Liste de INSECTA en Tanzanie

Ceci est une liste de INSECTA dans Tanzanie conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Onitis tanzaniensis 21751814 DD
Phaeocatantops uluguruense 19673116 NT
Physocrobylus tessa 19673127 CR
Unalia fitzgeraldi 19673317 DD
Eurycorypha meruensis 20656365 LC
Phymeurus kisuluensis 116115039 EN
Stenocypha hasta 59847 EN
Rhainopomma wapugu 19674059 EN
Micromacromia miraculosa 59916 CR
Charaxes grahamei 160275 LC
Onychogomphus pilosus 59944 DD
Clypeodrepanus striatus 137779 VU
Copris serius 137785 DD
Euschmidtia bidens 19673674 CR
Euschmidtia burtti 19673677 CR
Euschmidtia dirshi 19673680 CR
Euschmidtia sansibarica 19673689 LC
Euschmidtia tangana 19673701 EN
Euschmidtia uvarovi 19673704 CR
Platycypha auripes 60004 EN
Mylothris talboti 160393 LC
Allogymnopleurus histrio 137907 DD
Euschmidtia viridifasciata 19673831 CR
Euschmidtia fitzgeraldi 19673834 EN
Euschmidtia phippsi 19673837 CR
Telipna kigoma 160502 DD
Baliochila lequeuxi 160532 NT
Usambilla leptophrygana 19674008 LC
Proplatycnemis pembipes 60002 CR
Chromomastax jagoi 19673919 EN
Chromomastax movogovodia 19673922 CR
Mecostibus burtti 19673945 EN
Mecostibus leprosus 19673948 VU
Mecostibus sublaevis 19673954 NT
Dnopherula richardsi 107430757 LC
Mecostiboides physalus 19673959 EN
Usambilla affinis 19673972 NT
Usambilla haematogramma 19674002 VU
Usambilla hanangensis 19674005 NT
Usambilla chlorophrygana 19673993 VU
Chromousambilla burtti 19674013 CR
Chromousambilla latistriata 19674016 LC
Chromousambilla robertsoni 19674019 NT
Chromousambilla veseyi 19674022 LC
Afroanthracites usambaricus 63761320 VU
Altiusambilla modicicrus 19674027 LC
Rhainopomma magnificum 19674038 NT
Rhainopomma nguruense 19674044 NT
Rhainopomma pseudomontanum 19674050 LC
Afroanthracites viridis 63761348 NT
Acrophymus veseyi 116114382 LC
Amanipodagrion gilliesi 984 CR
Gyronotus dispar 138227 NT
Physophorina miranda 100946964 EN
Proagoderus uluguru 138359 EN
Rhainopomma uguenoensis 19674053 NT
Acanthoxia aculeus 19672351 EN
Acrida bara 19672360 DD
Acridoderes uvarovi 19672365 VU
Pneumora inanis 100947261 NT
Aerotegmina megaloptera 63761735 CR
Aerotegmina shengenae 63761740 NT
Acteana alazonica 19672398 EN
Afrophlaeoba euthynota 19672414 EN
Afrophlaeoba longicornis 19672423 EN
Afrophlaeoba nguru 19672427 EN
Afrophlaeoba usambarica 19672430 VU
Allaga ambigua 19672436 CR
Anischnansis burtti 19672459 CR
Aresceutica morogorica 19672464 EN
Aulacobothrus popovi 19672472 VU
Burttia sylvatica 19672480 CR
Pseudagrion tanganyicum 84381119 LC
Afrophisis flagellata 63761860 NT
Afrophisis mazumbaiensis 63761899 NT
Cardeniopsis regalis 19672561 VU
Catantops tanganus 19672577 LC
Acrotylus apicalis 15431203 VU
Chromochokwea fitzgeraldi 19672611 VU
Coryphosima cytidonota 19672625 DD
Cyphocerastis uluguruensis 19672630 CR
Eupropacris abbreviata 19672635 CR
Eupropacris pompalis 19672638 EN
Eupropacris uniformis 19672641 VU
Eyprepocnemis burtti 19672644 DD
Eyprepocnemis reducta 19672647 DD
Gymnobothrus oberthuri 19672659 DD
Gymnobothrus roemeri 19672662 DD
Afrophisis pseudoflagellata 63762011 EN
Afrophisis tanzanica 63762015 NT
Hadrolecocatantops uvinza 19672673 EN
Heteracris coerulipes 19672676 LC
Heteracris trimaculata 19672679 VU
Ixalidium transiens 19672693 VU
Papilio sjoestedti 16006 LR/nt
Odontomelus brachypterus 19672749 LC
Odontomelus mahali 19672752 LC
Odontomelus micropterus 19672755 DD
Odontomelus nguruense 19672759 LC
Odontomelus pareense 19672762 DD
Acanthothericles bicoloripes 19674914 CR
Parepistaurus hanangensis 19672912 VU
Parepistaurus intermedius 19672928 VU
Parepistaurus jagoi 19672931 LC
Parepistaurus johnseni 19672934 LC
Parepistaurus lindneri 19672946 EN
Parepistaurus lobicercus 19672949 LC
Parepistaurus pugui 19672953 EN
Parepistaurus pygmaeus 19672978 NT
Parepistaurus robertsoni 19673006 NT
Parepistaurus uguenoensis 19673009 NT
Parepistaurus zanzibaricus 19673045 LC
Parodontomelus brachypterus 19673058 VU
Parodontomelus luci 19673061 NT
Parodontomelus mazumbaiensis 19673064 VU
Parodontomelus stoltzei 19673068 VU
Parodontomelus verticulus 19673071 EN
Phymeurus fitzgeraldi 19673078 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)