Liste de INSECTA en Inde
Ceci est une liste de INSECTA dans Inde conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.
Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
nom scientifique | nom commun | taxonid | catégorie |
Euploea andamanensis | 8346 | VU | |
Euploea scherzeri | 8347 | VU | |
Pheidole lanuginosa | 16902 | VU | |
Pheidole parasitica | 16904 | VU | |
Circocephalus indica | 107430682 | LC | |
Graphium epaminondas | 9471 | VU | |
Haematopinus oliveri | 9621 | CR | |
Lestes elatus | 190840 | LC | |
Megalestes kurahashii | 190859 | LC | |
Idea malabarica | 10783 | LR/nt | |
Burmagomphus cauvericus | 175150 | DD | |
Melanoneura bilineata | 175151 | NT | |
Elattoneura souteri | 175152 | DD | |
Macromia indica | 175153 | DD | |
Agriocnemis keralensis | 175154 | LC | |
Euphaea dispar | 175155 | LC | |
Chlorogomphus xanthoptera | 175156 | VU | |
Protosticta hearseyi | 175157 | DD | |
Heliogomphus promelas | 175158 | NT | |
Macromia annaimallaiensis | 175159 | LC | |
Macromia ellisoni | 175160 | LC | |
Merogomphus longistigma | 175161 | DD | |
Idionyx galeata | 175163 | EN | |
Esme longistyla | 175164 | LC | |
Gomphidia t-nigrum | 175165 | LC | |
Protosticta gravelyi | 175162 | LC | |
Heliogomphus kalarensis | 175167 | DD | |
Idionyx nilgiriensis | 175168 | DD | |
Euphaea fraseri | 175169 | LC | |
Esme mudiensis | 175170 | DD | |
Idionyx corona | 175171 | DD | |
Protosticta davenporti | 175172 | LC | |
Microgomphus souteri | 175173 | LC | |
Macrogomphus wynaadicus | 175174 | DD | |
Indolestes pulcherrimus | 175175 | DD | |
Caconeura t-coerulea | 175176 | DD | |
Caconeura gomphoides | 175177 | DD | |
Epithemis mariae | 175179 | LC | |
Idionyx nadganiensis | 175180 | DD | |
Elattoneura nigerrima | 175181 | DD | |
Asiagomphus nilgiricus | 175182 | DD | |
Elattoneura tetrica | 175183 | LC | |
Macromidia donaldi | 175184 | LC | |
Burmagomphus laidlawi | 175185 | DD | |
Macromia ida | 175187 | LC | |
Idionyx rhinoceroides | 175189 | LC | |
Macromia bellicosa | 175190 | LC | |
Macromia irata | 175191 | LC | |
Megalogomphus hannyngtoni | 175188 | NT | |
Idionyx periyashola | 175193 | DD | |
Euphaea cardinalis | 175194 | LC | |
Acrogomphus fraseri | 175195 | DD | |
Esme cyaneovittata | 175196 | DD | |
Gomphidia fletcheri | 175197 | DD | |
Chlorogomphus campioni | 175199 | LC | |
Platysticta deccanensis | 175200 | VU | |
Phylloneura westermanni | 175201 | NT | |
Disparoneura apicalis | 175203 | VU | |
Protosticta antelopoides | 175202 | DD | |
Protosticta rufostigma | 175198 | DD | |
Onychogomphus malabarensis | 175319 | DD | |
Rhoptromyrmex mayri | 19692 | VU | |
Burmagomphus sivalikensis | 3338 | LC | |
Protosticta himalaica | 167256 | DD | |
Amphiallagma parvum | 167258 | LC | |
Anisogomphus orites | 167259 | DD | |
Amphithemis vacillans | 167260 | DD | |
Platylestes platystylus | 167261 | LC | |
Ictinogomphus angulosus | 167262 | LC | |
Calicnemia imitans | 167263 | LC | |
Bayadera longicauda | 167264 | DD | |
Aciagrion occidentale | 167267 | LC | |
Macromia flavovittata | 167272 | DD | |
Elattoneura campioni | 167277 | DD | |
Bradinopyga geminata | 167279 | LC | |
Sympetrum orientale | 167278 | DD | |
Cephalaeschna orbifrons | 167283 | LC | |
Davidius aberrans | 167282 | LC | |
Drepanosticta polychromatica | 167285 | DD | |
Perissogomphus stevensi | 167289 | LC | |
Indothemis limbata | 167291 | LC | |
Rhinocypha vitrinella | 167292 | DD | |
Megalogomphus smithii | 167294 | DD | |
Gynacantha odoneli | 167296 | DD | |
Pseudagrion hypermelas | 167295 | LC | |
Pseudagrion malabaricum | 167297 | LC | |
Coenagrion exclamationis | 167303 | DD | |
Pseudotramea prateri | 167304 | DD | |
Idionyx stevensi | 167305 | LC | |
