Liste de NT en Malaisie

Ceci est une liste de NT dans Malaisie conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Podocarpus brevifolius 32805 NT
Myophonus robinsoni 22708313 NT
Zoothera everetti 22708378 NT
Megophrys longipes 57642 NT
Cyrtodactylus semenanjungensis 101949760 NT
Areca abdulrahmanii 44392816 NT
Glyphoglossus smithi 57726 NT
Cnemaspis hangus 99942903 NT
Hemiphyllodactylus harterti 101950071 NT
Robertsiella kaporensis 189101 NT
Rasbora calliura 91071333 NT
Cnemaspis perhentianensis 99943444 NT
Gastromyzon aequabilis 91169833 NT
Cnemaspis pseudomcguirei 99943474 NT
Stictophaula coco 107971685 NT
Gastromyzon auronigrus 91169906 NT
Gastromyzon borneensis 91169943 NT
Pulchrana banjarana 58556 NT
Gastromyzon cornusaccus 91170002 NT
Geostachys densiflora 117327150 NT
Philautus disgregus 58836 NT
Gastromyzon extrorsus 91170338 NT
Gastromyzon ingeri 91170494 NT
Hipposideros lekaguli 10144 NT
Pelophryne saravacensis 42862554 NT
Bauhinia merrilliana 19892287 NT
Telosticta fugispinosa 123529311 NT
Telosticta janeus 123529398 NT
Ichthyophis biangularis 59612 NT
Paphiopedilum philippinense 43321691 NT
Telosticta serapi 123529597 NT
Pseudogobiopsis festiva 91081087 NT
Gastromyzon ocellatus 91171369 NT
Cyrtodactylus tiomanensis 102648407 NT
Pentace curtisii 61786720 NT
Gastromyzon pariclavis 91171436 NT
Bronchocela shenlong 99928871 NT
Gastromyzon spectabilis 91171673 NT
Ansonia latiffi 158636 NT
Plectostoma christae 58600482 NT
Parias malcolmi 191978 NT
Endiandra wrayi 36358 NT
Larutia seribuatensis 102346303 NT
Larutia trifasciata 102346315 NT
Zingiber puberulum 117468832 NT
Johora tiomanensis 134829 NT
Cyrtodactylus bintangtinggi 54587109 NT
Hypergastromyzon eubranchus 91172808 NT
Etlingera otiolophos 117321980 NT
Microhierax latifrons 22696330 NT
Glyphoglossus minutus 61846 NT
Chimarrogale hantu 4647 NT
Neogastromyzon pauciradiatus 91173504 NT
Ansonia endauensis 135905 NT
Otus mantananensis 22688656 NT
Sundadanio margarition 91075715 NT
Rhinolophus robinsoni 136496 NT
Drepanosticta quadrata 123524437 NT
Malayodracon robinsonii 99931505 NT
Impatiens mirabilis 202191 NT
Protomyzon borneensis 169556 NT
Bornargiolestes reelsi 125769523 NT
Myotis macrotarsus 14178 NT
Tytthoscincus bukitensis 102349485 NT
Hopea sulcata 31429 NT
Shorea ciliata 31432 NT
Shorea maxima 31436 NT
Shorea submontana 31437 NT
Vatica cuspidata 31439 NT
Vatica heteroptera 31441 NT
Presbytis femoralis ssp. robinsoni 39806 NT
Polyspora taipingensis 31628 NT
Presbytis siamensis ssp. siamensis 39821 NT
Tytthoscincus temengorensis 102349735 NT
Etlingera sayapensis 117324798 NT
Glyphoglossus capsus 78584984 NT
Shorea sagittata 31928 NT
Palaquium herveyi 129334550 NT
Dracaena curtisii 22486309 NT
Philautus juliandringi 79101554 NT
Dacrydium gracile 40742 NT
Pinanga subruminata 44392230 NT
Euphaea basalis 163637 NT
Zingiber griffithii 117456753 NT
Erythropitta ussheri 22732662 NT
Archibasis rebeccae 163720 NT
Heliogomphus kelantanensis 163740 NT
Bulbophyllum breviflorum 44392378 NT
Vestalis anacolosa 163804 NT
Acrogomphus malayanus 163808 NT
Rhinagrion elopurae 163809 NT


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)