Liste de ANTHOZOA en Australie

Ceci est une liste de ANTHOZOA dans Australie conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Oulastrea crispata 132859 LC
Acropora pectinatus 132867 DD
Acropora florida 132869 NT
Favia vietnamensis 132872 NT
Porites densa 132873 NT
Moseleya latistellata 132870 VU
Pectinia elongata 132871 NT
Fungia fralinae 132877 LC
Favia maxima 132878 NT
Goniopora tenella 132879 NT
Pocillopora kelleheri 132875 LC
Leptoseris tubulifera 132876 LC
Acropora seriata 132886 DD
Catalaphyllia jardinei 132890 VU
Alveopora marionensis 132896 VU
Favia veroni 132894 NT
Favia rosaria 132899 VU
Hydnophora pilosa 132895 LC
Porites eridani 132897 EN
Leptoseris amitoriensis 132901 NT
Alveopora catalai 132905 NT
Acropora irregularis 132906 DD
Acropora rosaria 132908 DD
Acropora turaki 132909 VU
Acropora stoddarti 132919 DD
Echinopora ashmorensis 132920 VU
Fungia hexagonalis 132925 LC
Leptoseris striata 132927 NT
Pectinia lactuca 132928 VU
Montipora gaimardi 132930 VU
Acropora willisae 132931 VU
Montipora orientalis 132932 VU
Acropora plumosa 132935 VU
Acropora spathulata 132937 LC
Heterocyathus sulcatus 132939 LC
Porites evermanni 132938 DD
Acropora lianae 132946 DD
Acropora macrostoma 132950 DD
Acropora variabilis 132952 DD
Pectinia alcicornis 132956 VU
Goniopora pendulus 132949 LC
Hydnophora grandis 132960 LC
Turbinaria bifrons 132957 VU
Boninastrea boninensis 132965 DD
Euphyllia yaeyamaensis 132967 NT
Acropora tumida 132971 DD
Anacropora matthai 132973 VU
Plerogyra discus 132974 VU
Montigyra kenti 132982 DD
Acropora derawanensis 132984 VU
Turbinaria radicalis 132985 NT
Acropora multiacuta 132990 VU
Coscinaraea crassa 132991 NT
Zoopilus echinatus 132993 LC
Goniopora planulata 132995 VU
Montastrea valenciennesi 132997 NT
Acropora ocellata 133000 DD
Goniopora pandoraensis 133001 LC
Seriatopora stellata 133002 NT
Simplastrea vesicularis 133004 DD
Montipora malampaya 133007 VU
Fungia spinifer 133008 LC
Pocillopora ankeli 133011 VU
Goniopora polyformis 133014 VU
Acropora plana 133017 DD
Acropora minuta 133018 DD
Galaxea cryptoramosa 133019 VU
Montipora niugini 133022 NT
Mycedium mancaoi 133026 LC
Lobophyllia flabelliformis 133032 VU
Fungia fragilis 133034 LC
Turbinaria conspicua 133039 LC
Echinopora mammiformis 133040 NT
Cantharellus jebbi 133044 LC
Anacropora spinosa 133046 EN
Acropora vermiculata 133050 DD
Goniopora norfolkensis 133051 LC
Favites halicora 133055 NT
Platygyra verweyi 133059 NT
Acropora tizardi 133061 DD
Polyphyllia talpina 133063 LC
Montipora florida 133064 VU
Platygyra yaeyamaensis 133067 VU
Palauastrea ramosa 133075 NT
Coscinaraea mcneilli 133077 LC
Favites acuticollis 133078 NT
Acropora kirstyae 133081 VU
Ctenactis albitentaculata 133083 NT
Acropora subglabra 133087 LC
Echinophyllia patula 133089 LC
Astreopora incrustans 133092 VU
Alveopora daedalea 133093 VU
Pocillopora danae 133097 VU
Leptoseris papyracea 133098 LC
Acropora pinguis 133103 DD
