List of VU species in França

Esta é uma lista de VU em França de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Pseudamnicola anteisensis 18443 VU
Potentilla delphinensis 161804 VU
Abida ateni 190498 VU
Bythinella cebennensis 155687 VU
Heraultiella exilis 2092 VU
Alzoniella haicabia 155693 VU
Paladilhia jamblussensis 155707 VU
Bythinella rondelaudi 155708 VU
Belgrandia gfrast 155714 VU
Aconitum corsicum 161861 VU
Bythinella roubionensis 155733 VU
Colchicum corsicum 161885 VU
Sorbus latifolia 79749225 VU
Bythinella vimperei 155772 VU
Protaetia sardea 157857 VU
Centaurea corymbosa 161955 VU
Palacanthilhiopsis margritae 155813 VU
Moitessieria calloti 155830 VU
Plagius flosculosus 164028 VU
Paladilhia roselloi 155886 VU
Bythiospeum rasini 155889 VU
Pseudamnicola pisolinus 155905 VU
Alzoniella navarrensis 155910 VU
Belgrandia gibberula 155920 VU
Bythinella ginolensis 155942 VU
Moitessieria massoti 155944 VU
Bythinella eurystoma 155947 VU
Chalepoxenus kutteri 4404 VU
Lepus corsicanus 41305 VU
Islamia bomangiana 156000 VU
Paladilhia umbilicata 156035 VU
Alyssum pyrenaicum 162181 VU
Bythinella jourdei 156055 VU
Bythinella galerae 156079 VU
Bythinella geisserti 156125 VU
Moitessieria nezi 156126 VU
Alzoniella perrisii 156176 VU
Biscutella neustriaca 162367 VU
Gagea apulica 89145924 VU
Damasonium alisma 164465 VU
Nananthea perpusilla 164477 VU
Acis fabrei 13142668 VU
Deroceras corsicum 170654 VU
Gagea luberonensis 89684688 VU
Ephippiger provincialis 68315858 VU
Pluteus fenzlii 147440380 VU
Tacheocampylaea raspailii 21276 VU
Sitta whiteheadi 22711176 VU
Renea gormonti 19427 VU
Renea paillona 19429 VU
Renea moutonii ssp. singularis 19430 VU
Renea moutonii ssp. moutonii 19431 VU
Argna bourguignatiana 156650 VU
Plagiolepis grassei 17464 VU
Myripristis clarionensis 154724 VU
Platyla foliniana 17512 VU
Cotoneaster delphinensis 86107331 VU
Moitessieria juvenisanguis 13629 VU
Bythinella padiraci 3396 VU
Cottus petiti 5447 VU
Cochlostoma acutum 193870 VU
Macularia saintivesi 157035 VU
Ophioblennius clippertonensis 48342396 VU
Salamandra lanzai 19845 VU
Solatopupa cianensis 157064 VU
Thalassoma robertsoni 183703 VU
Zonites algirus 171450 VU
Xyrichtys wellingtoni 183739 VU
Myripristis gildi 183749 VU
Chondrina gerhardi 157141 VU
Dryopteris ardechensis 98141659 VU
Palacanthilhiopsis vervierii 15875 VU
Oxychilus farinesianus 171541 VU
Romulea florentii 13164074 VU
Omocestus defauti 16084572 VU
Anonconotus mercantouri 47709829 VU
Roeseliana azami 68468373 VU
Epimyrma ravouxi 7844 VU
Oxychilus amblyopus 171685 VU
Epimyrma corsica 7848 VU
Carabus olympiae 3846 VU
Solatopupa psarolena 20313 VU
Ampedus corsicus 157556 VU
Bythinella wawrzineki 155590 VU
Bythinella rubiginosa 155591 VU
Bythiospeum drouetianum 155619 VU
Holacanthus clarionensis 165861 VU
Palaospeum bessoni 155621 VU
Alzoniella junqua 155634 VU
Islamia spirata 155642 VU
Esarcus baudii 47265787 VU


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)