Liste de GASTROPODA species en Bosnia y Herzegovina

Esta es una lista de GASTROPODA en Bosnia y Herzegovina de acuerdo con la Lista Roja de la UICN.

Esta lista se actualizó por última vez 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nombre científiconombre comúntaxonidacategoría
Emmericia narentana 156161 DD
Medora contracta 171526 LC
Belgrandiella dabriana 155656 NT
Paladilhiopsis bosniaca 156172 DD
Tandonia reuleauxi 171027 LC
Aegopis tenerrimus 171035 NT
Lithoglyphus fuscus 156189 LC
Saxurinator montenegrinus 156194 EN
Vitrea kutschigi 171043 LC
Hauffenia jadertina 155686 EN
Graziana vrbasensis 155690 DD
Mediterranea wiktori 171051 LC
Cochlostoma cinerascens 170541 LC
Vitrea kiliasi 171582 LC
Cochlostoma mostarensis 170561 NT
Pseudamnicola confinis 155728 DD
Delima vidovichii 171089 LC
Agathylla exarata 171618 LC
Plagigeyeria tribunicae 155746 CR
Sarajana apfelbecki 155762 DD
Islamia bosniaca 155763 VU
Zospeum subobesum 170611 LC
Delima semirugata 171640 LC
Tandonia cavicola 171128 LC
Lanzaia vjetrenicae 155771 VU
Vitrea sturanyi 171133 LC
Zospeum amoenum 170626 LC
Radomaniola bosniaca 155781 DD
Aegopis spelaeus 171148 NT
Chilostoma crinita 156303 NT
Plagigeyeria zetaprotogona 155795 EN
Chilostoma kleciachi 156835 LC
Lanzaia bosnica 155816 DD
Hiltrudia mathildae 156849 LC
Chondrula quinquedentata 156850 LC
Cochlostoma sturanii 120402105 LC
Plagigeyeria plagiostoma 155842 DD
Emmericia ventricosa 155856 VU
Oxychilus nautiliformis 171736 NT
Plagigeyeria mostarensis 155641 DD
Delima binotata 171746 LC
Xerocampylaea zelebori 156388 LC
Delima laevissima 171243 LC
Paraegopis mauritii 171253 LC
Delima pachystoma 171259 LC
Chilostoma insolita 156411 LC
Sadleriana fluminensis 155899 LC
Renea spectabilis 156926 LC
Tandonia bosnensis 171776 DD
Spelaeoconcha paganettii 156929 LC
Oxychilus absoloni 171285 DD
Monacha parumcincta 156950 LC
Iglica absoloni 155927 LC
Iglica bosnica 155935 DD
Chilostoma pentheri 156449 NT
Agathylla sulcosa 171313 LC
Cilgia dalmatica 155954 DD
Aegopis septentrionalis 171316 LC
Narentiana vjetrenicae 155958 EN
Radomaniola curta 155971 LC
Medora macascarensis 171332 LC
Monachoides fallax 156997 VU
Bythinella samecana 155473 DD
Lanzaia edlaueri 155987 DD
Agardhiella biarmata 195412 LC
Vinodolia hadouphylax 155478 CR
Plagigeyeria robusta 155484 DD
Hauffenia edlaueri 155499 DD
Vitrea erjaveci 76137325 LC
Plagigeyeria nitida 155504 DD
Saxurinator brandti 156019 VU
Plagigeyeria klemmi 156030 DD
Marstoniopsis vrbasi 156040 CR
Vitrea spelaea 171401 EN
Hauffenia plana 156045 NT
Narentiana albida 156050 NT
Belgrandiella koprivnensis 156056 DD
Bithynia mostarensis 156062 DD
Trochulus waldemari 156576 LC
Pseudamnicola troglobia 156065 LC
Chilostoma setosa 156579 LC
Aegopis acies 170924 LC
Mediterranea serbica 171444 LC
Paladilhiopsis solida 156087 DD
Herilla pavlovici 170941 LC
Islamia valvataeformis 155589 DD
Dilataria bosnica 76023758 NT
Medora dalmatina 171476 LC
Chilostoma moellendorffi 157144 LC
Paladilhiopsis brandisi 156121 DD
Delima latilabris 171487 LC
Dabriana bosniaca 155616 NT
Cecilioides spelaea 171499 DD
Aegopis croaticus 171503 LC
Theodoxus subterrelictus 165359 EN
Plagigeyeria edlaueri 156151 DD
Herilla durmitoris 171001 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)