Porites attenuata 133107 VU
Galaxea acrhelia 133109 VU
Acropora caroliniana 133112 VU
Duncanopsammia axifuga 133114 NT
Montipora cactus 133113 VU
Porites sillimaniana 133118 VU
Acropora fenneri 133125 DD
Porites cumulatus 133123 VU
Symphyllia hassi 133126 VU
Astreopora ocellata 133129 LC
Montipora friabilis 133131 VU
Acropora abrolhosensis 133133 VU
Favia marshae 133136 NT
Stylocoeniella cocosensis 133145 VU
Porites aranetai 133150 VU
Lobophyllia pachysepta 133152 NT
Echinophyllia pectinata 133154 DD
Montastrea salebrosa 133162 VU
Coscinaraea marshae 133163 LC
Acropora russelli 133164 VU
Platygyra contorta 133161 LC
Coeloseris mayeri 133171 LC
Euphyllia ancora 133173 VU
Astreopora moretonensis 133174 VU
Fungia scabra 133179 LC
Galaxea longisepta 133180 NT
Turbinaria patula 133177 VU
Isopora brueggemanni 133182 VU
Echinopora hirsutissima 133188 LC
Acropora meridiana 133189 DD
Montipora vietnamensis 133190 VU
Montipora porites 133191 NT
Oxypora glabra 133192 LC
Montipora digitata 133194 LC
Acropora tenella 133203 VU
Pectinia teres 133205 NT
Porites negrosensis 133211 NT
Pachyseris foliosa 133218 LC
Nemenzophyllia turbida 133219 VU
Euphyllia divisa 133225 NT
Lobophyllia serratus 133226 EN
Acropora kimbeensis 133233 VU
Goniopora palmensis 133232 LC
Galaxea paucisepta 133236 NT
Turbinaria heronensis 133235 VU
Echinopora pacificus 133243 NT
Montipora spongodes 133245 LC
Blastomussa wellsi 133253 NT
Trachyphyllia geoffroyi 133260 NT
Pavona danai 133261 VU
Acropora cardenae 133264 DD
Acropora orbicularis 133265 DD
Micromussa diminuta 133268 DD
Heliofungia actiniformis 133269 VU
Porites myrmidonensis 133270 LC
Pectinia paeonia 133272 NT
Acropora sekiseiensis 133274 DD
Acropora parilis 133279 DD
Acropora batunai 133283 VU
Montipora palawanensis 133285 NT
Euphyllia paraancora 133289 VU
Acropora striata 133291 VU
Porites tuberculosa 133296 VU
Porites ornata 133301 EN
Lobophyllia hataii 133304 LC
Astreopora macrostoma 133306 NT
Favia rotundata 133307 NT
Leptoria irregularis 133310 VU
Acropora fastigata 133312 DD
Acropora monticulosa 133315 NT
Mycedium robokaki 133316 LC
Lithophyllon mokai 133317 LC
Acropora torihalimeda 133318 DD
Acropora solitaryensis 133320 VU
Cyphastrea ocellina 133321 VU
Acanthastrea regularis 133326 VU
Acropora lovelli 133327 VU
Porites stephensoni 133329 NT
Mycedium steeni 133335 VU
Symphyllia wilsoni 133340 LC
Anacropora forbesi 133341 LC
Psammocora albopicta 133346 DD
Acropora gomezi 133352 DD
Psammocora obtusangula 133353 NT
Acropora scherzeriana 133355 DD
Goniopora eclipsensis 133357 LC
Porites napopora 133358 VU
Montipora setosa 133361 EN
Acanthastrea lordhowensis 133366 NT
Montipora confusa 133367 NT
Goniopora albiconus 133368 VU
Montastrea multipunctata 133374 VU
Montipora corbettensis 133375 VU
Acropora convexa 133379 DD
Barabattoia laddi 133383 VU
Cantharellus noumeae 133384 EN
Acanthastrea rotundoflora 133386 NT
Goniopora burgosi 133391 VU
Favia laxa 133392 NT
