Liste de AVES species en República Democrática del Congo

Esta es una lista de AVES en República Democrática del Congo de acuerdo con la Lista Roja de la UICN.

Esta lista se actualizó por última vez 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nombre científiconombre comúntaxonidacategoría
Turdoides tenebrosa 22716419 LC
Merops boehmi 22683728 LC
Bleda ugandae 103817309 LC
Geokichla crossleyi 22708420 NT
Geokichla oberlaenderi 22708433 NT
Geokichla camaronensis 22708443 LC
Geokichla princei 22708450 LC
Geokichla guttata 22708464 EN
Kupeornis chapini 22716673 NT
Chrysococcyx flavigularis 22684012 LC
Canirallus oculeus 22692260 LC
Sylvia lugens 22716878 LC
Mirafra albicauda 22717013 LC
Fraseria olivascens 22709244 LC
Fraseria lendu 22709249 VU
Muscicapa epulata 22709261 LC
Muscicapa sethsmithi 22709266 LC
Fraseria tessmanni 22709276 LC
Parmoptila jamesoni 22734135 LC
Sheppardia cyornithopsis 22709637 LC
Gymnobucco bonapartei 22726032 LC
Cinnyris osea 22717850 LC
Lybius leucocephalus 22726068 LC
Cinnyris rockefelleri 22717941 VU
Drepanorhynchus reichenowi 22717975 LC
Dessonornis caffer 22709791 LC
Nectarinia johnstoni 22717984 LC
Cinnyris shelleyi 22717990 LC
Cossypha cyanocampter 22709803 LC
Cinnyris congensis 22717998 LC
Cichladusa guttata 22709876 LC
Poicephalus crassus 22685299 LC
Agapornis swindernianus 22685338 LC
Grafisia torquata 22710591 LC
Ploceus taeniopterus 22718871 LC
Ploceus ruweti 22718907 DD
Ploceus weynsi 22718941 LC
Ploceus aureonucha 22718979 EN
Ploceus albinucha 22718987 LC
Ploceus preussi 22719022 LC
Ploceus dorsomaculatus 22719027 LC
Ploceus flavipes 22719061 VU
Malimbus coronatus 22719069 LC
Malimbus cassini 22719073 LC
Malimbus erythrogaster 22719095 LC
Brachycope anomala 22719116 LC
Ploceus katangae 103811914 LC
Ploceus upembae 103811957 DD
Schoutedenapus schoutedeni 22686625 VU
Spermophaga poliogenys 22719394 LC
Stiphrornis xanthogaster 103762997 LC
Apus niansae 22686811 LC
Estrilda nigriloris 22719581 DD
Apus batesi 22686887 LC
Ptilopachus nahani 22678795 VU
Pternistis icterorhynchus 22678811 LC
Anthoscopus flavifrons 22711660 LC
Vidua raricola 22719940 LC
Scleroptila whytei 22728215 LC
Merops muelleri 22736507 LC
Afropavo congensis 22679430 VU
Hirundo atrocaerulea 22712318 VU
Eurillas ansorgei 22712782 LC
Baeopogon clamans 22712841 LC
Chlorocichla laetissima 22712869 LC
Chlorocichla prigoginei 22712873 EN
Phyllastrephus hypochloris 22712935 LC
Phyllastrephus lorenzi 22712940 LC
Tauraco leucolophus 22688369 LC
Phyllastrephus xavieri 22712981 LC
Phodilus prigoginei Lechuza del Congo 22688529 EN
Criniger ndussumensis 22713131 LC
Otus icterorhynchus 22688559 LC
Phyllanthus bohndorffi 103871336 LC
Indicator pumilio 22680643 NT
Melignomon zenkeri 22680663 LC
Cisticola troglodytes 22713483 LC
Bubo shelleyi 22688980 VU
Campethera nubica 22680887 LC
Drymocichla incana 22713684 LC
Oreolais pulcher 22713703 LC
Dendropicos poecilolaemus 22680954 LC
Apalis nigriceps 22713729 LC
Jubula lettii 22689173 DD
Glaucidium tephronotum 22689267 LC
Glaucidium sjostedti 22689271 LC
Bostrychia olivacea 22697472 LC
Glaucidium castaneum 22689295 LC
Glaucidium albertinum Mochuelo del Alberto 22689310 VU
Balaeniceps rex Picozapato 22697583 VU
Cinnyris prigoginei 103798427 NT
Asio abyssinicus 22689512 LC
Veles binotatus 22689871 LC
Gymnobucco sladeni 22681703 LC
Bradypterus alfredi 22714475 LC
Stactolaema whytii 22681728 LC
Caprimulgus prigoginei 22689954 EN
Bathmocercus rufus 22714574 LC
Caprimulgus batesi 22690004 LC
Caprimulgus clarus 22690012 LC
Lybius guifsobalito 22681841 LC
Sylvia atriceps 103872756 LC
Columba albinucha 22690164 NT
Ceblepyris graueri 22706553 NT
Lobotos oriolinus 22706719 DD
Phyllolais pulchella 22714944 LC
Camaroptera toroensis 103774831 LC
Eremomela canescens 22715045 LC
Pitta reichenowi 22698676 LC
Eremomela turneri 22715064 EN
Smithornis sharpei 22698711 LC
Pseudocalyptomena graueri 22698719 VU
Sylvietta chapini 22715107 CR
Sheppardia poensis 103766866 LC
Elminia nigromitrata 22707034 LC
Phylloscopus budongoensis 22715228 LC
Terpsiphone bedfordi 22707096 NT
Rhinopomastus castaneiceps 22682689 LC
Apaloderma aequatoriale 22682719 LC
Malaconotus cruentus 22707716 LC
Malaconotus lagdeni 22707722 NT
Prionops alberti 22707769 VU
Batis ituriensis 22707906 LC
Dyaphorophyia tonsa 22707950 LC
Dyaphorophyia jamesoni 22707975 LC
Neocossyphus rufus 22708188 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)