Area & Population | |
Total Land Area (�000 ha) 1999 | 23,080 |
Total Population ('000) 1999 | 5,297 |
Population Density (population/sq km) 1999 | 23.0 |
Population Growth Rate (%) 1995-2000 | 2.6 |
Rural Population (%) 1999 | 77.1 |
Economic Indicators | |
GDP per capita (US$) 1997 | 414 |
Annual growth rate (%) 1997 | 6.5 |
Forest Stats | |
Total Forest Area ('000 ha) 2000 | 12561 |
Forest area (% of total land area) 2000 | 54.4 |
Forest Area per capita (ha) 2000 | 2.4 |
Forest Plantations ('000 ha) 2000 | 54 |
Forest Change ('000 ha) 1990-2000 | -53 |
Forest Area Annual rate of change (%) 1990-2000 | -0.4 |