List of ACTINOPTERYGII species in Australia

This is a list of ACTINOPTERYGII in Australia according to the IUCN Red List.

This list was last updated 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.

Aesopia cornuta Dark Thick-rayed Sole 56852510 LC
Nannocampus subosseus Bony-headed pipefish 65372227 LC
Notiocampus ruber Red Pipefish 65372435 LC
Etrumeus jacksoniensis 114164022 LC
Stigmatopora argus Spotted Pipefish 88342897 LC
Dipterygonotus balteatus Mottled Fusilier 20251047 LC
Aldrichetta forsteri Yelloweyed Mullet 197036 LC
Chelon melinopterus Otomebora Mullet 197047 LC
Stigmatopora narinosa Southern Gulf Pipefish 88342995 LC
Stigmatopora nigra Wide-bodied Pipefish 88343011 LC
Phoxocampus belcheri Rock pipefish 65372675 LC
Gymnocaesio gymnoptera Slender Fusilier 20251174 LC
Galaxias brevipinnis Broad-finned Galaxias 197277 LC
Vanderhorstia phaeostictus Yellowfoot shrimpgoby 97780757 DD
Ambassis agassizii Agassiz's Perchlet 1074 DD
Ambassis elongatus Yellow-fin Perchlet 1075 LR/lc
Lotilia klausewitzi Whitecap Shrimpgoby 97780868 LC
Diaphus whitleyi 130286796 LC
Sardinella brachysoma Deepbody Sardinella 98829528 LC
Leptochilichthys microlepis Smallscale Smoothhead 141362457 DD
Pugnaso curtirostris Pug-nosed pipefish 65373532 LC
Lampanyctodes hectoris 15598976 LC
Epinephelus rivulatus Halfmoon Grouper 132736 LC
Epinephelus undulosus Wavy-lined Grouper 132739 LC
Cephalopholis formosa Bluelined Hind 132743 LC
Epinephelus stictus Black-dotted Grouper 132749 LC
Epinephelus bilobatus Twinspot Grouper 132752 LC
Epinephelus radiatus Oblique-banded Grouper 132755 LC
Epinephelus corallicola Coral Grouper 132763 LC
Epinephelus trophis Plumb Grouper 132768 DD
Epinephelus tukula Potato Grouper 132773 LC
Hyporthodus octofasciatus Eightbar Grouper 132772 LC
Plectropomus oligacanthus Highfin Coral Grouper 132776 LC
Epinephelus sexfasciatus Sixbar Grouper 132780 LC
Epinephelus magniscuttis Speckled Grouper 132784 LC
Cephalopholis microprion Freckled Hind 132789 LC
Triso dermopterus Oval Grouper 132790 LC
Epinephelus polystigma White-dotted Grouper 132792 LC
Hyporthodus ergastularius Down-under Grouper 132795 NT
Epinephelus heniochus Bridled Grouper 132798 LC
Epinephelus quoyanus Longfin Grouper 132799 LC
Epinephelus ongus Speckled-fin Rockcod 132804 LC
Cephalopholis cyanostigma Blue Spotted Hind 132808 LC
Epinephelus amblycephalus Banded Grouper 132812 LC
Epinephelus cyanopodus Speckled Blue Grouper 132815 LC
Plectropomus maculatus Bar-cheeked Trout 132818 LC
Pterocaesio digramma Double-lined Fusilier 20252379 LC
Chelmon marginalis Margined Coralfish 165616 LC
Chaetodon octofasciatus Eightband Butterflyfish 165623 LC
Chaetodon meyeri Scrawled Butterflyfish 165638 LC
Chaetodon decussatus Indian Vagabond Butterflyfish 165648 LC
Chaetodon plebeius Blueblotch Butterflyfish 165657 LC
Chelmon muelleri Blackfin Coralfish 165660 LC
Chelmon rostratus Copperband Butterflyfish 165659 LC
Chaetodon oxycephalus Spot-nape Butterflyfish 165664 LC
Brotulotaenia nigra Dark Cuskeel 67962660 LC
Chaetodon ocellicaudus Spot-tail Butterflyfish 165676 DD
Amphichaetodon howensis Lord Howe Island Butterflyfish 165682 LC
Heniochus diphreutes False Moorish Idol 165683 LC
Chaetodon tricinctus Three-striped Butterflyfish 165687 LC
Chaetodon baronessa Eastern triangular Butterflyfish 165692 LC
Chaetodon speculum Mirror Butterflyfish 165694 LC
Coradion altivelis Highfin Coralfish 165697 LC
Coradion chrysozonus Goldengirdled Coralfish 165702 LC
Chaetodon aureofasciatus Golden Butterflyfish 165703 LC
Chelmonops curiosus Western Talma 165706 LC
Chaetodon assarius West Australian Butterflyfish 165710 LC
Chaetodon adiergastos Philippine Butterflyfish 165711 LC
Chaetodon rainfordi Rainford's Butterflyfish 165717 NT
Chaetodon guentheri Crochet Butterflyfish 165718 LC
Chelmonops truncatus Truncate Coralfish 165720 LC
Siokunichthys breviceps Softcoral Pipefish 65374110 DD
Pomacanthus xanthometopon Yellowface Angelfish 165829 LC
Ilisha lunula Longtail Ilisha 99092426 DD
Pomacanthus sexstriatus Sixbar Angelfish 165840 LC
Genicanthus melanospilos Spotbreast Angelfish 165843 LC
Chaetodontoplus ballinae Ballina Angelfish 165847 LC
Pomacanthus semicirculatus Semicircle Angelfish 165851 LC
Centropyge eibli Blacktail Angelfish 165855 LC
Chaetodontoplus duboulayi Scribbled Angelfish 165857 LC
Centropyge vrolikii Pearlscale Angelfish 165860 LC
Genicanthus semicinctus Halfbanded Angelfish 165866 LC
Centropyge nox Midnight Angelfish 165868 LC
Maulisia acuticeps Sharpsnout Tubeshoulder 21104620 LC
Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus Conspicuous Angelfish 165870 LC
Genicanthus watanabei Blackedged Angelfish 165872 LC
Pomacanthus annularis Bluering Angelfish 165873 LC
Pomacanthus navarchus Bluegirdled Angelfish 165867 LC
Scatophagus tetracanthus 57509876 LC
Chaetodontoplus personifer Blueface Angelfish 165881 LC
Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Red Sea Butterflyfish 165884 LC
Genicanthus lamarck Blackstriped Angelfish 165888 LC
Chaetodontoplus meredithi Queensland Yellowtail Angelfish 165891 LC
Centropyge bicolor Bicolor Angelfish 165902 LC
Centropyge tibicen Black Angelfish 165901 LC
Conocara nigrum Flathead Slickhead 165912 DD
Dactyloptena macracantha 114165891 LC
Pterocaesio pisang Banana Fusilier 20252870 LC
Bostrychus sinensis Chinese Gudgeon 166138 LC
Neoscopelus porosus Spangleside Neoscopelid 130353401 LC
Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Pond loach 166158 LC
Parascorpaena mcadamsi McAdam's Scorpionfish 69798179 LC
Ariosoma anago Darkfin Conger 198980 DD
Ilisha striatula Banded Ilisha 99092808 DD
Pterocaesio tessellata One-stripe Fusilier 20253006 LC
Bathyuroconger parvibranchialis 199016 LC
Gnathophis macroporis Largepore Conger 199043 LC
Maulisia mauli Maul's Searsid 18155946 LC
Diagramma labiosum Painted Sweetlips 123439535 LC
Macrocephenchelys brevirostris Rubbernose Conger 199116 LC
Lumiconger arafura Luminous Conger 199143 LC
Blachea xenobranchialis Frillgill Conger 199147 LC
Gnathophis castlei Castle's Conger 199160 LC
Gnathophis umbrellabius Fringe-nosed Conger-eel 199172 LC
Gnathophis neocaledoniensis 199175 LC
Ophisternon bengalense Bengal mudeel 166410 LC
Gnathophis nasutus Bignose Conger 199186 LC
Gnathophis microps Smalleye Conger 199188 LC
Pterocaesio trilineata Three-stripe Fusilier 20253212 LC
Parascorpaena picta Painted Scorpionfish 69798438 LC
Castleichthys auritus Eared Conger 199218 DD
Bathycongrus guttulatus Lined Conger 199234 LC
Planiliza tade 166470 DD
Parabathymyrus macrophthalmus 199239 LC
Bathycongrus odontostomus Toothy Conger 199244 LC
Plectorhinchus polytaenia Ribboned Sweetlips 123439694 LC
Scalanago lateralis Ladder Eel 199247 LC
Uroconger lepturus Longtail Conger 199264 LC
Rhynchoconger ectenurus Longnose Conger 199281 LC
Phenacoscorpius adenensis Toothed No-line Scorpionfish 69798514 LC
Conger wilsoni Cape Conger 199283 LC
Congriscus maldivensis 199294 LC
Ariosoma kapala Mottled Conger 199298 DD
Glossogobius giuris Bareye Goby 166533 LC
Pisodonophis boro 166552 LC
Phenacoscorpius longirostris Longsnout No-line Scorpionfish 69798558 DD
Gazza minuta Toothed Ponyfish 166575 LC
Gnathophis melanocoelus Blackgut Conger 199350 LC
Ariosoma howensis Lord Howe Conger 199356 LC
Drombus globiceps Bighead goby 166598 LC
Gnathophis grahami Graham's Conger 199397 LC
Nessorhamphus ingolfianus Duckbill Oceanic Eel 199401 LC
Gorgasia preclara Orange-barred Garden Eel 199411 LC
Bidyanus bidyanus Silver Perch 2804 VU
Bassanago bulbiceps Swollenhead Conger 199419 LC
Amblygaster sirm 98470734 LC
Bostrychus zonatus Sunset Gudgeon 2895 DD
Saurida undosquamis Brushtooth Lizardfish 18123647 LC
Brachionichthys hirsutus Spotted Handfish 2958 CR
Trachyrhamphus longirostris Long-head pipefish 65375137 LC
Pontinus rhodochrous 69798835 LC
Eubleekeria splendens Splendid Ponyfish 199624 LC
Ambassis ambassis Commerson's Glassy Perchlet 166881 LC
Ambassis vachellii Vachell's Glassfish 166893 LC
Anguilla bicolor Shortfin Eel 166894 NT
Chaunacops melanostomus Tadpole Coffinfish 139922437 LC
Acanthopagrus pacificus Pikey Bream 47385652 LC
Pteroidichthys amboinensis Ambon Scorpionfish 69798967 LC
Periophthalmodon schlosseri Giant Mudskipper 166982 LC
Urocampus carinirostris Hairy Pipefish 65375397 LC
Gerres erythrourus Deep-bodied Mojarra 68324528 LC
Pteroidichthys noronhai 69799144 LC
Vanacampus margaritifer Mother-of-pearl pipefish 65375519 LC
