Deforestation statistics for United States
United States: Demographic data
Population (2022) | 331,002,651 |
Annual population growth rate (2022) | 0.60% |
Population density (people/sq km) | 36 |
Net migration | 954,806 |
Fertility rate | 1.8 |
Median age | 38 |
Urban population share | 83% |
United States: Land cover and land use change data
Land area (sq km): 9,147,420 |
Tree cover (30%) Tree cover extent in 2000 (ha): 279,377,871 Tree cover extent as % of land area: 30.50% Tree cover loss from 2001-20 (ha): 42,235,290 Tree cover extent as % of 2000 tree cover: 15.10% |
Tropical primary forest Primary forest extent in 2001 (ha): 199,885 Primary forest extent as % of land area: 0.00% Primary forest extent as % of 2000 tree cover: 0.10% Primary forest loss from 2002-20 (ha): 1,390 Primary forest loss from 2002-20 as % of 2001 primary forest cover: 0.70% Primary forest extent in 2020 (ha): 198,495 Primary forest extent in 2020 as % of land area: 0.00% Primary forest extent in 2020 as % of 2000 tree cover area: 0% |
United States: Annual forest and tree cover data
United States: Tropical primary forest loss by year All figures in hectares
Year: Hectares 2002: 13 2003: 9 2004: 32 2005: 11 2006: 20 2007: 38 2008: 33 2009: 40 2010: 29 2011: 43 2012: 96 2013: 86 2014: 163 2015: 266 2016: 285 2017: 26 2018: 88 2019: 74 2020: 40 |
United States: Tree cover loss by year 30% tree cover threshold; all figures in hectares
Year: Hectares 2001: 1,943,326 2002: 2,038,444 2003: 1,649,390 2004: 2,746,270 2005: 2,691,558 2006: 2,605,868 2007: 2,435,137 2008: 2,213,731 2009: 1,608,987 2010: 2,167,672 2011: 1,663,698 2012: 1,964,101 2013: 1,736,452 2014: 1,736,533 2015: 2,289,661 2016: 2,264,076 2017: 2,311,367 2018: 2,092,367 2019: 2,109,928 2020: 1,966,724 |
Tree cover loss by year at the subnational level (administrative level 1)
Sub-national admin area 1 | Tree cover extent (2001) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-05) ha | Tree cover loss (2006-10) ha | Tree cover loss (2011-15) ha | Tree cover loss (2016-20) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-20) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-20) % |
Alabama | 9,097,763 | 805,354 | 804,925 | 727,695 | 706,580 | 3,044,554 | 33.5% |
Florida | 7,424,735 | 514,835 | 508,850 | 436,895 | 492,060 | 1,952,639 | 26.3% |
Georgia | 9,893,279 | 812,343 | 854,466 | 828,524 | 813,317 | 3,308,650 | 33.4% |
Hawaii | 659,496 | 3,538 | 3,025 | 4,504 | 7,126 | 18,193 | 2.8% |
Idaho | 7,251,041 | 251,167 | 396,878 | 314,202 | 326,025 | 1,288,272 | 17.8% |
Illinois | 2,203,741 | 3,658 | 4,081 | 6,534 | 8,969 | 23,243 | 1.1% |
Indiana | 2,120,555 | 3,531 | 5,761 | 8,451 | 11,897 | 29,641 | 1.4% |
Iowa | 1,181,709 | 984 | 1,360 | 3,300 | 5,126 | 10,770 | 0.9% |
Kansas | 893,151 | 2,746 | 2,808 | 4,582 | 4,400 | 14,536 | 1.6% |
Kentucky | 5,441,915 | 59,355 | 76,928 | 50,689 | 64,216 | 251,188 | 4.6% |
Louisiana | 6,310,747 | 528,462 | 542,738 | 437,544 | 384,420 | 1,893,164 | 30.0% |
Alaska | 50,000,791 | 1,931,906 | 1,475,163 | 1,159,115 | 1,073,189 | 5,639,373 | 11.3% |
Maine | 7,257,541 | 220,553 | 233,147 | 206,531 | 301,214 | 961,445 | 13.2% |
Maryland | 1,238,908 | 18,263 | 15,839 | 10,181 | 14,612 | 58,895 | 4.8% |
Massachusetts | 1,565,836 | 10,726 | 10,947 | 9,746 | 21,034 | 52,453 | 3.3% |
Michigan | 8,668,931 | 107,472 | 140,176 | 134,651 | 180,390 | 562,690 | 6.5% |
Minnesota | 8,038,473 | 133,843 | 168,491 | 181,430 | 177,804 | 661,568 | 8.2% |
Mississippi | 7,738,298 | 634,871 | 622,461 | 553,659 | 561,537 | 2,372,528 | 30.7% |
Missouri | 6,744,776 | 72,215 | 109,555 | 65,558 | 73,308 | 320,637 | 4.8% |
Montana | 7,407,747 | 494,009 | 352,954 | 154,195 | 298,622 | 1,299,779 | 17.5% |
Nebraska | 328,269 | 2,449 | 1,816 | 6,701 | 2,679 | 13,645 | 4.2% |
Nevada | 652,650 | 6,911 | 5,749 | 8,749 | 13,830 | 35,239 | 5.4% |
Arizona | 1,808,869 | 86,091 | 27,406 | 65,632 | 53,756 | 232,885 | 12.9% |
New Hampshire | 2,091,353 | 31,038 | 39,777 | 33,359 | 48,170 | 152,343 | 7.3% |
New Jersey | 1,120,297 | 7,855 | 9,391 | 5,792 | 12,257 | 35,296 | 3.2% |
New Mexico | 2,364,105 | 49,660 | 32,790 | 79,994 | 26,228 | 188,672 | 8.0% |
New York | 8,486,301 | 31,068 | 31,733 | 32,722 | 59,860 | 155,383 | 1.8% |
North Carolina | 8,063,245 | 450,461 | 465,245 | 448,659 | 487,206 | 1,851,571 | 23.0% |
North Dakota | 401,184 | 2,703 | 2,436 | 1,040 | 82 | 6,261 | 1.6% |
Ohio | 3,554,456 | 29,089 | 37,847 | 32,288 | 36,435 | 135,659 | 3.8% |
Oklahoma | 3,432,388 | 113,555 | 120,573 | 99,358 | 85,926 | 419,412 | 12.2% |
Oregon | 9,721,301 | 562,634 | 388,857 | 382,649 | 669,601 | 2,003,741 | 20.6% |
Pennsylvania | 7,527,016 | 47,266 | 69,868 | 54,784 | 67,098 | 239,017 | 3.2% |
Arkansas | 7,696,080 | 507,330 | 535,401 | 411,273 | 399,565 | 1,853,569 | 24.1% |
Rhode Island | 191,227 | 1,235 | 1,424 | 767 | 5,768 | 9,195 | 4.8% |
South Carolina | 5,259,858 | 435,739 | 432,105 | 405,004 | 451,034 | 1,723,882 | 32.8% |
South Dakota | 505,273 | 26,948 | 22,282 | 57,206 | 44,552 | 150,987 | 29.9% |
Tennessee | 6,210,528 | 182,078 | 179,266 | 124,163 | 138,785 | 624,291 | 10.1% |
Texas | 8,361,271 | 512,421 | 536,565 | 492,046 | 364,690 | 1,905,722 | 22.8% |
Utah | 2,022,737 | 56,694 | 32,400 | 35,202 | 71,879 | 196,175 | 9.7% |
Vermont | 1,986,548 | 10,307 | 14,064 | 11,572 | 16,926 | 52,869 | 2.7% |
Virginia | 6,958,846 | 269,807 | 317,384 | 285,309 | 301,381 | 1,173,882 | 16.9% |
Washington | 8,712,861 | 405,801 | 416,500 | 375,614 | 484,995 | 1,682,910 | 19.3% |
West Virginia | 5,153,934 | 40,696 | 58,580 | 53,892 | 75,376 | 228,545 | 4.4% |
California | 9,842,706 | 295,927 | 587,162 | 339,980 | 967,966 | 2,191,034 | 22.3% |
Wisconsin | 7,174,480 | 78,587 | 101,257 | 87,920 | 135,077 | 402,841 | 5.6% |
Wyoming | 2,659,189 | 95,390 | 99,238 | 78,342 | 72,563 | 345,533 | 13.0% |
Colorado | 4,775,318 | 110,030 | 125,291 | 76,258 | 113,319 | 424,898 | 8.9% |
Connecticut | 1,002,004 | 4,880 | 4,861 | 3,426 | 7,887 | 21,054 | 2.1% |
Delaware | 169,125 | 4,451 | 3,503 | 2,708 | 3,667 | 14,330 | 8.5% |
District of Columbia | 3,776 | 7 | 23 | 16 | 13 | 59 | 1.6% |
Tree cover loss by year at the subnational level (administrative level 2)
Sub-national admin area 1 | Admin area 2 | Tree cover extent (2000) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-05) ha | Tree cover loss (2006-10) ha | Tree cover loss (2011-15) ha | Tree cover loss (2016-20) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-20) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-20) % |
Hawaii | Hawaii | 106,762 | 30 | 100 | 430 | 326 | 886 | 0.8% |
Hawaii | Honolulu | 30,391 | 11 | 21 | 129 | 86 | 247 | 0.8% |
Hawaii | Kalawao | 2,322 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 6 | 0.2% |
Hawaii | Kauai | 26,375 | 12 | 17 | 36 | 49 | 115 | 0.4% |
Hawaii | Maui | 34,034 | 11 | 21 | 54 | 52 | 138 | 0.4% |
Primary forest loss by year at the subnational level (administrative level 2)
Sub-national admin area 1 | Primary forest extent (2000) ha | Primary forest loss (2001-05) ha | Primary forest loss (2006-10) ha | Primary forest loss (2011-15) ha | Primary forest loss (2016-20) ha | Primary forest loss (2001-20) ha | Primary forest loss (2001-20) % |
Hawaii | 199,884 | 64 | 160 | 653 | 514 | 1,390 | 0.7% |
Primary forest loss by year at the subnational area (administrative level 2)
Sub-national admin area 1 | Admin area 2 | Primary forest extent (2001) ha | Primary forest loss (2001-05) ha | Primary forest loss (2006-10) ha | Primary forest loss (2011-15) ha | Primary forest loss (2016-20) ha | Primary forest loss (2001-20) ha | Primary forest loss (2001-20) % |
Hawaii | Hawaii | 106,762 | 30 | 100 | 430 | 326 | 886 | 0.8% |
Hawaii | Honolulu | 30,391 | 11 | 21 | 129 | 86 | 247 | 0.8% |
Hawaii | Kalawao | 2,322 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 6 | 0.2% |
Hawaii | Kauai | 26,375 | 12 | 17 | 36 | 49 | 115 | 0.4% |
Hawaii | Maui | 34,034 | 11 | 21 | 54 | 52 | 138 | 0.4% |
2019 forest data for United States | Archived forest data for United States | Forest data for United States
Data Source: Tree cover loss: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA via Global Forest Watch. Administrative boundaries: Global Administrative Areas database (GADM), version 3.6.
Citation: Mongabay. "Deforestation statistics for [selected country name]". Accessed on [date] from
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