Liste de INSECTA en Albanie

Ceci est une liste de INSECTA dans Albanie conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Poecilimon ornatus 68458496 LC
Pachytrachis gracilis 68446261 LC
Ampedus cardinalis 157800 NT
Modestana ebneri 44712056 LC
Monochamus sartor 157822 LC
Troglophilus lazaropolensis 68485560 DD
Ephippiger discoidalis 68315330 LC
Osmoderma barnabita 157901 NT
Chilothorax lineolatus 47943887 LC
Andreiniimon nuptialis 44710118 VU
Dasypoda frieseana 13322492 EN
Dasypoda pyriformis 13322514 LC
Isophya modestior 68399393 LC
Troglophilus zorae 68485587 LC
Dufourea alpina 19198281 LC
Ephippiger ephippiger 68315499 LC
Phengaris arion 12659 LR/nt
Bradyporus dasypus 44710285 LC
Habropoda ezonata 19198359 DD
Ovaliptila willemsei 47694270 LC
Troglophilus ovuliformis 68485573 LC
Poecilimon brunneri 68454861 LC
Melinopterus stolzi 47944151 LC
Onthophagus panici 137728 LC
Conocephalus ebneri 68280851 EN
Eupholidoptera schmidti 68379164 LC
Tessellana orina 68469308 LC
Lycaena ottomana 39486 VU
Paranocaracris bulgaricus 68446564 EN
Andrena curvana 19198545 DD
Hipparchia statilinus Le faune 160360 LC
Barbitistes ocskayi 64549495 LC
Melanotus sulcicollis 47264405 LC
Andrena fulva 19198660 DD
Pedostrangalia revestita 86807246 VU
Acrida ungarica 15037223 LC
Anisarthron barbipes 86803284 VU
Poecilimon affinis 45466482 LC
Pyrrhosoma elisabethae 60274 CR
Uromenus dyrrhachiacus 68486027 CR
Poecilimon thoracicus 68459410 LC
Tettigonia balcanica 70613909 LC
Poecilimon gracilis 45466571 LC
Lestes barbarus Leste Sauvage 158684 LC
Orthetrum albistylum Orthétrum à Stylets Blancs 158689 LC
Aeshna isoceles Aeschne Isocèle 158692 LC
Sympecma fusca Leste Brun 158690 LC
Sympetrum sanguineum Sympétrum Sanguin 158691 LC
Erythromma lindenii Agrion de vander Linden 158696 LC
Cordulegaster heros Cordulegastre des Balkans 158700 NT
Calopteryx splendens Caloptéryx Éclatant 158701 LC
Cordulia aenea Cordulie Bronzée 158702 LC
Somatochlora metallica Cordulie Metallique 158705 LC
Platycnemis pennipes Agrion à Larges Pattes 158709 LC
Onthophagus dellacasai 47414313 LC
Onthophagus opacicollis 47414331 LC
Onthophagus sericatus 47414335 LC
Micropodisma salamandra 15039570 LC
Galvagniella albanica 15039573 NT
Somatochlora flavomaculata Cordulie à Taches Jaunes 165485 LC
Nomada armata 19199100 NT
Polysarcus denticauda 68459646 LC
Poecilimon jonicus 47709322 LC
Pseudochazara amymone 173204 EN
Isophya speciosa 64869542 LC
Erebia pronoe 173253 LC
Erebia triaria 173261 LC
Vichetia oblongicollis 68486352 LC
Pholidoptera ebneri 68451548 LC
Coenonympha orientalis 173281 VU
Andrena montana 19199209 DD
Isomira antennata 86883562 LC
Hylaeus friesei 19199231 NT
Erebia melas 173314 LC
Buprestis splendens 3334 EN
Andrena concinna 19199240 LC
Miramella irena 13579 LC
Poecilimon gracilioides 17181977 EN
Yersinella raymondii 68486449 LC
Platycnemis pennipes ssp. nitidula 185659 LC
Peripodisma tymphii 16084362 EN
Odontopodisma albanica 16084383 LC
Euchorthippus declivus 16084407 LC
Korynetes pusillus 47261129 LC
Modestana modesta 68439525 LC
Peripodisma ceraunii 85712849 CR
Stenobothrus rubicundulus 16084507 LC
Gampsocleis abbreviata 68380211 LC
Peripodisma llofizii 83478083 NT
Pholidoptera macedonica 68451913 LC
Chorthippus oschei 16084560 LC
Caliaeschna microstigma 165467 LC
Libellula quadrimaculata Libellule Quadrimaculée 165469 LC
Erythromma viridulum Naïade au corps vert 165478 LC
Ischnura elegans Agrion Élégant 165479 LC
Lestes macrostigma Leste à Grands Ptérostigmas 165480 LC
Odontopodisma decipiens 16084581 LC
Coenagrion pulchellum Agrion Joli 165484 LC
Leptorhabdium illyricum 88227438 DD
Onychogomphus forcipatus Le Gomphus À Pinces 165489 LC
Chorthippus willemsei 16084594 LC
Leptophyes laticauda 44709490 LC
Chalcolestes parvidens Leste Vert Oriental 165493 LC
Pholidoptera stankoi 68451954 DD
Libellula fulva Libellule Fauve 165496 LC
Somatochlora meridionalis Cordulie Méridionale 165494 LC
Aeshna mixta Aeschne Mixte 165499 LC
Coenagrion scitulum Agrion Mignon 165502 LC
Brachytron pratense Aeschne printanière 165514 LC
Coenagrion ornatum Agrion Orné 165520 LC
Orthetrum cancellatum L'orthétrum Réticulé 165521 LC
Gomphus vulgatissimus Gomphe Vulgaire 165523 LC
Stenobothrus clavatus 16084627 EN
Chalcolestes viridis Leste Vert 165529 LC
Carabus intricatus 3845 LR/nt
Saphanus piceus 86849298 LC
Metaplastes ornatus 68427564 LC
Ateuchetus semipunctatus 47415086 VU
Ateuchetus variolosus 47415088 LC
Ahermodontus bischoffi 47943477 DD
Nomada similis 19199825 LC
Gryllomorpha albanica 68380508 DD
Pholidoptera aptera 47712216 LC
Psorodonotus macedonicus 68462466 NT
Ampedus aethiops 157584 LC
Saga campbelli 68468640 NT
Brachypteroma ottomanum 157647 LC
Poecilimon ebneri 45463531 EN


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)