Butis butis Crimson-tipped Gudgeon 3381 LC
Vanacampus phillipi Port Phillip Pipefish 65375571 LC
Lophotus guntheri 123374956 LC
Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides Cairns Rainbowfish 3461 VU
Sargocentron rubrum Redcoat 18124179 LC
Chaunacops spinosus Eastern Tadpole Coffinfish 139922898 LC
Vanacampus poecilolaemus Australian Long-nosed Pipefish 65375703 LC
Cirrhitichthys aprinus Blotched Hawkfish 67997172 LC
Haliichthys taeniophorus Ribboned Pipefish 95882787 LC
Cyprinocirrhites polyactis Swallowtail Hawkfish 67997808 LC
Notocirrhitus splendens Splendid Hawkfish 67997845 LC
Acentrogobius caninus Tropical Sand Goby 68325526 LC
Rhinopias aphanes Weedy Scorpionfish 69800178 LC
Ostichthys japonicus Japanese Soldierfish 67899690 LC
Herklotsichthys blackburni 98472309 DD
Herklotsichthys castelnaui 98472387 LC
Rhinopias frondosa Popeyed Scorpionfish 69800391 LC
Thryssa baelama Anchovy 196319 LC
Chlamydogobius micropterus Elizabeth Springs Goby 4698 CR
Chlamydogobius squamigenus Edgbaston Goby 4699 CR
Chlamydogobius gloveri Dalhousie Goby 4700 VU
Selar boops Oxeye Scad 18158262 LC
Herklotsichthys gotoi 98472646 LC
Herklotsichthys koningsbergeri 98472694 LC
Upeneichthys lineatus Blue-spotted goatfish 69538564 LC
Upeneus australiae Australian Goatfish 69538573 LC
Cinetodus froggatti Smallmouthed Salmon Catfish 4889 DD
Lampadena urophaos Sunbeam Lampfish 68064111 LC
Clupeoides papuensis Toothed River Herring 4984 DD
Hyperlophus translucidus Transparent sandy sprat 98472908 LC
Hyperlophus vittatus 98472935 LC
Alepes apercna Smallmouth Scad 20255775 LC
Pristilepis oligolepis Spinyface Soldier 67900591 LC
Sargocentron cornutum Threespot Squirrelfish 67900621 LC
Craterocephalus amniculus Darling River Hardyhead 5487 VU
Craterocephalus centralis Finke River Hardyhead 5488 LR/nt
Craterocephalus dalhousiensis Dalhousie Hardyhead 5489 VU
Craterocephalus gloveri Glovers Hardyhead 5491 VU
Craterocephalus helenae Drysdale Hardyhead 5492 LR/nt
Craterocephalus lentiginosus Prince Regent Hardyhead 5495 LR/nt
Craterocephalus marianae Mariana's Hardyhead 5496 DD
Johnius coitor Big-eyed Jewfish 169353 LC
Ambassis macleayi Macleayi's Glassfish 169355 LC
Ambassis marianus Estuary Perchlet 169356 LC
Arius berneyi Berney's Catfish 169360 LC
Hippichthys heptagonus Belly Pipefish 169361 LC
Gadopsis bispinosus Two-spined Blackfish 169363 LC
Toxotes lorentzi Primitive Archerfish 169364 LC
Kurtus gulliveri Nurseryfish 169365 LC
Nemipterus balinensoides Dwarf Threadfin Bream 69539228 LC
Nemipterus furcosus Fork-tailed Threadfin Bream 69539262 LC
Nemipterus hexodon Ornate Threadfin Bream 69539271 LC
Arcygobius baliurus Isthmus Goby 68326872 DD
Nemipterus zysron Slender Threadfin Bream 69539293 LC
Pachystomias microdon 18257417 LC
Pentapodus caninus Canine-toothed Mid-water Bream 69539343 LC
Pentapodus nagasakiensis Japanese Whiptail 69539356 LC
Pentapodus trivittatus Three-striped Whiptail 69539374 LC
Scolopsis affinis Peters' Monocle Bream 69539421 LC
Stomias brevibarbatus 18257533 LC
Scolopsis bilineata Two-lined Monocle Bream 69539499 LC
Scolopsis ciliata Saw-jawed Monocle Bream 69539506 LC
Scolopsis lineata Striped Monocle Bream 69539564 LC
Scolopsis margaritifera Pearly Monocle Bream 69539571 LC
Scolopsis monogramma Monogrammed Monocle Bream 69539597 LC
Scolopsis taenioptera Lattice Monocle Bream 69539604 LC
Polymixia busakhini Busakhin’s Beardfish 135403510 LC
Dentex spariformis Saffronfin Sea Bream 170157 LC
Acanthopagrus palmaris Hump-headed Bream 170181 LC
Acanthopagrus butcheri Silver Bream 170189 LC
Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin Bream 170257 LC
Arenigobius leftwichi Oyster Goby 68327714 LC
Grammatorcynus bicarinatus Shark Mackerel 170308 LC
Sarda orientalis Oriental Bonito 170313 LC
Cybiosarda elegans Bonito 170321 LC
Scomber australasicus Blue Mackerel 170329 LC
Scomberomorus munroi Spotted Mackerel 170330 NT
Sarda australis Australian Bonito 170332 LC
Euthynnus affinis Kawakawa 170336 LC
Scomberomorus semifasciatus Broad-barred Mackerel 170337 LC
Thunnus orientalis Pacific Bluefin Tuna 170341 VU
Gymnosarda unicolor Dogtooth Tuna 170342 LC
Allothunnus fallai Slender Tuna 170349 LC
Grammatorcynus bilineatus Double-lined Mackerel 170358 LC
Nannoperca obscura Yarra Pygmy Perch 39301 VU
Sargocentron iota Dwarf Squirrelfish 67902088 LC
Austrolethops wardi Small-eyed Goby 68328081 LC
Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus Banded Pipefish 6814 DD
Melanostomias pauciradius Three-ray Dragonfish 135437006 DD
Photonectes gracilis Graceful Dragonfish 135437114 LC
Cephalopholis boenak Overcast Grouper 39773 LC
Cromileptes altivelis Humpback Grouper 39774 DD
Limnichthys fasciatus Barred Sand Burrower 68000633 LC
Ptereleotris grammica Lined Dartfish 69180312 LC
Bryaninops isis Gorgonian Whipgoby 68328401 LC
Cabillus lacertops Lizard Cabillus 68328587 LC
Myripristis botche Blacktip Soldierfish 67869953 LC
Calumia profunda Deepreef Coralgudgeon 68001146 LC
Gymnocranius audleyi Collared Large-eye Bream 16719359 LC
Gymnocranius elongatus Forktail Large-eye Bream 16719371 LC
Gymnocranius euanus Japanese Large-eye Bream 16719387 LC
Craterocephalus fluviatilis Murray Hardyhead 40692 EN
Syngnathoides biaculeatus Alligator Pipefish 40715 LC
Gymnocranius griseus Grey Large-eye Bream 16719651 LC
Ctenogobiops crocineus Silverspot Shrimpgoby 68329253 LC
Hippocampus subelongatus Tiger Snout Seahorse 40773 DD
Alabes parvula Pygmy Shore Eel 67903537 LC
Hippocampus kelloggi Kellogg's Seahorse 41010 VU
Ptereleotris uroditaenia Flagtail Dartfish 69181516 LC
Lethrinus erythropterus Longfin Emperor 16720002 LC
Glossogobius illimis 89825414 LC
Lethrinus laticaudis Grass Emperor 16720029 LC
Siganus puellus Masked Rabbitfish 69738690 LC
Eurypegasus draconis Little Dragonfish 8407 LC
Siganus punctatissimus Fine-spotted Rabbitfish 69738727 LC
Lethrinus miniatus Trumpet Emperor 16720118 LC
Ambassis gymnocephalus Bald Glassy Perchlet 172321 LC
Ambassis nalua Scalloped Glassfish 172359 LC
Elops machnata 172363 LC
Stolephorus advenus False Indian Anchovy 99000675 DD
Ambassis interrupta Long-spined Glassfish 172393 LC
Pomadasys argenteus Silver Javelin 172404 LC
Ambassis dussumieri Malabar Glassy Perchlet 172415 LC
Bunaka gyrinoides Green-backed Gudgeon 172450 LC
Siganus vulpinus Foxface Rabbitfish 69738933 LC
Zenarchopterus dispar Feathered River-garfish 172497 LC
Lethrinus ornatus Ornate Emperor 16720345 LC
Neoniphon aurolineatus Yellowstriped Squirrelfish 67871203 LC
Sillago ciliata Sand Sillago 69738986 LC
Stolephorus andhraensis Andhra Anchovy 99000824 LC
Escualosa thoracata White Sardine 97755641 LC
Lethrinus ravus Drab Emperor 16720383 LC
Galaxias fontanus Swan Galaxias 8805 CR
Galaxias johnstoni Clarence Galaxias 8806 CR
Galaxias parvus Swamp Galaxias 8807 DD
Galaxias pedderensis Pedder Galaxias 8808 CR
Galaxias tanycephalus Saddled Galaxias 8809 VU
Galaxias fuscus Barred Galaxias 8810 CR
Galaxias rostratus Flat-headed Galaxias 8814 VU
Galaxiella nigrostriata Black-striped Dwarf Galaxias 8819 LR/nt
Galaxiella pusilla Dwarf Galaxias 8820 VU
Galaxiella munda Western Mud Minnow 8821 LR/nt
Diademichthys lineatus Urchin Clingfish 67904147 LC
Lethrinus semicinctus Black-Spot Emperor 16720537 LC
Lethrinus variegatus Slender Emperor 16720568 LC
Herklotsichthys collettei Collette's Herring 97755916 LC
Herklotsichthys lippa Smallspotted Herring 97755938 LC
Satyrichthys laticeps 114172794 LC
Gnatholepis ophthalmotaenia 68330520 LC
Psammogobius biocellatus Sleepy Goby 9266 LC
Herklotsichthys ovalis 97756224 DD
Trichonotus setiger Hairfin 69739648 LC
Onigocia grandisquama 114173064 LC
Meiacanthus grammistes Line-spot Harptail Blenny 48342154 LC
Ecsenius oculatus 48342170 LC
Omobranchus germaini Germain's Blenny 48342171 LC
Mimoblennius atrocinctus Banded Blenny 48342174 LC
Omobranchus lineolatus 48342181 LC
Petroscirtes variabilis Variable Fangblenny 48342187 LC
Petroscirtes fallax Deceiver Fangblenny 48342191 LC
Ecsenius schroederi Schroeder's Combtooth-Blenny 48342204 LC
Andamia heteroptera 48342209 DD
Parenchelyurus hyena 48342218 LC
Blenniella bilitonensis Lined Rockskipper 48342219 LC
Hippocampus planifrons Flatface Seahorse 68527310 LC
Parablennius tasmanianus Tasmanian Blenny 48342223 LC
Parupeneus jansenii Jansen's goatfish 69182673 LC
Petroscirtes breviceps Short-headed Blenny 48342225 LC
Allomicrodesmus dorotheae Dorothea's Wriggler 69739731 DD
Ecsenius australianus Australian Blenny 48342230 LC
Meiacanthus naevius 48342236 VU
Xiphasia matsubarai Japanese Snake Blenny 48342238 LC
Ecsenius lividanalis Blue-head Combtooth-Blenny 48342250 LC
Meiacanthus luteus Yellow Fangblenny 48342254 LC
Ecsenius stictus Great Barrier Reef Blenny 48342262 LC
Cirripectes alboapicalis 48342277 LC
Ecsenius bathi Bath's Comb-tooth 48342278 LC
Cirripectes chelomatus Lady Musgrave Blenny 48342303 LC
Salarias sexfilum 48342305 LC
Ulua aurochs Silvermouth Trevally 67970335 LC
Ecsenius aequalis Fourline Blenny 48342307 LC
Omobranchus elongatus Chevroned Blenny 48342312 LC
Stanulus talboti Talbot's Blenny 48342314 LC
Ecsenius namiyei Black Comb-tooth 48342317 LC
Ecsenius lineatus Linear Blenny 48342329 LC
Ecsenius fourmanoiri 48342341 LC
Salarias ramosus Snowflake Blenny 48342354 LC
Omobranchus robertsi 48342358 DD
Laiphognathus multimaculatus Spotty Blenny 48342362 LC
Ecsenius tigris Tiger Blenny 48342364 VU
Petroscirtes lupus Wolf Fangblenny 48342394 LC
Meiacanthus lineatus Lined Fangblenny 48342417 LC
Cirripectes springeri Spotted Eye-lash Blenny 48342425 LC
Blenniella interrupta Dashed-line Blenny 48342431 LC
Enchelyurus kraussii Krauss' Blenny 48342433 LC
Istiblennius meleagris Peacock Rockskipper 48342442 LC
Atrosalarias holomelas 48342444 LC
Ecsenius yaeyamaensis Yaeyama Clown Blenny 48342451 LC
Parablennius postoculomaculatus 48342455 LC
Hannia greenwayi Greenway's Grunter 9670 DD
Istiblennius dussumieri Blenny 48342482 LC
Cirripectes hutchinsi 48342486 LC
Ecsenius alleni 48342498 LC
Parablennius intermedius Horned Blenny 48342502 LC
Omobranchus verticalis 48342529 LC
Ecsenius mandibularis Queensland Blenny 48342535 LC
Monotaxis heterodon Redfin Emperor 16721443 LC
Parupeneus spilurus Blackspot goatfish 69183023 LC
Scalicus investigatoris 114172998 LC
Mitotichthys tuckeri Tucker's Pipefish 65371889 LC
Hephaestus epirrhinos Longnose Sooty Grunter 9945 LR/nt
Parascorpaena armata 79800053 LC
Equulites leuciscus 68396826 LC
Parascorpaena aurita Golden Scorpionfish 79800103 LC
Pterois paucispinula 79800135 LC
Hippocampus abdominalis Big-belly Seahorse 10057 LC
Hippocampus bargibanti Bargibant's Seahorse 10060 DD
Hippocampus breviceps Short-headed Seahorse 10063 LC
Hippocampus histrix Spiny Seahorse 10070 VU
Hippocampus minotaur Bullneck Seahorse 10077 DD
Hippocampus trimaculatus Low-crowned Seahorse 10087 VU
Hippocampus whitei White's Seahorse 10088 EN
Scorpaena onaria Western Scorpionfish 79800168 LC
Discotrema crinophilum Crinoid Clingfish 67905401 LC
Discotrema monogrammum 67905414 LC
Wattsia mossambica Mozambique Large-eye Bream 16721842 LC
Inegocia japonica Japanese Flathead 79800251 LC
Lepadichthys caritus Pale Clingfish 67905489 LC
Hippocampus spinosissimus Hedgehog Seahorse 107259870 VU
Arotrolepis filicauda 79800315 LC
Tyson belos Arrow Wriggler 69740574 LC
Paramonacanthus lowei 79800379 LC
Nematalosa vlaminghi Perth Herring 97757259 LC
Acanthaluteres brownii Spinytail Leatherjacket 79800448 LC
Acanthaluteres spilomelanurus Bridled Leatherjacket 79800470 LC
Acanthaluteres vittiger Toothbrush Leatherjacket 79800500 LC
Pherallodus indicus Smalldisc Clingfish 67905735 LC
Eubalichthys bucephalus Black Reef Leatherjacket 79800524 LC
Eubalichthys cyanoura Bluetail Leatherjacket 79800552 LC
Eubalichthys gunnii Gunn's Leatherjacket 79800562 LC
Eubalichthys quadrispinis Fourspine Leatherjacket 79800582 LC
Meuschenia australis Brownstriped Leatherjacket 79800594 LC
Saurida micropectoralis Shortfin Lizardfish 75147549 LC
Meuschenia flavolineata Yellowstriped Leatherjacket 79800615 LC
Schedophilus huttoni 21113133 LC
Meuschenia freycineti Freycinet's Leatherjacket 79800624 LC
Schedophilus velaini 21113146 LC
Meuschenia galii Bluelined Leatherjacket 79800643 LC
Meuschenia scaber Smooth Leatherjacket 79800670 LC
Meuschenia trachylepis Yellowfin Leatherjacket 79800687 LC
Meuschenia venusta Beautiful Leatherjacket 79800718 LC
Spratelloides robustus Fringe-scale Round Herring 98839002 LC
Centriscus cristatus Smooth Razorfish 65350111 DD
Hypseleotris aurea Golden Gudgeon 10730 LR/lc
Hypseleotris ejuncida Slender Carp Gudgeon 10731 LR/nt
Hypseleotris kimberleyensis Barnett River Gudgeon 10732 LR/nt
Hypseleotris regalis Prince Regent Gudgeon 10733 LR/nt
Thamnaconus analis Darkvent Leatherjacket 79800812 DD
Thamnaconus degeni Bluefin Leatherjacket 79800879 LC
Arnoglossus japonicus Japanese Lefteye Flounder 69741220 LC
Kimberleyeleotris hutchinsi Mitchell Gudgeon 10993 LR/nt
Kimberleyeleotris notata Drysdale Gudgeon 10994 LR/nt
Arnoglossus polyspilus Many-spotted Lefteye Flounder 69741351 LC
Cantheschenia grandisquamis Largescale Leatherjacket 79801139 DD
Kuhlia marginata Spotted Flagtail 11060 LC
Chaetodermis penicilligerus Tasselled Leatherjacket 79801152 LC
Lagocephalus gloveri Brown-backed Toadfish 11150 DD
Koumansetta rainfordi Old Glory 68332472 LC
Harpadon translucens Glassy Bombay Duck 123350125 LC
Colurodontis paxmani Paxman's Leatherjacket 79801482 DD
Arnoglossus tenuis Dwarf Lefteye Flounder 69741720 LC
Hippocampus zebra Zebra Seahorse 107261083 DD
Leiopotherapon aheneus Fortesque Grunter 11453 LR/nt
Leiopotherapon macrolepis Large-scaled Grunter 11454 LC
Stolephorus brachycephalus Broadhead Anchovy 99003622 LC
Asterorhombus cocosensis Angler Flounder 69741856 LC
Lepidogalaxias salamandroides Salmanderfish 11575 LR/nt
Asterorhombus filifer Longlure Flounder 69741907 LC
Suggrundus macracanthus 114175363 LC
Asterorhombus intermedius Intermediate Flounder 69741958 LC
Paratrypauchen microcephalus Red Eel Goby 68332934 LC
Pleurosicya labiata Barrel-sponge Ghostgoby 68332983 LC
Sunagocia carbunculus 114175462 LC
Priolepis akihitoi Emperor Reefgoby 68333054 DD
Hippocampus angustus Narrow-bellied Seahorse 107261486 LC
Priacanthus macracanthus Red Bigeye 69545534 LC
Choerodon cauteroma Bluespotted Tuskfish 44668 LC
Choerodon schoenleinii Blackspot Tuskfish 44669 NT
Choerodon cyanodus Blue Tuskfish 44670 LC
Choerodon rubescens Baldchin Tuskfish 44671 LC
Epinephelides armatus Tiger Cod 44679 NT
Plectropomus leopardus Leopard Coral Grouper 44684 LC
Tryssogobius sarah Sarah's Fairygoby 68333307 LC
Valenciennea wardii Broadbarred Glider Goby 68333312 LC
Lutjanus timoriensis Timor Snapper 68398868 LC
Nematalosa erebi Australian River Gizzard Shad 98807658 LC
Stolephorus carpentariae Gulf of Carpenteria Anchovy 99004333 LC
Eubalichthys mosaicus Mosaic Leatherjacket 79802334 LC
Sprattus novaehollandiae Australian sprat 98840585 LC
Nelusetta ayraud Chinaman Leatherjacket 79802460 LC
Diaphus chrysorhynchus Goldnose Lanternfish 129511528 LC
Stipecampus cristatus Ring-backed Pipefish 87568608 LC
Congrogadus subducens Carpet Eel-blenny 123482384 LC
Stiphodon pelewensis 142323988 LC
Bathytroctes squamosus 60469527 LC
Maccullochella ikei Clarence River Cod 12573 EN
Maccullochella macquariensis Blue Nose Cod 12574 EN
Maccullochella peelii Murray Cod 12576 CR
Macquaria australasica Macquarie Perch 12581 DD
Diaphus danae Dana Lanternfish 129511745 LC
Cataetyx chthamalorhynchus White Brotula 60469588 LC
Phyllopteryx dewysea Ruby Seadragon 87568739 DD
Caulophryne pelagica 60469615 DD
Centrophryne spinulosa Horned lantern fish 60469670 LC
Diaphus drachmanni Drachmann’s Lanternfish 129511949 DD
Paramonacanthus otisensis Dusky Leatherjacket 79802989 LC
Paramonacanthus pusillus Faintstripe Filefish 79803001 LC
Pseudomonacanthus elongatus Elongate Leatherjacket 79803091 LC
Pseudomonacanthus macrurus Strap-weed Filefish 79803102 LC
Melanotaenia eachamensis Lake Eacham Rainbowfish 13054 VU
Melanotaenia exquisita Exquisite Rainbowfish 13061 DD
Melanotaenia gracilis Slender Rainbowfish 13062 LR/nt
Pseudomonacanthus peroni Potbelly Leatherjacket 79803143 LC
Melanotaenia pygmaea Pygmy Rainbowfish 13075 LR/nt
Rudarius excelsus Diamond Leatherjacket 79803162 LC
Scobinichthys granulatus Rough Leatherjacket 79803203 LC
Thamnaconus hypargyreus Lesser-spotted Leatherjacket 79803311 LC
Acanthopagrus morrisoni Western Yellowfin Bream 47166619 LC
Milyeringa veritas Blind Gudgeon 13555 DD
Engyprosopon maldivensis Olive Wide-eyed Flounder 69744038 LC
Gonorynchus gonorynchus Mousefish 60470704 LC
Acanthurus fowleri Horseshoe Surgeonfish 177959 LC
Naso fageni Horseface Unicornfish 177962 LC
Naso mcdadei Squarenose Unicornfish 177963 LC
Naso caeruleacauda Bluetail Unicornfish 177968 LC
Naso minor Blackspine Unicornfish 177975 LC
Acanthurus bariene Roundspot Surgeonfish 177978 LC
Naso lopezi Slender Unicornfish 177979 LC
Acanthurus dussumieri Eyestripe Surgeonfish 177981 LC
Grammatobothus pennatus Pennant Flounder 69744444 LC
Naso brachycentron Humpback Unicornfish 177983 LC
Ctenochaetus tominiensis Orange-tipped Bristletooth 177986 LC
Acanthurus leucocheilus Palelipped Surgeonfish 177994 LC
Naso tuberosus Humpnose Unicornfish 178003 DD
Acanthurus grammoptilus Finelined Surgeonfish 178006 LC
Prionurus microlepidotus Sixplate Sawtail 178016 LC
Naso maculatus Spotted Unicornfish 178020 LC
Prionurus maculatus Yellowspotted Sawtail 178025 LC
Pogonoscorpius sechellensis 114177913 DD
Parachaetodon ocellatus Sixspine Butterflyfish 165661 LC
Nannatherina balstoni King River Perchlet 14320 DD
Nannoperca oxleyana Oxleyan Pygmy Perch 14321 EN
Nannoperca variegata Variagated Pygmy Perch 14322 VU
Rhinopias eschmeyeri 114178035 LC
Pterois russelii Plaintail Turkeyfish 50903260 LC
Paramonacanthus choirocephalus White-blotched Filefish 50903263 LC
Scorpaenopsis cotticeps 114178331 LC
Scorpaenopsis longispina 114178539 DD
Laemonema robustum Robust cod 60471850 DD
Lamprogrammus shcherbachevi 60471916 DD
Upeneus tragula Bar-tailed goatfish 46086775 LC
Enneapterygius clea Clea's Triplefin 178891 LC
Enneapterygius flavoccipitis Yellownape Tripplefin 178894 LC
Enneapterygius rubicauda Redtail Triplefin 178895 LC
Heteroclinus heptaeolus Seven-bar Weedfish 178897 LC
Heteroclinus kuiteri 178899 LC
Heteroclinus wilsoni Wilson's Weedfish 178901 LC
Heteroclinus adelaidae Adelaide's Weedfish 178903 LC
Enneapterygius similis Blacktail Triplefin 178915 LC
Ophiclinops pardalis Spotted Snakeblenny 178923 DD
Ophiclinus ningulus Variable Snake-blenny 178929 LC
Heteroclinus macrophthalmus Tasselled Weedfish 178930 LC
Heteroclinus eckloniae Kelp Weedfish 178935 LC
Heteroclinus puellarum Little Weedfish 178936 LC
Trinorfolkia cristata Crested Triplefin 178939 LC
Sticharium dorsale Sand Crawler 178942 LC
Heteroclinus johnstoni Johnston's Weedfish 178945 LC
Lepidoblennius marmoratus Western Jumping Blenny 178947 LC
Enneapterygius bahasa Blacktail Triplefin 178950 LC
Norfolkia leeuwin Leeuwin Triplefin 178956 LC
Trianectes bucephalus Verco's Triplefin 178960 LC
Cristiceps aurantiacus Golden Weedfish 178972 LC
Enneapterygius rufopileus Lord Howe Black-head Triplefin 178986 LC
Norfolkia brachylepis Redfin Triplefin 178992 LC
Enneapterygius nanus Pygmy Threefin 179001 LC
Enneapterygius atrogulare Eastern Australian Blackhead Triplefin 179006 LC
Heteroclinus nasutus Large-nose Weedfish 179007 LC
Heteroclinus antinectes 179009 LC
Ophiclinops hutchinsi Earspot Snakeblenny 179008 LC
Forsterygion varium Variable Triplefin 179014 LC
Enneapterygius larsonae Western Australian Black-head Triplefin 179019 LC
Forsterygion gymnota Tasmanian Robust Triplefin 179022 LC
Trinorfolkia clarkei Clarke's Triplefin 179024 LC
Ophiclinus pectoralis Whiteblotch Snakeblenny 179025 LC
Ophiclinops varius Variegated Snake-blenny 179027 LC
Sticharium clarkae Dusky Crawler 179032 LC
Ceratobregma acanthops Spotted Spiny-eye Triplefin 179035 LC
Ophiclinus gracilis Black-back Snake-blenny 179036 LC
Enneapterygius mirabilis Miracle Triplefin 179037 LC
Brachynectes fasciatus Southern Barred Triplefin 179039 LC
Cristiceps australis Crested Weedfish 179042 LC
Apopterygion alta Tasselled Triplefin 179048 LC
Helcogramma gymnauchen Red-finned Triplefin 179053 LC
Lepidoblennius haplodactylus Eastern Jumping Blenny 179055 LC
Enneapterygius ziegleri Ziegler's Triplefin 179056 LC
Enneapterygius gracilis Northern Yellow-black Triplefin 179057 LC
Cristiceps argyropleura Silver-sided Weedfish 179061 LC
Cologrammus flavescens Short-tassel Weedfish 179063 LC
Norfolkia squamiceps Lord Howe Scaly-headed Triplefin 179065 LC
Peronedys anguillaris Eel Blenny 179067 DD
Heteroclinus equiradiatus 179070 LC
Heteroclinus tristis Sharp-nose Weedfish 179079 LC
Trinorfolkia incisa Notched Triplefin 179084 LC
Ophiclinus brevipinnis Shortfin Snakeblenny 179092 LC
Ophiclinus gabrieli Frosted Snake-blenny 179100 LC
Enneapterygius howensis Lord Howe Island Triplefin 179107 LC
Heteroclinus perspicillatus Common Weedfish 179108 LC
Ophiclinus antarcticus Dusky Snakeblenny 179114 LC
Carangoides humerosus Duskyshoulder Trevally 20429793 LC
Parabothus coarctatus 69778452 LC
Ophisternon candidum Blind Cave Eel 15386 DD
Carangoides oblongus Coachwhip Trevally 20429854 LC
Macrocephenchelys soela 103693422 DD
Parabothus kiensis 69778589 LC
Inimicus sinensis 114179505 LC
Taeniopsetta ocellata Indo-Pacific Ocellated Flounder 69778885 LC
Stolephorus nelsoni Nelson's Anchovy 99008092 DD
Saurida longimanus Longfin Lizardfish 123354731 LC
Saurida macrolepis Large-scale Grinner 123354734 LC
Favonigobius reichei Indo-pacific Tropical Sand Goby 16012 LC
Minous coccineus 114179753 LC
Caranx bucculentus Bluespotted Trevally 20430510 LC
Paragalaxias mesotes Arthurs Paragalaxias 16109 VU
Amblygaster leiogaster 75153246 LC
Synanceia horrida 114179968 LC
Roa australis Triple-banded butterflyfish 180103 LC
Caranx tille Tille Trevally 20430800 LC
Trachicephalus uranoscopus 114180108 LC
Planiliza alata Diamond Mullet 95567920 LC
Synodus indicus Indian Lizardfish 123355193 LC
Pegasus lancifer Dragonfish 16474 LC
Pegasus volitans Longtail Seamoth 16476 DD
Aseraggodes bahamondei South Pacific Sole 69779611 LC
Synodus sageneus Speartoothed Grinner 123355386 LC
Nematalosa come Western Pacific gizzard shad 75153687 LC
Paracentropogon longispinis 114180459 LC
Richardsonichthys leucogaster 114180533 LC
Amsichthys knighti Knight's Dottyback 69583335 LC
Osphronemus goramy Giant Gourami 180720 LC
Cypho purpurascens Oblique-lined Dottyback 69583348 LC
Pictichromis paccagnellae Royal Dottyback 69583393 LC
Pseudochromis bitaeniatus Two-lined Dottyback 69583407 LC
Pseudochromis cyanotaenia Bluebarred Dottyback 69583414 LC
Pseudochromis fuscus Brown Dottyback 69583417 LC
Aseraggodes melanostictus Mottled Sole 69780030 LC
Pseudochromis marshallensis Marshall Dottyback 69583426 LC
Pseudochromis tapeinosoma Horseshoe-tailed Dottyback 69583442 LC
Pseudoplesiops annae Anna's Dottyback 69583447 LC
Pseudoplesiops howensis Lord Howe Dottyback 69583454 LC
Pseudoplesiops typus Ring-eyed Dottyback 69583463 LC
Mugilogobius platystomus Indonesian Goby 180866 LC
Aseraggodes ramsaii 69780099 DD
Decapterus kurroides Redtail Scad 20431513 LC
Decapterus muroadsi Amberstripe Scad 20431538 LC
Ambassis miops Flag-tailed Glassfish 180926 LC
Phycodurus eques Glauerts Seadragon 17096 LC
Mugilogobius mertoni Merton's mangrove goby 181000 LC
Phyllopteryx taeniolatus Common Seadragon 17177 LC
Eugnathogobius mindora 181029 LC
Neopomacentrus taeniurus Freshwater Damsel 181116 DD
Pingalla gilberti Gilberts Grunter 17287 LR/lc
Pingalla midgleyi Midgley's Grunter 17288 LC
Acanthogobius flavimanus Yellowfin Goby 181137 LC
Bathypterois filiferus Bighanded Feelerfish 123323295 LC
Doryichthys deokhatoides 181217 DD
Bathypterois perceptor Perceptor Spiderfish 123323380 LC
Bathysauropsis gracilis Black Deepsea Lizardfish 123323392 LC
Acanthistius cinctus Yellowbanded wirrah 69584026 LC
Aulacocephalus temminckii Goldribbon cod 69584048 LC
Belonoperca chabanaudi Chabanaud's soapfish 69584098 LC
Cantherhines fronticinctus Spectacled Filefish 70010111 LC
Pantolabus radiatus Fringefin Trevally 20432226 LC
Hippocampus dahli Lowcrown Seahorse 101729662 LC
Sardinella lemuru Bali sardinella 75154879 NT
Caprodon krasyukovae Krasyukova's Perch 69584331 LC
Caprodon longimanus Longfin anthias 69584359 LC
Caprodon schlegelii Schlegel's red bass 69584395 LC
Diploprion bifasciatum Two banded grouper 69584403 LC
Liopropoma erythraeum 69584431 LC
Liopropoma multilineatum Many-lined basslet 69584566 LC
Etrumeus sadina West Atlantic Round Herring 82626288 LC
Monacanthus chinensis Fan-bellied Leatherjacket 70010615 LC
Glossogobius circumspectus Circumspect Goby 91080608 LC
Prototroctes maraena Cucumber Herring 18383 NT
Hippocampus colemani Coleman's Pygmy Seahorse 47728602 DD
Paraluteres prionurus False Puffer 70010872 LC
Paramonacanthus japonicus Hairfinned Leatherjacket 70010936 LC
Pseudomugil mellis Honey Blue-eye 18543 EN
Pervagor alternans Yelloweye Filefish 70010999 LC
Pervagor aspricaudus Orangetail Filefish 70011018 LC
Macrouroides inflaticeps 60475627 LC
Pervagor janthinosoma Blackbar Filefish 70011147 LC
Pegasus tetrabelos 101730582 DD
Pervagor nigrolineatus Blacklined Filefish 70011310 LC
Conocara murrayi Murray's Smooth-head 18139615 LC
Pseudocaranx dinjerra Skipjack Trevally 20433442 LC
Scolopsis xenochrous Oblique-barred Monocle Bream 123456077 LC
Pseudalutarius nasicornis Rhinoceros Leatherjacket 70011518 LC
Pseudocaranx wrighti Skipjack Trevally 20433543 LC
Rudarius minutus Minute Leatherjacket 70011534 LC
Thamnaconus modestoides Modest Filefish 70011608 LC
Thamnaconus tessellatus Tessellated Leatherjacket 70011736 LC
Redigobius bikolanus Speckled Goby 19388 LC
Luzonichthys waitei Magenta slender basslet 69586094 LC
Bathylagichthys greyae Grey's Deepsea Smelt 18140358 LC
Gnathophis longicauda Little Conger 199319 LC
Pseudocaranx georgianus Silver Trevally 20434340 LC
Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis Red-finned Blue-eye 19951 CR
Gymnothorax porphyreus Low Fin Moray 183859 LC
Scleropages leichardti Southern Saratoga 20035 LR/nt
Scortum hillii Leathery Grunter 20049 DD
Scortum parviceps Small-headed Grunter 20050 DD
Odontanthias borbonius Checked Swallowtail 69586671 LC
Solegnathus dunckeri Duncker's Pipehorse 20314 DD
Solegnathus hardwickii Hardwicke's Pipefish 20315 DD
Solegnathus lettiensis Günther's Pipehorse 20316 DD
Solegnathus robustus Robust Pipehorse 20317 LC
Solegnathus spinosissimus Banded Pipehorse 20318 DD
Eviota atriventris Neon Dwarfgoby 47402970 LC
Eviota jewettae Jewett's Dwarfgoby 47402978 LC
Gunnellichthys monostigma Onespot Wormfish 69128289 LC
Scomberoides tala Barred Queenfish 20435070 LC
Stiphodon surrufus 20855 LC
Coelophrys brevipes Balloon Seabat 140202440 LC
Seriola hippos Samson Fish 20435675 LC
Syncomistes kimberleyensis Kimberley Grunter 21252 LR/nt
Syncomistes rastellus Drysdale Grunter 21253 LR/nt
Engyprosopon grandisquama Largescale Flounder 46093134 LC
Synchiropus splendidus Mandarinfish 141481104 LC
Stolephorus waitei Spotty-face Anchovy 99079315 DD
Thryssa scratchleyi Freshwater Anchovy 21855 DD
Trimma capostriatum 95999331 LC
Trachinotus anak Oyster Pompano 20436452 DD
Torquigener brevipinnis Yellow-stripe Toadfish 21994 LC
Toxotes oligolepis Big Scale Archerfish 22018 LR/lc
Thryssa aestuaria Estuarine Thryssa 99079806 LC
Trachinotus botla Largespotted Dart 20436632 LC
Thryssa brevicauda Short-tail Thryssa 99079842 LC
Valamugil buchanani Bluetail Mullet 186087 LC
Yongeichthys nebulosus Shadow Goby 186090 LC
Plectranthias longimanus Silverspots 69588828 LC
Diaphus kapalae Kapala Lanternfish 130275173 LC
Plectranthias megalophthalmus Citron Perchlet 69588900 LC
Plectranthias retrofasciatus 69588949 LC
Plectranthias winniensis Redblotch perchlet 69588992 LC
Parioglossus philippinus Philippine Dartfish 69130241 LC
Paragunnellichthys seychellensis Seychelles Wormfish 69130320 LC
Plagiogeneion rubiginosum Rubyfish 123426979 LC
Trachinotus coppingeri Swallowtail Dart 20437309 LC
Epigonus pectinifer Spiny-nosed Deepwater Cardinalfish 47143512 LC
Scorpaena bulacephala Bullhead Scorpionfish 69917280 LC
Saurida nebulosa Clouded Lizardfish 67852930 LC
Trachurus declivis Greenback Scad 20437665 LC
Scorpaena cardinalis Northern Scorpionfish 69917385 LC
Kraemeria cunicularia Transparent Sand Dart 68377359 LC
Nemipterus marginatus Red Filament Threadfin Bream 75553587 LC
Trachurus novaezelandiae Yellowtail Scad 20437921 LC
Choerodon gomoni 187369 LC
Paracaesio caerulea Japanese Snapper 154612 DD
Pentaceros decacanthus Bigspine Boarfish 154614 LC
Diaphus diadematus Crown Lanternfish 154616 LC
Macropharyngodon choati Red-flecked wrasse 187388 LC
Coris bulbifrons Doubleheader 187392 VU
Paracheilinus mccoskeri Mccosker's flasher-wrasse 187393 LC
Coris pictoides Pixie rainbow wrasse 187394 LC
Cnidoglanis macrocephalus Estuary Catfish 154627 DD
Helcogramma striata Tropical Striped Triplefin 154626 LC
Paraliparis plagiostomus 154625 DD
Choerodon vitta Redstripe tuskfish 187400 LC
Callionymus leucobranchialis Whitegill Dragonet 154637 DD
Hologymnosus longipes Pale slender wrasse 187406 LC
Gobiodon histrio Actor Coral Goby 154641 LC
Ophthalmolepis lineolata Maori wrasse 187409 LC
Iniistius pentadactylus Fivefinger wrasse 187411 LC
Parenchelyurus hepburni Hepburn's Blenny 154643 LC
Macropharyngodon kuiteri Black leopard wrasse 187414 LC
Coris batuensis Batu Coris 187417 LC
Bathygobius aeolosoma 154651 LC
Choerodon zamboangae Purple eyebrowed tuskfish 187419 LC
Conniella apterygia Mutant wrasse 187425 VU
Notolabrus tetricus Bluehead 187426 LC
Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus Deepwater Wrasse 187427 LC
Oplegnathus woodwardi Conway 154661 DD
Choerodon cephalotes Grass tuskfish 187430 LC
Cirrhilabrus laboutei Laboute's wrasse 187439 LC
Cirrhilabrus condei Conde's wrasse 187440 LC
Bathyuroconger vicinus Large-toothed Conger 154673 LC
Scarus prasiognathos Singapore Parrotfish 154676 LC
Apogon sealei Cheekbar Cardinalfish 154678 LC
Coris dorsomacula Pale-barred coris 187450 LC
Halichoeres argus Argus wrasse 187451 LC
Skythrenchelys zabra Angry Worm Eel 154683 LC
Anampses elegans Elegant Wrasse 187453 LC
Halichoeres scapularis Brownbanded wrasse 187454 LC
Dotalabrus aurantiacus Pretty polly 187457 LC
Suezichthys cyanolaemus Blue-throated rainbow wrasse 187459 LC
Schindleria brevipinguis Stout Infantfish 154692 LC
Synchiropus claudiae Claudia's Dragonet 154691 LC
Blennodesmus scapularis 154694 LC
Enneapterygius namarrgon Lightning Man Triplefin 154700 EN
Pseudolabrus luculentus Orange Wrasse 154701 LC
Johnius laevis Smooth Croaker 154704 DD
Polydactylus multiradiatus Australian Threadfin 154707 LC
Halichoeres leucurus Chain-line wrasse 187478 LC
Pseudojuloides elongatus Green wrasse 187480 DD
Eustomias vulgaris 154715 LC
Paxton concilians Paxton's Cardinalfish 154716 DD
Parma victoriae Victorian Scalyfin 154718 LC
Thalassoma septemfasciatum Solarfin wrasse 187486 DD
Choerodon graphicus Graphic tuskfish 187488 LC
Suezichthys bifurcatus Striped Trawl Wrasse 154720 DD
Synodus doaki Arrowtooth Lizardfish 67853408 LC
Anodontostoma selangkat Indonesian Gizzard Shad 154723 LC
Austrolabrus maculatus Black-spotted Parrotfish 187491 LC
Dactyloptena peterseni Starry Flying Gurnard 69786726 LC
Stegastes gascoynei Coral Sea Gregory 154732 LC
Pagrus auratus Bream 154734 LC
Cirrhilabrus randalli 187502 LC
Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis Yellow-fin fairy wrasse 187505 LC
Bodianus frenchii Foxfish 187506 NT
Cynoglossus maccullochi McCulloch's Tongue Sole 154739 DD
Bodianus solatus 187509 DD
Choerodon fasciatus Harlequin tuskfish 187511 LC
Kestratherina brevirostris Short-snout Hardyhead 154744 LC
Synodus hoshinonis Blackear Lizardfish 67853432 LC
Notopogon lilliei Bugler 65363069 LC
Diproctacanthus xanthurus Cleaner wrasse 187517 LC
Pictilabrus laticlavius Patrician wrasse 187519 LC
Achoerodus gouldii Gould's Wrasse 187520 VU
Pseudanthias bicolor Fairy bass 69590149 LC
Choerodon frenatus Bridled Tuskfish 187529 LC
Pseudolabrus guentheri Günther's wrasse 187533 LC
Notolabrus parilus Brown spotted wrasse 187535 LC
Silhouettea evanida 154769 DD
Anoplocapros inermis Chubby Basketfish 154771 LC
Synchiropus grandoculis Werstern Australian Bigeye Dragonet 154772 LC
Pseudolabrus biserialis Redband wrasse 187542 LC
Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura Blue-scaled wrasse 187544 DD
Halichoeres nebulosus Clouded rainbow fish 187548 LC
Siphonognathus beddomei Pencil Weed Whiting 154780 LC
Bodianus vulpinus 187553 LC
Amblyeleotris callopareia Beautiful-cheek Shrimpgoby 154786 DD
Bodianus bilunulatus Blackspot wrasse 187554 LC
Neobythites franzi 154787 DD
Pictilabrus brauni Braun's Senator Wrasse 187557 DD
Suezichthys devisi Gracilis wrasse 187558 LC
Anampses lennardi Blue and Yellow Wrasse 187567 LC
Achoerodus viridis Brown Groper 187572 NT
Suezichthys soelae Soela trawl wrasse 187574 LC
Labroides pectoralis Breastspot cleaner wrasse 187575 LC
Oxycheilinus nigromarginatus Blackmargin maori wrasse 187577 DD
Choerodon anchorago Anchor trunkfish 187578 LC
Amphiprion sandaracinos Orange Anemonefish 154812 LC
Eupetrichthys angustipes Snake-skin wrasse 187582 LC
Bodianus cylindriatus Cylindrical hogfish 187583 LC
Alepisaurus ferox Day Sarpon 154820 LC
Suezichthys aylingi Crimson cleaner fish 187588 LC
Choerodon paynei 187593 DD
Inimicus caledonicus Chinese Ghoul 154827 LC
Bodianus rubrisos 187597 DD
Pyramodon lindas 154830 LC
Pteragogus enneacanthus Cockerel wrasse 187604 LC
Notopogon xenosoma Longspine Bellowsfish 65363156 LC
Schindleria praematura Premature Floater 154836 LC
Dotalabrus alleni Allen's Polly 154841 LC
Barbuligobius boehlkei Bearded Goby 154846 LC
Scorpaenodes evides Cheekspot Scorpionfish 69917918 LC
Helcogramma springeri Springer's Triplefin 154849 LC
Zanclorhynchus spinifer Spiny Horsefish 154851 LC
Labropsis manabei Northern tubelip 187620 LC
Epibulus brevis Dwarf slingjaw wrasse 187622 LC
Iniistius dea Blackspot razorfish 187623 LC
Halichoeres chrysus Canary wrasse 187624 LC
Pteragogus guttatus Sneaky wrasse 187625 LC
Istigobius rigilius Orangespotted Goby 154861 LC
Pictilabrus viridis Green senator wrasse 187630 LC
Parioglossus taeniatus Striped Dartfish 154863 LC
Xyrichtys pastellus Pastel Razorfish 187629 LC
Notolabrus gymnogenis Crimson banded wrasse 187633 LC
Halichoeres miniatus Cheek-ring wrasse 187634 LC
Paracheilinus flavianalis Yellow-fin flasher-wrasse 187635 LC
Cirrhilabrus temminckii Peacock wrasse 187636 DD
Bodianus bimaculatus Two-spot slender hogfish 187638 LC
Apogon compressus Ochre-striped Cardinalfish 154872 LC
Pseudolabrus mortonii Rosy parrotfish 187641 LC
Pseudocoris aurantiofasciata Rust-banded wrasse 187642 LC
Synodus kaianus Gunther's Lizard Fish 67853562 LC
Bodianus mesothorax Black-belt hogfish 187646 LC
Polyipnus elongatus 154879 LC
Bodianus flavipinnis 187650 DD
Synclidopus macleayanus Narrowbanded Sole 154886 DD
Pomacentrus wardi Ward's Damsel 154888 LC
Cirrhilabrus lineatus Purplelined Wrasse 154891 LC
Chelidonichthys kumu Bluefin Gurnard 154895 LC
Notolabrus inscriptus Green wrasse 187665 LC
Eviota storthynx Belly-spotted Pygmy-goby 154898 LC
Nemipterus virgatus Golden Threadfin Bream 154900 VU
Coris picta Comb wrasse 187679 LC
Cirrhilabrus morrisoni 187682 LC
Leviprora inops Longhead Flatfish 154913 LC
Chaenophryne longiceps Can-opener Smoothdream 154916 LC
Favonigobius exquisitus Exquisite Sand-goby 154917 LC
Pycnocraspedum squamipinne 154918 LC
Chrysiptera flavipinnis Yellowfin Damselfish 154920 LC
Solenostomus armatus Armored Ghost Pipefish 65363244 LC
Thalassoma nigrofasciatum Black-barred wrasse 187693 LC
Halichoeres melanochir Black wrasse 187694 LC
Decodon pacificus Ten-tooth Wrasse 187700 DD
Tetrosomus gibbosus Humpback Turretfish 154933 LC
Congrogadus winterbottomi Pilbara Eelblenny 154934 DD
Anacanthus barbatus Bearded Leatherjacket 154935 LC
Xenojulis margaritaceus Finspot wrasse 187701 LC
Pseudanthias pictilis Painted Anthias 154940 LC
Anampses geographicus Lined Chisel-tooth Wrasse 187710 LC
Heteroclinus whiteleggii Whitelegg's Weedfish 154943 LC
Scomberomorus queenslandicus School Mackerel 154946 LC
Paraliparis atrolabiatus 154949 DD
Lethrinus genivittatus Lancer 154951 LC
Choerodon sugillatum Wedge-tailed tuskfish 187720 LC
Bodianus izuensis 187721 DD
Heteroclinus roseus Rosy Weedfish 154958 LC
Bryaninops amplus Gorgonian Goby 154959 LC
Coris aurilineata Yellow-lined Coris 187729 LC
Choerodon venustus Tuskfish 187734 LC
Kuronezumia bubonis Bulbous Rattail 154969 LC
Bassozetus robustus 154973 LC
Drombus halei Hale's Drombus 154976 LC
Physiculus roseus 154984 LC
Anampses neoguinaicus New Guinea Chisel-tooth Wrasse 187759 LC
Pteraclis aesticola Pacific Fanfish 154993 LC
Plectranthias pallidus 154994 DD
Oxycheilinus celebicus Celebes maori wrasse 187762 LC
Novaculichthys macrolepidotus Green-banner wrasse 187763 LC
Halichoeres brownfieldi Brownfields wrasse 187761 LC
Calumia godeffroyi Tailface Sleeper 154996 LC
Coris auricularis Western king wrasse 187764 LC
Macropharyngodon ornatus False leopard 187768 LC
Congrogadus amplimaculatus Largespot Eel Blenny 155004 DD
Coris sandeyeri Sandager's wrasse 187773 LC
Coris caudimacula Tailspot Wrasse 155006 LC
Allomycterus pilatus No Common Name 155007 DD
Thalassoma jansenii Jansen's wrasse 187780 LC
Bodianus perditio Pigfish 187781 LC
Pseudocoris aequalis 187789 DD
Paracheilinus rubricaudalis 187791 LC
Choerodon monostigma Dark-spot tuskfish 187794 LC
Pelates sexlineatus Sixlined Trumpeter 155026 LC
Notolabrus fucicola Banded parrotfish 187800 LC
Crossosalarias macrospilus Triplespot Blenny 155034 LC
Bodianus flavifrons 187807 LC
Anampses femininus Blue-tail Wrasse 187808 LC
Xiphocheilus typus Blue-toothed tuskfish 187809 LC
Halichoeres chloropterus Black-blotched wrasse 187810 LC
Bodianus unimaculatus Pigfish 187812 LC
Apogon margaritophorus Red-striped Cardinalfish 155046 LC
Iniistius jacksonensis Keelhead Razorfish 187814 LC
Suezichthys arquatus Rainbow fish 187813 LC
Callogobius clitellus Saddled Goby 155050 LC
Plagiogeneion macrolepis Rubyfish 155054 DD
Cyttus novaezealandiae New Zealand Dory 155056 LC
Solenostomus halimeda Halimeda Ghost Pipefish 65363378 DD
Remora brachyptera Spearfish Remora 155068 LC
Conger verreauxi Southern Conger Eel 155072 LC
Doryrhamphus janssi Janss' Pipefish 155073 LC
Remora albescens White Suckerfish 155075 LC
Pterygotrigla hemisticta Blackspotted Gurnard 155078 LC
Torquigener tuberculiferus 155079 LC
Derichthys serpentinus Narrownecked Oceanic Eel 155093 LC
Cantheschenia longipinnis 155095 LC
Solenostomus paradoxus Ghost Pipefish 65363417 LC
Omobranchus anolius Oyster Blenny 155099 LC
Upeneus moluccensis Gold bond goatfish 18177499 LC
Cheilodipterus singapurensis Truncate Cardinalfish 155102 LC
Cheilopogon pinnatibarbatus Bennett's Flyingfish 155104 LC
Platycephalus indicus Gobi 155105 DD
Omobranchus rotundiceps 155108 LC
Stemonosudis gracilis 155112 LC
Diancistrus novaeguineae 155114 LC
Pterois lunulata Luna Lion Fish 155129 LC
Cymbacephalus beauforti Crocodile Fish 69787135 LC
Antipodocottus galatheae Galathea Sculpin 155138 LC
Anampses melanurus White-spotted Wrasse 155146 LC
Apogon rubrimacula Orangespot Cardinalfish 155151 LC
Atherion elymus Bearded Silverside 155153 LC
Hygophum proximum Firefly Lanternfish 155160 LC
Parupeneus crassilabris Twobarred Goatfish 155176 LC
Cirripectes filamentosus Filamentous Blenny 155186 LC
Simenchelys parasitica Snubnosed Eel 155190 LC
Nessorhamphus danae 155191 LC
Johnius novaeguineae Paperhead Croaker 155192 LC
Cirripectes alleni Kimberley Blenny 155194 LC
Centropogon latifrons Pale Fortesque 155196 DD
Parapercis xanthozona Peppered Grubfish 155200 LC
Talismania bifurcata Threadfin Slickhead 155203 LC
Trichopodus trichopterus Three-spot Gourami 187981 LC
Paracentropogon vespa 155219 LC
Gobiopterus mindanensis 155223 LC
Meuschenia hippocrepis Horse-shoe Leatherjacket 155231 LC
Rhamphocetichthys savagei Savage's Birdsnouted Whalefish 155232 LC
Thryssa mystax Moustached Thryssa 155240 LC
Synaphobranchus kaupii Kaup's Arrowtooth Eel 155246 LC
Neopomacentrus bankieri Chinese Damsel 155255 LC
Benthosema pterotum Skinnycheek Lanternfish 155260 LC
Brachypleura novaezeelandiae Yellow-dappled Flounder 155261 LC
Lepidoperca filamenta Western Orange Perch 155264 LC
Scatophagus argus Spotted Scat 155268 LC
Nesogobius hinsbyi Orange-spotted Sand-goby 155272 LC
Ostorhinchus lateralis Humpback Cardinal 155273 LC
Apogon wassinki Kupang Cardinalfish 155274 LC
Vanacampus vercoi Verco's Pipefish 155285 LC
Scarus schlegeli Yellowband Parrotfish 155290 LC
Eubalichthys caeruleoguttatus Blue-spotted Leatherjacket 155299 DD
Pentapodus emeryii Blue Whiptail 155300 LC
Pomacentrus milleri Miller's Damselfish 155304 LC
Centropyge loricula Flame Angel 155308 LC
Pseudocheilinus ocellatus White-barred Pink Wrasse 155314 LC
Rainfordia opercularis Flathead Perch 155317 LC
Helcogramma decurrens Threefin 155321 LC
Acanthistius ocellatus Eastern Wirrah 155326 LC
Paratriacanthodes herrei Banded Spikefish 155328 LC
Ophichthus altipennis 155329 LC
Ophiocara porocephala Flathead Sleeper 188101 LC
Bulbonaricus brauni Pugheaded Pipefish 65363711 LC
Acanthosphex leurynnis 114155281 LC
Pseudanthias engelhardi Barrier reef basslet 69590801 LC
Pseudanthias flavicauda 69590820 LC
Scorpaenodes scaber Pygmy Scorpionfish 69918506 DD
Scorpaenodes varipinnis Blotchfin Scorpionfish 69918527 LC
Pseudanthias gibbosus 69590936 LC
Siganus corallinus Blue-spotted Spinefoot 69689242 LC
Bulbonaricus davaoensis Davao Pughead Pipefish 65363869 LC
Chromis cinerascens Green Chromis 188326 LC
Amphiprion rubrocinctus Australian Anemonefish 188348 LC
Chromis caudalis Blue-axil Chromis 188366 LC
Pseudanthias huchtii Threadfin anthias 69590993 LC
Chromis hypsilepis Brown Puller 188369 LC
Amphiprion percula Orange Clownfish 188372 LC
Chromis analis Brown Puller 188382 LC
Pseudanthias luzonensis Luzon sea-perch 69591045 LC
Chromis atripes Dark-fin Chromis 188430 LC
Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster White-belly Damsel 188445 LC
Amblypomacentrus breviceps Black-banded Demoiselle 188450 LC
Abudefduf septemfasciatus Seven-band Sergeant 188453 LC
Acanthochromis polyacanthus Spiny Chromis 188464 LC
Amphiprion melanopus Black Anemonefish 188491 LC
Siganus doliatus Barred Spinefoot 69689424 LC
Chromis delta Chromis Delta 188511 LC
Scorpaenopsis eschmeyeri 69918815 LC
Amphiprion frenatus Blackback Anemonefish 188518 LC
Abudefduf whitleyi Whitley's Sergeant 188523 LC
Amblyglyphidodon batunai Green Sergeant 188528 VU
Abudefduf bengalensis Narrow-banded Sergeant Major 188532 LC
Siganus unimaculatus Blotched Foxface 141484154 DD
Amphiprion akindynos Barrier Reef Anemonefish 188552 LC
Chromis fumea Smokey Chromis 188556 LC
Campichthys galei Gale's Pipefish 65364120 LC
Amphiprion polymnus Brownsaddle Clownfish 188579 LC
Amblyglyphidodon aureus Golden Damsel 188580 LC
Chromis elerae Twin-spot Puller 188590 LC
Campichthys tricarinatus Three-keel Pipefish 65364147 DD
Campichthys tryoni Tryon's Pipefish 65364201 DD
Scorpaenopsis neglecta Yellowfin Scorpionfish 69919009 LC
Synodus macrocephalus 67854712 LC
Aeoliscus strigatus Razorfish 65135062 DD
Pseudanthias parvirostris Short-snout basslet 69591538 LC
Hippocampus jugumus Collared Seahorse 47735321 DD
Choeroichthys cinctus Barred Shortbody Pipefish 65364515 LC
Choeroichthys latispinosus Muiron Islands Pipefish 65364521 DD
Pseudanthias randalli Resplendent basslet 69591683 LC
Pseudanthias rubrizonatus Redband anthias 69591708 LC
Siganus lineatus Lined Rabbitfish 69690025 LC
Trachyscorpia eschmeyeri Cape rockfish 15622827 LC
Parabrotula plagiophthalma 60482248 LC
Pseudanthias smithvanizi Scribbled Basslet 69591773 LC
Pseudanthias squamipinnis Goldie 69591800 LC
Choeroichthys suillus Barred Short-bodied Pipefish 65364789 LC
Corythoichthys benedetto Benedetto's Pipefish 65364798 LC
Pseudanthias tuka Yellowstriped anthias 69591878 LC
Corythoichthys intestinalis Banded Pipefish 65364931 LC
Synodus oculeus Large-eye Lizardfish 67855363 LC
Serranocirrhitus latus Hawk anthias 69592071 LC
Trachypoma macracanthus Pacific perch 69592095 LC
Corythoichthys ocellatus Ocellated pipefish 65365054 LC
Siganus virgatus Barhead spinefoot 117007442 LC
Corythoichthys paxtoni Paxton's Pipefish 65365090 LC
Corythoichthys schultzi Guilded Pipefish 65365100 LC
Platyberyx andriashevi 60482676 DD
Rogadius asper Olive-tailed Flathead 46097625 LC
Emmelichthys nitidus Southern Rover 21128487 LC
Synodus rubromarmoratus Redmarbled Lizardfish 67855905 LC
Synodus similis Lavender Lizardfish 67855917 LC
Regalecus russelii 60483137 LC
Sebastapistes tinkhami Darkspotted Scorpionfish 69920346 LC
Synodus tectus Tectus Lizardfish 67855975 LC
Eustomias achirus Proud Dragonfish 190108 LC
Cosmocampus banneri Banner's Pipefish 65365681 LC
Potamalosa richmondia Australian Freshwater Herring 98821820 NT
Cosmocampus darrosanus D’Arros Pipefish 65365759 LC
Cosmocampus howensis Lord Howe pipefish 65365838 LC
Acanthochaenus luetkenii Pricklefish 190341 LC
Cosmocampus maxweberi Maxweber's pipefish 65365899 LC
Pomadasys argyreus Bluecheek Javelin 129296277 LC
Erosa erosa Pitted Stonefish 69920774 LC
Onigocia pedimacula Broadband Flathead 69789808 LC
Haletta semifasciata Blue Weed Whiting 190674 LC
Heteroscarus acroptilus Rainbow Cale 190675 LC
Neoodax balteatus Little Weed Whiting 190676 LC
Olisthops cyanomelas Herring Cale 190679 LC
Siphonognathus caninis Sharpnose Weed Whiting 190680 LC
Siphonognathus argyrophanes Tubemouth 190681 LC
Siphonognathus attenuatus Slender Weed Whiting 190682 LC
Siphonognathus radiatus Long-rayed Weed Whiting 190683 LC
Siphonognathus tanyourus Longtail Weed Whiting 190684 DD
Scarus flavipectoralis Yellowfin Parrotfish 190695 LC
Scarus chameleon Chameleon Parrotfish 190707 LC
Scarus quoyi Quoy's Parrotfish 190708 LC
Scarus rivulatus Rivulated Parrotfish 190717 LC
Scarus xanthopleura Red Parrotfish 190725 LC
Doryrhamphus negrosensis Flagtail Pipefish 65366280 LC
Onigocia spinosa Midget Flathead 69789961 LC
Leptoscarus vaigiensis Marbled Parrotfish 190756 LC
Chlorurus rhakoura 190767 LC
Scarus longipinnis Highfin Parrotfish 190769 LC
Dasyscopelus orientalis Oriental Lanternfish 130345331 LC
Acreichthys radiatus Radial Leatherjacket 69921147 LC
Acreichthys tomentosus Bristle-tailed Leatherjacket 69921254 LC
Rogadius mcgroutheri McGrouther's Flathead 69790220 DD
Rogadius patriciae Black-banded Flathead 69790273 LC
Thryssa encrasicholoides False Baelama Anchovy 99084894 DD
Rogadius serratus Serrated Flathead 69790309 LC
Engraulis australis Australian Anchovy 98953869 LC
Trimma fangi Fang's Pygmy Goby 96004823 LC
Trimma lantana Lantana Dwarf-goby 96004847 LC
Porocephalichthys dasyrhynchus Shaggy Cusk 158624 LC
Pseudanthias pleurotaenia Mirror Basslet 158627 LC
Cochlefelis insidiator Flat Catfish 158630 DD
Salarias sinuosus Fringelip Blenny 158632 LC
Sunagocia arenicola Broadhead Flathead 69790649 LC
Bathysaurus ferox Deep-sea Lizardfish 13462491 LC
Dunckerocampus pessuliferus Yellowbanded Pipefish 65367059 LC
Festucalex cinctus Girdled Pipefish 65367195 LC
Ipnops agassizii Grideye fish 13462777 LC
Festucalex gibbsi Gibbs' Pipefish 65367300 LC
Festucalex scalaris Ladder Pipefish 65367328 LC
Brachaluteres jacksonianus Pigmy Leatherjacket 69922114 LC
Brachaluteres taylori Taylor's Inflator Filefish 69922164 LC
Filicampus tigris Tiger pipefish 65367453 LC
Halicampus boothae Booth's pipefish 65367461 LC
Scorpaenopsis venosa Raggy Scorpionfish 46099940 LC
Halicampus brocki Brock’s pipefish 65367566 LC
Halicampus dunckeri Duncker's pipefish 65367574 LC
Halicampus grayi Gray's pipefish 65367590 LC
Halicampus macrorhynchus Ornate Pipefish 65367594 LC
Papuengraulis micropinna Littlefin Anchovy 98987583 DD
Thryssa marasriae Marasri's Thryssa 99085985 LC
Halicampus nitidus Glittering Pipefish 65367783 LC
Pellona ditchela Indian Pellona 61207 LC
Acentronura australe Southern Little Pipehorse 61314 DD
Epinephelus daemelii Spotted Black Grouper 61337 NT
Heraldia nocturna Upside-down Pipefish 65368085 LC
Hippichthys parvicarinatus Short-keel Pipefish 65368088 LC
Hippocampus paradoxus 65368181 DD
Histiogamphelus briggsii Brigg's southern pipefish 65368238 LC
Histiogamphelus cristatus Macleay's crested pipefish 65368242 LC
Pterygotrigla macrorhynchus Longnose gurnard 114192721 LC
Rocio octofasciata Jack Dempsey 192905 LC
Eviota bifasciata Twostripe Pygmy Goby 192987 LC
Asterropteryx ensifera Blue-speckled Rubble Goby 193000 LC
Cryptocentrus caeruleomaculatus Blue-speckled Prawn-goby 193003 LC
Trimma hoesei Forktail Dwarfgoby 193022 LC
Valenciennea helsdingenii Twostripe Goby 193024 LC
Eviota queenslandica Queensland Pygmy Goby 193025 LC
Pleurosicya micheli Coral Goby 193028 LC
Palutrus scapulopunctatus Scapular Goby 193031 LC
Eviota punctulata Green Bubble Goby 193035 LC
Pleurosicya plicata Plicata Ghost Goby 193039 LC
Trimma stobbsi Stobb's Dwarfgoby 193040 LC
Trimmatom nanus Midget Dwarfgoby 193041 LC
Trimma unisquamis Cheekscale Dwarfgoby 193055 LC
Trimma macrophthalmum Large-eyed Dwarfgoby 193059 LC
Eviota prasina Rubble Eviota 193060 LC
Valenciennea muralis Mural goby (FB) 193063 LC
Trimma anaima Sharp-eye Pygmy-goby 193066 LC
Eviota sigillata Pale-cheek Pygmy-goby 193078 LC
Amblygobius sphynx Sphynx Goby 193082 LC
Phyllogobius platycephalops 118354490 LC
Thryssa setirostris Longjaw Thryssa 99086912 LC
Trimma nasa Nasal Dwarfgoby 193089 LC
Bryaninops ridens Ridens Goby 193091 LC
Bryaninops yongei Whip Coral Goby 193093 LC
Exyrias puntang Puntang Goby 193092 LC
Pleurosicya annandalei Scalynape Goby 118354515 LC
Eviota infulata Infulata Pygmy Goby 193107 LC
Ctenogobiops maculosus Seychelles Shrimpgoby 193114 LC
Sueviota lachneri Ernie's Sueviota 193127 LC
Fusigobius maximus Large Sandgoby 193128 LC
Eviota fasciola Barred Pygmy Goby 193131 LC
Trimma halonevum Sparsely-spotted Pygmy-goby 193133 LC
Trimma milta Redearth Dwarfgoby 193145 LC
Eviota lachdeberei Lachdebrere's Pygmy Goby 193152 LC
Bathygobius laddi Brownboy Goby 193155 LC
Priolepis kappa Kappa Reefgoby 193156 LC
Pleurosicya bilobata Bilobed Ghost Goby 193163 LC
Trimma striatum Stripehead Goby 193174 LC
Luposicya lupus Long-snout Sponge-goby 193188 LC
Pleurosicya mossambica Common Ghost Goby 193189 LC
Trimma annosum Grey-bearded Pygmygoby 193196 LC
