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Deforestation Figures for Caribbean

Forest figure highlights for Caribbean
  • 26.1% of Total Caribbean's land area, or about 5,974,000 hectares (23,066 square miles / 14,762,075 acres / 59,740 square kilometers [km]) is covered with forest according to FAO figures from 2005.
  • FAO estimates that around 0.0% of Total Caribbean's forest cover consists of "primary forest" which is relatively intact.
  • About 37% Total Caribbean's forest is classified as "protected" while about 20.2% is "conserved" according to FAO.
  • About 28.1% Total Caribbean's forests are classified as "production forest."
  • Between 2000-2005, Total Caribbean gained about 268,000 ha of forest. Total Caribbean's 2000-2005 total reforestation rate was about 0.9% per year meaning it gained an average of 54,000 ha of forest annually.
  • Total Caribbean's total reforestation rate from 1990-2000 was 36,000 ha or 0.6% per year.
  • The 2000-2005 true deforestation rate in Total Caribbean, defined as the loss of primary forest, is defined as the loss of primary forest, is not available from FAO data.

Other forest statistics for Caribbean

Extent of forest and other wooded land
Land Area
Forest 5 974 000 ha 26.1% of land area
Other wooded land 1 310 000 ha
Other land
Total 15 622 000 ha
with tree cover 339 000 ha
Inland water 576 000 ha
Total area 23 482 000 ha

Change in the extent of forest and other wooded land
Forest Cover
Forest Area
1990 5 350 000 ha
2000 5 706 000 ha
2005 5 974 000 ha
Annual change rate
1990-2000 36 000 ha/yr 0.6%
2000-2005 54 000 ha/yr 0.9%
Other wooded land area
1990 000 ha
2000 000 ha
2005 000 ha

Ownership of forest and other wooded land
Total 5 706 000 ha
Public 83.4%
Private 14.6 %
Other 2
Other wooded land
Total 1 313 000 ha
Public 65.5%
Private 32.9%
Other 1.7%

Designated function of forest � primary function
Total 5 974 000 ha
Production 28.1%
Protection 37%
Conservation 20.2%
Social services 0.1%
Multiple purpose 1.4%
None or unknown 13.3%

Designated function of forest � total area with function
Total area 5 974 000 ha
Production 000 ha
Protection 000 ha
Conservation 000 ha
Social services 000 ha

Characteristics of forest and other wooded land
Total area 5 974 000 ha
Primary 000 ha
Modified natural 000 ha
Semi-natural 000 ha
Production plantation 000 ha
Protection plantation 000 ha
Other wooded land
Total area 1 310 000 ha
Primary 000 ha
Modified natural 000 ha
Semi-natural 000 ha
Production plantation 000 ha
Protection plantation 000 ha

Change in extent of primary forest
Area of primary forest
1990 000 ha
2000 000 ha
2005 000 ha
% of total forest area
1990 %
2000 %
2005 %
Annual change rate
1990-2000 ha/yr
2000-2005 ha/yr

Change in extent of forest plantations
Area of forest plantations
1990 000 ha
2000 000 ha
2005 000 ha
% of total forest area
1990 %
2000 %
2005 %
Annual change rate
1990-2000 ha/yr
2000-2005 ha/yr

Growing stock in forest and other wooded land
Growing stock
Area 5 974 000 ha
By area 74 m3/ha
Total M m�
of which is commercial %
Other wooded land
Area 000 ha
Total growing stock m3/ha

Biomass stock in forest and other wooded land
Above-ground biomass Million tonnes (M t)
Below-ground biomass M t
Dead wood M t
Total M t
Other wooded land
Above-ground biomass (M t)
Below-ground biomass M t
Dead wood M t
Total M t

Carbon stock in forest and other wooded land
Carbon in above-ground biomass M t
Carbon in below-ground biomass M t
Carbon in dead wood M t
Carbon in litter M t
Soil carbon M t
Other wooded land
Carbon in above-ground biomass M t
Carbon in below-ground biomass M t
Carbon in dead wood M t
Carbon in litter M t
Soil carbon M t

Change in growing stock
Growing stock
Annual change rate
1990-2000 1000 m/yr
2000-2005 1000 m/yr
Growing stock per hectare
Annual change rate
1990-2000 1000 m/yr
2000-2005 1000 m/yr

Disturbances of forest and other wooded land
Area annually affected by
Total area 5 706 000 ha
Fire 000 ha
Insects 000 ha
Diseases 000 ha
Other 000 ha
Other wooded land
Area annually affected by
Total area 000 ha
Fire 000 ha
Insects 000 ha
Diseases 000 ha
Other 000 ha

Composition of growing stock and diversity of tree species

Growing stock composition
3 most common species % of total growing stock
10 most common species % of total growing stock
Number of native tree species species
Number of tree species in IUCN red list
Critically endangered species
Endangered species
Vulnerable species

Removal of wood products
Wood removal 2005
Industrial roundwood 1000 m o.b.
Wood fuel 1000 m o.b.
Total wood removal
1990 1000 m o.b.
2000 1000 m o.b.
2005 1000 m o.b.
2005 % of growing stock

Removal of non-wood forest product
Plant products
Food (t) tonnes (t)
Fodder (t) tonnes (t)
Raw material for medicine and aromatic products (t) tonnes (t)
Raw material for colorants and dyes (t) tonnes (t)
Raw material for utensils, handicrafts & construction (t) tonnes (t)
Ornamental plants (t) tonnes (t)
Exudates (t) tonnes (t)
Other plant products (t) tonnes (t)
Animal products
Living animals (units) units
Hides, skins and trophies (units) units
Wild honey and bee-wax (t) tonnes (t)
Bush meat (t) tonnes (t)
Raw material for medicine and aromatic products (t) tonnes (t)
Raw material for colorants and dyes (t) tonnes (t)
Other edible animal products (t) tonnes (t)
Other non-edible animal products (t) tonnes (t)

Value of wood and non-wood forest product removal
Industrial roundwood $ 000 (USD)
Wood fuel $ 000 (USD)
NWFP [Non-wood forest products] $ 000 (USD)
Total $ 000 (USD)
Total $ 000/hectare

Employment in forestry
Total 000 person-years
Total 000 person-years
Production 000 person-years
Provision of services 000 person-years

KEY: "-" represents "0". For example, "- 000 ha" represents "0 hectares". In many cases "-" is used when FAO does not have current data.
"n.s." represents "not significant"

All figures are dervied from THE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS' Forest Resources Assessment 2005.

FAO figures for Caribbean from the State of the World's Forests 2005

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