Deforestation Rates in
The FYR of Macedonia

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Deforestation Figures for The FYR of Macedonia

Key forest stats for The FYR of Macedonia:
  • 35.6% of The FYR of Macedonia's land area is covered with forest according to FAO figures from 2000
  • The FYR of Macedonia gained an average of an insignificant amount of forest relative to its total land area between 1990 and 2000
  • The FYR of Macedonia's average annual reforestation rate was insignificant between 1990 and 2000

Other forest statistics for The FYR of Macedonia
Area & Population
Total Land Area (�000 ha) 19992,543
Total Population ('000) 19992,011
Population Density (population/sq km) 199979.1
Population Growth Rate (%) 1995-20000.6
Rural Population (%) 199938.4
Economic Indicators
GDP per capita (US$) 19971,053
Annual growth rate (%) 19971.5
Forest Stats
Total Forest Area ('000 ha) 2000906
Forest area (% of total land area) 200035.6
Forest Area per capita (ha) 20000.5
Forest Plantations ('000 ha) 200030
Forest Change ('000 ha) 1990-2000n.s.
Forest Area Annual rate of change (%) 1990-2000n.s.

Forest Cover Statistics for 2000
Total Forest Area (�000 ha)906
Forest Cover (% of land)35.6
Plantations (�000 ha)30
Tropical Forest Cover (% of land)0%
Tropical Forest Cover ('000 ha) -
Subtropical Forest Cover (% of land)64%
Subtropical Forest Cover ('000 ha) 580
Temperate Forest Cover (% of land)36%
Temperate Forest Cover ('000 ha) 326
Boreal/polar (% of land)0%
Boreal/polar ('000 ha) -

The FYR of Macedonia:
Forest types
(% of country�s forest area)
    Tropical: 0
  • Subtropical: 64
  • Temperate:
  • Boreal/polar: 360
Wood volume in forests
  • Yield (cubic meters per hectare)70
  • Total (million cubic metres):63
Wood biomass in forests
  • Total (metric tonnes per hectare)-
  • Total (million cubic metres):-

The FYR of Macedonia has signed:

All figures are dervied from THE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS' State of the World�s Forests 2005.

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