The biggest international conservation non-profits based in the United States

By Rhett A. Butler
June 30, 2024

Below is a look at the biggest U.S.-based NGOs whose conservation work includes a substantial international component.

Few organizations focused on environmental issues rank among the largest nonprofits in the United States.

According to tax filings, only a small fraction of 501(c)(3) groups with more than $200 million in revenue in the most recent fiscal year are focused primarily on issues related to wildlife, conservation, and animal welfare. Of the $1.995 trillion in revenue generated by these 2,030 nonprofits, $4.3 billion, or 0.22%, was earned by environmental groups.

Health (70%) and education (15.8%) 501(c)(3)s dominate the list of nonprofit behemoths. This is probably not surprising since health and education are two of the most immediate and tangible needs for most people. Both sectors rely primarily on earned income—fees for services and government contracts—rather than donations.

That few environmental nonprofits make the list shouldn't be too surprising. The vast majority of environmental nonprofits are small, focusing on local issues (this is true for nonprofits in general, with 92% operating with less than $1 million a year).

Additionally, many other entities besides 501(c)(3)s do conservation work: government agencies, private companies, Indigenous nations, communities, and other tax-exempt organizations. Some 501(c)(3)s focused on other areas, like health or education, may also be involved in environmental work. There are also many international environmental groups as well as U.S. nonprofits with international entities.

Of course, bigger is not necessarily better. Larger organizations are not inherently more effective than smaller ones. The argument is often made that while size can beget influence and economies of scale in some kinds of work, it can also generate inefficiencies and a lack of connection to the constituencies served.

Furthermore, impact is not solely measured by revenue. Environmental nonprofits often measure success through policy changes, conservation milestones, and community engagement, which can be equally significant though less financially quantifiable.

So what does this mean for the future? With the effects of environmental degradation becoming more severe and thus relevant to more people, as well as people at the top end of the income level growing wealthier, it would not surprise me to see environmental nonprofits of all sizes receive a relative increase in their level of support in the coming years, independent of other factors.

CHART: The largest international conservation groups based in the U.S.

