Liste de ANTHOZOA en Samoa américaines

Ceci est une liste de ANTHOZOA dans Samoa américaines conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Acropora latistella 133120 LC
Acropora aspera 133132 VU
Symphyllia valenciennesii 133127 LC
Astreopora scabra 133137 LC
Isopora palifera 133139 NT
Leptoseris yabei 133147 VU
Ctenactis echinata 133148 LC
Turbinaria frondens 133146 LC
Alveopora verrilliana 133156 VU
Scolymia vitiensis 133157 NT
Podabacia crustacea 133158 LC
Acropora retusa 133115 VU
Acropora austera 133160 NT
Halomitra pileus 133166 LC
Plerogyra simplex 133116 NT
Pavona gigantea 133168 LC
Montipora lobulata 133117 VU
Coscinaraea exesa 133176 LC
Montastrea annuligera 133178 NT
Fungia granulosa 133183 LC
Montipora calcarea 133185 VU
Montipora floweri 133186 LC
Porites arnaudi 133187 LC
Montipora incrassata 133196 NT
Goniopora fruticosa 133198 LC
Oulophyllia crispa 133200 NT
Fungia scutaria 133201 LC
Lithophyllon undulatum 133213 NT
Astreopora eliptica 133214 DD
Fungia tenuis 133215 LC
Montipora caliculata 133220 VU
Acropora donei 133223 VU
Diploastrea heliopora 133231 NT
Fungia vaughani 133230 LC
Montipora hispida 133238 LC
Pavona clavus 133240 LC
Favites flexuosa 133244 NT
Acropora robusta 133248 LC
Acropora digitifera 133250 NT
Acropora tortuosa 133252 LC
Plerogyra sinuosa 133258 NT
Porites annae 133262 NT
Acropora nobilis 133266 LC
Astreopora listeri 133267 LC
Acropora sarmentosa 133271 LC
Acropora inermis 133273 DD
Porites australiensis 133277 LC
Leptastrea pruinosa 133278 LC
Acropora lokani 133294 VU
Montipora turgescens 133298 LC
Fungia sinensis 133299 LC
Astreopora gracilis 133302 LC
Acropora lutkeni 133303 NT
Fungia scruposa 133308 LC
Acropora cytherea 133313 LC
Acropora dendrum 133322 VU
Acropora gemmifera 133324 LC
Cyphastrea chalcidicum 133325 LC
Alveopora allingi 133332 VU
Oulophyllia bennettae 133333 NT
Acropora speciosa 133338 VU
Merulina ampliata 133337 LC
Favites russelli 133343 NT
Galaxea astreata 133354 VU
Acropora microclados 133359 VU
Pavona bipartita 133360 VU
Goniastrea edwardsi 133365 LC
Stylaraea punctata 133364 DD
Polyphyllia novaehiberniae 133372 NT
Acanthastrea ishigakiensis 133376 VU
Acropora globiceps 133387 VU
Pocillopora setichelli 133388 LC
Seriatopora hystrix 133390 LC
Acropora teres 133393 DD
Pocillopora eydouxi 133407 NT
Turbinaria stellulata 133403 VU
Pachyseris speciosa 133410 LC
Goniastrea pectinata 133414 LC
Caulastrea furcata 133417 LC
Fungia concinna 133418 LC
Fungia horrida 133423 LC
Lobophyllia hemprichii 133419 LC
Montipora grisea 133420 LC
Fungia moluccensis 133437 LC
Montipora foveolata 133438 NT
Platygyra pini 133440 LC
Montipora australiensis 133443 VU
Goniastrea aspera 133452 LC
Montipora danae 133451 LC
Pachyseris rugosa 133453 VU
Acropora aculeus 133463 VU
Isopora crateriformis 133472 VU
Scapophyllia cylindrica 133473 LC
Acropora pagoensis 133475 DD
Acropora hyacinthus 133479 NT
Acropora chesterfieldensis 133481 LC
Alveopora spongiosa 133482 NT
Astreopora randalli 133485 LC
Porites horizontalata 133486 VU
Porites rus 133492 LC
Platygyra ryukyuensis 133493 NT
Galaxea horrescens 133495 LC
Porites cylindrica 133496 NT
