Liste de NT en Algérie

Ceci est une liste de NT dans Algérie conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Acanthodactylus bedriagai 61453 NT
Acanthodactylus savignyi 61461 NT
Esarcus leprieuri 47265836 NT
Daboia deserti Vipere Du Desert 61493 NT
Daboia mauritanica Vipere De Mauretanie 61494 NT
Psammodromus blanci 61559 NT
Hypericum afrum 163973 NT
Uromastyx alfredschmidti 61590 NT
Hedysarum flexuosum 19892375 NT
Gymnopleurus sturmi 47268005 NT
Carum foetidum Carvi Fétide 61612 NT
Hydrobia brondeli 184506 NT
Linaria fallax 164035 NT
Solenopsis bicolor 164043 NT
Calchaenesthes sexmaculata 157913 NT
Sonchus mauritanicus 164076 NT
Limonium cymuliferum 164095 NT
Lysimachia cousiniana 164105 NT
Anagallis crassifolia Mouron à Feuilles Charnues 164117 NT
Gagea mauritanica Gagée du Maroc 13142314 NT
Thorectes marginatus 47941962 NT
Agrostis tenerrima Agrostide fluette 164172 NT
Lathyrus amphicarpos 176488 NT
Chrysosplenium dubium 164214 NT
Elatine brochonii Elatine de Brochon 164216 NT
Dactylorhiza elata Orchis Elevé 164218 NT
Callitriche cribrosa 164252 NT
Convolvulus durandoi Liseron de Durando 164267 NT
Campanula alata Campanule Ailée 164295 NT
Mentha cervina Menthe des Cerfs 164304 NT
Exaculum pusillum Cicendie Très Petite 164355 NT
Scrophularia tenuipes Scrofulaire à Fins Pédoncules 164406 NT
Bellis prostrata 164412 NT
Apium crassipes Ache 164472 NT
Juncus heterophyllus Jonc à Feuilles Différentes 164491 NT
Peucedanum munbyi 164498 NT
Najas marina subsp. ehrenbergii 164548 NT
Prospero obtusifolium 15418073 NT
Jacobaea gigantea 13593322 NT
Onychogomphus costae Gomphe de Coste 60291 NT
Barbarophryne brongersmai Crapaud de Brongersma 54594 NT
Fritillaria oranensis 13137310 NT
Orchis laeta Orchis plaisant 13164185 NT
Ateuchetus cicatricosus 47415075 NT
Enteromius deserti Barbeau Du Desert 182057 NT
Uromastyx geyri 198536 NT
Raja brachyura 161691 NT
Pamphagus batnensis 107450346 NT
Ranunculus batrachioides 167916 NT
Polyommatus atlanticus 62148595 NT


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)