Gynacantha albistyla | 167310 | DD | |
Coeliccia renifera | 167311 | LC | |
Phaenandrogomphus aureus | 167313 | DD | |
Pseudagrion laidlawi | 167314 | LC | |
Periaeschna nocturnalis | 167315 | LC | |
Agriocnemis splendidissima | 167316 | LC | |
Megalestes irma | 167317 | DD | |
Davidius malloryi | 167321 | DD | |
Lestes dorothea | 167323 | LC | |
Macromia flavicincta | 167322 | DD | |
Agriocnemis pieris | 167325 | LC | |
Platygomphus dolabratus | 167335 | LC | |
Indolestes indicus | 167336 | NT | |
Coeliccia bimaculata | 167345 | LC | |
Anormogomphus heteropterus | 167346 | LC | |
Aciagrion approximans | 167347 | LC | |
Cephalaeschna masoni | 167348 | DD | |
Pseudocopera superplatypes | 167351 | DD | |
Calicnemia miniata | 167356 | LC | |
Gynacantha biharica | 167362 | DD | |
Burmagomphus hasimaricus | 167364 | DD | |
Lestes nigriceps | 167366 | DD | |
Cordulegaster brevistigma | 167367 | LC | |
Anisogomphus bivittatus | 167373 | LC | |
Coeliccia vacca | 167376 | DD | |
Petaliaeschna fletcheri | 167377 | DD | |
Aristocypha immaculata | 167381 | LC | |
Paragomphus lindgreni | 167386 | DD | |
Lestes thoracicus | 167388 | LC | |
Macromia pallida | 167390 | DD | |
Gynacantha rammohani | 167391 | DD | |
Gynacantha khasiaca | 167396 | DD | |
Calicnemia pulverulans | 167398 | LC | |
Echo margarita | 167399 | LC | |
Dubitogomphus bidentatus | 167400 | DD | |
Agriocnemis dabreui | 167463 | LC | |
Troides minos | 91188957 | LC | |
Cephalaeschna acutifrons | 4134 | DD | |
Aristocypha trifasciata | 168208 | LC | |
Onychogomphus nilgiriensis | 175178 | LC | |
Protosticta sanguinostigma | 175192 | VU | |
Nicephora subulata | 107967559 | VU | |
Chlorogomphus mortoni | 169094 | DD | |
Periaeschna lebasi | 169095 | DD | |
Gynacantha bainbriggei | 169096 | DD | |
Coeliccia dorothea | 169097 | DD | |
Hemicordulia asiatica | 169098 | LC | |
Coeliccia fraseri | 169099 | VU | |
Macromia cupricincta | 169102 | LC | |
Anax indicus | 169103 | LC | |
Coeliccia rossi | 169104 | DD | |
Protosticta fraseri | 169101 | DD | |
Anisopleura vallei | 169107 | DD | |
Somatochlora daviesi | 169100 | DD | |
Disparoneura quadrimaculata | 169109 | LC | |
Macromia cingulata | 169112 | LC | |
Anaciaeschna donaldi | 169114 | LC | |
Hylaeothemis gardeneri | 169116 | DD | |
Idionyx intricata | 169118 | LC | |
Davidioides martini | 169121 | DD | |
Chlorogomphus schmidti | 169122 | DD | |
Agriocnemis corbeti | 169124 | DD | |
Heliogomphus selysi | 169126 | LC | |
Gynacantha rotundata | 169127 | DD | |
Cephalaeschna viridifrons | 169130 | LC | |
Watanabeopetalia atkinsoni | 169128 | LC | |
Indolestes gracilis | 169134 | LC | |
Coeliccia loogali | 169137 | LC | |
Calicnemia doonensis | 169140 | LC | |
Burmagomphus pyramidalis | 169143 | LC | |
Anisogomphus caudalis | 169145 | DD | |
Idionyx imbricata | 169149 | DD | |
Aciagrion azureum | 169150 | LC | |
Gomphidia leonorae | 169152 | DD | |
Sympetrum himalayanum | 169153 | DD | |
Heliocypha bisignata | 169154 | LC | |
Calicnemia sudhaae | 169156 | DD | |
Davidius kumaonensis | 169159 | DD | |
Aristocypha hilaryae | 169165 | DD | |
Himalagrion pithoragarhicus | 169166 | DD | |
Gynacantha dravida | 169173 | DD | |
Epophthalmia frontalis | 169181 | LC | |
Heliogomphus spirillus | 169180 | DD | |
Agrionoptera dorothea | 169187 | DD | |
Onychogomphus meghalayanus | 169188 | DD | |
Onychogomphus risi | 169186 | DD | |
Drepanosticta annandalei | 122885517 | DD | |
Monomorium effractor | 13716 | VU | |
Modicogryllus angustulus | 107435484 | DD | |
Myrmica ereptrix | 14230 | VU | |
Onthophagus cavia | 137201 | DD | |
Onthophagus sikkimensis | 137469 | DD | |
Onthophagus planifrons | 137482 | DD | |
Onthophagus nefarius | 137504 | DD | |
Onthophagus caesariatus | 137530 | DD | |
