Liste de INSECTA species en India
Esta es una lista de INSECTA en India de acuerdo con la Lista Roja de la UICN.
Esta lista se actualizó por última vez 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
nombre científico | nombre común | taxonida | categoría |
Euploea andamanensis | 8346 | VU | |
Euploea scherzeri | 8347 | VU | |
Pheidole lanuginosa | 16902 | VU | |
Pheidole parasitica | 16904 | VU | |
Circocephalus indica | 107430682 | LC | |
Graphium epaminondas | 9471 | VU | |
Haematopinus oliveri | 9621 | CR | |
Lestes elatus | 190840 | LC | |
Megalestes kurahashii | 190859 | LC | |
Idea malabarica | 10783 | LR/nt | |
Burmagomphus cauvericus | 175150 | DD | |
Melanoneura bilineata | 175151 | NT | |
Elattoneura souteri | 175152 | DD | |
Macromia indica | 175153 | DD | |
Agriocnemis keralensis | 175154 | LC | |
Euphaea dispar | 175155 | LC | |
Chlorogomphus xanthoptera | 175156 | VU | |
Protosticta hearseyi | 175157 | DD | |
Heliogomphus promelas | 175158 | NT | |
Macromia annaimallaiensis | 175159 | LC | |
Macromia ellisoni | 175160 | LC | |
Merogomphus longistigma | 175161 | DD | |
Idionyx galeata | 175163 | EN | |
Esme longistyla | 175164 | LC | |
Gomphidia t-nigrum | 175165 | LC | |
Protosticta gravelyi | 175162 | LC | |
Heliogomphus kalarensis | 175167 | DD | |
Idionyx nilgiriensis | 175168 | DD | |
Euphaea fraseri | 175169 | LC | |
Esme mudiensis | 175170 | DD | |
Idionyx corona | 175171 | DD | |
Protosticta davenporti | 175172 | LC | |
Microgomphus souteri | 175173 | LC | |
Macrogomphus wynaadicus | 175174 | DD | |
Indolestes pulcherrimus | 175175 | DD | |
Caconeura t-coerulea | 175176 | DD | |
Caconeura gomphoides | 175177 | DD | |
Epithemis mariae | 175179 | LC | |
Idionyx nadganiensis | 175180 | DD | |
Elattoneura nigerrima | 175181 | DD | |
Asiagomphus nilgiricus | 175182 | DD | |
Elattoneura tetrica | 175183 | LC | |
Macromidia donaldi | 175184 | LC | |
Burmagomphus laidlawi | 175185 | DD | |
Macromia ida | 175187 | LC | |
Idionyx rhinoceroides | 175189 | LC | |
Macromia bellicosa | 175190 | LC | |
Macromia irata | 175191 | LC | |
Megalogomphus hannyngtoni | 175188 | NT | |
Idionyx periyashola | 175193 | DD | |
Euphaea cardinalis | 175194 | LC | |
Acrogomphus fraseri | 175195 | DD | |
Esme cyaneovittata | 175196 | DD | |
Gomphidia fletcheri | 175197 | DD | |
Chlorogomphus campioni | 175199 | LC | |
Platysticta deccanensis | 175200 | VU | |
Phylloneura westermanni | 175201 | NT | |
Disparoneura apicalis | 175203 | VU | |
Protosticta antelopoides | 175202 | DD | |
Protosticta rufostigma | 175198 | DD | |
Onychogomphus malabarensis | 175319 | DD | |
Rhoptromyrmex mayri | 19692 | VU | |
Burmagomphus sivalikensis | 3338 | LC | |
Protosticta himalaica | 167256 | DD | |
Amphiallagma parvum | 167258 | LC | |
Anisogomphus orites | 167259 | DD | |
Amphithemis vacillans | 167260 | DD | |
Platylestes platystylus | 167261 | LC | |
Ictinogomphus angulosus | 167262 | LC | |
Calicnemia imitans | 167263 | LC | |
Bayadera longicauda | 167264 | DD | |
Aciagrion occidentale | 167267 | LC | |
Macromia flavovittata | 167272 | DD | |
Elattoneura campioni | 167277 | DD | |
Bradinopyga geminata | 167279 | LC | |
Sympetrum orientale | 167278 | DD | |
Cephalaeschna orbifrons | 167283 | LC | |
Davidius aberrans | 167282 | LC | |
Drepanosticta polychromatica | 167285 | DD | |
Perissogomphus stevensi | 167289 | LC | |
Indothemis limbata | 167291 | LC | |
Rhinocypha vitrinella | 167292 | DD | |
Megalogomphus smithii | 167294 | DD | |
Gynacantha odoneli | 167296 | DD | |
Pseudagrion hypermelas | 167295 | LC | |
Pseudagrion malabaricum | 167297 | LC | |
Coenagrion exclamationis | 167303 | DD | |
Pseudotramea prateri | 167304 | DD | |
Idionyx stevensi | 167305 | LC | |
Gynacantha albistyla | 167310 | DD | |
Coeliccia renifera | 167311 | LC | |
Phaenandrogomphus aureus | 167313 | DD | |
Pseudagrion laidlawi | 167314 | LC | |
Periaeschna nocturnalis | 167315 | LC | |
Agriocnemis splendidissima | 167316 | LC | |
Megalestes irma | 167317 | DD | |
Davidius malloryi | 167321 | DD | |
Lestes dorothea | 167323 | LC | |
Macromia flavicincta | 167322 | DD | |
Agriocnemis pieris | 167325 | LC | |
Platygomphus dolabratus | 167335 | LC | |
Indolestes indicus | 167336 | NT | |
Coeliccia bimaculata | 167345 | LC | |
Anormogomphus heteropterus | 167346 | LC | |
Aciagrion approximans | 167347 | LC | |
Cephalaeschna masoni | 167348 | DD | |
Pseudocopera superplatypes | 167351 | DD | |
Calicnemia miniata | 167356 | LC | |
Gynacantha biharica | 167362 | DD | |
Burmagomphus hasimaricus | 167364 | DD | |
Lestes nigriceps | 167366 | DD | |
Cordulegaster brevistigma | 167367 | LC | |
Anisogomphus bivittatus | 167373 | LC | |
Coeliccia vacca | 167376 | DD | |
Petaliaeschna fletcheri | 167377 | DD | |
Aristocypha immaculata | 167381 | LC | |
Paragomphus lindgreni | 167386 | DD | |
Lestes thoracicus | 167388 | LC | |
Macromia pallida | 167390 | DD | |
Gynacantha rammohani | 167391 | DD | |
Gynacantha khasiaca | 167396 | DD | |
Calicnemia pulverulans | 167398 | LC | |
Echo margarita | 167399 | LC | |
Dubitogomphus bidentatus | 167400 | DD | |
Agriocnemis dabreui | 167463 | LC | |
Troides minos | 91188957 | LC | |
Cephalaeschna acutifrons | 4134 | DD | |
Aristocypha trifasciata | 168208 | LC | |
Onychogomphus nilgiriensis | 175178 | LC | |
Protosticta sanguinostigma | 175192 | VU | |
Nicephora subulata | 107967559 | VU | |
Chlorogomphus mortoni | 169094 | DD | |
Periaeschna lebasi | 169095 | DD | |
Gynacantha bainbriggei | 169096 | DD | |
Coeliccia dorothea | 169097 | DD | |
Hemicordulia asiatica | 169098 | LC | |
Coeliccia fraseri | 169099 | VU | |
Macromia cupricincta | 169102 | LC | |
Anax indicus | 169103 | LC | |
Coeliccia rossi | 169104 | DD | |
Protosticta fraseri | 169101 | DD | |
Anisopleura vallei | 169107 | DD | |
Somatochlora daviesi | 169100 | DD | |
Disparoneura quadrimaculata | 169109 | LC | |
Macromia cingulata | 169112 | LC | |
Anaciaeschna donaldi | 169114 | LC | |
Hylaeothemis gardeneri | 169116 | DD | |
Idionyx intricata | 169118 | LC | |
Davidioides martini | 169121 | DD | |
Chlorogomphus schmidti | 169122 | DD | |
Agriocnemis corbeti | 169124 | DD | |
Heliogomphus selysi | 169126 | LC | |
Gynacantha rotundata | 169127 | DD | |
Cephalaeschna viridifrons | 169130 | LC | |
Watanabeopetalia atkinsoni | 169128 | LC | |
Indolestes gracilis | 169134 | LC | |
Coeliccia loogali | 169137 | LC | |
Calicnemia doonensis | 169140 | LC | |
Burmagomphus pyramidalis | 169143 | LC | |
Anisogomphus caudalis | 169145 | DD | |
Idionyx imbricata | 169149 | DD | |
Aciagrion azureum | 169150 | LC | |
Gomphidia leonorae | 169152 | DD | |
Sympetrum himalayanum | 169153 | DD | |
Heliocypha bisignata | 169154 | LC | |
Calicnemia sudhaae | 169156 | DD | |
Davidius kumaonensis | 169159 | DD | |
Aristocypha hilaryae | 169165 | DD | |
Himalagrion pithoragarhicus | 169166 | DD | |
Gynacantha dravida | 169173 | DD | |
Epophthalmia frontalis | 169181 | LC | |
Heliogomphus spirillus | 169180 | DD | |
Agrionoptera dorothea | 169187 | DD | |
Onychogomphus meghalayanus | 169188 | DD | |
Onychogomphus risi | 169186 | DD | |
Drepanosticta annandalei | 122885517 | DD | |
Monomorium effractor | 13716 | VU | |
Modicogryllus angustulus | 107435484 | DD | |
Myrmica ereptrix | 14230 | VU | |
Onthophagus cavia | 137201 | DD | |
Onthophagus sikkimensis | 137469 | DD | |
Onthophagus planifrons | 137482 | DD | |
Onthophagus nefarius | 137504 | DD | |
