus hellerii 191780 LC
Tomicodon briggsi 195880 LC
Mullus auratus chivo colorado 16545072 LC
Acyrtops amplicirrus Chupapiedra Nariz Crestada 154950 LC
Cynodonichthys tenuis 191821 DD
Centropomus poeyi 191834 LC
Cribroheros robertsoni Mojarra hondureña 191840 LC
Parachromis friedrichsthalii Castarrica 169378 LC
Gobiosoma yucatanum Gobio Yucateco 169388 LC
Sanopus astrifer 19896 VU
Sanopus greenfieldorum 19897 VU
Poecilia kykesis 132677053 LC
Sanopus splendidus 19899 EN
Microdesmus carri 20665832 LC
Leptophilypnus fluviatilis 185872 LC
Psilotris amblyrhynchus 185894 DD
Elacatinus lori 185973 LC
Vladichthys gloverensis 190077 VU
Ariopsis assimilis Bagre Mayano 190078 LC
Trinectes maculatus Suela Tortilla 190082 LC
Anchoviella elongata Anchovieta Alargada 190092 LC
Eugerres plumieri Patao rayado 185997 LC
Gobiesox strumosus Cazoleta 186005 LC
Tomicodon clarkei 186058 DD
Tomicodon lavettsmithi 186060 DD
Stellifer colonensis 46106412 LC
Opsanus beta Sapo de Boca Blanca 190257 LC
Sphoeroides yergeri 190328 LC
Cyprinodon artifrons Bolín Petota 190329 LC
Anchovia landivarensis 98891738 DD
Opsanus dichrostomus Sapo Bicolor 190438 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)