Liste de AVES en Bhoutan

Ceci est une liste de AVES dans Bhoutan conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Hemitesia pallidipes 22714371 LC
Buteo hemilasius 22695967 LC
Agraphospiza rubescens 22720546 LC
Procarduelis nipalensis 22720550 LC
Carpodacus pulcherrimus 22720567 LC
Cettia major 22714423 LC
Carpodacus rodochroa 22720574 LC
Cettia brunnifrons 22714440 LC
Carpodacus edwardsii 22720585 LC
Carpodacus trifasciatus 22720595 LC
Carpodacus rubicilloides 22720607 LC
Carpodacus puniceus 22720613 LC
Pyrrhula nipalensis 103837801 LC
Leiothrix lutea 22716522 LC
Carpodacus subhimachalus 22720628 LC
Pteruthius rufiventer 22716532 LC
Carpodacus sipahi 22720635 LC
Pteruthius xanthochlorus 22716540 LC
Pteruthius melanotis 22716544 LC
Geokichla wardii 22708364 LC
Actinodura egertoni 22716557 LC
Sibia nipalensis 22716563 LC
Pyrrhula erythrocephala 22720665 LC
Pyrrhula erythaca 22720668 LC
Siva cyanouroptera 22716576 LC
Chrysominla strigula 22716579 LC
Lioparus chrysotis 22716585 LC
Delichon nipalense 22712496 LC
Psittiparus ruficeps 103880882 LC
Mycerobas affinis 22720693 LC
Mycerobas melanozanthos 22720696 LC
Fulvetta vinipectus 22716601 LC
Prunella immaculata 22718659 LC
Fulvetta ludlowi 22716617 LC
Pyrrhoplectes epauletta 22720718 LC
Schoeniparus dubius 22716627 LC
Certhia discolor 22735065 LC
Nisaetus nipalensis 22696153 LC
Brachypteryx cruralis 103866603 LC
Stachyris humei 22735087 NT
Garrulax albogularis 22735092 LC
Zoothera dixoni 22708487 LC
Trochalopteron erythrocephalum 22735117 LC
Leioptila annectens 22716696 LC
Heterophasia capistrata 22716699 LC
Pycnonotus striatus 22712607 LC
Coracina macei 22706473 LC
Pnoepyga albiventer 22735145 LC
Heterophasia picaoides 22716717 LC
Cutia nipalensis 22735167 LC
Yuhina gularis 22716737 LC
Grus nigricollis 22692162 VU
Yuhina occipitalis 22716743 LC
Schoeniparus castaneceps 22735177 LC
Nucifraga hemispila 103727443 LC
Myzornis pyrrhoura 22716760 LC
Psittiparus gularis 22735202 LC
Conostoma aemodium 22716781 LC
Columba hodgsonii 22690159 LC
Cholornis unicolor 22716787 LC
Pomatorhinus ferruginosus 103893364 LC
Columba pulchricollis 22690168 LC
Prinia atrogularis 103776661 LC
Suthora fulvifrons 22716823 LC
Suthora nipalensis 22716826 LC
Horornis brunnescens 22735325 LC
Turdus kessleri 22708786 LC
Zoothera mollissima 103879258 LC
Zoothera salimalii 103879287 LC
Aegithalos iredalei 103871108 LC
Dryobates cathpharius 61553308 LC
Heteroxenicus stellatus 22708970 LC
Zapornia bicolor 22692660 LC
Strix nivicolum 22725477 LC
Sitta himalayensis 22711164 LC
Aceros nipalensis 22682510 VU
Phylloscopus pulcher 22715287 LC
Phylloscopus maculipennis 22715290 LC
Sitta formosa 22711231 VU
Certhia nipalensis 22711257 LC
Muscicapa ferruginea 22709223 LC
Phylloscopus xanthoschistos 22715423 LC
Cyornis magnirostris 22735904 LC
Phylloscopus poliogenys 22715433 LC
Tickellia hodgsoni 22715445 LC
Abroscopus schisticeps 22715454 LC
Indicator xanthonotus 22680652 NT
Ficedula erithacus 22709334 LC
Ficedula subrubra 22709346 VU
Apus acuticauda 22686853 VU
Tetraogallus tibetanus 22678667 LC
Anas zonorhyncha 22736042 LC
Hierococcyx nisicolor 22734046 LC
Grammatoptila striata 22715620 LC
Harpactes wardi 22682857 NT
Prinia cinereocapilla 22713578 VU
Tarsiger rufilatus 22736114 LC
Pteruthius aeralatus 103693575 LC
Buteo refectus 22734099 LC
Aegithalos iouschistos 103871775 LC
Garrulax ocellatus 22715682 LC
Garrulax caerulatus 22715685 LC
Trochalopteron squamatum 22715732 LC
Ficedula hodgsoni 22709591 LC
Trochalopteron subunicolor 22715735 LC
Trochalopteron affine 22715747 LC
Locustella mandelli 22734189 LC
Turdus mandarinus 103888237 LC
Perdix hodgsoniae 22678919 LC
Coturnix japonica 22678949 NT
Psilopogon franklinii 22726108 LC
Periparus rubidiventris 22711780 LC
Arborophila torqueola 22679017 LC
Tarsiger chrysaeus 22709738 LC
Tarsiger indicus 22709743 LC
Arborophila mandellii 22679029 VU
Dendrocopos atratus 22681089 LC
Lophophanes dichrous 22711815 LC
Dendrocopos darjellensis 22681111 LC
Spinus thibetanus 22720069 LC
Ithaginis cruentus 22679144 LC
Tragopan satyra 22679157 NT
Tragopan blythii 22679163 VU
Aethopyga nipalensis 22718081 LC
Urocissa flavirostris 22705798 LC
Trochalopteron imbricatum 22734478 LC
Cissa chinensis 22705809 LC
Napothera epilepidota 22716094 LC
Sylviparus modestus 22711998 LC
Spelaeornis caudatus 22716112 NT
Spelaeornis troglodytoides 22716123 LC
Cyanoderma ruficeps 22716187 LC
Certhia hodgsoni 22734633 LC
Phoenicurus hodgsoni 22710060 LC
Phoenicurus schisticeps 22710063 LC
Phoenicurus auroreus 22710066 LC
Garrulus bispecularis 103726922 LC
Horornis flavolivaceus 105295705 LC
Hodgsonius phaenicuroides 22710108 LC
Cinclidium frontale 22710117 LC
Grandala coelicolor 22710120 LC
Cochoa viridis 22710147 LC
Saxicola insignis 22710172 VU
Phylloscopus whistleri 22732760 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)