Liste de INSECTA en Albanie
Ceci est une liste de INSECTA dans Albanie conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.
Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
nom scientifique | nom commun | taxonid | catégorie |
Poecilimon ornatus | 68458496 | LC | |
Pachytrachis gracilis | 68446261 | LC | |
Ampedus cardinalis | 157800 | NT | |
Modestana ebneri | 44712056 | LC | |
Monochamus sartor | 157822 | LC | |
Troglophilus lazaropolensis | 68485560 | DD | |
Ephippiger discoidalis | 68315330 | LC | |
Osmoderma barnabita | 157901 | NT | |
Chilothorax lineolatus | 47943887 | LC | |
Andreiniimon nuptialis | 44710118 | VU | |
Dasypoda frieseana | 13322492 | EN | |
Dasypoda pyriformis | 13322514 | LC | |
Isophya modestior | 68399393 | LC | |
Troglophilus zorae | 68485587 | LC | |
Dufourea alpina | 19198281 | LC | |
Ephippiger ephippiger | 68315499 | LC | |
Phengaris arion | 12659 | LR/nt | |
Bradyporus dasypus | 44710285 | LC | |
Habropoda ezonata | 19198359 | DD | |
Ovaliptila willemsei | 47694270 | LC | |
Troglophilus ovuliformis | 68485573 | LC | |
Poecilimon brunneri | 68454861 | LC | |
Melinopterus stolzi | 47944151 | LC | |
Onthophagus panici | 137728 | LC | |
Conocephalus ebneri | 68280851 | EN | |
Eupholidoptera schmidti | 68379164 | LC | |
Tessellana orina | 68469308 | LC | |
Lycaena ottomana | 39486 | VU | |
Paranocaracris bulgaricus | 68446564 | EN | |
Andrena curvana | 19198545 | DD | |
Hipparchia statilinus | Le faune | 160360 | LC |
Barbitistes ocskayi | 64549495 | LC | |
Melanotus sulcicollis | 47264405 | LC | |
Andrena fulva | 19198660 | DD | |
Pedostrangalia revestita | 86807246 | VU | |
Acrida ungarica | 15037223 | LC | |
Anisarthron barbipes | 86803284 | VU | |
Poecilimon affinis | 45466482 | LC | |
Pyrrhosoma elisabethae | 60274 | CR | |
Uromenus dyrrhachiacus | 68486027 | CR | |
Poecilimon thoracicus | 68459410 | LC | |
Tettigonia balcanica | 70613909 | LC | |
Poecilimon gracilis | 45466571 | LC | |
Lestes barbarus | Leste Sauvage | 158684 | LC |
Orthetrum albistylum | Orthétrum à Stylets Blancs | 158689 | LC |
Aeshna isoceles | Aeschne Isocèle | 158692 | LC |
Sympecma fusca | Leste Brun | 158690 | LC |
Sympetrum sanguineum | Sympétrum Sanguin | 158691 | LC |
Erythromma lindenii | Agrion de vander Linden | 158696 | LC |
Cordulegaster heros | Cordulegastre des Balkans | 158700 | NT |
Calopteryx splendens | Caloptéryx Éclatant | 158701 | LC |
Cordulia aenea | Cordulie Bronzée | 158702 | LC |
Somatochlora metallica | Cordulie Metallique | 158705 | LC |
Platycnemis pennipes | Agrion à Larges Pattes | 158709 | LC |
Onthophagus dellacasai | 47414313 | LC | |
Onthophagus opacicollis | 47414331 | LC | |
Onthophagus sericatus | 47414335 | LC | |
Micropodisma salamandra | 15039570 | LC | |
Galvagniella albanica | 15039573 | NT | |
Somatochlora flavomaculata | Cordulie à Taches Jaunes | 165485 | LC |
Nomada armata | 19199100 | NT | |
Polysarcus denticauda | 68459646 | LC | |
