List of LILIOPSIDA species in Austria
This is a list of LILIOPSIDA in Austria according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Carex vulpina | True Fox Sedge | 44392456 | LC |
Carex vulpinoidea | Fox sedge | 19617802 | LC |
Carex bicolor | 64270356 | LC | |
Eleocharis carniolica | 161832 | LC | |
Carex brunnescens | 64270380 | LC | |
Bromus grossus | 161840 | DD | |
Coleanthus subtilis | 161844 | LC | |
Carex buxbaumii | Club sedge | 64270410 | LC |
Elodea canadensis | 13506646 | LC | |
Allium ericetorum | 172158 | DD | |
Juncus biglumis | 64315557 | LC | |
Potamogeton coloratus | Fen Pondweed | 164023 | LC |
Leucojum vernum | Spring Snowflake | 202958 | LC |
Juncus dudleyi | 64315600 | LC | |
Cypripedium calceolus | Lady's Slipper Orchid | 162021 | LC |
Juncus subnodulosus | Blunt-flowered Rush | 164099 | LC |
Leersia oryzoides | Cut-grass | 164118 | LC |
Carex punctata | Dotted Sedge | 164141 | LC |
Eriophorum vaginatum | Sheathed cottongrass | 19618096 | LC |
Sparganium natans | Least Bur-reed | 164166 | LC |
Stipa styriaca | 162119 | EN | |
Typha angustifolia | Lesser Bulrush | 164199 | LC |
Galanthus nivalis | Snowdrop | 162168 | NT |
Kobresia simpliciuscula | 19618171 | LC | |
Spirodela polyrhiza | Greater Duckweed | 164229 | LC |
Himantoglossum adriaticum | 162219 | LC | |
Alisma gramineum | Ribbon-leaved Water-plantain | 164301 | DD |
Najas flexilis | Slender Naiad | 162310 | LC |
Juncus bulbosus | Bulbous Rush | 164370 | LC |
Carex lachenalii | Twoparted Sedge | 44393064 | LC |
Glyceria striata | 64314149 | LC | |
Carex heleonastes | Hudson bay sedge | 64271359 | DD |
Bolboschoenus laticarpus | 175256 | LC | |
Carex chordorrhiza | 175279 | LC | |
Cyperus glomeratus | 175280 | LC | |
Carex vaginata | Sheathed sedge | 64273612 | LC |
Juncus filiformis | 19619032 | LC | |
Festuca laxa | 22486496 | LC | |
Iris spuria | Blue Iris | 200242 | LC |
Rhynchospora fusca | Brown beakrush | 64323224 | LC |
Carex davalliana | 19617595 | LC | |
Gymnadenia lithopolitanica | Austrian Gymnadenia | 175943 | EN |
Carex diandra | 19617611 | LC | |
Chamorchis alpina | Alpine Chamorchis | 175955 | LC |
Epipactis purpurata | Violet Helleborine | 175965 | LC |
Dactylorhiza lapponica | Lapland Marsh Orchid | 175966 | LC |
Epipactis leptochila | Narrow-Lipped Helleborne | 175977 | LC |
Gymnadenia rhellicani | 175979 | LC | |
Gymnadenia archiducis-joannis | Austrian Gymnadenia | 175984 | EN |
Epipactis muelleri | Mueller's Epipactis | 175990 | LC |
Epipactis nordeniorum | 175993 | VU | |
Gymnadenia odoratissima | Short Spurred Fragrant Orchid | 175997 | LC |
Hammarbya paludosa | Bog Orchid | 176004 | LC |
Epipactis albensis | 176012 | LC | |
Calla palustris | Bog Arum | 167822 | LC |
Gymnadenia widderi | 176014 | EN | |
Gymnadenia stiriaca | Austrian Gymnadenia | 176019 | EN |
Epipactis phyllanthes | Green-Flowered Helleborne | 176020 | LC |
Epipactis greuteri | 176023 | EN | |
Carex appropinquata | 167840 | LC | |
Carex lasiocarpa | 167842 | LC | |
Carex limosa | 167843 | LC | |
Glyceria nemoralis | 167864 | LC | |
Carex pauciflora | Few-flowered sedge | 19617721 | LC |
Lemna turionifera | 167881 | LC | |
Potamogeton friesii | Flat-stalked Pondweed | 167903 | LC |
Potamogeton obtusifolius | Blunt-leaved Pondweed | 167905 | LC |
Potamogeton praelongus | Long-stalked Pondweed | 167906 | LC |
Sparganium angustifolium | Floating Bur-reed | 167925 | LC |
Carex umbrosa | 19617786 | LC | |
Carex bebbii | Bebb's sedge | 64270331 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: