List of CHONDRICHTHYES species in Colômbia

Esta é uma lista de CHONDRICHTHYES em Colômbia de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Pristis pristis Eastern Pacific subpopulation 43508949 CR
Schroederobatis americana 161481 DD
Sphyrna lewini Eastern Central and Southeast Pacific subpopulation 165291 EN
Myliobatis longirostris 60125 NT
Rhinoptera steindachneri 60130 NT
Neoharriotta carri 60141 DD
Hypanus longus 60157 DD
Pseudobatos leucorhynchus 60168 NT
Zapteryx xyster 60178 DD
Chimaera cubana 60183 DD
Mobula munkiana 60198 NT
Mustelus minicanis 60205 DD
Heterodontus mexicanus 60235 DD
Etmopterus carteri 60238 DD
Etmopterus perryi 60240 DD
Etmopterus schultzi 60246 LC
Apristurus parvipinnis 44221 DD
Mustelus dorsalis 44580 DD
Scyliorhinus hesperius 44590 DD
Sphyrna corona 44591 NT
Apristurus riveri 44639 DD
Diplobatis colombiensis 61401 VU
Diplobatis guamachensis 61402 VU
Diplobatis ommata 61403 VU
Squatina david 116880357 NT
Urotrygon rogersi 161335 DD
Rostroraja velezi 161344 DD
Nasolamia velox 161355 DD
Potamotrygon magdalenae 161385 LC
Breviraja nigriventralis 161422 DD
Pseudobatos glaucostigmus 161457 DD
Narcine leoparda 63154 NT
Galeus cadenati 161460 DD
Pseudobatos prahli 63158 DD
Rajella fuliginea 161512 LC
Schroederichthys maculatus 161544 LC
Dactylobatus armatus 161556 DD
Potamotrygon yepezi 161573 DD
Fenestraja plutonia 161642 DD
Rhizoprionodon longurio 161662 DD
Urotrygon aspidura 161689 DD
Rostroraja equatorialis 161694 DD
Narcine entemedor 161716 DD
Urotrygon munda 161730 DD


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)