Sorted by functional expenses in the most recent fiscal year as of September 7, 2024.
501(c)3 / EINAssetsIncomeRevenueFunctional
& gifts
1Nature Conservancy (TNC)
EIN: 530242652
$9,223,371,239 $2,675,712,450 $1,166,010,019 $908,626,330 $940,583,779
Nature Conservancy (TNC): A global environmental organization working to conserve lands and waters across more than 70 countries. HQ: Arlington, VA
2Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
EIN: 131740011
$1,249,623,944 $455,041,590 $345,503,315 $312,580,356 $178,750,407
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS): A global conservation organization managing zoos in New York City and focusing on wildlife conservation across over 60 countries. HQ: Bronx, NY
3San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
EIN: 951648219
$870,891,979 $439,763,486 $392,443,880 $305,470,482 $79,195,506
San Diego Zoo: Operates a zoo and a wildlife conservation organization focused primarily in Southern California, with global conservation initiatives. HQ: San Diego, CA
4World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
EIN: 521693387
$755,426,255 $492,635,030 $372,835,343 $283,476,575 $391,898,333
World Wildlife Fund (WWF): An international organization working on wildlife conservation and environmental issues across over 100 countries. HQ: Washington, DC
5Ducks Unlimited
EIN: 135643799
$315,330,252 $354,542,065 $339,454,630 $220,439,350 $188,533,409
Ducks Unlimited: A U.S.-based organization dedicated to wetland and waterfowl conservation across North America. HQ: Memphis, TN
6Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
EIN: 116107128
$477,638,635 $502,744,237 $247,057,586 $216,037,687 $358,400,390
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF): An international organization working on environmental advocacy and policy across multiple countries, with a primary focus on the United States. HQ: New York, NY
7Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
EIN: 132654926
$576,913,705 $555,076,417 $193,144,386 $182,068,155 $267,144,118
Natural Resources Defense Council: A U.S.-based environmental advocacy organization focused on protecting natural resources and public health in the United States. HQ: New York, NY
8Conservation International (CI)
EIN: 521497470
$617,089,038 $340,346,161 $235,131,545 $159,681,836 $155,329,730
Conservation International (CI): A global organization working to protect nature in more than 70 countries, with a focus on biodiversity and climate change. HQ: Arlington, VA
9World Resources Institute (WRI)
EIN: 521257057
$427,715,503 $306,033,375 $193,968,394 $151,998,641 $283,690,856
World Resources Institute (WRI): A global research organization focusing on sustainable development and environmental issues across over 50 countries. HQ: Washington, DC
10National Geographic Society
EIN: 530193519
$1,872,730,796 $949,969,748 $231,981,168 $141,186,606 $52,344,649
National Geographic Society: A global nonprofit focused on education and research in geography, archaeology, and natural sciences. HQ: Washington, DC
11National Audubon Society
EIN: 131624102
$574,552,686 $361,423,726 $150,045,491 $123,432,721 $117,977,588
National Audubon Society: A U.S.-based organization focused on the protection of birds and their habitats across the United States. HQ: New York, NY
12Sierra Club Foundation
EIN: 946069890
$207,976,050 $123,320,152 $87,746,859 $99,059,202 $100,459,492
Sierra Club Foundation: The charitable arm of the Sierra Club, focusing on environmental conservation and advocacy across the United States. HQ: Oakland, CA
13Center For International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
EIN: 980163602
$31,573,101 $36,912,073 $34,622,932 $46,197,202 $44,180,225
Center For International Forestry Research: A global organization (CIFOR) conducting research on forest management and policy, primarily in tropical regions. HQ: Alexandria, VA
14Rainforest Alliance
EIN: 133377893
$86,086,901 $85,962,621 $84,314,209 $43,862,107 $26,261,802
Rainforest Alliance: A global nonprofit working on sustainable agriculture, forestry, and tourism to protect forests and biodiversity. HQ: New York, NY
15Missouri Botanical Garden
EIN: 430666759
$339,030,685 $108,856,428 $58,454,514 $43,338,423 $50,201,539
Missouri Botanical Garden Board Of Trustees: Operates the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, Missouri, focusing on plant conservation, education, and research. HQ: Saint Louis, MO
16Ducks Unlimited
EIN: 912009004
$- $146,643,454 $59,312,363 $37,683,898 $18,971,424
Ducks Unlimited: A U.S.-based organization dedicated to wetland and waterfowl conservation across North America. HQ: Memphis, TN
EIN: 510401308
$74,617,155 $44,502,103 $43,967,787 $35,324,557 $35,658,526
Oceana: A global organization focused on ocean conservation and policy advocacy to protect marine ecosystems and species. HQ: Washington, DC
18Wildlife Conservation Network (WCN)
EIN: 300108469
$62,726,043 $57,473,022 $52,477,979 $34,261,177 $43,955,582
Wildlife Conservation Network: A U.S.-based organization supporting conservation efforts worldwide, focusing on endangered species and their habitats. HQ: San Francisco, CA
19International Fund For Animal Welfare (IFAW)
EIN: 311594197
$55,037,953 $57,523,898 $35,221,602 $32,442,619 $27,823,070
International Fund For Animal Welfare (IFAW): A global organization focused on rescuing and protecting animals and their habitats, with operations in more than 40 countries. HQ: Washington, DC
20African Wildlife Foundation
EIN: 520781390
$44,798,224 $38,730,824 $33,734,460 $32,391,661 $31,809,676
African Wildlife Foundation: A global organization focused on wildlife conservation and sustainable development in Africa. HQ: Washington, DC
EIN: 262887967
$76,957,327 $53,334,340 $53,334,340 $31,810,875 $36,820,053
Rewild: A global organization working to restore and protect wildlands and reintroduce species to their native habitats. HQ: Austin, TX
22Ocean Conservancy
EIN: 237245152
$96,130,718 $60,021,404 $48,602,165 $31,550,814 $53,132,508
Ocean Conservancy: A U.S.-based organization dedicated to protecting the ocean and its wildlife through science-based advocacy, primarily in U.S. waters. HQ: Washington, DC
23Rainforest Trust
EIN: 133500609
$109,550,247 $43,530,048 $41,042,049 $29,591,742 $70,056,206
Rainforest Trust: A global organization focused on purchasing and protecting tropical rainforest lands to preserve endangered species and ecosystems. HQ: Warrenton, VA
EIN: 237380563
$38,323,972 $26,900,252 $25,340,932 $28,280,886 $36,301,044
Rare: A global organization focused on behavior change and community-led solutions for conservation and sustainable development. HQ: Arlington, VA
25One Tree Planted
EIN: 464664562
$70,306,443 $67,048,054 $66,866,015 $27,742,062 $63,639,950
One Tree Planted: A global nonprofit focused on reforestation efforts by planting trees around the world. HQ: Shelburne, VT
26African Parks
EIN: 300241904
$87,199,935 $39,957,405 $22,376,720 $25,172,311 $16,529,571
African Parks: A global organization managing and protecting national parks and wildlife reserves across Africa. HQ: New York, NY
27Center For Biological Diversity
EIN: 273943866
$43,123,216 $33,521,350 $27,585,235 $24,977,299 $25,788,245
Center For Biological Diversity: A U.S.-based organization focused on protecting endangered species and their habitats through legal action, science, and advocacy. HQ: Tucson, AZ
28Nia Tero
EIN: 821949563
$105,816,478 $27,311,665 $21,750,393 $24,943,464 $16,795,873
Nia Tero: A global organization working in partnership with Indigenous peoples to protect their lands and cultures, with a focus on areas of high biodiversity. HQ: Seattle, WA
29Humane Society International
EIN: 521769464
$7,372,467 $31,208,577 $31,205,242 $24,340,266 $22,395,621
Humane Society International: A global organization focused on animal protection and advocacy, with efforts spanning wildlife, companion animals, and farm animals. HQ: Washington, DC
30Jane Goodall Institute
EIN: 942474731
$21,703,530 $27,898,710 $26,515,052 $20,523,587 $21,166,581
Jane Goodall Institute: A global organization focused on wildlife conservation, particularly chimpanzees, and community-centered conservation efforts in Africa. HQ: Washington, DC
EIN: 204668756
$16,651,413 $20,324,070 $20,252,691 $19,910,899 $19,283,640
Panthera: A global organization focused on the conservation of wild cats and their ecosystems. HQ: New York, NY
32American Bird Conservancy
EIN: 521501259
$18,892,801 $21,643,397 $21,641,790 $16,944,416 $20,226,777
American Bird Conservancy: A U.S.-based organization focused on conserving native birds and their habitats across the Americas. HQ: Marshall, VA
33Greenpeace Fund
EIN: 953313195
$52,076,074 $27,563,687 $25,106,020 $16,719,908 $34,265,559
Greenpeace Fund: The fundraising arm of Greenpeace, focused on supporting global environmental campaigns on issues like climate change, deforestation, and ocean conservation. HQ: Washington, DC
34Earth Island Institute
EIN: 942889684
$42,478,005 $34,962,347 $34,936,590 $15,668,971 $18,982,438
Earth Island Institute: A U.S.-based organization supporting environmental activism and conservation projects globally through fiscal sponsorship and partnerships. HQ: Berkeley, CA
35Friends Of The Earth
EIN: 237420660
$25,134,973 $16,816,543 $16,789,731 $12,334,826 $16,290,620
Friends Of The Earth: An international environmental organization focused on advocacy and campaigns to address environmental issues, with a significant presence in the United States. HQ: Washington, DC
36Trees For The Future
EIN: 521644869
$7,465,918 $14,114,032 $14,108,921 $11,667,289 $8,628,318
Trees For The Future: Same as above; likely a repeated entry focused on reforestation and sustainable agriculture globally. HQ: Silver Spring, MD
37Forest Trends Association
EIN: 522135531
$10,282,490 $9,907,494 $9,892,778 $11,660,895 $17,015,788
Forest Trends Association: A global organization focused on promoting sustainable forest management, conservation finance, and ecosystem services. HQ: Washington, DC
38Ocean Foundation
EIN: 710863908
$18,251,302 $15,383,455 $15,185,892 $11,541,472 $11,114,623
Ocean Foundation: A U.S.-based organization focused on supporting marine conservation and ocean health initiatives globally. HQ: Washington, DC
39Ecohealth Alliance
EIN: 311726494
$15,827,483 $18,303,274 $17,892,678 $10,794,892 $11,465,094
Ecohealth Alliance Inc: A global organization focused on research and action at the intersection of environmental health, conservation, and infectious diseases. HQ: New York, NY
40The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Usa
EIN: 300224549
$14,176,225 $22,448,376 $17,467,877 $10,602,499 $17,291,648
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust USA: The U.S. branch of a global organization focused on the conservation and protection of elephants and other wildlife in Kenya, including anti-poaching and rehabilitation efforts. HQ: Laguna Hills, CA
41Frankfurt Zoological Society US
EIN: 300457102
$9,050,657 $11,648,785 $11,648,785 $10,148,696 $10,079,212
Frankfurt Zoological Society Us Inc: The U.S. branch of a global organization focused on wildlife conservation, particularly in protected areas and national parks. HQ: Washington, DC
42Waterkeeper Alliance
EIN: 134071318
$9,064,151 $9,745,859 $8,822,541 $9,978,228 $11,662,266
Waterkeeper Alliance Inc: A global organization focused on protecting water resources through a network of local Waterkeeper groups advocating for clean and safe water. HQ: New York, NY
43International Crane Foundation
EIN: 391187711
$57,740,973 $12,632,162 $9,637,841 $9,820,661 $9,742,550
International Crane Foundation Inc: A global organization focused on the conservation of cranes and their habitats worldwide. HQ: Baraboo, WI
44Global Fishing Watch
EIN: 815461345
$11,921,504 $8,706,351 $8,706,351 $8,961,454 $8,458,560
Global Fishing Watch Inc: A global organization focused on promoting sustainable fisheries and transparency in fishing practices through the use of satellite technology and data analysis. HQ: Washington, DC
45Surfrider Foundation
EIN: 953941826
$20,166,105 $14,396,357 $12,280,357 $8,859,638 $10,864,126
Surfrider Foundation: A U.S.-based nonprofit organization focused on the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches through a powerful activist network and environmental campaigns. HQ: San Clemente, CA
46Rainforest Action Network
EIN: 943045180
$15,419,027 $12,914,240 $12,904,672 $8,835,459 $10,888,566
Rainforest Action Network: A U.S.-based organization focused on environmental and human rights advocacy, particularly in protecting rainforests and addressing corporate impacts on the environment. HQ: San Francisco, CA
47Wildaid Inc
EIN: 203644441
$11,429,320 $11,893,660 $11,781,025 $8,743,450 $10,958,078
Wildaid Inc: A global organization focused on reducing demand for wildlife products through public awareness campaigns and advocacy. HQ: San Francisco, CA
EIN: 943331587
$7,183,424 $13,774,015 $13,774,015 $8,557,963 $8,513,503
Stand.Earth: An international organization focused on environmental advocacy, particularly related to climate change, deforestation, and fossil fuels. HQ: San Francisco, CA
49Only One Inc
EIN: 462746860
$1,353,948 $8,151,463 $8,105,926 $8,200,754 $9,538,419
Only One Inc: A global organization focused on ocean conservation, climate action, and storytelling to protect and restore the planet's ecosystems. HQ: New York, NY
50Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
EIN: 930792021
$9,062,569 $13,803,795 $13,803,795 $8,083,366 $11,176,176
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society: An international organization focused on direct action campaigns to protect marine wildlife and ecosystems. HQ: Alexandria, VA
51Island Conservation
EIN: 911839907
$13,169,559 $12,879,686 $11,919,491 $8,069,768 $7,766,569
Island Conservation: A global organization focused on preventing extinctions by removing invasive species from islands to protect native wildlife. HQ: Santa Cruz, CA
52Wildlife Alliance
EIN: 521934148
$29,129,407 $8,814,931 $7,274,160 $7,878,512 $1,371,730
Wildlife Alliance Inc: A global organization focused on wildlife conservation and community development in Southeast Asia, particularly in Cambodia. HQ: New York, NY
53Pachamama Alliance
EIN: 943249793
$4,163,299 $6,287,555 $6,287,555 $7,746,274 $7,920,892
Pachamama Alliance: A global organization focused on environmental conservation and supporting Indigenous peoples in the Amazon rainforest. HQ: San Francisco, CA
54Rights And Resources Institute
EIN: 203690821
$55,447,194 $35,478,201 $30,478,082 $7,320,074 $33,554,659
Rights And Resources Institute: A global organization focused on advancing land and resource rights for Indigenous peoples and local communities in developing countries. HQ: Washington, DC
55Environmental Investigation Agency
EIN: 521654284
$6,453,146 $7,283,648 $7,283,635 $6,829,204 $6,979,158
Environmental Investigation Agency: A global organization focused on investigating and exposing environmental crimes such as illegal logging, wildlife trafficking, and pollution. HQ: Washington, DC
56Wild Salmon Center
EIN: 943166095
$8,842,719 $8,990,773 $8,141,210 $6,780,089 $7,901,906
Wild Salmon Center: A U.S.-based organization focused on the conservation and protection of wild salmon ecosystems across the Pacific Rim. HQ: Portland, OR
57Bat Conservation International
EIN: 742553144
$36,746,196 $31,927,543 $31,927,543 $6,174,816 $6,346,433
Bat Conservation International: A U.S.-based organization dedicated to the conservation of bats and their habitats worldwide. HQ: Austin, TX
58Xerces Society
EIN: 510175253
$14,825,353 $8,838,878 $8,752,833 $5,666,275 $8,541,645
Xerces Society Inc: A U.S.-based organization focused on the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats, particularly pollinators such as bees and butterflies. HQ: Portland, OR
59Nature And Culture International
EIN: 330773524
$12,347,581 $9,437,093 $9,035,812 $5,555,665 $7,083,054
Nature And Culture International: A global organization focused on conserving biodiversity and ecosystems in Latin America. HQ: Del Mar, CA
60Maliasili Initiatives
EIN: 273183146
$13,729,707 $14,885,830 $14,885,830 $5,431,406 $14,513,447
Maliasili Initiatives: A global organization supporting conservation organizations and initiatives across Africa. HQ: Essex, VT
61Rainforest Foundation
EIN: 951622945
$10,319,736 $12,003,920 $11,163,366 $4,808,973 $7,083,419
Rainforest Foundation Inc: A global organization focused on supporting Indigenous peoples and forest communities in their efforts to protect rainforests, primarily in Latin America. HQ: Brooklyn, NY
62Manomet Inc
EIN: 223051362
$26,722,094 $4,894,780 $4,894,780 $4,788,562 $4,237,748
Manomet Inc: A U.S.-based organization focused on applying science and partnerships to address environmental sustainability challenges, particularly in the Northeast. HQ: Manomet, MA
63Marine Stewardship Council Limited
EIN: 912018427
$709,484 $5,383,648 $5,383,648 $4,715,778 $4,506,575
Marine Stewardship Council Limited: A global organization focused on promoting sustainable fishing practices through certification and labeling of seafood products. HQ: Tukwila, WA
64Conservation X Labs
EIN: 474066524
$4,325,104 $7,235,002 $7,235,002 $4,439,214 $4,865,765
Conservation X Labs Inc: A global organization focused on developing innovative technologies and solutions to address conservation challenges. HQ: Washington, DC
65Big Life Foundation USA
EIN: 273455389
$4,544,199 $8,495,920 $5,402,583 $4,305,771 $6,075,810
Big Life Foundation USA: A global organization focused on wildlife conservation and anti-poaching efforts, primarily in East Africa. HQ: Ridgefield, WA
66World Animal Protection
EIN: 42718182
$14,664,817 $13,014,282 $13,001,566 $4,305,559 $4,838,046
World Animal Protection: An international organization focused on animal welfare, advocating for the humane treatment of animals worldwide. HQ: New York, NY
67Sustainable Ocean Alliance
EIN: 824972091
$11,587,227 $12,744,319 $12,744,319 $4,015,592 $3,203,144
Sustainable Ocean Alliance Inc: A global organization focused on empowering young leaders and entrepreneurs to create solutions for ocean sustainability. HQ: San Francisco, CA
EIN: 453714703
$12,247,055 $13,318,449 $10,436,834 $3,976,102 $6,779,536
Mongabayorg Corporation: A U.S.-based non-profit organization that operates Mongabay, an environmental news service focused on conservation and biodiversity issues globally. HQ: Menlo Park, CA
69Cheetah Conservation Fund
EIN: 311726923
$3,636,443 $6,410,207 $5,580,650 $3,733,405 $4,143,991
Cheetah Conservation Fund: A global organization focused on the conservation of cheetahs and their habitats, primarily in Africa. HQ: Alexandria, VA
70Asia Wild Inc
EIN: 311802788
$3,315,919 $5,242,353 $5,242,353 $3,565,491 $4,586,442
Asia Wild Inc: Likely a global organization focused on wildlife conservation in Asia, though specific details may vary depending on the exact entity. HQ: Charleston, SC
71Akashinga Inc
EIN: 320408734
$3,805,729 $5,521,955 $5,328,139 $3,168,109 $7,395,743
Akashinga Inc: A global organization focused on wildlife conservation and anti-poaching efforts in Africa, led by an all-female ranger team. HQ: Arlington, VA