List of LC species in Benin

Esta é uma lista de LC em Benin de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Illadopsis puveli 22715906 LC
Potadoma moerchi 165382 LC
Polysphaeria arbuscula 147042311 LC
Mesocnemis singularis 59912 LC
Utricularia rigida 185350 LC
Raphia hookeri 95366666 LC
Cisticola guinea 22713355 LC
Potadoma freethi 175120 LC
Melamphaes leprus 21132819 LC
Mops nanulus 13843 LC
Crudia klainei 144270361 LC
Biomphalaria camerunensis 175130 LC
Epiplatys grahami 182297 LC
Corynanthe pachyceras 136113695 LC
Clarias macromystax 182304 LC
Lanistes libycus 175137 LC
Potamopyrgus ciliatus 175136 LC
Pachymelania byronensis 175140 LC
Praomys derooi 45095 LC
Maerua duchesnei 144038957 LC
Aphyosemion bitaeniatum 182831 LC
Pyrrhurus scandens 22712882 LC
Funisciurus anerythrus 8756 LC
Nephila constricta 89292340 LC
Aedesia glabra 185398 LC
Funisciurus leucogenys 8761 LC
Brycinus longipinnis 182330 LC
Indicator willcocksi 22680634 LC
Berlinia grandiflora 62021182 LC
Chlopsis olokun 195647 LC
Hemidactylus beninensis 203839 LC
Polydactylus quadrifilis 21132355 LC
Chromis limbata 188486 LC
Apterichtus monodi 199240 LC
Aeschynomene kerstingii 19891789 LC
Hyliota violacea 22715471 LC
Camaroptera chloronota 103774800 LC
Nycteris grandis 14929 LC
Wheelerigobius maltzani 21131347 LC
Phago loricatus 181846 LC
Cola lateritia var. maclaudii 130052185 LC
Phyllastrephus baumanni 22712924 LC
Phyllomacromia pseudafricana 59998 LC
Copera sikassoensis 60001 LC
Carpolobia lutea 136101986 LC
Centropus leucogaster 22684260 LC
Entomacrodus cadenati 7778 LC
Mungos gambianus 13922 LC
Enteromius chlorotaenia 181864 LC
Arthroleptis poecilonotus 54380 LC
Drypetes leonensis 147042412 LC
Malimbus scutatus 22719087 LC
Dacryodes klaineana 136112754 LC
Thysochromis ansorgii 182902 LC
Ficus sagittifolia 147036279 LC
Litogyne gariepina 185463 LC
Ptychadena aequiplicata 58489 LC
Crossarchus platycephalus 41596 LC
Hugonia planchonii 136108669 LC
Cercopithecus mona 4222 LC
Pauridiantha hirtella 147042942 LC
Dasymys rufulus 6272 LC
Potamalpheops monodi 197758 LC
Cyclothone pseudoacclinidens 60469890 LC
Pedaria estellae 137859 LC
Scorpaena laevis 15622789 LC
Stiphrornis erythrothorax 103763077 LC
Trithetrum navasi 60039 LC
Tetrathemis camerunensis 60041 LC
Pancovia bijuga 147041938 LC
Aloe macrocarpa 201363 LC
Marcusenius ussheri 182420 LC
Gobioides sagitta 182933 LC
Macaranga heterophylla 136108182 LC
Ptychadena pumilio 58521 LC
Synodontis budgetti 182427 LC
Ploceus castaneofuscus 103812253 LC
Raphia vinifera 95366816 LC
Ptychadena tournieri 58530 LC
Memecylon afzelii 147040419 LC
Ptychadena trinodis 58531 LC
Aidia genipiflora 136113832 LC
Clarias ebriensis 181930 LC
Gonionotophis grantii 176810 LC
Yongeichthys thomasi 181933 LC
Zyxomma atlanticum 60079 LC
Phractolaemus ansorgii 181936 LC
Dentex maroccanus 170166 LC
Laccosperma opacum 95366327 LC
Evermannella melanoderma 13462713 LC
Lindernia diffusa 19620537 LC
Keetia multiflora 147040956 LC
Synsepalum dulcificum 87719610 LC
Cyperus congensis 185535 LC
Phaulopsis angolana 185540 LC
Pelmatolapia mariae 182470 LC
Vitex grandifolia 136109258 LC
Desplatsia dewevrei 144289483 LC
Dyaphorophyia hormophora 22736075 LC
Aphyosemion calliurum 181965 LC
Eustomias melanonema 21133003 LC
Microspathodon frontatus 188622 LC
Phyllastrephus albigularis 103819468 LC
Baphia pubescens 144292055 LC
Bathymicrops regis 13462745 LC
Cynometra megalophylla 144312026 LC
Bathypterois atricolor 13462748 LC
Lycophidion semicinctum 176855 LC
Oneirodes carlsbergi 18128090 LC
Natriciteres fuliginoides 176865 LC
Tapura fischeri 149352162 LC
Pentila picena 159972 LC
Onthophagus juvencus 137957 LC
Bathypterois quadrifilis 13462760 LC
Malapterurus minjiriya 181992 LC
Sapho ciliata 169194 LC
Nicholsina collettei 190701 LC
Panaspis togoensis 186093 LC
Hildegardia barteri 147042543 LC
Laeviscutella dekimpei 182512 LC
Leptonychia pubescens 147043055 LC
Paradeudorix eleala 159983 LC
Dicrurus atripennis 22706931 LC
Amphimas pterocarpoides 60761332 LC
Dyaphorophyia blissetti 22707957 LC
Chlorocypha radix 169206 LC
Scarus hoefleri 190703 LC
