Liste de MALACOSTRACA en Malaisie

Ceci est une liste de MALACOSTRACA dans Malaisie conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Caridina bakoensis 197599 LC
Macrobrachium gua 197807 DD
Macrobrachium rhodochir 197869 LC
Macrobrachium oxyphilus 197880 CR
Macrobrachium sabanus 197960 LC
Alpheus cyanoteles 198136 EN
Macrobrachium forcipatum 198208 LC
Macrobrachium ahkowi 198266 LC
Macrobrachium platycheles 198283 LC
Stoliczia goal 133955 VU
Arachnothelphusa terrapes 133956 LC
Isolapotamon borneensis 133961 DD
Stoliczia bella 133970 VU
Thelphusula hulu 133976 LC
Heterothelphusa fatum 133977 VU
Isolapotamon anomalum 133987 LC
Johora thoi 133992 VU
Isolapotamon kinabaluense 134015 LC
Johora intermedia 134040 LC
Stygothelphusa nobilii 134054 DD
Johora gapensis 134067 VU
Ibanum pilimanus 134089 EN
Perithelphusa buettikoferi 134114 DD
Thelphusula sabana 134118 LC
Isolapotamon bauense 134148 VU
Johora aipooae 134156 DD
Isolapotamon doriae 134167 DD
Terrathelphusa kuchingensis 134199 EN
Stoliczia stoliczkana 134214 LC
Coccusa cristicervix 134235 EN
Siamthelphusa improvisa 134266 LC
Isolapotamon grusophallus 134279 DD
Sayamia sexpunctata 134317 LC
Stoliczia pahangensis 134326 VU
Cerberusa caeca 134335 LC
Phricotelphusa amnicola 134344 LC
Stoliczia rafflesi 134346 LC
Stoliczia perlensis 134361 VU
Isolapotamon stuebingi 134367 DD
Parathelphusa nagasakti 134392 EN
Lepidothelphusa cognetti 134450 EN
Stoliczia leoi 134452 VU
Parathelphusa ovum 134458 VU
Perithelphusa lehi 134466 LC
Terrathelphusa ovis 134476 LC
Johora punicea 134500 EN
Sundathelphusa aspera 134506 LC
Cerberusa tipula 134516 LC
Thelphusula tawauensis 134517 LC
Thelphusula styx 134563 LC
Thelphusula dicerophilus 134571 LC
Terrathelphusa loxophthalma 134576 LC
Ibanum bicristatum 134580 DD
Heterothelphusa insolita 134581 LC
Johora murphyi 134583 LC
Arachnothelphusa rhadamanthysi 134592 LC
Isolapotamon ingeri 134593 LC
Phricotelphusa gracilipes 134613 EN
Thelphusula granosa 134689 LC
Stoliczia cognata 134708 VU
Parathelphusa oxygona 134725 LC
Parathelphusa shelfordi 134729 DD
Stoliczia changmanae 134750 VU
Stoliczia chaseni 134763 EN
Stygothelphusa bidiensis 134767 VU
Stoliczia tweedei 134786 VU
Thelphusula luidana 134802 LC
Johora tiomanensis 134829 NT
Parathelphusa malaysiana 134852 LC
Johora grallator 134854 LC
Phricotelphusa hockpingi 134861 CR
Parathelphusa valida 134866 LC
Demanietta renongensis 134867 LC
Stoliczia karenae 134870 VU
Parathelphusa sarawakensis 134878 DD
Irmengardia pilosimana 134908 LC
Johora johorensis 134917 VU
Johora counsilmani 134926 VU
Stoliczia kedahensis 134930 VU
Stoliczia panhai 134953 VU
Salangathelphusa brevicarinata 134956 LC
Geithusa pulchra 134974 EN
Bakousa sarawakensis 134978 LC
Ibanum aethes 135005 LC
Geithusa lentiginosa 135019 LC
Johora hoiseni 135053 LC
Johora tahanensis 135061 LC
Isolapotamon griswoldi 135083 LC
Johora gua 135123 LC
Arachnothelphusa kadamaiana 135125 LC
Irmengardia didacta 134643 EN


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)