List of ACTINOPTERYGII species in Djibuti

Esta é uma lista de ACTINOPTERYGII em Djibuti de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Macropharyngodon bipartitus 187416 LC
Paramonacanthus nematophorus 79802913 DD
Minilabrus striatus 187437 LC
Lepidotrigla multispinosa 114192438 LC
Harpadon erythraeus 123350079 DD
Cheilinus quinquecinctus 187458 LC
Trimma mendelssohni 118355537 LC
Hetereleotris vulgaris 154709 LC
Saurenchelys meteori 155233 LC
Cheilinus abudjubbe 187496 LC
Liopropoma africanum 117007988 LC
Istiblennius flaviumbrinus 48342133 LC
Epinephelus flavocaeruleus 132726 LC
Canthigaster margaritata 193655 LC
Alticus magnusi 48321143 LC
Epinephelus summana 132728 LC
Dermatolepis striolata 44672 LC
Thalassoma rueppellii 187524 LC
Larabicus quadrilineatus 187526 DD
Halichoeres zeylonicus 187534 LC
Amblyglyphidodon flavilatus 188560 LC
Dunckerocampus multiannulatus 65366672 LC
Trimma sheppardi 118355604 LC
Bembras adenensis 114157206 DD
Gymnothorax griseus 195734 LC
Gymnothorax hepaticus 195736 LC
Thysanophrys springeri 114175639 LC
Oxyurichthys petersii 118354076 LC
Gymnothorax johnsoni 195742 LC
Hemigymnus sexfasciatus 187551 DD
Canthigaster pygmaea 193697 LC
Paracheilinus octotaenia 187552 LC
Pervagor randalli 79803041 DD
Amblyglyphidodon indicus 188596 LC
Arothron diadematus 193722 LC
Acanthurus gahhm 154818 LC
Pomadasys punctulatus 123439842 LC
Halichoeres iridis 187589 LC
Pterygotrigla arabica 114192579 LC
Silhouettea aegyptia 154823 LC
Calotomus viridescens 190689 LC
Cetoscarus bicolor 190690 LC
Diaphus pallidus 130282725 DD
Atrosalarias fuscus 48342246 LC
Diplodus noct 170214 LC
Crenidens crenidens 170216 LC
Chaetodon larvatus 165609 LC
Chaetodon leucopleura 165610 LC
Argyrops megalommatus 170219 DD
Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus 170215 DD
Stethojulis albovittata 187632 LC
Chaetodon mesoleucos 165618 LC
Parablennius cyclops 48342258 LC
Synodus randalli 123355378 LC
Anampses lineatus 187639 DD
Chaetodon paucifasciatus 165625 LC
Engyprosopon hureaui 69743867 DD
Chaetodon austriacus 165634 LC
Caesio suevica 20249860 LC
Canthigaster cyanospilota 193799 LC
Ecsenius gravieri 48342285 LC
Coris formosa 187664 LC
Plectorhinchus playfairi 77129484 LC
Encrasicholina macrocephala 98901778 DD
Enneapterygius obscurus 178967 LC
Chlorurus gibbus 190753 LC
Chaetodon semilarvatus 165670 LC
Chlorurus genazonatus 190758 LC
Enneapterygius altipinnis 178987 LC
Plesiops mystaxus 123481390 LC
Scarus caudofasciatus 190766 LC
Silhouettea insinuans 118354732 LC
Pseudochromis sankeyi 154931 LC
Enneapterygius pallidus 189748 LC
Oxymonacanthus halli 79802677 VU
Plectropomus marisrubri 118360372 VU
Pseudanthias taeniatus 117016885 LC
Heniochus intermedius 165691 LC
Istiblennius unicolor 48342337 LC
Alloblennius jugularis 48320326 LC
Chaetodon fasciatus 165705 LC
Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis 187726 LC
Paraluteres arqat 79802705 DD
Oxycheilinus mentalis 187735 LC
Hetereleotris bipunctata 117044060 DD
Istiblennius spilotus 46079840 LC
Siokunichthys bentuviai 65374054 DD
Meiacanthus nigrolineatus 48342376 LC
Sardinella longiceps 154989 LC
Epinephelus geoffroyi 118358912 LC
Siganus stellatus 117007235 LC
Enneapterygius clarkae 179080 LC
Alloblennius parvus 48320397 LC
Inimicus filamentosus 114179475 LC
Aeoliscus punctulatus 65134998 DD
Amphiprion bicinctus 188320 LC
Yirrkala tenuis 199071 LC
Plesiops nigricans 155042 LC
Nectamia zebrinus 158628 LC
Ecsenius nalolo 48342458 LC
Scarus collana 190693 LC
Trachinotus africanus 20436417 LC
Monodactylus falciformis 95568324 LC
Ecsenius frontalis 48342469 LC
Pomacanthus chrysurus 165831 LC
Acanthoplesiops indicus 69545420 LC
Pomacanthus asfur 165839 LC
Genicanthus caudovittatus 165845 LC
Ariosoma nigrimanum 199126 DD
Herklotsichthys punctatus 18124757 LC
Trimma flavicaudatum 118355413 LC
Trimma avidori 118354917 LC
Alloblennius pictus 48320496 LC
Diploprion drachi 117007856 LC
Caesio striata 20249586 LC
Coris variegata 187379 LC
Amblyeleotris triguttata 155124 LC
Centropyge multispinis 165876 LC
Nemanthias carberryi 117008369 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)