Uranomys ruddi 22771 LC
Voacanga bracteata 147041527 LC
Bleda canicapillus 22713083 LC
Glossanodon polli 15601916 LC
Glauconycteris poensis 44798 LC
Elionurus platypus 44392704 LC
Vangueriella nigerica 147042045 LC
Phrynobatrachus gutturosus 58116 LC
Clitaetra clathrata 78591749 LC
Macaranga heudelotii 136108806 LC
Euphaedra themis 160519 LC
Odontostomias masticopogon 21133064 LC
Chaetodon robustus 4364 LC
Schoenoplectiella juncea 185613 LC
Perodicticus potto 91995408 LC
Baphia nitida 19891986 LC
Afrixalus weidholzi 56085 LC
Panicum comorense 44393240 LC
Mansonia altissima 62753 LC
Detarium microcarpum 19893027 LC
Allocnemis elongata 169257 LC
Distemonanthus benthamianus 62025002 LC
Potamochoerus porcus 41771 LC
Prognathodes marcellae 165674 LC
Dendromus messorius 6445 LC
Atherurus africanus 2353 LC
Ephippus goreensis 21128498 LC
Pternistis ahantensis 22678835 LC
Scleria iostephana 44393272 LC
Horizocerus albocristatus 22725946 LC
Lestes ictericus 59900 LC
Atheris chlorechis 178495 LC
Coloconger cadenati 198975 LC
Hyperolius concolor 56127 LC
Lestes ochraceus 59901 LC
Chaetodon hoefleri 165700 LC
Premna hispida 147041093 LC
Astrangia poculata 133446 LC
Lannea nigritana 147042632 LC
Hyperolius fusciventris 56137 LC
Bycanistes fistulator 22725962 LC
Laccosperma secundiflorum 95366474 LC
Macaranga barteri 144271689 LC
Polycentropsis abbreviata 182604 LC
Pseudorhynchus pungens 20635974 LC
Chalcomitra adelberti 22717778 LC
Hypleurochilus langi 185170 LC
Oxyanthus subpunctatus 147043155 LC
Myrichthys pardalis 198998 LC
Cynometra vogelii 144254295 LC
Parachanna africana 181590 LC
Cordia senegalensis 147036001 LC
Epiplatys togolensis 181604 LC
Nesciothemis pujoli 158571 LC
Parazyxomma flavicans 59755 LC
Gymnallabes typus 182637 LC
Poropanchax luxophthalmus 182124 LC
Micromacromia zygoptera 158575 LC
Trachylaemus togoensis 22725996 LC
Myrophis plumbeus 183153 LC
Uvariopsis tripetala 34669 LC
Cyrenoida dupontia 184691 LC
Pareutropius buffei 181620 LC
Pantodon buchholzi 183157 LC
Tetrathemis godiardi 158582 LC
Phyllomacromia hervei 184183 LC
Lanius gubernator 22705017 LC
Euphorbia drupifera 147041658 LC
Allocnemis subnodalis 158587 LC
Eremospatha macrocarpa 95317371 LC
Chlorocypha rubida 158589 LC
Paragomphus serrulatus 184186 LC
Phaon camerunensis 184185 LC
Pseudagrion glaucum 158590 LC
Stochomys longicaudatus 20863 LC
Agama parafricana 16393603 LC
Pseudagrion hemicolon 158595 LC
Trachinus pellegrini 21132668 LC
Dendroaspis viridis 13265799 LC
Cuviera acutiflora 136114058 LC
Trithemis dejouxi 184203 LC
Hipposideros cyclops 10126 LC
Pseudovigna argentea 19893135 LC
Gobionellus occidentalis 182165 LC
Ceriagrion rubellocerinum 184214 LC
Hydrocharis chevalieri 185237 LC
Python regius 177562 LC
Pyxicephalus edulis 76317591 LC
Dendropicos pyrrhogaster 22680989 LC
Pseudagrion epiphonematicum 184222 LC
Stizorhina finschi 103879069 LC
Elattoneura balli 184225 LC
Pseudagrion camerunense 29602 LC
Charaxes imperialis 160165 LC
Gomphidia gamblesi 184237 LC
Pseudagrion aguessei 184239 LC
Nanonycteris veldkampii 14333 LC
Pollimyrus adspersus 181684 LC
Prionops caniceps 22730676 LC
Pycreus mortonii 185273 LC
Sudanonautes aubryi 134072 LC
Arvicanthis rufinus 44992 LC
Holacanthus africanus 165825 LC
Leptopelis spiritusnoctis 56258 LC
Sudanonautes monodi 135105 LC
Enteromius parablabes 181702 LC
Mesocnemis robusta 184263 LC
Clarias agboyiensis 182216 LC
Vidua larvaticola 22719944 LC
Nannocharax occidentalis 182220 LC
Mochlus guineensis 178637 LC
Sorindeia grandifolia 147043280 LC
Corniger spinosus 190420 LC
Rhyothemis notata 184279 LC
Anthonotha crassifolia 144277466 LC
Grammonus longhursti 60470750 LC
Pycreus nuerensis 185312 LC
Gynacantha cylindrata 59874 LC
Cinnyris minullus 22717923 LC
Gynacantha nigeriensis 59877 LC
Paragomphus nigroviridis 184296 LC
Chlorocypha selysi 184299 LC
Hadrothemis infesta 59885 LC
Erythrina senegalensis 19892718 LC
Desmocaris trispinosa 197625 LC
Dalbergia louisii 19892218 LC
Ficus barteri 146188283 LC
Drypetes gilgiana 136110589 LC
Vidua togoensis 22719998 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)