Liste de GASTROPODA en Croatie

Ceci est une liste de GASTROPODA dans Croatie conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Tandonia fejervaryi 171520 LC
Agathylla lamellosa 171524 NT
Medora hiltrudae 171021 NT
Graziana slavonica 156180 VU
Paladilhiopsis grobbeni 155677 VU
Saxurinator labiatus 156192 CR
Truncatellina laeviuscula 157227 DD
Cochlostoma braueri 170540 LC
Paladilhiopsis robiciana 155696 LC
Troglaegopis mosorensis 171568 LC
Cochlostoma elegans 170546 LC
Chilostoma istriana 156723 DD
Belgrandiella zermanica 155706 VU
Iglica elongata 155713 VU
Tandonia dalmatina 171080 DD
Cochlostoma stossichi 170578 NT
Tandonia lagostana 171613 CR
Cecilioides jeskalovicensis 171106 CR
Hadziella anti 155750 LC
Platyla maasseni 17514 VU
Lithoglyphus prasinus 155756 DD
Lanzaia elephantotus 155760 DD
Zospeum spelaeum 170613 LC
Delima edmibrani 171126 NT
Vidovicia coerulans 156793 VU
Zospeum kusceri 170618 LC
Zospeum pretneri 170615 LC
Zospeum exiguum 170623 VU
Delima pellucida 171144 NT
Vitrea zilchi 171149 EN
Lanzaia kotlusae 155790 VU
Agathylla formosa 171670 LC
Meledella werneri 171672 LC
Medora adensameri 76031129 NT
Tandonia bolensis 76111515 VU
Marstoniopsis croatica 155809 VU
Platyla curtii 156839 LC
Acicula disjuncta 156333 NT
Delima helenae 171181 NT
Bythinella kapelana 155826 VU
Belgrandiella pageti 155836 DD
Cochlodina liburnica 171200 LC
Heleobia dalmatica 155843 DD
Islamia zermanica 155844 CR
Hadziella sketi 155852 VU
Delima hiltrudis 171213 NT
Agardhiella stenostoma 156883 LC
Zospeum tholussum 104096979 NT
Platyla elisabethae 156894 NT
Truncatellina lussinensis 156907 VU
Belgrandiella fontinalis 155895 LC
Lymnaea vulnerata 189179 DD
Iglica bagliviaeformis 155903 EN
Chilostoma denudata 156418 NT
Delima amoena 171786 LC
Chilostoma hirta 156949 LC
Iglica langhofferi 155931 VU
Tandonia rara 171293 LC
Virpazaria pageti 171307 LC
Lanzaia rudnicae 155948 NT
Hauffenia media 155952 VU
Emmericia expansilabris 155955 VU
Horatia klecakiana 155963 LC
Charpentieria gibbula 171328 LC
Costellina turrita 155979 CR
Delima blanda 170831 LC
Belgrandiella krupensis 155996 DD
Agathylla strigillata 171357 NT
Dalmatella sketi 155999 CR
Paladilhiopsis pretneri 155488 NT
Sadleriana cavernosa 156002 CR
Tandonia croatica 171366 DD
Belgrandiella croatica 156009 VU
Medora eris 171371 LC
Dilataria marcki 170864 LC
Heleobia rausiana 156018 DD
Vinodolia fluviatilis 155506 EN
Istriana mirnae 156020 NT
Chondrula consentanea 157046 DD
Saxurinator microbeliscus 155513 DD
Bythinella magna 156026 DD
Aegopis compressus 170877 LC
Delima subcylindrica 170881 LC
Agathylla abrupta 170883 NT
Hadziella rudnicae 156039 CR
Vinodolia fiumana 155531 EN
Hauffenia tovunica 156046 CR
Agathylla viperina 171410 NT
Sadleriana sadleriana 155537 LC
Cecilioides dalmatina 171412 DD
Tandonia jablanacensis 170910 DD
Sadleriana schmidtii 155559 LC
Delima pfeifferi 170926 NT
Bithynia cettinensis 171954 VU
Saxurinator sketi 156082 EN
Tanousia zrmanjae 155570 CR
Cochlodina inaequalis 76023221 LC
Islamia latina 155575 DD
Bithynia majewskyi 171960 DD
Vitrea subaii 170934 LC
Graziana papukensis 155585 NT
Oxychilus perspectivus 171468 LC
Medora agnata 171477 LC
Medora armata 170972 NT
Dilataria pirostoma 76023773 NT
Belgrandia torifera 155614 VU
Truncatellina velkovrhi 157154 NT
Delima albocincta 170985 LC
Medora stenostoma 170990 NT
Lanzaia skradinensis 155635 CR
Pseudobithynia kirka 164852 VU
Gyralina mljetica 171515 VU
Agathylla narentana 171005 NT
Sadleriana supercarinata 155646 VU


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)