Onthophagus caesariatus | 137530 | DD | |
Onthophagus nagpurensis | 137792 | DD | |
Onthophagus hemipygus | 137847 | DD | |
Rhinocypha trimaculata | 169093 | DD | |
Megalogomphus bicornutus | 169115 | DD | |
Onthophagus kanarensis | 138191 | DD | |
Onthophagus amphioxus | 138197 | DD | |
Onthophagus beesoni | 138384 | DD | |
Protosticta damacornu | 123526401 | DD | |
Protosticta monticola | 123526749 | DD | |
Protosticta ponmudiensis | 123526805 | DD | |
Epiophlebia laidlawi | 7896 | NT | |
Caconeura risi | 163585 | DD | |
Chlorogomphus fraseri | 163586 | DD | |
Microgomphus torquatus | 163584 | DD | |
Microgomphus verticalis | 163595 | DD | |
Caconeura ramburi | 163596 | DD | |
Sarasaeschna decorata | 163599 | DD | |
Calocypha laidlawi | 163604 | DD | |
Parantica nilgiriensis | 16151 | LR/nt | |
Neallogaster ornata | 163614 | NT | |
Onychogomphus schmidti | 163611 | LC | |
Bayadera hyalina | 163617 | VU | |
Ictinogomphus kishori | 163627 | DD | |
Orolestes durga | 163628 | DD | |
Lestes garoensis | 163629 | DD | |
Amphithemis curvistyla | 163630 | LC | |
Idionyx minima | 163633 | DD | |
Lestes umbrinus | 163634 | DD | |
Periaeschna unifasciata | 163636 | DD | |
Libellago andamanensis | 163640 | VU | |
Burmargiolestes laidlawi | 163641 | DD | |
Gynacanthaeschna sikkima | 163642 | LC | |
Onychogomphus striatus | 163644 | DD | |
Onychogomphus acinaces | 163645 | DD | |
Anisopleura subplatystyla | 163646 | LC | |
Nihonogomphus indicus | 163649 | DD | |
Idionyx travancorensis | 163653 | DD | |
Cyclogomphus heterostylus | 163656 | DD | |
Libellago balus | 163660 | EN | |
Vestalis gracilis | 163667 | LC | |
Lyriothemis bivittata | 163668 | LC | |
Ictinogomphus distinctus | 163672 | DD | |
Merogomphus martini | 163673 | NT | |
Indothemis carnatica | 163674 | LC | |
Pseudagrion indicum | 163676 | DD | |
Macrogomphus seductus | 163679 | DD | |
Sarasaeschna speciosa | 163684 | DD | |
Elattoneura atkinsoni | 163686 | NT | |
Chlorogomphus preciosus | 163687 | DD | |
Cyclogomphus wilkinsi | 163689 | DD | |
Megalogomphus superbus | 163693 | DD | |
Onychogomphus saundersii | 163696 | DD | |
Hylaeothemis indica | 163699 | DD | |
Gomphidia williamsoni | 163700 | DD | |
Anotogaster basalis | 163704 | DD | |
Megalestes raychoudhurii | 163706 | DD | |
Sarasaeschna khasiana | 163708 | DD | |
Chloropetalia selysi | 163712 | VU | |
Gynacantha arnaudi | 163714 | DD | |
Coeliccia rotundata | 163715 | DD | |
Coeliccia pracritii | 163718 | DD | |
Schmidtiphaea schmidi | 163722 | DD | |
Coeliccia sarbottama | 163723 | DD | |
Ceriagrion coromandelianum | 163724 | LC | |
Paragomphus echinoccipitalis | 163725 | DD | |
Idionyx optata | 163726 | NT | |
Asiagomphus odoneli | 188307 | DD | |
Coeliccia schmidti | 163731 | DD | |
Calicnemia mukherjeei | 163733 | DD | |
Dysphaea ethela | 163734 | LC | |
Idionyx saffronata | 163732 | DD | |
Nepogomphus modestus | 188310 | LC | |
Scalmogomphus bistrigatus | 188309 | LC | |
Vestalis apicalis | 163741 | LC | |
Megalogomphus flavicolor | 163744 | DD | |
Onychogomphus cacharicus | 163746 | DD | |
Asiagomphus personatus | 163759 | NT | |
Anisopleura lieftincki | 163761 | DD | |
Philoganga montana | 163764 | LC | |
Anisopleura lestoides | 163775 | LC | |
Mortonagrion varralli | 163778 | DD | |
Gomphidia kodaguensis | 163781 | DD | |
Megalestes lieftincki | 163782 | DD | |
Bayadera kali | 163788 | DD | |
Indolestes assamicus | 163795 | DD | |
Davidius zallorensis | 163797 | DD | |
Coeliccia didyma | 163801 | LC | |
Macrogomphus annulatus | 163810 | DD | |
Sarasaeschna martini | 163812 | DD | |
Elattoneura nihari | 163817 | DD | |
Planaeschna intersedens | 163819 | NT | |
Onychogomphus grammicus | 163822 | DD |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: