List of VU species in Moçambique

Esta é uma lista de VU em Moçambique de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Millettia bussei 34853 VU
Premna schliebenii 34867 VU
Pandanus petersii 39008 VU
Adenopodia schlechteri 120959085 VU
Phyteumas whellani 107450476 VU
Schistostephium oxylobum 47745161 VU
Cordia stuhlmannii 34977 VU
Acanthopagrus vagus 170173 VU
Rhampholeon marshalli 176321 VU
Polysteganus praeorbitalis 170184 VU
Cymatoceps nasutus 170204 VU
Ochna dolicharthros 107807030 VU
Cynanchum oresbium 120942943 VU
Duosperma dichotomum 62490997 VU
Coffea schliebenii 158101 VU
Dianthus chimanimaniensis 66105779 VU
Stomatostemma pendulina 120943102 VU
Erica lanceolifera 66105869 VU
Clerodendrum lutambense 158233 VU
Acridocarpus natalitius var. linearifolius 85955099 VU
Dicliptera quintasii 85955105 VU
Stylochaeton tortispathus 62497329 VU
Stylochaeton euryphyllus 158287 VU
Croton inhambanensis 120955491 VU
Dissotis pulchra 66151055 VU
Dorstenia zambesiaca 63707797 VU
Dissotis swynnertonii 66151064 VU
Inversodicraea torrei 108616354 VU
Erica pleiotricha var. pleiotricha 66106026 VU
Psychotria amboniana subsp. mosambicensis 85955270 VU
Buchnera subglabra 66177737 VU
Rytigynia celastroides var. australis 85955276 VU
Sclerochiton apiculatus 85955279 VU
Lycophidion nanus 176853 VU
Kinixys natalensis 11004 VU
Otiophora lanceolata 90852133 VU
Sclerochiton hirsutus 108618575 VU
Cordia megiae 141800272 VU
Streptocarpus hirticapsa 66106220 VU
Pavetta gurueensis 108616567 VU
Schizochilus lepidus 66151295 VU
Paranecepsia alchorneifolia 35727 VU
Afrocanthium racemulosum var. nanguanum 35733 VU
Coffea zanguebariae 35734 VU
Cuviera tomentosa 35737 VU
Euphorbia baylissii 120955807 VU
Encephalartos aplanatus 41909 VU
Dierama plowesii 66106295 VU
Psydrax micans 35772 VU
Encephalartos manikensis 41919 VU
Encephalartos ngoyanus 41920 VU
Encephalartos senticosus 41925 VU
Mallotus oppositifolius var. lindicus 35791 VU
Baphia kirkii 35792 VU
Stangeria eriopus 41939 VU
Cynotilapia chilundu 117808095 VU
Centella obtriangularis 66096109 VU
Polygala francisci 120962036 VU
Aloe ballii 35861 VU
Crotalaria schliebenii 179319 VU
Aloe ballii var. makurupiniensis 66178177 VU
Englerina triplinervia 179347 VU
Syncolostemon oritrephes 66106563 VU
Justicia attenuifolia 48153888 VU
Aeschynomene aphylla 66106662 VU
Brachystelma nutans 108612952 VU
Swynnertonia swynnertoni 22709616 VU
Barleria rhynchocarpa 48153979 VU
Crotalaria insignis 66106749 VU
Arcanator orostruthus 22715783 VU
Allophylus chirindensis 32137 VU
Pleioceras orientale 32141 VU
Protea enervis 66153870 VU
Strongylopus rhodesianus 58771 VU
Tephrosia praecana 66108831 VU
Garcinia acutifolia 34221 VU
Tannodia swynnertonii 34224 VU
Platysaurus imperator 177588 VU
Aloe plowesii 66178494 VU
Platysepalum inopinatum 179648 VU
Parablennius lodosus 48342467 VU
Aloe rhodesiana 66178528 VU
Vepris drummondii 66153999 VU
Rhampholeon nebulauctor 61365784 VU
Micklethwaitia carvalhoi 62494244 VU
Premna tanganyikensis 36409 VU
Plectranthus cucullatus 120958535 VU
Acacia latispina 62494299 VU
Erianthemum lindense 179824 VU
Sericanthe chimanimaniensis 120962681 VU
Epinephelus albomarginatus 44677 VU
Carpitalpa arendsi 40596 VU
Raphia australis 30359 VU
Allophylus mossambicensis 120962721 VU
Bussea xylocarpa 34496 VU
Acacia purpurea 34511 VU
Xylia mendoncae 34523 VU
Millettia impressa subsp. goetzeana 179937 VU
Xyris asterotricha 66178796 VU
Tarenna longipedicellata 136535802 VU
Dioscorea sylvatica 100890364 VU
Barbus sp. nov. 'Chimanimani' 63386 VU
Aplocheilichthys sp. nov. 'Rovuma' 63388 VU
Gutenbergia westii 66097073 VU
Alloeochaete namuliensis 63709138 VU
Heteronarce garmani 161746 VU
Baphia macrocalyx 34789 VU
Berlinia orientalis 34790 VU
Craibia brevicaudata subsp. schliebenii 34802 VU
Barleria oxyphylla 120940532 VU


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)