Liste de AMPHIBIA en Cameroun

Ceci est une liste de AMPHIBIA dans Cameroun conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Herpele multiplicata 59564 DD
Idiocranium russeli 59567 DD
Crotaphatrema bornmuelleri 59648 DD
Crotaphatrema lamottei 59649 CR
Crotaphatrema tchabalmbaboensis 59650 DD
Arthroleptis adelphus 59660 LC
Cardioglossa alsco 61745 EN
Werneria submontana 61762 EN
Hyperolius camerunensis 61796 LC
Hyperolius dintelmanni 61797 EN
Arthroleptis perreti 190982 EN
Cardioglossa nigromaculata 89186860 LC
Kassina decorata 135862 VU
Xenopus calcaratus 89256663 DD
Petropedetes cameronensis 58078 LC
Petropedetes johnstoni 58079 NT
Petropedetes newtoni 58081 LC
Petropedetes palmipes 58082 VU
Petropedetes parkeri 58083 LC
Petropedetes perreti 58084 EN
Phrynobatrachus batesii 58096 LC
Phrynobatrachus cricogaster 58103 NT
Afrixalus lacteus 56066 EN
Afrixalus lindholmi 56069 DD
Afrixalus paradorsalis 56074 LC
Afrixalus schneideri 56076 DD
Phrynobatrachus manengoubensis 58125 CR
Alexteroon jynx 56088 CR
Alexteroon obstetricans 56089 LC
Arlequinus krebsi 56090 EN
Hyperolius koehleri 56092 LC
Phrynobatrachus sandersoni 58152 LC
Phrynobatrachus werneri 58151 LC
Hyperolius acutirostris 56109 LC
Hyperolius ademetzi 56110 EN
Arthroleptis nlonakoensis 135994 EN
Hyperolius endjami 56131 LC
Amnirana asperrima 58194 VU
Amnirana longipes 58199 LC
Hyperolius kuligae 56150 LC
Hyperolius mosaicus 56167 LC
Phrynobatrachus njiomock 76317553 CR
Aubria subsigillata 58233 LC
Hyperolius riggenbachi 56198 LC
Conraua robusta 58254 VU
Hyperolius stenodactylus 56209 DD
Phrynobatrachus ruthbeateae 76317610 DD
Leptopelis brevirostris 56247 LC
Leptopelis nordequatorialis 56269 LC
Leptopelis zebra 56287 NT
Kassina wazae 136180 DD
Xenopus eysoole 89256998 DD
Arthroleptis palava 16577598 LC
Cardioglossa elegans 54400 LC
Cardioglossa melanogaster 54405 VU
Cardioglossa oreas 54407 EN
Cardioglossa pulchra 54408 EN
Cardioglossa schioetzi 54409 VU
Cardioglossa trifasciata 54410 CR
Cardioglossa venusta 54411 EN
Conraua goliath 5263 EN
Astylosternus diadematus 54416 LC
Astylosternus fallax 54417 VU
Astylosternus laurenti 54418 EN
Astylosternus montanus 54419 LC
Astylosternus nganhanus 54420 CR
Astylosternus perreti 54422 EN
Astylosternus ranoides 54423 EN
Astylosternus rheophilus 54424 NT
Astylosternus schioetzi 54425 EN
Leptodactylodon albiventris 54426 EN
Leptodactylodon axillaris 54427 CR
Leptodactylodon bicolor 54428 NT
Leptodactylodon boulengeri 54430 NT
Leptodactylodon bueanus 54431 EN
Leptodactylodon erythrogaster 54432 CR
Leptodactylodon mertensi 54433 EN
Leptodactylodon ornatus 54434 EN
Leptodactylodon ovatus 54435 LC
Leptodactylodon perreti 54436 EN
Leptodactylodon polyacanthus 54437 VU
Leptodactylodon ventrimarmoratus 54439 VU
Leptodactylodon wildi 54440 CR
Nyctibates corrugatus 54441 LC
Phrynobatrachus jimzimkusi 74724558 CR
Cardioglossa manengouba 16854228 CR
Phrynobatrachus steindachneri 74724619 CR
Xenopus kobeli 89257043 DD
Sclerophrys djohongensis 54630 EN
Phrynobatrachus chukuchuku 175535 CR
Sclerophrys villiersi 54794 VU
Sclerophrys xeros 54799 LC
Didynamipus sjostedti 54811 VU
Werneria bambutensis 54893 CR
Werneria mertensiana 54894 CR
Werneria preussi 54895 EN
Werneria tandyi 54896 CR
Wolterstorffina chirioi 54897 CR
Wolterstorffina mirei 54898 EN
Wolterstorffina parvipalmata 54899 CR
Hyperolius bopeleti 56120 VU
Xenopus amieti 58168 VU
Xenopus longipes 58176 CR


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)