List of MALACOSTRACA species in Índia

Esta é uma lista de MALACOSTRACA em Índia de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Macrobrachium siwalikense 197580 LC
Caridina simoni 197586 LC
Macrobrachium altifrons 197611 LC
Macrobrachium platyrostris 197631 LC
Caridina chauhani 197643 LC
Caridina shenoyi 197654 LC
Macrobrachium cavernicola 197686 LC
Arachnochium kulsiense 197692 EN
Macrobrachium madhusoodani 197713 DD
Macrobrachium sankollii 197771 LC
Macrobrachium gurudeve 197795 VU
Macrobrachium banjarae 197810 DD
Macrobrachium assamense 197858 LC
Macrobrachium hendersodayanum 197863 LC
Macrobrachium idella 197870 LC
Macrobrachium lamarrei 197877 LC
Macrobrachium bombayense 197883 LC
Macrobrachium cacharense 197893 DD
Leptocarpus kempi 197902 DD
Caridina rajadhari 197916 DD
Caridina panikkari 197923 DD
Macrobrachium kunjuramani 197931 DD
Caridina natarajani 197933 LC
Macrobrachium indicum 197943 LC
Macrobrachium walvanense 197949 DD
Macrobrachium gangeticum 197954 LC
Macrobrachium manipurense 197961 DD
Macrobrachium dayanum 197964 LC
Macrobrachium andamanicum 197968 DD
Macrobrachium nobilii 197976 LC
Macrobrachium johnsoni 197979 DD
Caridina mathiassi 197985 DD
Macrobrachium tiwarii 197997 LC
Caridina carli 198033 DD
Macrobrachium canarae 198038 DD
Caridina gurneyi 198042 DD
Leptocarpus fluminicola 198044 LC
Macrobrachium rogersi 198090 DD
Caridina prashadi 198095 LC
Caridina jalihali 198105 LC
Macrobrachium elatum 198137 DD
Macrobrachium veliense 198158 DD
Macrobrachium agwi 198159 DD
Macrobrachium jayasreei 198162 DD
Troglindicus phreaticus 198178 DD
Macrobrachium unikarnatakae 198186 DD
Macrobrachium kulkarnii 198203 DD
Caridina hodgarti 198251 DD
Caridina kempi 198264 LC
Caridina excavata 198265 DD
Caridina babaulti 198303 LC
Macrobrachium kistnense 198325 LC
Macrobrachium dolichodactylus 198332 LC
Macrobrachium sulcatus 198336 LC
Macrobrachium striatum 198339 DD
Macrobrachium malcolmsonii 198345 LC
Caridina cavaleriei ssp. industana 198347 DD
Macrobrachium idella ssp. georgii 198349 LC
Macrobrachium lamarrei ssp. lamarrei 198352 LC
Macrobrachium assamense ssp. peninsulare 198353 DD
Macrobrachium lamarrei ssp. lamarroides 198360 EN
Caridina babaulti ssp. babaulti 198364 DD
Macrobrachium assamense ssp. assamense 198374 LC
Macrobrachium malcolmsonii ssp. malcolmsonii 198378 LC
Caridina vithuraensis 42436709 DD
Macrobrachium altifrons ssp. altifrons 42928804 LC
Vela pulvinata 133969 DD
Vanni ashini 133971 DD
Indochinamon asperatum 133985 DD
Baratha peena 134035 DD
Vanni deepta 134049 DD
Snaha escheri 134083 DD
Tiwaripotamon austenianum 134116 DD
Indochinamon edwardsi 134147 DD
Maydelliathelphusa falcidigitis 134155 DD
Vanni travancorica 134168 DD
Oziothelphusa bouvieri 134178 DD
Vanni nilgiriensis 134181 DD
Spiralothelphusa wuellerstorfi 134188 DD
Globitelphusa pistorica 134216 DD
Gubernatoriana pilosipes 134220 DD
Himalayapotamon marinelli 134225 DD
Gubernatoriana escheri 134241 DD
Himalayapotamon emphyseteum 134270 LC
Alcomon superciliosum 134290 DD
Travancoriana kuleera 134304 DD
Vela carli 134305 DD
Acanthopotamon martensi 134336 LC
Himalayapotamon kausalis 134359 DD
Maydelliathelphusa masoniana 134371 LC
Barythelphusa jacquemontii 134378 LC
Globitelphusa bakeri 134395 DD
Potamiscus decourcyi 134405 DD
Cylindrothelphusa steniops 134440 LC
Potamiscus annandalii 134481 DD
Vela virupa 134488 DD
Snaha aruna 134509 DD
Baratha pushta 134514 DD
Lamella lamellifrons 134520 LC
Acanthopotamon panningi 134527 DD
Quadramon aborense 134546 DD
Globitelphusa cylindra 134553 DD
Vanni giri 134579 DD
Himalayapotamon ambivium 134584 DD
Vanni malabarica 134591 DD
Travancoriana schirnerae 134598 LC
Macrobrachium prabhakarani 42438090 DD
Oziothelphusa wagrakarowensis 134603 VU
Travancoriana napaea 134646 DD
Indochinamon beieri 134687 DD
Gubernatoriana gubernatoris 134699 DD
Liotelphusa quadrata 134701 VU
Vanni pusilla 134743 DD
Alcomon lophocarpus 134745 LC
Travancoriana charu 134770 DD
Inglethelphusa fronto 134780 DD
Acanthopotamon fungosum 134781 DD
Lobothelphusa woodmasoni 134801 LC
Barythelphusa guerini 134825 LC
Globitelphusa planifrons 134834 DD
Oziothelphusa aurantia 134848 DD
Potamiscus pealianus 134893 DD
Barythelphusa cunicularis 134906 LC
Gecarcinucus jaquemontii 134941 LC
Spiralothelphusa hydrodroma 134957 LC
Indochinamon manipurense 134980 DD
Himalayapotamon babaulti 134996 DD
Sartoriana trilobata 134998 DD
Gecarcinucus edwardsi 135000 DD
Liotelphusa campestris 135041 DD
Pilarta anuka 135048 DD
Himalayapotamon monticola 135049 DD
Travancoriana pollicaris 135051 DD
Travancoriana convexa 135066 LC
Oziothelphusa biloba 135068 VU
Oziothelphusa kerala 135070 DD
Lobothelphusa floccosa 135100 DD
Petrarctus veliger 185046 LC
Puerulus sewelli 170011 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)