List of MAGNOLIOPSIDA species in Costa do Marfim

Esta é uma lista de MAGNOLIOPSIDA em Costa do Marfim de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Placodiscus pseudostipularis 34817 EN
Robynsia glabrata 34818 VU
Schumanniophyton problematicum 34819 VU
Trichilia ornithothera 34821 VU
Trichoscypha cavalliensis 34824 VU
Uvariodendron occidentale 34826 VU
Warneckea memecyloides 34828 VU
Dactyladenia dinklagei 34836 VU
Dactyladenia hirsuta 34837 EN
Leocus pobeguinii 142717008 VU
Argocoffeopsis lemblinii 18290783 EX
Justicia guineensis 85719142 NT
Drypetes laciniata 32925 LR/nt
Haplormosia monophylla 32926 VU
Hexalobus salicifolius 32927 EN
Loesenera kalantha 32928 VU
Chidlowia sanguinea 144259233 LC
Nothospondias staudtii 32929 VU
Calpocalyx brevibracteatus 144267453 LC
Rungia eriostachya 85719259 NT
Justicia jamisonii 92459277 EN
Copaifera salikounda 33041 VU
Cordia platythyrsa 33043 VU
Guibourtia ehie 33053 LC
Turraea adjanohounii 32214 VU
Pterygota macrocarpa 33060 VU
Terminalia ivorensis 33062 VU
Stenandrium buntingii 85719335 LC
Tieghemella heckelii 33063 EN
Vitex micrantha 62019878 LC
Lipotriche tithonioides 15368493 EN
Teclea carpopunctifera 32219 VU
Zanthoxylum atchoum 32220 VU
Zanthoxylum psammophilum 32221 EN
Osbeckia porteresii 85743950 EN
Brachystephanus jaundensis subsp. nimbae 45407 VU
Homalium smythei 35180 VU
Coffea stenophylla 18538903 VU
Pauridiantha afzelii 136114583 LC
Phyllanthus bancilhonae 85731741 NT
Indigofera megacephala 116124065 VU
Strephonema pseudocola 136114690 LC
Trichoscypha bijuga 39472 NT
Lepidagathis epacridea 119468655 EN
Aeschynomene deightonii 138095248 NT
Berlinia occidentalis 33464 VU
Cryptosepalum tetraphyllum 33465 VU
Drypetes ivorensis 136112879 LC
Uvariopsis guineensis 85730032 LC
Echinops guineensis 116122417 EN
Pyrenacantha cordicula 45873 EN
Isomacrolobium vignei 136112956 LC
Dorstenia astyanactis 45895 VU
Plagiosiphon emarginatus 144305041 LC
Ceropegia tourana 201648 DD
Aganope leucobotrya 144290743 LC
Dopatrium senegalense 185292 LC
Pauridiantha ziamaeana 138095593 LC
Uvaria afzelii 136109520 LC
Macropodiella heteromorpha 185399 VU
Physacanthus nematosiphon 185409 NT
Ruellia primuloides 185410 LC
Coffea humilis 18537570 NT
Xylopia villosa 136109157 LC
Heritiera utilis 33904 VU
Sericanthe toupetou 33915 EN
Drypetes pellegrinii 33916 VU
Sapium aubrevillei 33917 VU
Placodiscus boya 33919 VU
Droogmansia scaettaiana 85738630 NT
Aspilia lisowskiana 85730519 VU
Pavetta platycalyx 145433826 VU
Bussea occidentalis 144303342 LC
Eriosema spicatum subsp. collinum 81179893 VU
Uvaria sofa 85728510 LC
Gilbertiodendron limba 19891458 NT
Bertiera fimbriata 132416797 LC
Droogmansia chevalieri 85742923 EN
Soyauxia floribunda 136103261 LC
Scytopetalum tieghemii 62020964 LC
Crotalaria mortonii 19891588 LC
Tricalysia faranahensis 132416950 VU
Placodiscus attenuatus 32190 EN
Cola umbratilis 32191 VU
Aubregrinia taiensis 32193 CR
Croton aubrevillei 32194 VU
Gluema ivorensis 32195 VU
Hymenostegia aubrevillei 32196 NT
Tapura ivorensis 32197 VU
Salacia miegei 32205 VU
Hemandradenia chevalieri 32206 EN
Macaranga beillei 32208 VU
Homalium patoklaense 32209 VU
Drypetes singroboensis 32207 VU
Cassia aubrevillei 32210 VU
Cassia fikifiki 32211 EN
Gilbertiodendron robynsianum 32212 VU
Eugenia tabouensis 32215 VU
Cassipourea hiotou 32216 VU
Fagara mezoneurospinosa 32218 EN
Strychnos millepunctata 32213 VU
Synsepalum aubrevillei 32222 VU
Rhaptopetalum beguei 32224 LR/lc
Gymnostemon zaizou 32225 VU
Byttneria ivorensis 32226 EX
Cola attiensis 32227 EN
Cola lorougnonis 32228 CR
Pavetta lasioclada 32230 VU
Premna grandifolia 32229 VU
Synsepalum tsounkpe 32223 EN
Tristemma involucratum 116125164 VU
Garcinia afzelii 34294 VU
Omphalocarpum ahia 116127223 EN
Monopetalanthus compactus 32258 VU
Berlinia confusa 62021125 LC
Karima scarciesii 87754264 NT
Kanahia laniflora 13581896 LC
Synsepalum afzelii 136103497 LC
Millettia zechiana 19891824 LC
Vepris felicis 65064584 CR
Xylia evansii 144285380 LC
Sterculia oblonga 61787857 VU
Carapa procera 61794032 LC
Genlisea barthlottii 88700681 VU
Craterispermum caudatum 136113957 LC
Polyceratocarpus parviflorus 137006909 LC
Amanoa bracteosa 34644 VU
Breviea sericea 34646 LR/nt
Tarenna vignei 136107862 LC
Chrysophyllum azaguieanum 34652 EN
Cola reticulata 34656 VU
Craibia atlantica 34658 VU
Drypetes afzelii 34674 VU
Gilbertiodendron bilineatum 34716 VU
Gilbertiodendron splendidum 34717 VU
Tabernaemontana africana 136107951 LC
Trichoscypha mannii 34782 VU
Anthonotha vignei 34786 VU
Heteradelphia paulojaegeria 85719017 EN
Alafia whytei 200684 VU
Maclaudia felixii 200692 NT
Tarrietia utilis 61788148 LC
Neolemonniera clitandrifolia 34806 VU
Neostenanthera hamata 34807 VU
Lepidagathis pobeguinii 85719034 NT
Pellegriniodendron diphyllum 34812 LR/nt
Piptostigma fugax 34813 VU
Placodiscus bancoensis 34814 VU
Placodiscus bracteosus 34815 VU


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)