Poecilimon jonicus | 47709322 | LC | |
Pseudochazara amymone | 173204 | EN | |
Isophya speciosa | 64869542 | LC | |
Erebia pronoe | 173253 | LC | |
Erebia triaria | 173261 | LC | |
Vichetia oblongicollis | 68486352 | LC | |
Pholidoptera ebneri | 68451548 | LC | |
Coenonympha orientalis | 173281 | VU | |
Andrena montana | 19199209 | DD | |
Isomira antennata | 86883562 | LC | |
Hylaeus friesei | 19199231 | NT | |
Erebia melas | 173314 | LC | |
Buprestis splendens | 3334 | EN | |
Andrena concinna | 19199240 | LC | |
Miramella irena | 13579 | LC | |
Poecilimon gracilioides | 17181977 | EN | |
Yersinella raymondii | 68486449 | LC | |
Platycnemis pennipes ssp. nitidula | 185659 | LC | |
Peripodisma tymphii | 16084362 | EN | |
Odontopodisma albanica | 16084383 | LC | |
Euchorthippus declivus | 16084407 | LC | |
Korynetes pusillus | 47261129 | LC | |
Modestana modesta | 68439525 | LC | |
Peripodisma ceraunii | 85712849 | CR | |
Stenobothrus rubicundulus | 16084507 | LC | |
Gampsocleis abbreviata | 68380211 | LC | |
Peripodisma llofizii | 83478083 | NT | |
Pholidoptera macedonica | 68451913 | LC | |
Chorthippus oschei | 16084560 | LC | |
Caliaeschna microstigma | 165467 | LC | |
Libellula quadrimaculata | Libellule Quadrimaculée | 165469 | LC |
Erythromma viridulum | Naïade au corps vert | 165478 | LC |
Ischnura elegans | Agrion Élégant | 165479 | LC |
Lestes macrostigma | Leste à Grands Ptérostigmas | 165480 | LC |
Odontopodisma decipiens | 16084581 | LC | |
Coenagrion pulchellum | Agrion Joli | 165484 | LC |
Leptorhabdium illyricum | 88227438 | DD | |
Onychogomphus forcipatus | Le Gomphus À Pinces | 165489 | LC |
Chorthippus willemsei | 16084594 | LC | |
Leptophyes laticauda | 44709490 | LC | |
Chalcolestes parvidens | Leste Vert Oriental | 165493 | LC |
Pholidoptera stankoi | 68451954 | DD | |
Libellula fulva | Libellule Fauve | 165496 | LC |
Somatochlora meridionalis | Cordulie Méridionale | 165494 | LC |
Aeshna mixta | Aeschne Mixte | 165499 | LC |
Coenagrion scitulum | Agrion Mignon | 165502 | LC |
Brachytron pratense | Aeschne printanière | 165514 | LC |
Coenagrion ornatum | Agrion Orné | 165520 | LC |
Orthetrum cancellatum | L'orthétrum Réticulé | 165521 | LC |
Gomphus vulgatissimus | Gomphe Vulgaire | 165523 | LC |
Stenobothrus clavatus | 16084627 | EN | |
Chalcolestes viridis | Leste Vert | 165529 | LC |
Carabus intricatus | 3845 | LR/nt | |
Saphanus piceus | 86849298 | LC | |
Metaplastes ornatus | 68427564 | LC | |
Ateuchetus semipunctatus | 47415086 | VU | |
Ateuchetus variolosus | 47415088 | LC | |
Ahermodontus bischoffi | 47943477 | DD | |
Nomada similis | 19199825 | LC | |
Gryllomorpha albanica | 68380508 | DD | |
Pholidoptera aptera | 47712216 | LC | |
Psorodonotus macedonicus | 68462466 | NT | |
Ampedus aethiops | 157584 | LC | |
Saga campbelli | 68468640 | NT | |
Brachypteroma ottomanum | 157647 | LC | |
Poecilimon ebneri | 45463531 | EN |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: