Liste de GASTROPODA en Fidji

Ceci est une liste de GASTROPODA dans Fidji conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Placostylus fulguratus 200718 LC
Conus boucheti 192597 LC
Conus fijiensis 192606 LC
Conus gloriamaris 192642 LC
Omphalotropis hispida 198795 DD
Ouagapia perryi 198796 EN
Ouagapia ratusukuni 198797 CR
Conus radiatus 192654 LC
Conus sutanorcum 192757 LC
Conus cakobaui 192780 LC
Conus fijisulcatus 192787 LC
Cassidula crassiuscula 188928 LC
Thiara plicaria 189013 LC
Neritina turtoni 189061 LC
Clithon bougainvillei 189130 DD
Neritina bicanaliculata 189140 LC
Septaria laperousei 189234 DD
Clithon olivaceum 189261 LC
Thiara scitula 189316 DD
Ba humbugi 195519 EN
Delos gardineri 195520 CR
Diancta macrostoma 195522 VU
Fijianella calciphila 195525 VU
Fijianella cornucopia 195526 VU
Fijianella laddi 195527 VU
Fijiopoma diatreta 195529 VU
Fijiopoma liberata 195530 EN
Gonatorhaphe intercostata 195532 EN
Omphalotropis costulata 199629 VU
Gonatorhaphe lauensis 195533 CR
Gonatorhaphe stricta 195534 EN
Lagivala minusculus 195537 VU
Lagivala vivus 195538 VU
Lauopa mbalavuana 195542 CR
Maafu thaumasius 195544 CR
Neritina squamipicta 189395 LC
Macropalaina pomatiaeformis 195548 EN
Microcharopa mimula 195550 VU
Moussonia fuscula 195552 NT
Omphalotropis circumlineata 195554 NT
Omphalotropis ingens 195555 CR
Omphalotropis layardiana 195556 DD
Omphalotropis longula 195557 VU
Omphalotropis moussoni 195558 LC
Omphalotropis parva 195559 LC
Omphalotropis rosea 195560 VU
Melampus striatus 189417 LC
Omphalotropis subsoluta 195561 EN
Omphalotropis zelriolata 195562 NT
Palaina godeffroyana 195563 VU
Palaina martensi 195565 NT
Palaina quadrata 195566 DD
Palaina subregularis 195567 VU
Palaina taviensis 195568 EN
Palaina tuberosa 195569 DD
Placostylus elobatus 195574 VU
Placostylus graeffei 195577 EN
Placostylus guanensis 195578 EN
Placostylus hoyti 195579 EN
Placostylus kantavuensis 195580 EN
Placostylus malleatus 195581 VU
Placostylus mbengensis 195582 CR
Placostylus morosus 195583 LC
Placostylus ochrostoma 195584 EN
Placostylus seemanni 195585 EN
Placostylus subroseus 195586 DD
Priceconcha tuvuthaensis 195588 CR
Sinployea adposita 195590 VU
Sinployea angularis 195591 CR
Sinployea godeffroyana 195592 VU
Sinployea inermis 195593 VU
Sinployea monstrosa 195594 VU
Sinployea lauenis 195596 VU
Sinployea navutuenis 195597 CR
Sinployea princei 195598 EN
Sinployea recursa 195599 VU
Sinployea rotumana 195600 EN
Thaumatodon corrugata 195601 CR
Thaumatodon laddi 195602 VU
Thaumatodon spirrhymatum 195603 CR
Thaumatodon subdaedalea 195604 EN
Trochomorpha abrochroa 195605 VU
Trochomorpha accurata 195606 VU
Trochomorpha albostriata 195607 EN
Trochomorpha corallina 195608 NT
Trochomorpha fessonia 195610 NT
Trochomorpha kambarae 195611 CR
Trochomorpha latimarginata 195613 DD
Trochomorpha luedersi 195614 NT
Trochomorpha moalensis 195616 CR
Trochomorpha planoconus 195617 CR
Trochomorpha tavinniensis 195618 EN
Trochomorpha transarata 195619 EN
Trochomorpha tumulus 195620 DD
Trochomorpha tuvuthae 195621 CR
Vatusila kondoi 195623 CR
Vatusila nayauana 195624 CR
Zyzzyxdonta alata 195626 VU
Thiara terpsichore 189572 DD
Neritodryas subsulcata 189582 DD
Succinea rotumana 177716 CR
Placostylus koroensis 177775 CR
Conus flavus 192266 LC
Conus australis 192291 LC
Conus memiae 192299 LC
Assiminea nitida 15208241 LC
Conus gigasulcatus 192371 LC
Conus joliveti 192496 DD
Conus proximus 192510 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)