Priolepis inhaca Brick Goby 193200 LC
Hypselognathus horridus Prickly Pipefish 65368756 DD
Trimma taylori Cave Dwarfgoby 193204 LC
Hypselognathus rostratus Knife-snouted Pipefish 65368759 LC
Vanderhorstia ornatissima Ocellated Goby 193209 LC
Trimma cana Candycane Pygmy Goby 193216 LC
Paragobiodon modestus Warthead Goby 193217 LC
Feia nympha Nymph Goby 193223 LC
Discordipinna griessingeri Spikefin Goby 193226 LC
Asterropteryx spinosa Eyebar Spiny Goby 193227 LC
Eviota monostigma Singlespot Eviota 193228 LC
Fusigobius humeralis Shoulderspot Sandgoby 193230 LC
Eviota latifasciata Broad-banded Pygmy Goby 193235 LC
Amblyeleotris wheeleri Wheeler's Shrimp-goby 193238 LC
Eviota melasma Melasma Pygmy Goby 193237 LC
Trimma nomurai Nomura's Dwarfgoby 193241 LC
Ctenogobiops feroculus Pale Shrimpgoby 193244 LC
Eviota nebulosa Nebulous Pygmy Goby 193245 LC
Cryptocentrus maudae White-saddled Shrimp-goby 193248 LC
Priolepis compita Crossroads Goby 193247 LC
Acentronura larsonae Larson's Pipehorse 65368802 DD
Bryaninops tigris Black Coral Goby 193251 LC
Pleurosicya coerulea Blue Coral Ghost Goby 193250 LC
Istigobius spence Twin-spots Sand-goby 193256 LC
Eviota bipunctata 117043966 LC
Apogon hyalosoma Mangrove Cardinalfish 193318 LC
Woodsia nonsuchae Bigeye Lightfish 60486567 LC
Microcanthus strigatus Stripey 68383670 LC
Acentronura lumnitzeri Sydney's Pygmy Pipehorse 65369051 LC
Arothron caeruleopunctatus Blue-spotted Puffer 193599 LC
Chelonodon dapsilis Plentiful Toby 193600 DD
Arothron manilensis Narrow-lined Puffer 193607 LC
Kaupus costatus Deep-bodied pipefish 65369161 LC
Torquigener vicinus 193614 LC
Canthigaster papua Papuan Toby 193623 LC
Contusus brevicaudus Prickly Toadfish 193631 LC
Torquigener pleurogramma Weeping Toado 193636 LC
Torquigener andersonae Anderson's Toadfish 193637 LC
Canthigaster axiologus 193642 LC
Torquigener gloerfelti 193660 LC
Tetractenos glaber Smooth Toadfish 193661 LC
Canthigaster compressa Compressed Toby 193669 LC
Torquigener paxtoni 193670 LC
Torquigener parcuspinus Yellow-eyed Toadfish 193672 LC
Omegophora armilla Ringed Toadfish 193676 LC
Feroxodon multistriatus Manystriped Blowfish 193677 LC
Torquigener pallimaculatus Orange-spotted Toadfish 193678 LC
Reicheltia halsteadi Halstead's Toadfish 193685 LC
Marilyna pleurosticta Banded Toadfish 193686 LC
Kimblaeus bassensis Bass Strait pipefish 65369241 LC
Torquigener altipinnis 193704 LC
Canthigaster callisterna Clown Toado 193709 LC
Arothron reticularis Reticulated Pufferfish 193716 LC
Lagocephalus inermis Smooth Blaasop 193717 LC
Canthigaster ocellicincta Shy Toby 193723 LC
Polyspina piosae Orange-barred Pufferfish 193730 LC
Torquigener hicksi Hick's Toadfish 193735 DD
Torquigener perlevis Spineless Toadfish 193741 LC
Torquigener squamicauda Brush-tail Toadfish 193760 LC
Leptoichthys fistularius Brushtail pipefish 65369313 LC
Tylerius spinosissimus Spiny Blaasop 193769 LC
Torquigener whitleyi Whitley's Toadfish 193782 LC
Tetractenos hamiltoni Common Toadfish 193784 LC
Marilyna darwinii 193785 LC
Contusus richei Prickly Toadfish 193792 LC
Omegophora cyanopunctata Bluespotted Toadfish 193803 LC
Takifugu oblongus Lattice Blaasop 193810 LC
Arothron firmamentum Starry Toadfish 193822 LC
Trichonotus elegans Elegant sand-diver 69739558 LC
Melamphaes eulepis 21132808 LC
Bathophilus pawneei 21132953 LC
Eustomias enbarbatus 21132986 LC
Trimmatom pharus 118355645 LC
Grammatostomias dentatus 21133018 LC
Albula argentea 194298 DD
Albula glossodonta Shortjaw Bonefish 194299 VU
Albula oligolepis Smallscale Bonefish 194301 DD
Lutjanus russellii Fingermark Bream 194334 LC
Lutjanus sebae Emperor Red Snapper 194343 LC
Symphorus nematophorus Chinaman Fish 194347 LC
Lutjanus lemniscatus Darktail Snapper 194352 LC
Paracaesio gonzalesi Vanuatu Snapper 194353 LC
Pinjalo lewisi White-spot Pinjalo Snapper 194373 LC
Lutjanus vitta Broadband Seaperch 194374 LC
Pristipomoides typus Goldband Snapper 194383 LC
Lutjanus carponotatus Dusky-striped Sea-perch 194384 LC
Lutjanus semicinctus Black-banded Seaperch 194398 LC
Lutjanus adetii Hussar 194399 LC
Symphorichthys spilurus Blue and Gold Striped Snapper 194402 LC
Lissocampus caudalis Australian smooth pipefish 65370051 LC
Lissocampus fatiloquus Prophet's pipefish 65370087 LC
Corythoichthys haematopterus Bloodspot pipefish 46102624 LC
Setipinna paxtoni Humpback Hairfin Anchovy 98990237 DD
Lissocampus runa Javelin pipefish 65370289 LC
Micrognathus andersonii Anderson's Pipefish 46102713 LC
Maroubra perserrata Sawtooth Pipefish 65370433 LC
Micrognathus brevirostris Pygmy Pipefish 65370525 LC
Micrognathus micronotopterus Tidepool Pipefish 65370744 LC
Micrognathus natans Offshore Pipefish 65370765 LC
Caesio cuning Redbelly yellowtail fusilier 20249232 LC
Hyporthodus darwinensis Darwin Grouper 64399 DD
Hyporthodus perplexus Puzzling Grouper 64404 DD
Epinephelus undulatostriatus Maori Grouper 64408 LC
Anguilla australis Shortfin Eel 195502 NT
Enchelycore ramosa Mosaic Moray 195697 LC
Gymnothorax annasona Lord Howe Island Moray 195704 LC
Gymnothorax australicola South Pacific Moray 195706 LC
Gymnothorax austrinus 195707 DD
Gymnothorax castlei Castle's Moray 195714 LC
Gymnothorax cephalospilus Head-spot Moray 195715 LC
Gymnothorax cribroris Australian Moray 195719 LC
Gymnothorax eurostus Salt and Pepper Moray 195723 LC
Gymnothorax herrei Palechin Moray 195737 LC
Gymnothorax isingteena Spotted Moray 195740 LC
Gymnothorax kidako Kidako Moray 195743 LC
Gymnothorax kontodontos Short-tooth Moray 195745 LC
Gymnothorax longinquus Brown Moray-eel 195746 LC
Gymnothorax mccoskeri Manyband Moray 195751 LC
Gymnothorax microstictus Smallspot Moray 195755 LC
Gymnothorax minor Lesser Moray 195757 LC
Gymnothorax moluccensis Moluccan Moray 195758 LC
Gymnothorax monochrous Brown Moray 195759 LC
Gymnothorax nubilus Cloudy Moray 195767 LC
Gymnothorax nudivomer Starry Moray 195768 LC
Gymnothorax obesus Obese Moray 195770 LC
Gymnothorax phasmatodes Ghost Moray Eel 195773 LC
Gymnothorax polyuranodon Freshwater Moray 195780 LC
Gymnothorax prasinus Southern Green Moray 195781 LC
Gymnothorax prionodon Australian Mottled Moray 195782 LC
Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideus False Spotted Moray 195786 LC
Gymnothorax robinsi Pygmy Moray 195793 LC
Gymnothorax tile Indian Mud Moray 195802 LC
Gymnothorax woodwardi Western Moray 195806 LC
Mitotichthys meraculus Western Crested Pipefish 65371373 DD
Uropterygius inornatus Black Snake Moray 195822 LC
Uropterygius kamar Barlip Reef-eel 195823 LC
Uropterygius nagoensis 195828 LC
Aldrovandia phalacra Hawaiian Halosaurid Fish 195838 LC
Halosauropsis macrochir Abyssal Halosaur 195840 LC
Setipinna tenuifilis Common Hairfin Anchovy 98991365 DD
Notacanthus chemnitzii Cosmopolitan Spineback 195852 LC
Myctophum lunatum 130350451 LC
Mitotichthys mollisoni Mollison's Pipefish 65371669 LC
Mitotichthys semistriatus Half-banded Pipefish 65371695 LC
Solenostomus cyanopterus Racek's Ghost Pipefish 65363316 LC
Anguilla obscura Brown Eel 196302 DD
Anguilla reinhardtii Australian Longfinned Eel 196303 LC
Omobranchus ferox Gossamer Blenny 196308 LC
Omox biporos Omox Blenny 196310 DD
Eleotris acanthopoma Spine-cheek Gudgeon 196315 LC
Giuris margaritacea Snakehead Gudgeon 196317 LC
Awaous acritosus Roman Nose Goby 196324 LC
Glossogobius aureus Golden Flathead Goby 196326 LC
Glossogobius bicirrhosus Bearded Flathead Goby 196327 LC
Parioglossus formosus 196339 LC
Parioglossus marginalis Dart Goby 196342 DD
Parioglossus palustris 196343 LC
Parioglossus rainfordi 196344 LC
Pseudogobius poicilosoma Northern Fatnose Goby 196350 LC
Redigobius balteatus Girdled Goby 196351 LC
Redigobius chrysosoma Spotfin Goby 196352 LC
Sicyopterus cynocephalus 196362 LC
Sicyopus discordipinnis 196375 DD
Sicyopus zosterophorus 196378 LC
Stenogobius psilosinionus 196387 DD
Stiphodon birdsong 196394 LC
Stiphodon rutilaureus 196403 LC
Stiphodon semoni 196405 LC
Taenioides cirratus Whiskered Eel Goby 196407 DD
Plectorhinchus gibbosus Brown Sweetlips 196408 LC
Zenarchopterus caudovittatus Longjaw River Garfish 196409 DD
Zenarchopterus gilli 196410 LC
Kuhlia munda Silver Flagtail 196413 DD
Crenimugil heterocheilos Half Fringelip Mullet 196422 LC
Microphis manadensis Manado Pipefish 196444 LC
Mesopristes argenteus Silver Grunter 196447 LC
Toxotes jaculatrix Banded Archerfish 196451 LC
Nannocampus pictus Reef Pipefish 65372127 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)