Liste de LILIOPSIDA en Congo-Kinshasa
Ceci est une liste de LILIOPSIDA dans Congo-Kinshasa conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.
Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
nom scientifique | nom commun | taxonid | catégorie |
Habenaria kornasiana | 44392455 | VU | |
Dracaena rubroaurantiaca | 44392609 | DD | |
Cyperus remotus | 44392658 | DD | |
Schizachyrium yangambiense | 44392727 | LC | |
Satyrium ecalcaratum | 111329623 | LC | |
Eulophia parilamellata | 44392840 | DD | |
Cyperus schimperianus | Souchet de Schimper | 164253 | LC |
Hetaeria heterosepala | 44393139 | LC | |
Eulophia fernandeziana | 44393251 | EN | |
Platycaulos mahonii | 44393294 | LC | |
Eriocaulon inyangense | 44393349 | LC | |
Chlorophytum hysteranthum | 44393360 | LC | |
Panicum pole-evansii | 44393361 | LC | |
Bulbostylis pseudoperennis | 44393507 | VU | |
Stylochaeton shabaensis | 44393549 | LC | |
Didymoplexis africana | 44393623 | LC | |
Polystachya brugeana | 16574700 | DD | |
Angraecum bancoense | 16222447 | LC | |
Hypoxis malaissei | 158059 | DD | |
Angraecum podochiloides | 16222589 | LC | |
Polystachya doggettii | 16574854 | LC | |
Angraecum gabonense | 16222649 | LC | |
Angraecum pungens | 16222675 | VU | |
Angraecum subulatum | 16222698 | LC | |
Agrostis isopholis | 97242440 | LC | |
Eremospatha laurentii | Rotin | 95317339 | LC |
Oncocalamus mannii | Rotin | 95366508 | LC |
Raphia farinifera | Palmier Raphia | 95366641 | LC |
Raphia gentiliana | Palmier Raphia | 95366656 | LC |
Raphia laurentii | Palmier Raphia | 95366677 | LC |
Raphia monbuttorum | Palmier Raphia | 95366711 | LC |
Raphia sese | Palmier Raphia | 95366744 | LC |
Laccosperma acutiflorum | Rotin | 95317685 | LC |
Sclerosperma walkeri | 95366877 | LC | |
Carex petitiana | 120147811 | LC | |
Rhipidoglossum globulosocalcaratum | 111325624 | EN | |
Polystachya tenella | 16577221 | LC | |
Nemum megastachyum | 110080723 | NT | |
Xyris densa | 185215 | DD | |
Carex runssoroensis | 185222 | LC | |
Carex bequaertii | 185227 | LC | |
Culcasia sapinii | 185236 | LC | |
Anubias gilletii | 185249 | LC | |
Cyperus afroalpinus | 185262 | NT | |
Xyris popeana | 185263 | DD | |
Carex simensis | 185264 | LC | |
Xyris exigua | 185266 | CR | |
Xyris sanguinea | 185302 | DD | |
Xyris kundelungensis | 185321 | DD | |
Brachiaria scalaris | 13579254 | LC | |
Rhynchospora spectabilis | 185368 | LC | |
Xyris kwangolana | 185377 | DD | |
Juncus dregeanus | 185395 | LC | |
Carex erythrorrhiza | 185420 | LC | |
Ranalisma humile | 185423 | LC | |
Eriocaulon albocapitatum | 185426 | LC | |
Aneilema silvaticum | 46189 | VU | |
Xyris angustifolia | 185474 | NT | |
Culcasia falcifolia | 185491 | LC | |
Anubias heterophylla | 185527 | LC | |
Luzula johnstonii | 185536 | LC | |
Eriocaulon stipantepalum | 185541 | EN | |
Xyris imitatrix | 185544 | DD | |
Xyris lejolyanus | 185550 | DD | |
Xyris bampsii | 185553 | DD | |
Xyris kibaraensis | 185567 | VU | |
Carpha angustissima | 185599 | EN | |
Aponogeton bogneri | 185604 | EN | |
Luzula abyssinica | 185605 | LC | |
Juncus dregeanus subsp. bachitii | 185616 | LC | |
Carex lycurus | 185637 | LC | |
Cyperus derreilema | 120157483 | LC | |
Aponogeton abyssinicus | 185740 | LC | |
Ancistrorhynchus tenuicaulis | 111318506 | VU | |
Carex mildbraediana | 111318948 | LC | |
Disa roeperocharoides | 103430195 | DD | |
Disa dichroa | 103430207 | DD | |
Cenchrus trachyphyllus | 110680837 | LC | |
Bulbostylis fusiformis | 195377 | CR | |
Commelina mwatayamvoana | 195378 | CR | |
Commelina zigzag | 195379 | EN | |
Cyanotis cupricola | 195383 | EN | |
Disperis aphylla | 179549 | VU | |
Bulbophyllum renkinianum | 44392119 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: