List of REPTILIA species in Filipinas

Esta é uma lista de REPTILIA em Filipinas de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Tropidophorus davaoensis 169747 LC
Sphenomorphus llanosi 169751 NT
Sphenomorphus arborens 169753 DD
Sphenomorphus leucospilos 169755 LC
Sphenomorphus coxi 169759 LC
Hydrosaurus pustulatus 10335 VU
Tropidophorus partelloi 169764 LC
Varanus nuchalis 169767 NT
Tropidophorus grayi 169770 LC
Ramphotyphlops suluensis 169780 EN
Oxyrhabdium leporinum 169784 LC
Lygosoma tabonorum 136698073 LC
Tropidophorus misaminius 169786 LC
Pseudorabdion oxycephalum 169790 LC
Rhabdophis barbouri 169794 DD
Pseudorabdion montanum 169795 EN
Sphenomorphus jagori 169797 LC
Rhabdophis spilogaster 169802 LC
Rhabdophis lineatus 169809 LC
Sphenomorphus fasciatus 169831 LC
Varanus olivaceus 22888 VU
Sphenomorphus victoria 169816 NT
Sphenomorphus diwata 169819 DD
Sphenomorphus cumingi 169822 LC
Varanus mabitang 169829 EN
Sphenomorphus steerei 169834 LC
Tytthoscincus atrigularis 169842 LC
Luperosaurus joloensis 169845 EN
Varanus marmoratus 169844 LC
Ptyas luzonensis 169846 LC
Lepidodactylus herrei 169847 LC
Lipinia vulcania 169848 DD
Lycodon bibonius 169849 LC
Lycodon solivagus 169850 DD
Pseudorabdion ater 169851 LC
Pseudorabdion talonuran 169853 VU
Lycodon dumerili 169854 LC
Luperosaurus cumingii 169859 DD
Lycodon alcalai 169861 LC
Hemiphyllodactylus insularis 169865 DD
Hydrophis semperi 176747 VU
Emoia ruficauda 169866 DD
Draco jareckii 169867 LC
Pseudogekko smaragdinus 169868 LC
Lipinia pulchella 169869 LC
Lepidodactylus christiani 169871 LC
Stegonotus muelleri 169872 NT
Trimeresurus schultzei 169843 LC
Sphenomorphus laterimaculatus 169874 DD
Tytthoscincus biparietalis 169875 EN
Trimeresurus mcgregori 169876 DD
Lepidodactylus balioburius 169877 LC
Siebenrockiella leytensis 39599 CR
Tropidonophis dendrophiops 169881 LC
Lipinia semperi 169882 DD
Malayotyphlops ruber 169883 LC
Rhabdophis auriculata 169884 LC
Trimeresurus flavomaculatus 169885 LC
Sphenomorphus wrighti 169886 DD
Sphenomorphus knollmanae 169887 VU
Hemidactylus stejnegeri 195299 LC
Sphenomorphus kitangladensis 169891 LC
Draco spilopterus 195310 LC
Pseudogekko compressicorpus 169892 LC
Oligodon meyerinkii 169893 EN
Sphenomorphus mindanensis 169896 NT
Varanus cumingi 169897 LC
Oligodon perkinsi 169898 NT
Sphenomorphus acutus 169899 LC
Tropidonophis negrosensis 169902 VU
Oxyrhabdium modestum 183204 LC
Sphenomorphus lawtoni 169855 DD
Crocodylus mindorensis 5672 CR
Pseudogekko brevipes 169805 VU
Sphenomorphus decipiens 169746 LC
Luperosaurus corfieldi 169748 DD
Dryophiops philippina 169749 VU
Malayotyphlops hypogius 169750 DD
Brachymeles boulengeri 169752 LC
Boiga philippina 169754 LC
Eutropis bontocensis 169756 LC
Gekko romblon 169757 LC
Lipinia zamboangensis 169758 DD
Calamaria gervaisi 169760 LC
Brachymeles gracilis 169761 LC
Brachymeles bonitae 169762 LC
Lycodon philippinus 169765 VU
Naja samarensis 169763 LC
Naja philippinensis 169768 NT
Hologerrhum dermali 169769 EN
Sibynophis bivittatus 169766 LC
Ramphotyphlops cumingii 169771 DD
Gekko palawanensis 169772 LC
Cyrtodactylus agusanensis 169773 LC
Sphenomorphus tagapayo 169774 NT
Sphenomorphus luzonense 169775 NT
Brachymeles bicolor 169776 NT
Cyclocorus lineatus 169777 LC
Gonocephalus semperi 169778 DD
Brachymeles elerae 169782 DD
Draco mindanensis 169783 VU
Luperosaurus palawanensis 169779 DD
Luperosaurus kubli 169785 DD
Calamaria bitorques 169787 LC
Lycodon muelleri 169788 LC
Opisthotropis alcalai 169781 EN
Malayotyphlops ruficaudus 169791 DD
Boiga schultzei 169792 LC
Malayotyphlops collaris 169793 DD
Lipinia rabori 169796 DD
Oligodon maculatus 169798 LC
Acutotyphlops banaorum 169799 DD
Malayotyphlops castonotus 169800 LC
Pseudorabdion mcnamarae 169801 VU
Lycodon chrysoprateros 169803 CR
Dasia griffini 169806 VU
Gekko mindorensis 169807 LC
Draco reticulatus 169808 LC
Lepidodactylus aureolineatus 169804 LC
Lepidodactylus planicaudus 169810 LC
Brachymeles cebuensis 169811 CR
Gerrhopilus hedraeus 169812 DD
Lepidodactylus labialis 169813 LC
Lycodon ferroni 169814 DD
Boiga angulata 169815 LC
Oligodon modestum 169817 VU
Brachymeles pathfinderi 169818 DD
Draco bimaculatus 169821 LC
Draco ornatus 169823 LC
Cyclocorus nuchalis 169825 LC
Calamaria palavanensis 169826 DD
Cerberus microlepis 169827 EN
Malayotyphlops manilae 169824 DD
Myersophis alpestris 169828 DD
Parvoscincus sisoni 169832 VU
Brachymeles talinis 169833 LC
Parvoscincus palawanensis 169835 DD
Gekko ernstkelleri 169836 VU
Ramphotyphlops marxi 169830 DD
Cyrtodactylus annulatus 169838 LC
Draco guentheri 169839 LC
Brachymeles minimus 169840 NT
Pseudorabdion taylori 169841 DD
Sphenomorphus abdictus 169837 LC
Hologerrhum philippinum 169856 LC
Hemibungarus calligaster 169857 LC
Brachymeles schadenbergi 169858 LC
Lipinia auriculata 169852 LC
Draco cyanopterus 169860 LC
Liopeltis philippinus 169863 LC
Gekko athymus 169864 NT
Cyrtodactylus redimiculus 169870 NT
Brachymeles vermis 169873 EN
Bronchocela marmorata 169878 DD
Eutropis englei 169879 DD
Gekko gigante 169880 VU
Brachymeles tridactylus 169889 LC
Lycodon fausti 169888 DD
Brachymeles wrighti 169894 DD
Gonocephalus sophiae 169895 DD
Malayotyphlops luzonensis 169890 DD
Calamaria joloensis 169901 DD
Gekko porosus 169900 LC
Draco quadrasi 169904 LC
Brachymeles samarensis 169905 LC
Luperosaurus macgregori 169908 EN
Malayotyphlops canlaonensis 169906 DD
Oligodon ancorus 169903 NT
Ptychozoon intermedium 169907 NT
Sphenomorphus beyeri 169909 NT


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)