Acropora loisetteae 133394 VU
Acropora desalwii 133396 VU
Fungia somervillei 133397 LC
Acropora hoeksemai 133401 VU
Montipora samarensis 133404 VU
Caulastrea tumida 133405 NT
Coscinaraea wellsi 133408 LC
Acanthastrea bowerbanki 133411 VU
Montipora verruculosus 133409 VU
Cynarina lacrymalis 133413 NT
Anacropora puertogalerae 133415 VU
Montipora capricornis 133422 VU
Favia danae 133426 LC
Acropora simplex 133427 VU
Echinopora horrida 133429 NT
Porites heronensis 133430 LC
Heterocyathus aequicostatus 133431 LC
Acropora spicifera 133432 VU
Montipora crassituberculata 133433 VU
Montipora mactanensis 133434 VU
Seriatopora dendritica 133435 VU
Acropora walindii 133441 VU
Echinopora taylorae 133447 NT
Montipora turtlensis 133450 VU
Montipora cocosensis 133460 VU
Alveopora excelsa 133464 EN
Alveopora minuta 133467 EN
Micromussa amakusensis 133470 NT
Acropora bushyensis 133471 LC
Acropora mirabilis 133483 DD
Montipora delicatula 133489 VU
Oulophyllia levis 133491 LC
Acropora papillare 133494 VU
Acropora kosurini 133500 VU
Alveopora gigas 133501 VU
Porites cocosensis 133499 VU
Platygyra acuta 133508 NT
Podabacia motuporensis 133509 NT
Favia lizardensis 133510 NT
Acropora anthocercis 133513 VU
Goniastrea ramosa 133515 VU
Favia truncatus 133516 LC
Acropora wallaceae 133518 DD
Alveopora fenestrata 133523 VU
Anacropora pillai 133524 DD
Seriatopora aculeata 133526 VU
Isopora elizabethensis 133541 DD
Leptastrea aequalis 133542 VU
Paraclavarina triangularis 133545 NT
Porites deformis 133555 NT
Montipora peltiformis 133563 NT
Lobophyllia dentatus 133565 VU
Scolymia australis 133566 LC
Porites rugosa 133568 VU
Platygyra carnosus 133571 NT
Australomussa rowleyensis 133573 NT
Favites bestae 133578 NT
Montipora hirsuta 133580 NT
Acropora awi 133583 VU
Acropora exquisita 133592 DD
Acropora proximalis 133598 DD
Montipora undata 133599 NT
Acropora indonesia 133600 VU
Favia helianthoides 133601 NT
Echinophyllia orpheensis 133609 LC
Seriatopora guttatus 133614 LC
Lobophyllia diminuta 133619 VU
Australogyra zelli 133620 VU
Montipora cebuensis 133623 VU
Acanthastrea faviaformis 133624 VU
Cyphastrea agassizi 133628 VU
Favites stylifera 133629 NT
Favites micropentagona 133630 NT
Favia maritima 133638 NT
Acropora pichoni 133639 NT
Favites paraflexuosa 133650 NT
Echinophyllia costata 133656 VU
Acropora bifurcata 133658 DD
Acropora echinata 133661 VU
Acropora millepora 133666 NT
Goniopora stokesi 133668 NT
Cyphastrea decadia 133669 LC
Micromussa minuta 133670 NT
Heteropsammia eupsammides 133671 NT
Acropora efflorescens 133672 DD
Acropora copiosa 133678 DD
Acropora torresiana 133681 DD
Pectinia maxima 133683 EN
Acropora elegans 133688 VU
Anacropora reticulata 133689 VU
Cyphastrea japonica 133690 LC
Sandalolitha robusta 133693 LC
Pectinia ayleni 133694 NT
Caulastrea curvata 133695 VU
Montipora altasepta 133696 VU
Montipora hodgsoni 132892 VU


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)