Caulastrea echinulata 133497 VU
Fungia fungites 133503 NT
Acropora palmerae 133531 VU
Acropora verweyi 133532 VU
Herpolitha limax 133538 LC
Leptoseris incrustans 133539 VU
Porites latistella 133546 LC
Stylocoeniella armata 133548 LC
Acropora glauca 133550 NT
Lobophyllia corymbosa 133551 LC
Montipora spumosa 133556 LC
Acanthastrea brevis 133557 VU
Mycedium elephantotus 133559 LC
Goniastrea palauensis 133560 NT
Acropora cerealis 133576 LC
Oxypora crassispinosa 133582 LC
Sandalolitha dentata 133587 LC
Euphyllia cristata 133588 VU
Psammocora explanulata 133589 LC
Favia stelligera 133593 NT
Goniopora minor 133607 NT
Symphyllia recta 133606 LC
Goniopora stutchburyi 133615 LC
Acropora jacquelineae 133617 VU
Favia matthaii 133616 NT
Montipora capitata 133622 NT
Acropora schmitti 133626 DD
Montipora vaughani 133632 DD
Goniastrea retiformis 133634 LC
Leptoseris gardineri 133636 LC
Porites monticulosa 133640 LC
Acanthastrea hemprichii 133642 VU
Acropora polystoma 133647 VU
Acropora abrotanoides 133649 LC
Isopora cuneata 133660 VU
Fungia paumotensis 133673 LC
Acropora subulata 133682 LC
Acropora nana 133698 NT
Montipora hoffmeisteri 133700 LC
Pavona minuta 132904 NT
Pavona maldivensis 132911 LC
Turbinaria irregularis 132916 LC
Pocillopora woodjonesi 132923 LC
Montipora nodosa 132944 NT
Acropora cophodactyla 132862 DD
Acropora prostrata 132863 DD
Fungia costulata 132864 LC
Montipora angulata 132866 VU
Hydnophora rigida 132881 LC
Goniastrea australensis 132883 LC
Leptoseris explanata 132887 LC
Acropora secale 132888 NT
Leptoseris hawaiiensis 132885 LC
Echinomorpha nishihirai 132907 NT
Acropora rudis 132913 EN
Montastrea curta 132922 LC
Acanthastrea subechinata 132929 NT
Pachyseris gemmae 132924 NT
Acropora carduus 132933 NT
Acropora acuminata 132940 VU
Echinophyllia echinoporoides 132947 LC
Acropora granulosa 132948 NT
Pocillopora capitata 132958 LC
Acropora rambleri 132966 DD
Acropora listeri 132969 VU
Acropora paniculata 132972 VU
Acropora loripes 132976 NT
Montastrea magnistellata 132978 NT
Leptastrea bottae 132983 NT
Fungia repanda 132986 LC
Acropora longicyathus 132988 LC
Acropora humilis 132992 NT
Acropora samoensis 132998 LC
Leptastrea bewickensis 133003 NT
Acropora elseyi 133010 LC
Acropora grandis 133013 LC
Montipora millepora 133015 LC
Porites vaughani 133016 LC
Acropora microphthalma 133021 LC
Porites lichen 133023 LC
Merulina scabricula 133024 LC
Acropora vaughani 133025 VU
Montipora effusa 133031 NT
Acropora pulchra 133033 LC
Acropora insignis 133035 DD
Porites nigrescens 133038 VU
Psammocora digitata 133043 NT
Pocillopora ligulata 133045 LC
Astreopora suggesta 133048 LC
Euphyllia paradivisa 133057 VU
Echinophyllia echinata 133058 LC
Goniastrea favulus 133060 NT
Montipora informis 133066 LC
Astreopora cucullata 133069 VU
Montastrea colemani 133070 NT
Lobophyllia robusta 133076 LC
Barabattoia amicorum 133084 LC
Leptoseris scabra 133091 LC
Psammocora nierstraszi 133094 LC
Pocillopora meandrina 133095 LC
Pocillopora elegans 133099 VU
Goniastrea minuta 133101 NT
Porites murrayensis 133105 NT
Ctenactis crassa 133110 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)