Onthophagus nagpurensis | 137792 | DD | |
Onthophagus hemipygus | 137847 | DD | |
Rhinocypha trimaculata | 169093 | DD | |
Megalogomphus bicornutus | 169115 | DD | |
Onthophagus kanarensis | 138191 | DD | |
Onthophagus amphioxus | 138197 | DD | |
Onthophagus beesoni | 138384 | DD | |
Protosticta damacornu | 123526401 | DD | |
Protosticta monticola | 123526749 | DD | |
Protosticta ponmudiensis | 123526805 | DD | |
Epiophlebia laidlawi | 7896 | NT | |
Caconeura risi | 163585 | DD | |
Chlorogomphus fraseri | 163586 | DD | |
Microgomphus torquatus | 163584 | DD | |
Microgomphus verticalis | 163595 | DD | |
Caconeura ramburi | 163596 | DD | |
Sarasaeschna decorata | 163599 | DD | |
Calocypha laidlawi | 163604 | DD | |
Parantica nilgiriensis | 16151 | LR/nt | |
Neallogaster ornata | 163614 | NT | |
Onychogomphus schmidti | 163611 | LC | |
Bayadera hyalina | 163617 | VU | |
Ictinogomphus kishori | 163627 | DD | |
Orolestes durga | 163628 | DD | |
Lestes garoensis | 163629 | DD | |
Amphithemis curvistyla | 163630 | LC | |
Idionyx minima | 163633 | DD | |
Lestes umbrinus | 163634 | DD | |
Periaeschna unifasciata | 163636 | DD | |
Libellago andamanensis | 163640 | VU | |
Burmargiolestes laidlawi | 163641 | DD | |
Gynacanthaeschna sikkima | 163642 | LC | |
Onychogomphus striatus | 163644 | DD | |
Onychogomphus acinaces | 163645 | DD | |
Anisopleura subplatystyla | 163646 | LC | |
Nihonogomphus indicus | 163649 | DD | |
Idionyx travancorensis | 163653 | DD | |
Cyclogomphus heterostylus | 163656 | DD | |
Libellago balus | 163660 | EN | |
Vestalis gracilis | 163667 | LC | |
Lyriothemis bivittata | 163668 | LC | |
Ictinogomphus distinctus | 163672 | DD | |
Merogomphus martini | 163673 | NT | |
Indothemis carnatica | 163674 | LC | |
Pseudagrion indicum | 163676 | DD | |
Macrogomphus seductus | 163679 | DD | |
Sarasaeschna speciosa | 163684 | DD | |
Elattoneura atkinsoni | 163686 | NT | |
Chlorogomphus preciosus | 163687 | DD | |
Cyclogomphus wilkinsi | 163689 | DD | |
Megalogomphus superbus | 163693 | DD | |
Onychogomphus saundersii | 163696 | DD | |
Hylaeothemis indica | 163699 | DD | |
Gomphidia williamsoni | 163700 | DD | |
Anotogaster basalis | 163704 | DD | |
Megalestes raychoudhurii | 163706 | DD | |
Sarasaeschna khasiana | 163708 | DD | |
Chloropetalia selysi | 163712 | VU | |
Gynacantha arnaudi | 163714 | DD | |
Coeliccia rotundata | 163715 | DD | |
Coeliccia pracritii | 163718 | DD | |
Schmidtiphaea schmidi | 163722 | DD | |
Coeliccia sarbottama | 163723 | DD | |
Ceriagrion coromandelianum | 163724 | LC | |
Paragomphus echinoccipitalis | 163725 | DD | |
Idionyx optata | 163726 | NT | |
Asiagomphus odoneli | 188307 | DD | |
Coeliccia schmidti | 163731 | DD | |
Calicnemia mukherjeei | 163733 | DD | |
Dysphaea ethela | 163734 | LC | |
Idionyx saffronata | 163732 | DD | |
Nepogomphus modestus | 188310 | LC | |
Scalmogomphus bistrigatus | 188309 | LC | |
Vestalis apicalis | 163741 | LC | |
Megalogomphus flavicolor | 163744 | DD | |
Onychogomphus cacharicus | 163746 | DD | |
Asiagomphus personatus | 163759 | NT | |
Anisopleura lieftincki | 163761 | DD | |
Philoganga montana | 163764 | LC | |
Anisopleura lestoides | 163775 | LC | |
Mortonagrion varralli | 163778 | DD | |
Gomphidia kodaguensis | 163781 | DD | |
Megalestes lieftincki | 163782 | DD | |
Bayadera kali | 163788 | DD | |
Indolestes assamicus | 163795 | DD | |
Davidius zallorensis | 163797 | DD | |
Coeliccia didyma | 163801 | LC | |
Macrogomphus annulatus | 163810 | DD | |
Sarasaeschna martini | 163812 | DD | |
Elattoneura nihari | 163817 | DD | |
Planaeschna intersedens | 163819 | NT | |
Onychogomphus grammicus | 163822 | DD |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: