Liste de LC en Cameroun

Ceci est une liste de LC dans Cameroun conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Eriosema raynaliorum 202756 LC
Odaxothrissa mento 167946 LC
Phenacogrammus major 167969 LC
Hypolycaena coerulea 159779 LC
Mastomys kollmannspergeri 45092 LC
Phenacogrammus urotaenia 167973 LC
Vidua camerunensis 22732834 LC
Vidua nigeriae 22732839 LC
Labeobarbus brevispinis 182315 LC
Emilia abyssinica 97226801 LC
Labeobarbus batesii 182331 LC
Synodontis steindachneri 182334 LC
Aerangis gracillima 87582784 LC
Euoticus pallidus Galago mignon du nord 8266 LC
Aphyosemion loennbergii 182347 LC
Wheelerigobius wirtzi 21131356 LC
Labeobarbus micronema 182376 LC
Chiloglanis cameronensis Chiloglanis 182385 LC
Cenchrus ramosus 117008498 LC
Aphyosemion raddai 182407 LC
Mastacembelus seiteri 182408 LC
Draculo shango Dragonet de Shango 21112990 LC
Tapura tchoutoi 202747 LC
Psalidoprocne fuliginosa Hirondelle hérisée brune 22712509 LC
Rhampholeon spectrum 176322 LC
Nannocharax lineomaculatus 182473 LC
Schilbe uranoscopus 182534 LC
Arthroleptis adelphus 59660 LC
Horatosphaga crosskeyi 107460876 LC
Labeobarbus versluysii 182540 LC
Neritilia manoeli 14626 LC
Dendromus oreas 6448 LC
Ichthyborus monodi 182579 LC
Varicorhinus tornieri 182587 LC
Leucomphalos capparideus 144286015 LC
Tilapia cameronensis 182594 LC
Zenkerella citrina 144116054 LC
Hyperolius camerunensis 61796 LC
Pelvicachromis taeniatus 182648 LC
Crocidura nigeriae 41344 LC
Aphyosemion splendopleure 182666 LC
Crocidura yankariensis 41367 LC
Parananochromis longirostris 182683 LC
Mastacembelus cryptacanthus 182696 LC
Dendropicos johnstoni 22727121 LC
Ancistrochilus thomsonianus 87583195 LC
Arizelocichla tephrolaema Bulbul à tête grise 22712804 LC
Fundulopanchax kamdemi 182774 LC
Labeobarbus habereri 182790 LC
Micropanchax scheeli 182807 LC
Najas pectinata 164393 LC
Cardioglossa nigromaculata 89186860 LC
Bebearia phantasiella 160306 LC
Enteromius parajae 182841 LC
Enteromius nigeriensis 182845 LC
Sciurocheirus alleni Galago d'Allen 8785 LC
Phyllastrephus poensis Bulbul olivâtre 22712930 LC
Malimbus racheliae Malimbe de Rachel 22719083 LC
Labeo sanagaensis 182897 LC
Paramormyrops curvifrons 182900 LC
Pelvicachromis pulcher 182905 LC
Streptopelia hypopyrrha Tourterelle de l'Adamaoua 22690426 LC
Nannocharax intermedius Nannochorax 182931 LC
Brycinus intermedius 182946 LC
Procatopus aberrans 182943 LC
Bryconaethiops quinquesquamae 182953 LC
Eurypetalum tessmannii 19892917 LC
Philenoptera laxiflora 19892919 LC
Procatopus nototaenia 182975 LC
Synodontis resupinatus 182979 LC
Brienomyrus longianalis 182982 LC
Petrocephalus ansorgii 182996 LC
Petropedetes cameronensis 58078 LC
Petropedetes newtoni 58081 LC
Petropedetes parkeri 58083 LC
Leonardoxa africana 19892972 LC
Phrynobatrachus batesii 58096 LC
Synodontis obesus 183025 LC
Afrixalus paradorsalis 56074 LC
Alexteroon obstetricans 56089 LC
Hyperolius koehleri 56092 LC
Torbenia larseni 160548 LC
Phrynobatrachus sandersoni 58152 LC
Phrynobatrachus werneri 58151 LC
Hyperolius acutirostris 56109 LC
Hyperolius endjami 56131 LC
Aphyosemion cameronense ssp. halleri 183114 LC
Euriphene obani 160588 LC
Amnirana longipes 58199 LC
Hyperolius kuligae 56150 LC
Hyperolius mosaicus 56167 LC
Neurogomphus fuscifrons 158570 LC
Trithemis basitincta 158574 LC
Aubria subsigillata 58233 LC
Malgassophlebia westfalli 158588 LC
Hyperolius riggenbachi 56198 LC
Azuragrion buchholzi 158607 LC
Crassocephalum gracile 201651 LC
Leptopelis brevirostris 56247 LC
Sudanonautes chavanesii 134088 LC
Leptopelis nordequatorialis 56269 LC
Colotis protomedia 160742 LC
Culcasia panduriformis 185320 LC
Caridina evae 197613 LC
Galatea radiata 175125 LC
Taterillus lacustris 21526 LC
Trithemis osvaldae 158557 LC
Trioceros camerunensis 203822 LC
Arthroleptis palava 16577598 LC
Cola rostrata 111397976 LC
Anthene lusones 160874 LC
Brachystegia zenkeri Léké 33911 LC
Cercestis camerunensis 185471 LC
Cardioglossa elegans 54400 LC
Culcasia lanceolata 185472 LC
Astylosternus diadematus 54416 LC
Astylosternus montanus 54419 LC
Synodontis tessmanni 182889 LC
Leptodactylodon ovatus 54435 LC
Nyctibates corrugatus 54441 LC
Thalassobathia pelagica 154798 LC
Lemniscomys mittendorfi 11486 LC
Hippopotamyrus castor 167955 LC
Asystasia macrophylla 185571 LC
Africocypha lacuselephantum 169200 LC
Iolaus sciophilus 161009 LC
Pseudagrion risi 169212 LC
Diastatomma tricolor 169224 LC
Neodythemis takamandensis 169241 LC
Cyanomitra oritis Souimanga à tête bleue 22717728 LC
Nubiolestes diotima 169250 LC
Platyceps florulentus 177443 LC
Pseudogramma guineensis 21132575 LC
Potamonemus mambilorum 134438 LC
Allocnemis contraria 169256 LC
Labeo nunensis 181545 LC
Clarias longior 181551 LC
Epiplatys sexfasciatus 181552 LC
Tilapia margaritacea 181583 LC
Urolais epichlorus Fauvette verte à longue queue 22713688 LC
Mormyrus tapirus 181605 LC
Dendropicos elachus Petit Pic gris 22680949 LC
Oncocalamus tuleyi Rotin 95366521 LC
Lophuromys roseveari 45055 LC
Cinnyris ursulae Nectarin d'Ursula 22717831 LC
Phylloscopus herberti Pouillot à tête noire 22715222 LC
Laniarius atroflavus Gonolek à ventre jaune 22707597 LC
Aphyosemion herzogi 181652 LC
Crocidura virgata 136602 LC
Greenwayodendron glabrum 137108897 LC
Procatopus similis 181666 LC
Eremospatha quinquecostulata Rotin 95317421 LC
Distichodus kolleri 181679 LC
Synodontis courteti 181691 LC
Apalis bamendae Apalis de Bamenda 22713788 LC
Aphyosemion ahli 169404 LC
Fundulopanchax sjostedti 181696 LC
Varicorhinus werneri 182247 LC
Euchilichthys dybowskii 169412 LC
Raiamas batesii 181709 LC
Tilapia nyongana 181704 LC
Epiplatys esekanus 169439 LC
Parananochromis caudifasciatus 169443 LC
Aeschynomene pfundii 120202724 LC
Schilbe djemeri 181731 LC
Nesocharis shelleyi Petit Sénégali vert 22719312 LC
Aphyosemion celiae 169471 LC
Oreocossypha isabellae Cossyphe d'Isabelle 22709763 LC
Prinia fluviatilis Prinia aquatique 22713618 LC
Doumea sanaga 182261 LC
Plagiosiphon multijugus 144305677 LC
Sclerophrys xeros 54799 LC
Tragogomphus aurivillii 169239 LC
Melaniparus albiventris Mésange noire à ventre blanc 22711839 LC
Auchenoglanis biscutatus 181796 LC
Micropanchax kingii 181806 LC
Mastacembelus sanagali 181820 LC
Garra dembeensis 181829 LC
Aphyosemion riggenbachi 181842 LC
Lagonosticta umbrinodorsalis 103812699 LC
Berlinia craibiana Bois de Rose 103849572 LC
Epiplatys sangmelinensis 181860 LC
Trithemis legrandi 84381284 LC
Schilbe brevianalis 181867 LC
Micropanchax camerunensis 181885 LC
Coffea magnistipula 18538124 LC
Cnemaspis koehleri 177814 LC
Campylomormyrus phantasticus 181914 LC
Varicorhinus fimbriatus 181928 LC
Crocidura batesi 40620 LC
Prolabeops melanhypopterus 181934 LC
Varicorhinus mariae 181960 LC
Mauligobius nigri 186069 LC
Poropanchax stigmatopygus 181976 LC
Campethera tullbergi Pic de Tullberg 22726364 LC
Sorghum purpureosericeum 44392161 LC
Cola ficifolia 111392484 LC
Chiloglanis sanagaensis 181990 LC
Epiplatys infrafasciatus 182017 LC
Fundulopanchax puerzli 182024 LC
Cola flaviflora 111392529 LC
Brachystegia cynometroides 19892051 LC
Cola flavovelutina 111392622 LC
Tylochromis sudanensis 182137 LC
Dagetichthys lakdoensis 182142 LC
Marcusenius mento 182145 LC
Aethiothemis incongruens 184205 LC
Phyllomacromia caneri 184208 LC
Marcusenius cyprinoides 182169 LC
Enteromius nounensis 182170 LC
Microgomphus camerunensis 184223 LC
Cola lepidota 111394726 LC
Anthonotha ferruginea 19892135 LC
Elattoneura pruinosa 184236 LC
Phyllomacromia bicristulata 184243 LC
Aphyosemion elberti 182203 LC
Rothmannia manganjae 143720379 LC
Berlinia coriacea 32710 LC
Atopochilus savorgnani Atopochilus Atopochilus 182219 LC
Apletodon wirtzi 60469224 LC
Copera rufipes 184305 LC
Enteromius aspilus 182259 LC
Baphia leptobotrys 202750 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)